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Tl . The peculiar taint or ssiVs jc. infection which we cali ïÈP C Scrofui.a lurks in ïl jp'lL '10 constitutions of szs, Sfi mf'fáíX mu'titU(Jes of men. It iS ffvM!Éli Js l cither produces or is =lVNJiCTiji produeed by tin en_iS5iÉ-?Lria feebled, vitiated state FiraiÉKp UËlof tlic l)lootl wherein =rFlsBiWfci VjySthat fluid becomes inKfe Hk rjtf competent to eustain JlfHI iwí. jIÍeSIoS''"1 v'ta' 'rcCiS m tlieir HWaBL"" ■ifS'SüK orous and jgByiJEL vlBllr leavcs the system to KvJ'--g'fall into disorder and decay. The scrofulous contamination is-variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, disordered digestión from unhealthy food, impure air, filth and filthy habits, the depressing vices, and, above all, by the venereal infection. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descendine " from parents to children unto the third and fourth generation ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him who snys, " I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." The diseases which it originates take various names, according to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tuherclcs, and finally Consumption ; in the glands, swellings which suppurate and bccome ulccrous sores ; in the stomach and bowels, derangements which produce iudigestion, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptire and cutaneous aifections. These all having the same oriin, require the same reraedy, viz. purification and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangerous distempers leavo you. With feeble, foul, or corrupted blood, you can not have health ; with that " life of thé flesh " healthy, you cannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compounded from the most eft'ectual antidotes that medical science .has discovered for this afflicting distemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to nny other reraedy yet devised, is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtues truly extraordinary in their effect upon tliis class of complaints, is indisputably proven by the great multitude of publicly known and remarkable cures it has made of the following diseases : King'S Evil or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotchcs and Sores, Erysipelas, Hose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Eheum, Scald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposite in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Syphilis and Syphilitic Infections, Mercurial Diseases, Female Weaknesses, iad, indeed, the whole series of complaints that ariso from impurity of the blood. Minute reports of individual cases may be found in Ayer's Amebican Almanac, which is fnrnishcd to the draggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and some of the remarkable cures which it has made when all other remedies had failed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vital energies, and thus leaves its victims far more subject to disease and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Henee it to shorten, and does greatly shorten, the average duration of human ïife. 'The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend years in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now offer to the public under the name of Ater's Sarsapaeilla, although it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsaparilla, in alterative power. By its aid you may protect yourself from the suffering and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the lood; purge out the causes of disease, apd vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus expels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of Sarsaparilla, that promised much and did nothing ; but they will neither be deceived nor disappointed ir this lts virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Although under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more effectual than any other which iias ever been available to them. CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Qreat Eemedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Conaumptive p atienta in advanced stages of the disease. This has been so long nsed and so universally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by Dk. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, IiOwell, Mass. Öotd by all drnggists everywhere. STrBBÏ.NS & WI1SÓN, Ann Arbor, E. SAMSON, YDSilaoí; V ÏEWINO, Dexter, WHEKnON &HATCH, Cheleen. ''Vhosaleby FARRANDSHELBY & Co., Detroit. C. E. COBCPN, Travelling Agent. ÜÑÍVEB3AL ril WilBIBtiTllM BMftülPHgBilwli ■-:-s - ■■■ clothewrjmbr' No. 1. Laeob Family Wringer $10.00 No. 2. Mkdiux " " 7.00 No. 2K " " " 6.00 No. 3. ■ Small - " " .