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rOTHELADIES OF AMERICA! UORE VALUABLE ÏIIAN GOLD ! MORE VALUABLE ÏHAN GOLD! MORE VALUABLE TITAN GOLD! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD ! Dr. JNO. L. LYON'S ï RE SC II PERIOD1GAL DROPS, F REN Gil PEMODICAL DROPS, F R E N C II PBWODICAL DROPS, FBENGU PERÏOD1GAL DROPS, FOR FEMALESFOR FEMALES FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES. Suftering froin Irregularity, or Obatruction of the Mensos, from wlmtevcr cause, IT IS SURE TO CÜRE ! 1T IS SURE TO CURE! IT IS SURE TO CURE ! IT IS .SURE TO CÜRE ! it is impossible to enjoy the bloom of health, and vivncity of spirits, unless the Menses are regular as to the time, the quantity, 'and qualily. Wheu tlit'y ara obstructed, nature makes lier efforts to obtain for iu some other outlet, and, nloss tLest; efferts of nature are assisted, tl:o patiënt usualiv experiences Pespondency, Nervousness,! and hnally CONSUMPT1ON assumeH itü away, and proieaturöly terininates a miserable life. IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS I IT REMOVES ALL OBSTRUCTIONS! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! IT IS A PERFECT REGULATOR ! BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, BEAR IN MIKD, BEAR IN MIND, THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUARANTEE My DROPS TO CURE Suppression of tbs Menses from whatever cause, though care should be laken to ascertainif pregnancy be the causeas these DROPS would be sure to produce raiscarriage ; they will also cerlainly PREVENT conceplion, if taken two or tbree days bcfore the nioiatbly period ; therefore, I wish it distincUy understood, tbat I do not hold myself responsible wheu used under such circunistancca. BUY THE BEST l BUY THE BEST ! BUY THE BEST t BUY THE BESTÍ BUY THE SAFEST BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SA.FEST! BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SUREST I BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST ! BUY THE SUREST I WHICH IS LYON'S BROPS. "WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS. THE Y ACT IvIKE A CIIARM, by strengtlieninir nnd invigoratmg, and restoring Ihe ftystom to a hoalthy condition. It mmlerates all excess, and removes all obdtructioüSj aud a siietdy curo may be relied on. TO MARKIED LADIES, They are peculiarly adapted, as they briog on the monthly period withsuch perfoeL rogularity. SURE TO DO GOOD ! SUKE TO DO GOOD! SURE TO DO GOOD [ SURE TO DO GOODt CANNOT DO HARM ! CANNOT DO HARM ! CANNOT DO HARM! OANNOT DO HARM! I could any quantity of testimoniáis of iu efficacy from my own patieuts, but the practice of paradlng bougllt and ficCitioua ones bcfore the public is so prevalent I do not deen) it advisable. My object is to i)):ice löy medicine befóle 1]ie jiublif. noE alone to uKike luoney, but f do good. it is proverbially true of the American I.adiep, tfaatnot ten perfectly healthy ones can bc found in any &ue vicinity. BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME ! BE WISE IN TIME 1 Let not d sea se destroy your con.