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BOOTS i SHOES ! NOBLE & EIDER, Have just reeeived at the old stand of Win, S Saunder8, .ately occupied by W. S. Sraith, A LARQE STOCK OF BOOTS Ie SHOES, OF THE BEST QTT.AX.ITY I Wuich they prupoae to sell at LOW PRICES FOR CASH. THËY ALSO MAKE AND REPAIR, To Accommodate Cusloraers. Picase cali and ecamine their stock ÍJefore Purchasing Elsewhere. LAWRENCE NOBLE, 6HAKLES KTDER. Ann Arbor, Sept. 9th, 1S63. t!922. 2STE-V7" FALL GOOD 23 l C. H. MILLEN'S. September, 1863. 922m2 1863. SEPTEMBER 1863. FALL GOODS! AT THE "Old Corner!" I am now dnily receiving a irell seleoted stock of NEW GOODS ! FOR THE CüNSlSTINQ OP STAPLE DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, TEIMMINGS, SHAWLS HOOP SKIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, &c, &c Also a f uil assortment of Family Groceries all of which were bought low and ar to be SüLD CEEAP FOR CASE. C. B. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Cash Store, Corner of Main and Washington sts. _(922tf) Ann Arbor. Ayer's Agüe Cure. 1STEAV BOOT SHOE (Successor to Muom & hoomis.) FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Mam street, Ann Arbor, lias jut reCTivedh's FALL AND WINTER STOCK ! ov BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, manufactúreos from the best material and warraütet1. to givc BatififkdÉion, aousiBtfcg oí MEN'S KIP, OALF AND THICK BOOTS, DOUBLÉ SOLED, MEJSTS BUFÉ' ALO OVERSEOES, of al] lescnptions. LADIES' GAITEBS, Morocco Bootees, Balmorals, Feit Ovcrshoes, and Rubbers. Also. Boy 's Kip, Culf & TJiick Boots, together wilh a variety Of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. I mu also Slanufacturliig WARRANTED BOOTS & SHOES. Meii's Fine Freneh Calf Boots Pegged nnd Sewed. Give me a cali before purchasing elsewhere. I will ell my Koods cheap for cush. REPAIRING [NEATLY DONE AND ON SHORT NOTICE. N.B.COLE. Anu Arbor, Oct. 23d, 18C3. 827tf TTENTIOM I A. C. LOEB, Are happy to annou nee to their aumerous fríünds aüü patrons, tnat they havo lately rece ved a largw ad'Jition to the ir former heavy citockof Beady-Made ölothing, FOR GENTS' AND BOYS' WEAR ! We have also on band a LAR G-B And Well Selected STOCK OF Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods IIATS, TRUNKS, VALISES&c, &c, And we wouki respecttuüy solicit jou to culi and examine onr Good, bel'ore purehasiug elsewhêre, as we are cunfMvnt that we can bcll jou (Joods CHEAPER THA5Ï THE CIIEAFEST AT THE Cleveland Clothing House. A. & 0. LOEB. Ann Arbor, Hjron Street, opposüe Pari. few ioors Vest of Uooks' Hotel. 9ï"mJ P. B AC H Has reeeived .A LARGE STOCK -OFFALL AND WINTER GOODS ! INCLDDING LA.TEST STYLEB -OFSiLawls, üress doods, and everything for Ladies & Gents Weajr. o GOING F AST FOR CASH! -o Cali and See ! Ana Arbor, Oct. 1863. NEW FALL GOODS ! I ara nTw receivïug my FALL STOCK, wbich s large and well selecttd and markcd at S 3Vt A.tiD lEDETLOXTS ! I have as usual DRESS GOODS, in great variety, Shawls & Cloaks, WHITE GOODS, Grloves & Hosiery BAL MORAL AND HOOP SKiRTS and a full STO !X of all -ANDCHOICE GROCERIES, Buyers for CASH or PRODUCE will always ñaá most of tb'o Stock largelj under CREDIT PRICES. J. E. MAYNABD. Ann Arbcr, Cct. 1, 1863 603924 "Asmile was on her lip- health wa in her look, trength wus in her fitep, a.i'i ín her bands - Plantation itters." S-T-1860-X. A few bottles of Plantation Bitters Will cure NervouF Headache. l Culd Extremities and Feverish Lip, 11 Sour Stomach and Fetid Breatb. " Flatulency and Indigestión, " Nervous Affections. 