-. 5.50 No. 8. Laege Hotel " 14.00 No. 18. Medium Laisdry ( torunby l 18.00 No. 22.LABBK " J, steam or - 30.00 (H hand. J Nos. 2K aud 3 liave no Cogs. All others aro warrantèd . No. 2 is Ihe size Renerally used in private families. Orange Jidd, of the "American Agriculturist " says of the UNIVERSAL CIjOTHES WRINGER. "Achiid eau reatlily wring out a tubfull of clothes in a few minutes. It is in reality a CLOTHES PA VER ! A TIME SA VER 1 and a SÏHNGTH SAVEK ! The Baving of garments wUl alone pay a large per centage on its cost. STe think the machine much more than PAYS FOR ITSELF EVERY YEAR in the saving of garments! There are sfïeral kinds, nearly alike in general consxruction but we consider it important that the Wringer bc fltted with Cogí, otherwisc a mass of garments may clog the rollers, and the rollers upon the crank-shaft slip and tear the clothes, or the rubber break loose from the shaft. Our owu is one of the firstmake.and it is nearly as GOOI) AS NEW after neurly FOL'R YEAKS' CONSTANT YSE." Every Wringei with Cog Wheels is Warranted in every Particular. NO WRINGER CAN BE DURABLE WITHOUT COG WHEELS. A gooíl CAN VASSEU wantod in evrry town. jtf Onreceipt oltho price from places where no one is selling, we will sesd the wringer free of extense For particular nnd circulara address 915tf R C, BROWNING, 347 Broadway, N.Y. LIVERy! LIVERY! I J. GREEN & E. BROWN, bave purchaspd tRo Ilorses and CarrEages of B. Green, md have also addert some very fine Horscs & Carriages ;o the above stock, in the same barn, so that they can suií you ailon rpasonable terina. Oall an d See I Ann Ar lier, July Hth , IS. eroaU. Mortgage Sale. DRFAUI.T havlnsr bren made in the coadiUoa.. ceita.u Indenture of Mortgage execateQ h,?t' I). Goodale and Sarah A. Goodale hi wife or uPn" of A.ui Arbor, Couuty of Wi;B],(e "' ',,( S Cil ,„ Maria b., „f the Tyof i' ' eight huudred and sixty, and re"orüd in th„ " the Refter of Iteeds in 'and for Vaid County of "ï? f tenaw on the 2M day of August, A. I). 1860 huï' 27 of Mortgages, on page lë ■ y which deVauU ' Í power of salo conlamed in said mortgage becam, tt, and the amount claimed to be dueon UM f dsnture of Mortgage at the date of this notico 't " dollars, and no snit „r ' ceeding been institnted at law, or in chn P" torecover the debt sucured by said mortgage „,.'' part thereof: Notice is tlierefore herebv Ven th,,l; Saturday th iwenty.flrst day of November l 1863, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that V, the faouth door of the Court House, in the Citv f 1' Arbor in said county of Wasbenair and State of ï gan, (sa.d Court House being the place for holdiiTii Circuit Court lor sairt county.) I hall se!l or ciL, bo sold at public auction , in foreclosnre of said Mort." to the h.ghcst bidder the premises descrlbed tC?'" or so much thereof as shal be aeceBsary to ti,f ,? amount due on sad mortgage, with interest, „J the reasonable cosfs, disbursements and expense, „, proceedings relativeto the foreclosure of the m, ■" c.udmgreasonable charges for attorneys' ei-Ti,'" provided in said indenture of mortgago : that is to J," "All that certain tract or parce! of land ituated inui City of Ann Arbor, known, bounded. and decnb.i7 follows.Tiz : The Easthalf of lot number Sttta ,ï Light, Block Four North, Range ten East, in Lar and Maynaïd'saddition." 0 MARIA B. ROYCt Datcd, Aug. 22, 1863. 9„,f Notice of Attachment. rriBB CIRCUIT CÖCRÏfor the Countj of W,abtM,, Thomas L. Ilumphreville ) Hugh Downey. J Notice is herebv given that on the eighteenth iii. September, A. 1). 1863, a wril of attachment n,iZ issued out of the Circuit Ceurt for the Coontv offfi tcnaw, at the suit of Thomas L, HumphreTÜU 7 aboye named plaintiff, agaiunt the land, ? goodsand chattles,moneys and ellects of Hugh Do,, the Defendaut abovo naraed, for the gum of Sin" dred dollars, which said writ was returnable on ï tentyseventh úay of October, A. D. 1868 28wa AI-1'HKUá FELCH. Daled, this 29th day of October.'Al'rí.lSeS.1'1"'11' Commissioner's Notiee. OTATE Or MICHIGAN, CocHIY op Washtex, „ VJ 'The unders.gned having been appointed bj the'lï bate Court for said County, Commissioners to reoi, oxanune, and adjust all claims and demanda of ,u ' somagainstthe estato of James J. O'Brien late „ft loj nship of -Northfleld in said county . deceased hnZ notice that sixmonlhs from date are bV (,2 of the Probate Court, allowed for crditor io prC selrclaimsagainstsaid deceased, and that thii meet at the residence of Mr. George Sutton, ,tZ Township of Northfield in said County, on Saturótr ï w,„,y Third day of January, and Saturd.?'