-titution. Try a bottle of my PER3ODICAL DROPS, and you will be satu-liud that I am no íraposíur. ïell your afflicterl friend what reatnred thebloom of healthtoyour cheeks, and tliert'by ctmfer a favor moie valuable tlianii"!'!. - Fot painful or scant y Menstruación it Ís jast the thing, I bave now in my mind an instauce of a lady who liad been. su Bering from paiut'ul meu.struation two or three years, confïning lier to her rouni eacli time ; she had applied to several eminent physicians, without relief whea oue bottle of my DROPS entirely curetl her. ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES! ONE BOTTLE CURES! In almost every caso. DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT ÜE IMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ! But cutthia out anti senrl it to your Druggist, and if he has not got it,mnke him buy it for you ; or, it may be obtained of 1he General Agenta fof the United States C, G. CLARK & CO., WiiOLKaAf.K DjirüüiSTa, Nbw IIaven, Conn; For sale by all respectable DrucfgiRt?. Price,'S1.00 per bittle, and hy riebbius & Wilson, Gronville & Fuller, Kburbach & Co. Trepared by Jxo. L. LYON, M. P, , ly902. To Draymen and Hackmeri. ALL PÜHSONS runninti oilher a Dray ar Hack who have not taktn out licenge for the present year, ■must culi atonce at the Recorder' office and get a, or the city ordinmice pertaining to Dniy and líack Lcennes will becuTnrccd to the lctttr. This notico incluilew all perrons whoare drawïug good to and from auy portion of the Cltj. X.B. DOLE, Recorder. Ami Arbor, Kov.4th, I8t-;ï. 029wS KTOTIO :E2. THE Partnership hevetofore existiría bcpween lbndoi-s'gned and isrnol ('ar:-, under the firm andstyle of Dnhois & í'urr, li disolved and pettlcmont of jart nert-h-ip matter will b made with the undr.-iarned. T. IKSOKÍ. ,nn Arbur., Oct. 12th, 1.6J. Ww "A íiiiilo was on her lip- hoallh was in tier look, trength wna iu her step, ail in her - ï'lautation ittors." S-T-1860-X. A few bottlea of Plantation Bitter a Will care Nervous Headachr. " CoM Extremities and Feverinh Lípi. " Sour Stomacli aml Fetid Breatb. " Fhvtulency and Indigestión, " Nervous Afïectionn. " Kxcensive Fatigue and Short Broath. 11 Pain over the ei 88. " Mental Deiponaenoy. " Prowtration ; Great Woaknens" Sallow Complexión, Wenk límvela, Jfcc. rVhioli are the evidcncfiH of IJVER t'OMi'J.AlNT AND DYSPEPSIA. It in csimiatcd thut .seven-tentbs of all adult aumenta proceed from a diseased and torpid liver. The biliary aecretions of the livtr CTerftovfag into the stomacli pülson lliö entiro Bj-sten and exliibit the above symptous ifter long research, wo areable to present themnsl remarkabla cure for these horrn' nightmare diseaso.s, the vrorld has ever prod-j eed. & Witliin one year over kíx huuctred andforty Ihouaand persons have taken the l'huitaüini liitters. and nut an inBtá&ce of cempluint has tome to our k&owlódge ! It is a mout efl'ectuaf tome and agreeable stimulant Buitedto all conditfoxu of life. Thereport that ttrelleftupon minoral substancea fov Eta active propertfee, are whollyfalse. Tor the public satisfactiou, and thst patii-nta may consult thalr phjaicians, -we append a list of U componenta. Calisaya Bark - Celebrated for over two hundred