11 Excessive Fatigue and Short Breath. " Pain over the eyes. u Mental Despondeucy. " Prostration ; Great Weakness" SjiIIüw Complexión,. Weak Bowelu, &c. irYhich are the evidences of LIVF.R COMPLA1NT AND XlYSl EPSIA. Ir, is estimated that seven-tenths of all adult ailiaenta proceed from a tiiseased and torpid liver. The biliary secretioDs of the !Í7fr veíflowlfig uto the stcraach poíson the entire tystn and extiibit the above symptonis liter long research, we are able to present themost remarkable cure for tiiüse horrid nightmart diseaaes, the world has evt produced. Within one year over six huudred and forty thousand perfons have talten the l'laütation Biltere, and notan in=tauce of cempkunt bas come to oup knowlcdge ! Ittsa niutt fíi'ectual tt nic and agretable stimulaut ïited to all condltiona of life. TUc report that it reliea upon mineral substancea for s active propertitH, are wholly For the public atisfactiun, and thst iatiL-nf.s may consult their phycians, we appenü a, li.t oi'ita coinponents. Calisaya Bakk - Celebrated for over two hundred earsin thetrcatment of Fe ver and Vgue, Dyspepsra, Weakness, &c. It was introdued into Europe by the omites, wíftíof the Yiceroy of Peru, in 1640, and aferwardsaold by the Jesuits for the enarmoné price of s own wtighl in silvtr, uuder tbe name oíJesuit'a Powera, and was finally made public by Louis XVI, King f France, Humbolt makes special reference to itb febfuge qualitien du ring his South Aiaericau. travels. Cascarilla Bakk- For liiarrhuea, colic and diseaseo f the stomach and bowela, Daxüklio.v - For inllamniation of the loins and drop ical afiections. Chamomile floweks- Foreníoebled digestión, Lave.vdkr Floweks - Aromatic stimulant and tonic - ïïghly inviorating in nervous debility . WiviLiiüHiCEX - Für scrofula, rheuniatism, &c. Amse - An aromatic carminativo ; creating fleah. rausde and milk ; much used by motli'.rs nurnint;. Also, clove-buds, urnogej carraway , corianler . snake oot, &c. Ë- T- 1860-X. Another wonderiul ingrediënt, of Spanish origin, iiulartiug beauty to the cniplexiüiiand brtlliancy to tbe nind,isyet unknown to the commerce oftheworlu, nd we withhoM its naiue for the present. JLU i'ÖRÏANT CKKTIFICATF..-Í. Rochester N. Y. Decrmber 28, 1861. MesKrs.P.H.DKAKB & Co ■- I have been a great suffer er from Dyspepsia for three or four years and had to abandon ray profession . About throe momlis "go tried the Plantation Bitters, and to my great joy, I am now nearly a well man. t h;ive recommonded iliem sev;ral cases, and, as far as I know, always witb sign benefit, I am resppctfuily yours, RFV J. S. CATHRON. Philadelphia, 10íA Month}1th Uay,1862RiííirtciED Fkiem) : - My dugMcr has been much benelitted by the use uf thy Phintatiun Bitters. Thuu wilt send me two buttles moie. Xby Friend, ASA CURRIX. Sherman