ï liventy-Third day of lpril nejt, at one o'cl i j&i'S&fëj cadl áíy ;o '. '. -i THOMAS WHITE. 1 - T1MOTHY D0X0VAX. ƒ Cominuilom Dated, October 26th, ]863. gjiwl Estáte of Robert Dubois. CjTATKOF MICHIGAX, County of Washtenaw, „. kJ Atasess.onof the Probate Court for the CouWi WashtEnaw, holden atthi Probate Office in the Cifi .' Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twünty.first daj of(iu berin the year onc thousand eight hundred and S three. Present, Thomas Ninde, Judge of Probate ln the matter of the Estáte of Robert Dubois, i On reading and ling the potition. duly Teri8ed t Harnet Dubois, praying for the appointment of nu ministrator on the estáte of said deceased Thereupon t is ordered that Friday, the ttirten'day of November next at ■ ten o'cloek in the [on noon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition ui that the heirs at law of said deceased nj r, other persons interested in said estáte, are rmuW to appear at a session of said Court, then to be ioldo at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor in u' County, and show cause ifany therebe whv tht t of thepetitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordered. that said petitimf fcive notice to the pepsons interested iu said eattt t' the pendency of said petiilon, and the hearing fb,M' by a copy of this Order to be published in a Michigan Argus.n newspaper printed and circuUli in said County of Washtenaw, three succeisire wi previous to said day of hearing. (A true Copy.) THOMAS NI5ÍDE, 927 - Judge of Protat. Sheriff's Sale. " BY VIRTUE of an execution issued out and aaitr the seal of the Circuit Conrt for the ConntV t Waehlenaw , and to me directed , bearing date Jul; l'iii, A.D 1863, against the goods and chattles, 'or forül want thereof, the lands and tenements of J. OiUtri Smith and William S. Maynard, I have this dj inieil upon and seized all the righttitle and ïntermt tí!. Gilbert Smith in and to the following describí!! fríi' esto wit: Being all that certain tract or putei af land situated in the City of Ann Arbor in tha Comtr of Washtenaw and State of Michigan, known, boonW and descrilxïd as follows, to wit : Being Lot nomW four (4J in block three (3) south of Huron' strwt II range numter six [0] east according to the Eocoriri plat of the Village, now city, ol Ann Arbof. beiDg eigll [8] rodson Fifth street andsixteen [16] rods onWilhi street. All of which premises I shall expose for salen the law directs, at the front door of tb e Court Hou in the City of Ann Arbor that being the place for h# ing theCircuit Court for said County of Washteól on Saturday the Hfth day of December, A. D. 1863, ten o'cloek in the forenoon of said day. PHILIP WINEGAR, Sherit. October. 5th 1863. ■BSHzmh!9 k Á h S v b iS K 9 1 ï9eJB7 For lïats, Itllce,, Ants, Bed Bnp Moths in Furs, Woolens, &c. Insucts Plant, Fowls, Animáis, Sic. " Only infallible remedies knörrn." " Free from poisons.' tl Not dangerous to the Human Family."' ' Rats come out of their holes to die." jflfS Sold Wholesale iu all large c'ties. Sold by all Bruggists and Retailers evffmrïieit jB" ! ! ï Beaware 1 ! ! of all wortbless imitationi HEB See that "Cohtar's" name is on eacn BoitBrt; tle and Flask, bpfnre you uuy. $&- AddresB HENRY R. COSTAR. jffi Principal Depot, Xo. 428 Sroadway Xew T Ey Sold'by all the Wholesale and Retail Drugp Ann Arbor, Mich. 915ai3 r - i O. BIjISS Wouldtake this method of informing his old friB and patrons and all others who may favor him wit their patronage, tl at he has greatly enlarged his 8tock and Assortment! and ha ving adopted tho CASH SYSTEM BOTH INBÜYING SSELLIf is prepared to sell Goods at ftQASOUA' "fcXo JFyJOfíft; His stock conslstsin i& of the foliowing: AMERICAN AND OTHB1 n "Watches! ÜMkp tJK' The Ceiebrad "s" SETHTHOMA9 CLOCKS! Fine Jevvelry Setfc GOLD CFTAINS, TABLE ANP POCKET CUTLERY ! fiazorSjShears, Scïssorsand Brushes, ■ ROGERS PLATED WARE, the best in ni8""i Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils. PAPER aod ENVKLOPES, Musical Instruments, Strings l( Books for Instruments, of Qold, Silver, Sleel,and Plaied, vilh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Persons having difflcult watches to fit with gl'11 can be accomodated, as my stock is large;" c plete. P. S. Particular attention to the of all kinds of fine Watches, such as Making and Setting new JewelS) Pinions, Stajfs, and Cylindcru. Also CLOCKS, Sc rB"VATEriIl neatly ri-paireil and 'war-anted, at bie uA Hifi" siilcof Main Street. BLISS,;t. Aon irior, Kov. 25,1663


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Michigan Argus