yearsin the treatmellt of I'erand Lgue, DyHpepsiaf Weakness, ka. IL was Introdued into Europe by tbc Conntcss, wifeof the Viceruyof Peru, in 1G40, and afterwai'dssold by the Jesuíta for the enormous price of its ovm weight in stlvtr, unfler the name of Jesuit's Powdere, and was iinally made public by Louis XVI, King of Franoe, Humbolt maks special reference to its febrifuge cpialities durlaghis South American travels. CASCfcltiLLA ÜAttK- For fjiarrha-a, colic and diseases of the stoioach and bowels, Dasdhliojt- For inilammation of the loins and drop Bical affeotknis, Cuahouile FXOwBES-Forenfeebled digestión, :u FLOWERfl - Aromatic stiinulant and tonic - highly invigomtingin nervous debility. Wintbrobbek- For Bcrofula. rheuuialii-mj&c. A.viSK- An aromatic carminatire ; creating fleah, musclc mul mi Ik ; uiuc'i used by jnotliersnursiug. AlfiO, clove-bud.s, o range, carraway , corianderjsnakeroot, &c. S-Ï-18G0-X. Auothr wonderful ingrediënt of Spanish origiü, impartiug beauty to the complexion and brilliancy to the mind, is yet unknoivn to the commerce of ihe world , and we withhoM its name for the present. nU'OIïTAXT CKKTIFICATES. Rochmer N. Y. Decrmber 28, 1861. Mesisrs. P-H.Dhake k Co '-I have been a great suffer er from Pyspepsia for three or four years and had to abandon my profesnion. About three months ago I tried the l'lantatiou Bitters, and to my great joy, I am now nearly a weli man. I havo recommended them in sevaral cases, and, as f ar as I koow, always witli Bigoal benefit, Iaiarospcctfuilyyoura, RFV J, S. CATHKON. Philadclphia, IOïA Month,Ytth Day, 1862Kespkctkd Fbiend :- My daughter has been much beueütted by the uae of thy Plantation Bitters. Thou wiit seud ma two boltles more. Tliy Friend, ASA CURRIX. Sherman House, Chicago, Jll. Feb. 11, 1S62. Measra. P.H, ÏJkakk V Co.. - }'Ieaae send us another twelve cases of your Plantation Bitters. As a morning appetizer, they appear to have superceded everything elae, and aregreátly estnemed. Your&c. ' GAGE&WAITE. Arrangemenis irenow completedto supply any demand for this article, which from lack of güvernnien; stamps has not lwcíoíbre been possibïe. Thé public may rest assured that in no casa will tlie perfectly pure standard Of the Plantation Bitters bo departed from. Every bottle bears the j'ac aimüê of O7tr sig nature on a ettel píate evgraving, or ü cannotbegenuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocerfl and Doalera through out the country.' P. H. DRAKE & CO. W2in6 202 BROAD WA Y, N, Y. Buifalo Testimony. the éTTDT? CuTes PKOl'LK'S KjJ IVjüi Rheumatism. "I was troubled with Hheum:itisra for two years, su (Tering more.or less every ilay. I have taken two bot t U's of the 'Peopies Cure;' and have not had any pain since I lefL it oiï more than four "weeks ago. I conemler myBeltas entirely cured, and the medicine has made me feel very üght and good - just like a youn man though I am sixty two years oM. (JOD6í;í:V eCHEFFEL, -102 Michigan St." llMy wife has been sufft-ring from KhenmaliMn of an jnlinmmatory character for about bíx or seven varsometimes very acutely. About tlie lirst of June last she commenced takiog the 'Peojile's