House, Chicago, JU, F,b. 11, 1862. Modsrs. P.H. Drake i, Co.. - Pleaae send us anuther twelve cases of your Plantntiou liitters. As a morning apputiiitjr, thcy appi'ar to have superceded everyihing eist', aou are gruntly esteemed. Yulu-s, kc. GAGE & WAITE. Arrangemenis are now completedto supply any demand for this article, which from lack of governnic-m stamps has not heretofure been possible. The public raay rest asaured that in no case will the perfectly pure standaid of the Plantalion Bitters bc departed fróm. Every bottle bears the fac shn'de of oitr signatUTt on a stiel pinte evgraving, or il cánnoí be genuint. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Dealers through out the country. ' P. H. DRAKB & CO. 922m6 L02BROAJVW.4Y,N. Y. Buffalo Testimony. the TTDT? Cures PEOPLE'S VU ÜJU Rheumatium. "I was troubled with Rheuixutism for two years, suffering more or less every day. I have taken two bottles of the'Peoples Cure,7 and have nat had any pain sinee I left it off more than four "weeks ago. I confiíder myself as entirely cured, ard the medicine has made me feel very light and 'good - just like a youn man though I am sixty two years oíd. GODREY SCHEFFEL, 402 Michigan St," "My wifohas been suffVring from Rhetmatifm of an i nnammatory character for about six or seven years sometimes very acutely. About the first of June last she cummenced taking the 'People's Cure,' and continued to take it some three weeks. In ten days after she commenced, the sswellïng and stifTucps of her joints very ïniterially leüsened, and in three weeks had di.sappeared altogether. "THOMAS POLLOCK, (at W. H. Glenny's.) 1; Buffalo, Octoberl, 1862,J) the rTTDT? Cui'es PEOPLE'S Ly U n JCi Fever Sorefl. "Two of our one of them sfílicted with a bad Fe ver Sore. the other with liheumatism- having seen the advertisoment of the 'People's Cure' in this paper, purchased the Medicine ,and now, afier ha ving thor oughly tried it, report to ü.s,commonding H most heartily as a thorough remedy in their case. - Kditors Christian Advocate. TUK TTT) I? Cures Siseases PEOPLE'S V U XV P-J of the Skin. "My face has for more than ten years becngreatly disfignred by eruptionsand bunches, which at times extended over my whole body, and once for tl ree dnys made me entirely blind ; but having taken two buttles of the 'People's Cure,' my acqnaíntances hadly reeognize me - Indeed I hardly know myself- as I am nw a well man. Let all who htq aliUe afflicted try the 'People's Cure, - the Medicine pre pared by the Sanitary Society- aud I think they will not begrudge their dol lar. 'JOSEPH Turner, Mechanic St "Buffalo, Nov. 15, 1862." THE TT D X? Cures ír'crofula & raOPLE'S V U IXXii Kalt Rheuin. "I have usd the 'People's Cure' ia my fiiraily with great benefit, in cases oïS-roftila and Salt Kheuin, and have recommendedit frequently to my fiend?, all of whom I believe have been benetitted, and most of them entirelv cured by it. CHAS. SCHARFF, 273 Maiu Rt..up-stair.i." THE rTTD XP Cures Fcmale PEO1 LE'S UUliu Weaknespes. (I have been in feeble health ever since the lirlh of my boy, who is now twetve yeara oíd. I have had many troubles and rtiflïculties, all this time, unfittiug fort, Last