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Battle Field Nomenclature

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ChattaDooga is the Cherokeefor hawk's neet or eagle'd nest. The town was originally the headquarters of John Koss, the Cherokee chief. It received its name frorn ita location, being eurrounded on all sides by mountains, the poetio visión of the red man seeiug in it an exact resemblance to a hawk's. Kossville, to whicb our army feil back after the second day's fight, was named ia honor of John Koes. 1 - i XSL -- woman sbould be amiable, benevolent, charitable, domestic, económica!, forgiving, generous, honest, industrious, judioious, kind, loving, modest, neat, obedient, pleasant, quiet, reflectiDg, ober, tender, urbane, virtuous, wise, exemplar, and zealous. fcy A friend inquires whether a man eannnt vote by telegraph. This is a question for politioal wire workera to olre. Our own opinión is that it depends entircly upon the regulations ot the poles. Í&- The N. Y. World says : " The only road to Richmond lies over the yanity, the arrogance, and self-satisfaction of tho Washington administration." BF Over 1,300 tona of iron, in the nhape of shot and shells, were fired iuto Vickaburg during the seige. EF The Secrelary of the Interior has decided that the illegitirnacy of a on is no bar to a mother's claim to a pnsk)i).


Old News
Michigan Argus