Cure,' and contlnued to takt it some three weeks. In ten lays after she conjmenced, the swelüng and stiïfneps of lier joints very maierially le-isened, and in three weeks had disappeardd aitegether. "THOMAS POIXOCK, (atW. H. Glenny's.) iïuiralo.Octüber 1, 1562," THE rTTDT? Cures PEOPLE'3 y U I Vj Fever Sarefc "Two of oue of Ilicm afflicted with a bad Kever Sore. thfi otlier wilh Rheumatism- having scen the advertí sement of the 'People's Cura1 in this paper, pui-chased the Medicine . and now, aftei having thor oughly tried it, report to üs, comme nding it most heartüy as a tliorouii renie'ly in their case. - Editora Chrisi ian Adi ocate. TUE . rTT"S 17 Cüres Dteea?e8 l'KOl'i.K-S UltEj of tin "ïty face has for more than ten years beengrently disfiL"ir'd by (-rnptions and buiichfe'á, which at times extended over my wlxolo body , ad unce for t!' ree days made me entirely blind ; but baving takejq two botflea of the 'People's Cure.' my acquaintances hiidly recognize me- Indeed 1 har-dly know myself- as I am now i well man. Let all wbo are alike aillicted try Ihe 1 l'öojile's Cure, - the Medicine prgpared by the Sanitary Society- aDd I think tliey will not begrudge their dol "JOSEriI SOT.% Turner, Mecliáhic St '■Búllalo, Nov. 15, I9i." THE "TTDT? Cures Sorofula & 1'EOM.E'S lUlVXii BaURh3uo. ''I have used the -Peoplo's Cnre' in ïny fiimily witli great benefit, : ca -fes of Sirofula and Palt Rhcnm, aud li.ive recommeodwi t frftLO.entl$ to m.v f -.'inla, a-U uf whom I baliéve have been beueötted, and must of ihvr.i entirely cured by it. , OHAtí. SQHARFF.ÜïSlfeiu St.up-stivirs.'' THE nTTnU CnwsFemalo PEO1 LE'S Vy U XV Vj We&knsases. "1 havo been in feeble health ever sineo the birth of my boy, who is luw twt'lve vears oíd. I Uavc had rno T truubJes and dinicullii's, all tliis time, notHing me for everykinl of labor, and deíítroying all my cüiufort, Last summer I commenced tatng the 'Feople'a Care,' and liare used four boUle, and uní OW almost a wcll wiMiian. My difliculties have ncarly all diaap pcared. auü I fcel chccrlnl iind happy. "MRS. ('ATHARLNE DEWAM), Pressin:tkcr, Goodell Allt.y, abdveTupper st. "Buffalo, Oei. 1Í0, HC-2." the rTTDT? laiTS "ljCn otk"r PEOPLE'8 VyUXVllj medicines fail "My wife lïas been ia ponr health Cor a long time having frequenlly to cali a physician to attend ,cr; luit she was ree'-ntly very lnuch vrurse. For live or i-i% weeks she had no appetite, all her strength, anU was each day Rrowing "wojse, She had night s-.veats, conjclieda great eai during eaeh jn'jht and oonwiderably during the day, and we all upponed, she was going offwith tho conaumpttpn, wheq a (riend aiyised her to talie the' Faoples's Cure. On taking the medicine ube perci-ive.i a chasge at once. Onthetlilrd dnyahehad recovited her appeüti', and n last legaiuiug her strengtu. until, on the "eighth day, not yet baviug taken one bottlej he has stopped taking the medicine saying site was as well as anybody could be, aud Khe ha.s coutinued so ever since. "FAUL KLEIN, Gardner, 32 Peurl st. Búllalo, October 1,1862." For Pale by all DingiriBt". 