summor I commenccd taking the Teoplë's Cure,' and have used four bottles, and nm now almost awell n-oman. 11 y difliculties have nearly 11 disap peaied, and I feil cheerful nnd happy. "MRS. CATHARI.NF. IiEWALD, nressmaker, Goodell Alley, aboveTupper st. "Buffalo, üct. 20, 1H62." the rTTUT? Cures hen other PEOPLK'S V- U -TVX2J medicines fail My wife lias been ín poor health fot it lohg time having frequt-ntly to cali aphysician tu attend her; bat she wás recently very mueh wdrse. For flve nr six weekf shp had no appetite, lost all her strength, and was each day fcrowing worse, She had night Bweata, coughed a great deai dnving each niht and considerably during the day, and we all supposed she was going off with the consumptinn, wllen i friend advised her to take the' Peoplea's Care. On taking the medicine she perct-ived a change at once. Ou the thlrd lay slie har1 recuveied her appetite, and was faat rcgaining her strength, until, on tho 'eighth day, not yet having taken tille bottle, she has stopped taking the medioirn saying she was as well as anybody coul'j be, and she ha.s continued so ever since. "FAl'L KLEIN, Sardo, 32 Pearl st. "fluffalo, October 1,1862." ■ Fir Sale hy all Drngirlt. SMy'.i C. CBOSBY, eneral Agent, Nn. 2r5 Mam st., Uulfaio X. Y., to whom all orders should be addressed. For Ssle by Stbbins k Wiiso.v, Grbxville & Fcllfh and C. ËBEBBJCB k Co. Dissolutioii Piotice. nHE FIRM OF CHAPÍN, WuOD & CO , waa dis,olTec XJanuary lti, 1863, by rautuiil consent. C. A. Chapín and A. B. Wood will settle theaccountü of the lirm. CA. CnAHN, A. H. Woon, V Chapín, E. Weixs. Ann 'Arbor, June 24, 1863. Copartnership. TTE UKDERSICXED eotered into partnership Jan 16,1863, by the flrrn name of Chapín & Co.,an will continue the business oi' loanufa-cturing printin and wrapping papsr. C.'A. Chapín, . X. Chapín, ▼. Ciïapik. Ann Ar'ior, June 24, lêa itf. DR. KADWAÏ'a PILLS. NEWLY DISCOVERED PRINCIPIES IN PURGATION DR RAI)WAY'3 PILIS AIWiTHE BKST PURGATIV '. Pilis in the Wuiil, oud lbo only Vegetable Substituto for Oi'oruei or Mer -ury ever discovercd. Composiil ofVtRctabJe Extract of Gnmi, Plant, Heibs, oots nuil Flowers. Tl eyl'irge- Cteanc- l'orffV- Heal- ttóotlip- OMm- StrcDgthen- Iuvigurate- uul Kcgulate tho System. Ï.V S UnDEJV 1TT1CKS OF INFLAMMAT10N OF THE BOWI'XS. BILIOUH CHOLIC. BILIOUS FEVER. ERY'sil'ELAS, CONGESTIVE FEVEK, HALL POX, MEASLEÖ, KCAHLET FEVER, SU TO BÏGK3? Plülia WÍU irargp tlio dlsease from Uio syst'iin In SIX HOÜES. If seized wit'i eithnr of tho a .ovonamed dlse, lot Rix at abt of Dr. Kadway'3 PILLS ho tikeu ;tt cinco. This siñqU dase will carry tho pitiout out of clangor. Their continue'l use, In smaller doses, will worlc a curo. COATKD WITH GVSL, Thcy are ploasavü to tnke. Thcy opérate plcasar.tly, naturally, and thoroughbj Evory dono that is takun imí.cuís slrenqlh to tho enfoebled ystem. Being perfect purgativa they do not leavc Uie bawels costive,or tho patiënt weak. ONE OE TWO OF DE. EADWATS PILLS Will secure a good appetito and hoalthy digestión. TO THOSE WHO TAKE PlLIiS, )R P.ADW4Y'S I'lIXSwillbefoundanimproveincnton i'.l 'iiurgativo or cathartic pilla iu use. Ouo or U-o pilU ,TÜl bo found sufti.',,c-nt to k,ep lbo bowela recular ; and ■ji cases where a o])eraUon w dcsired.blX to EIGHT Arill in six hours thorougldy panje. ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL CURE COSTIVENESS, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, MEASLES. CONGESTIÓN, MELANCHOLT, HEART DISEASES, HYSTEBICS, DISEASES OF KIDNEY AMENORRHCEA, AND BLADDER, FAINTINO, DISEASES OF LIVER, DIZZINES3, B1LIOUSNESS, RUSH OF BLOOD TO TYPHÜS FEVER, THE HEAD, SHIP FEVER, OBSTRUOTIONS, MALIGNANT FEVER, RETENTION OF URINE LOSS OF APPET1TE, DROPSY, INDIGESTIÓN, ACUTE ERYS1PELA8, I.NFLAMMATION HEADACHE, PALPITATIONS, BAD BREATH, SCARLET FEVER, INFLAMMATION OP DLLIOCS FEVER, THE INTESTINES, JAUNDICE, APOPLEXY, coxqestive fever, enlargement op sleeplessness, the speen, general debility, scurvï', dimness of sight, wiiooping cough, f1ts, worms, lowness of spirits, bad dreams, qü;nsey, pleurisy, Aa aiso all Coinplali.ts of Women, svich a Hysteria, JLeucorrlioea or Whites, WenkenIng Discharges, Jhloroiis, IrregularlUe, Siippression of tlie Mcnscs. Inflammatlon of the Womb or Bladder, Dlfficalt Mcnstrnatlon,and all othef DiaBaaea or ComplainU produced by excesslve discharges or suppressiou of tlio Slensea. Ladies who desire to avoid the suffarioga and mcon. veniences of these Irregularities, or orgamc nbstnictious, shoald not omit to regúlate tlieir syrterns by moans of two ofRADWAY'S PILLS.oncoor twiua a cok and thin ba freo from the many and trreat mcouvenienoe3 to whioli ladies aro generaliy nuBjt: WKIGH FACI'tí. DOCTOR RADV.'AY iuvitoü tlio attention of Iho intolltg';i.t ruader tö tüo faxte üere preseoted, sbowing tha fuiieriority or liis PIT.I.S. ai purgatives, over all other pillo or purgativo inediüiacs in ue. THEIR GREAT COMBINATIONS They are Aperient, Tonic, Laxativo. A:t.rativo, Stlmi laiit, Counter Irritant, Sudorific. AS F.VACUANTS, Tbey are moro certaïn and thorpugb. than t'ie Brastla PiHs of Aloe3, or Cro'on anfl Harlem Oit, or IJatorium ; aud more sootuiug aud healing than Senuu, Kiauburb, or Taraarinds, or Castcr Oil. AS A7.TRRATIVR?, They osercie a more powerM inüuence over th llver ar. l'itd secreüond than ualomul, merenry, blupiü, henea thcir tnportance in cases of Ijver Omplaint-s and Spleen Diüicultiej,Jaundicc, Dyspepsia, Bilious Att-iciió, Headache,&c. In the treatment of Fcver.-i, eithor Biüou', Yellow,Typhuid,and r.tlier reduci ■ g Fevers, they ara euperior to quiuino. Their influenue esteuds over tha enfire systooi, controlling, strcngtheiiinff, and bracin? up the relaxed and wastiog enorgies, and regulating all the secretionö to the natural performance of their dutiea . clean.-;ing aud purifyfng the blood,and purgtag froal tha tvslem dl diüeased'depoiitii uud impure humorj. THE CAUSE O51 PIT-ES. A Targe dose of the Drastic Piits rül, by irritatlng tho mucous membraue, pro. luce a vialeut expulsión of the coatents in the bowels, b'it in so doing otliei' ocretions are suspended. In auca cases, thj sloüI.s wiil be found to bo light-oolored and watery ,and attended with cramps, griping pains, nau-ea, sickness. By this increased unnatural action of the bowels, the ocretion? nf the kidnoys and pancreas are di'ninished, foüowe.l by affoctions