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"the Great Virginia Express Line."

"the Great Virginia Express Line." image
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Wo find the following " advertiiiemenl " in a recent bunaber of the Spnngfield (Mass.) Repuhlican : "GREAT POTOMAC AND KAPIDAN TIIROl'GH ROUTE 1 "Promptheis and Dispatch Í "Meado anci Lee's Through Express, weekly line, lietweon Alexandria und Culpepper; conneoüons with the principal pointe North and South (especiully the Oíd Capítol and the Libby Prison.) "Tho Bubscribers, having completed their arrangement, and gotten their line into running order, wil!, hereafter, until further notice, run their machines (';he Army of the Potomac' and 'Arrny of Northern Virginia') every week j through from Culpepper, Va., to Alexandria, Va., and vice versa, giving their personal attention to the running of j each train, liee preceding Meade at a proper interval on the out-trains, and Meade preceding Lee with similar regularity on tho in-trains. "The perfect familiarity of these old stagers with the whole route in question, and the frequency with which they have traversed it enable thern to calcúlate with perfect accuraoy the time of arrival at the indicated points Having gotten up all their locomotivea and rolling stock regardle8s of expense, and putting them through night and day alike, thcy are enabled to disregard the i ordinary drawbacks of weather, btate of roads, &c, as thoee who do a smaller business cannot. "Patronage respectfully solicited. "G G. Mkade, "R. E. Lee. 1 P. S. - The line through j vania has been discontinued in consequence of a painful collision which occurred there in July last, but as such things have been avoided ever sinee, and every precaution taken for tho future, it is hoped that an indulgent public will not remember that unfortunate occurrence to tho prejudice of the company. Dunn Browne, Secretary." ty He who truly wishes the happiness of any one cannot belong without discovering some mode of contributing j to it.


Old News
Michigan Argus