022y1 ,ü C. CUOSBY, Oeaeral Agent, No. 255 Main s(., Uutl'alo, N Y., to whom all orders should be addrssed. For Ssle by STSBU1.V8 & (ïKKNVrt.l-E & FCLLfE, anl (.'. KüFRli.Kli & ('o. Uissolwtloii Notlce. ÏHE FIRM OF CHAPÍN, W0D ie CO., was disjohed .lanuary lü, Iti3, by mutual ponsen t. r. A. Chapín and A. B. Wood witl settle the accounts of the lino. CA. Chapín, A. R Wood, V Ciiwin, E. Wells. Ann Arbor, Jnne 3t, 183. Copar! nersliip. TTK I?N'nv:RSCXKIl entered toto pnrt.ei -hip Jan. 16, 1893, by tbe llrui name pfChapin fc Co., and will continue tho business ot' niauttfaCturÏRg printing and wit. iping papor. C. A. Uun.v, K (iiii in, V ('HAl'I.V. Ann Artor, Juue Ci, 1S6J 91Otf. 1 PAIN CURED! RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Is the most Important medicina! curativo- for the i umedíale relieruf the sulTorer- of all varlotíes of I'AIN'3, ACMÉS and IXFIRMIT1ES, and the prompt cure of th siok whoro l'AIN', oithcr Internal or externa!, te 'icüirütaiit of the diseaso, that lias over boon discovoroii. IX A FEVV MINUTES Aflor tile application of tile READY RFI.I1' oxterlially,oriUadiniuistratoninteriially,thepatiul- cizt.-l with the most excruciuting I'AI-, ACHES. ( RAM!", RHEU1IATHM,XEURAI,GU1GOIT, LUMBAGO, KEVKR AN1) AGÜE, SPA9M3, SOP.E TITROAT. INFLUENZA, mPTHERIA.CONGKarnOS or INrLAMMATiON, will on}oy ease aml comfort. RABWAY'S READY RELIEF SMS safer to admimster, and will stirp pain quicka-, 7T-C than all prepamUma of Opium, Mwíiluo, Vuraffí) tr.n, Uyosciamus, Árnica, Vatc-lan, Clilurofarui t or Kthor, uiidor whatever natnn itiKthigulíhM ; eilhcr Linimenls,l'ainKillerst'r SiioUung IMi u, yju:li inorely luspmds the feding of paiu by beliutnlmig Uia perceptivo f iculties and killinjtlienrves. Tlm nfK iiliuinisters Chloroform, Opium, fee ,! tho ne.ves of pércepU'n- RADWAY'S KEADY FKL1KF Mopa tho most excniciating pain, and secure tho p.moul tho full posaeMion of bis somos. Til i ia th,: OH y remeJy i i general use th.1t will stop pain, m qulck. tl: t i f-eo frurn Opium, Morplrine, or Boma oiber LJlldrw drug, hiírlfal t ) ibe general bealtli. S23 WIS3 EOT EZitSa. Ouard against líekuSH. Ou ule Ur.-l l:idiMtluO uf rai,i or unsliieM, if In tho PTOlUí ll or liOWKl.-, tnkc a tenspoonful of tho READY KKI.IKF In a wma glaa of water, ir iu lbo UMOS, JoIXT.S, HK.M., Tll::OAT CHEfT. BÁCK, or ulh'r parl.t of the b-du, apply the RKLIEF exthrnau.v- in a fruí minuta li jtain and discomfort vjili c-ue. Tbiei simple appMf'ati'u mi.v lircak bp a fornndáWo illiraM. It u mocil autor tu prevent dUease than to cure il. WEALTH FOR THE POOR. aKXALTII is the workini; mttn's opltnl Tho ]oor VI-1 (T7 man can ill ulíjrd to bear tbc bni iloiu "fsi kfTÍ nes8orpaydoct"r'sbllls. 0SKTWKN1Y Tí fefe CE-N'T BoiTLICOfRADWAY'SRKADV KKUKV wUl.iCuick.ciire iiiraquiolc.aivlcuttbtebira u resana tuj lahnrs iiHlhmtt Inssnf time- and, if usotl wüon pain fint expericneed, wil! stop it mmediatcty. Keep Ibis Keiumljr Uway8 In tbo boue,and use it whyll you fool laiu ; yJ wi'l :iot lose orio day iu a yoar by sioiie.-is. UIPOIIT.