of tho kidney3, bladder, urethra, piles, tenesmus, geueralprostration,cotivencis, oud iüdigjai.uu. Why Radway's Pilis Curo Small Pox. In Small Pox, Soarlet Fevef, Erysipelás, Yellnw.Typlioid and other reducing Fevers, purgation Í3 highlg essential. But lo administer a dose oí Dra3tic Pilis tho irrilation they would produce, and the relaxation and depletion that would follow, would bo Ukely to prova fatal. If physicians, in thee ca=;cS, woüld give RADWAY'S 1'II.LS, thty w.iuld ilwvys euro thoir p.itients. In these diseases a mild, soothing, helling and gently stimulating laxltivo U reijuirci, whicli ij seonred by .aDWAY'á l'lLla. Why Imperfect Pilis Gripe. The cause of grtoJHg, ïviusca, sickneri-, tonesmuá aud deb.lity, that Isiaduced by a dose of drastic pïlls, is owing to 'thPir iraperfoct opertinn. li' the facies, the diseaied humurs, lertciixuiating in the systeoi, were expellei by these pjtls; firej-o v.iraM be but little pain or gripmg. It i ; the .-ihsonct of che büe aud other homors which the imperfect, pi. Is fail to purge out of the systcra that occ-isions the pniu. By examini:ig iho stools evacuatéd after severc griping they wiil bo found thia and wutury. THE TRUE PILLS TO TAKS The on'.y safe pills to take are Dr. K.ulway's, becaus they are the only puls th."t secure puritinn without denlñtion. and L'xuel diseased iiuuiora IVoua tiie system. CASE O? DY3PEP3IA CTOED. For man y years I havo been affiictcd vith ottr nntional i'-umplaint, called PyspopsU - in suíTonngs havo b'-en a consUnt succüs.-síou oí tiorrors. I have spenl thousand of dollars vith the hope oí reaUziog a littlo comfort and trauquillity. All medical Ion failed tu relieveme, uutil I commoneed to act up n thc jtxtüctoua advico you gavo mo vn Un; fth of April, 185$. And now, after using your Pilla. I ftel HUe a dpw man. íioá blcss you, and may thiá letter induce othor snQVíFiag victima lo ihis accursod raalady, to try the Bm ■ msiu-i. Voiirs forvL'utiy, W. CARPIOXTER., X. J., April 16th.l859. Messrs. hadway á Co., X. T. tity. v ' Letter from Dr. Salmón Skinuer. Sr.'ü Vokk, .Uuuary, 1860. Dr. Ridway Cu ; 1 h ivl iluruia tue h t loúr yoara, inrd yft'ir ronwdicsaml biivo taw i.iuen K-1 iliuin Lu others I' r Ri:jot;3 CoiIKLAINTS, I .r)IijKSTI'S, lhsPKP-IA, &C. I ruil-i'lf1;' tllO Rftady Roiitíí yin! Rcrftilatiiig IMlld uncqualod. Tho Rcgulating 1'ili.i are in.i I in i.i -ir operatiou.s and thorougiiiy effective. Ble first flnsfi slioul 1 bu Jurga ftootgh fco purj;c,say [rmi or Uve, :uit acli pjicc ísdive 'i'11 1"; (lioini-hei f"" ' p) 1, unti fvlui'cl te wi, it.i'i then reie;tte i .--uty úny fur a wcok or teu day-. A pe:-m cuow.U siirejy foilow. Vour -. ice., na s. s.uxntx. JGÉ3" 1. finfiwity's Pili nrv. oíd hy Din;gUtn mul Siovt-K.prs lu íuernl. Kncti Box conialiis ; Pilis. Priee j ele. - lioi. For Sale by STKBBINS & WILSON FOR SALE. Qt ACRES of excellent timbercd the S. i vt O' N'. W. ', of Sec.2.Ttwn B N R.incc 3 W. , Clinton County. It is in a good neiïbhorhnnd, about fíi-r mi'flfl from FíeWitt and ten liona 1-;i!ising. For tei t.i s nquire at or íiddress. ARfiUS QEflCE. Jao. 20th,1863. 8S8tf Ayer's iar'-"


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