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The New Call For Troops

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It is row sonio weeks since the issue of the last proclamation of President Lincoln calling for 800,000 volunteers, which proclamation gives the goveral States until January 5th, 1864, to fi'l their quotas, at which date volunteering is to eease, and a draft immediatelj to take place to raake up any deficiencies. Tiie cali of the President was eloaely followed by proelamations from Govs. Seyjiour, of New York ; Parker, of New Jersey ; Gilmore, of New Hainpshirej Yates, of Illinois - and, perhaps, others- calling upon their fcllow-citizens to respond to the cali, of the President, and fly to the rescuo of their brothers in arm. But as yet we have heard not a word from Gov. Blaib, and the quota assigned to this Stato lias not cvenbeenannounced. It is time that the Governor brought the subject before our people; time that the recruiting machinery of the Stato was put in motion. It would be wcll if the State quota could be immcdiatoly - not about Cb'ristmas- apportioned among the several countieg and towns, so that each commuuity may Jniow the measure of itsrésponsibility, and prepare to meet it.- The Govcrnor's proclamation should also definitely state the amount of bonuties to be paid to volunteers, so that those desiring to enlist may act understandingly, and' not be subjected to iniposition from roeruiting officers. Thcre may bo good rcason wby tlie Governor is delaying to act, but wo "can't sce it," unlcss be dislikes to follow " copperhead " lead, and stands still because Gov. Seïmour has moved. How is it ? - Siuce the above was in type we find in the Free Press a rtaternent that tlie jrüvernor is about to issue bis proclamaron, and also tbat the quota of the State, as apportioued by the War Department is 11,298. The quota of this Congressional district is 1,861. Auother weefc wo hope to be ablo to give the quotas of the several Towns of this Oounty. & Mks. Clark, cf tbis Gty, has 'eceivud a letter direct from her husband, Maj. John E. Clark , oí tbo Pifth Michigan Cavalry, who was taken jrisoner bv the rebels in the eiiijaeement, we think, at JJuckland, Va., Óot. .9th, and has since been eonfinud in Libby Prison, llichmond. The frienda of Maj, Clark will bü glad to bear that he was not vvounded, and that he was in both good health and spirits at the timo of writing. His letter was brief, being oonfined lo a statement of his individual wants, and wo presume that ho was not permitted to enter into a detail of thé manner in whicli the federal prisoners held at Iiichmond are treated. He called' íor a Biipply of slothing, especially underclothes, and also for provisions, and a box oí the desired articles was immediately forwarded by Mrs. Clabk, A letter has alao been receivcd bv Mrs. Lawkknck, President -of the Soldiers' Aid Society, Irom Lieut. 13. F. Blaiu, a graduato of the University, who has boen contined in the "Hotel de Libby " ever since thu defoat of Milroy at Winchester, before the battlo of Gcttysburg. Thia letter stated what articles were actually needed for the promotion of health and comfort, and we understand that suppües have already boen forwarded, by the Society, in quarility which will assure our frieuds at Iiiehmond that they are not fortrotten in their hour of neod. EJST A new time table is to go into operation ün tho Central Railroad on Mouday uext. ÏW 960 coiniïiirtsioned federal oflicers, and about 12000 privates, are now held as prisouers, the largo majority of them bcing at Ricbmond. A liiteh has oceurred in tho arraugetnente for exchangefi, and we fear tbat our brave boys will have to live on short commous for somc time, tb at is if half the reporte of the present wants of tho rebels themsëlves are truc. Meat rsiious to tho prisouera havo been eiitiroly stoppcd. the rebels assigning as a reason that they have none for themselvos. Wc hopo that the authorities of our State, and cepecially tho Eolief Soeieties, will seo tbat liberal supplies aïe pnt forward for tiie Michigan boys. S'3T We have triod the flavor of sevcral apples, of the growth of 1862, keptby Mr. E. (!. Roberts, of Salem, by bis patent process, and find them as fresh and delieious as they posibly could have been a year ago, and we think a iittle improved. Wo are satisfied that Mr. Eobeüt's system will keep fruit. KXT Active ïnovcincnts aro in progress all along the line from the Rappahannock to Chuttanooga, and a heavy ongagement may be lookod for at any time. JGSST The total recaipts of tho recent great Northwestern Fair at Chicago, fer the benefit oí the Sanitary Comniission, iiieluding $2.000 estimated value of articles unsold,. were $59,050, 01. We have Keen Do statement of the net. profits. Died at tós home in Olivet, Eaton County, Jlichigan, Nov. 5. 1863, Albeet I'. üruby, member of tlie Univcrsity oí' Michigan, Class of '61. YIHAS, üur Heavenly Fatlier in his wisdom has been pleased to remove from earth our beloved respected classuiate. Resolved, Tbat while we reverently bow in Immlile submission to the will of Him, v.'lio "doeth all tWng8 well," we, his fellow-classmates, can bul mourn tho loss of one endeared to us by lii.s kind and gentlemanly bearing, promising taleuts, and sterjing character. ' ïliat we rejoice in the assurance that he died sustained by a fina and abiclin" christian Hilh ïliat we extend our heartfelt sympathy to the relativea and frieuds of the deceased in this their sore afïliction. That as a token of respect for onr departed classmate, we wear the usual badge of mourning for thirty days. That these resolutions be published in the Eaton Oouiity jjress, and in the Argus and Courier of this city, and that a copy be transmitted to the parents of the deceased. S. C. STACY, ) B. F. WELLES, } Committee. S. F. WHITE. S University of Michigan, Nov. 10, 1863.


Old News
Michigan Argus