ÍT TO FARMF.l'.S And otlior?, roaiding in sparse'y "ettlod ilUtric" -.vliiri it ín difflcnll to secure the ;i "f a phjnllei, RADWAY'á KEADY KELII.K u iiiyaluoble. II c.uil.used WÍÜi pogiti'vtfassaranco of doinir gllíl(' in 1' :■ wbere vain or discomfort i oxpurituuHl , r ƒ jú-i ioi'Ji INFLUENZA, PI1HHERH, SOliE T.IROJ.T, B.J oorons noAREVEss.fitLíotJS enouc, ínklammaÏI.JV OF TUK lldWaS, STOMA11I, l.L'Mi-. l.lVi..., KTOXBYS. or with SMÁIX TOX. PCARl ET FETBR MEASLES.TYPHOID FEVF.R, BI1.1OUS FEVER I-KV. ti AND AGÜE, or witll NEt'RALÜIA, HEAIt A; Ht, II -. DOLORF.UX, TOOTHACIIE, EAR-A HE. or with LUMBAR ). 1AIV IX THE BACK or RHKUNUT1SM or wi UÍAIÍRHfflA, CHOfcÖW .MOUBl or DYI ■. IkRY or With BURX3, W3AI.P8 on BRUISFS.or with ui CRAM1-S or Sl'ASMS Tho appli'.al of AUVKAJ 3 UKADY r.El.H-F ü-iil cure jou of tho woril or Uicjo Cuiaplair.tü iu a tw honre. tí XZIZ tJlA.T I SM. -f-'H pii ifni i-seiío lns biffliHl tho i'i"t skilftd lLJi ph'-s and p'jjnílar rcniedies. Il me my-t GTY diíll.;u.l oí diea-ed to L eL - vet K .DV.Y"á }j!b IIK'ADY RELIEF has novrrfai'e I iu n(T nl;m( imnitttLiut-- rehuí t) tbo sulli-rur : and in a.l ca.-. i f AuuUi, Ir.ti Lumalory or Ne.vous lUieumatisin, to effeutapermimor't cure" (In Chronic !:h numui-m aml (,ío it, RaIWAY'á (JLEAN61NU í-YRUI", cilled Kcnuvuíiíy Kía'wn', phould bo tal;eu ai au adjuact with tho RüAUT itt.UEF.) ACUTE CHRONIC EHEUMATISM. The fóllowíng is written by th wcll known cMTesondeiit of llie New York Heraid, London Times (KiiKiaiiJ), New Or-eans I'icayuue, Delta, Char. oston Morcury, &c. : W1I. SIDN'EY MYERS, ESQ , HAVANA, CUBA. H.WAXA, Cuba, JaQ. 2, 1SS8. Meisrs. Radmay i Co. : Gkxii.kmk.v - I have boon a puflerer frora Acuie Chronlo lüioumntism for the last twcnty years of my lifa ; my sud'erings during that period , neitbor tongue nor pen caji expresa. I have speii( a Httlo fortune un üiciors' bilis, wi'lioutderivingiuiysiib.tantial benefit. Kecently Ihad ono of my frequent periódica! afacks. I w;ls vétjr ill for a weck, and bad not alept an hour at nny ono time. A Spauish friend. to whoni I rolated niy si Obringx, told moho liad a remedy which would givo lúe relief, and ho kindly presented' me wilfi a litt o i.'f ■' RADWAY'- RBADY RK1.IF.F." Allhough kcplicul of deriving any advant:igo from its Use, 1 Ihut n:i; it ippiied it Teoly on going to bed, and, to my greal amazenv ni, felt nilieved.andsloptsoundly. Thenextni.'lil I igain applicd the I'.eady RtMKf, and awoke in tbo mornhig free froiu min, having only used about half tbo bottle. Ií.'artily do I return my lmmbo acknowlodjmelits for your inva'.uablo medie;", which nwy wcll b') called " a'biessing to man." Tbanking yon, from my soul, for your w,mie:-fu! roniedy, I have tu'o houor to subscribe mysolf, Yours, resiiectfu ly, v. sid'ney UYrao. NEÜEALGIA, (KXtlUlSITK PA1,) TIC DOLOIUOUX, TOOTH-ACHE, FACEACHE, HHARP 8UDDES PAIXS. Persona stiáerinf VritU Henraigin cxiiertonec tho a'iin ofoxcruoiating pain. Tlie paroxysms ora hari,sudiie.i, [iluuging, subbing, iuducod iu-.tantiy- üke au olctr shock. MATIWAY'S READY RELIEF Is tho only rcmoiiy hitherto known, that will nfford iinmcdiate relief to those wlio suffer with this lorturiní Complaint. (In cases of ebronic Neuralgia, tlm dea, .siiig Syrup, called KEXOVAT1NG HEsOLVENT, will expeiiile tbo care.) In recent atl-icks. tho RKAu RFLli'.F. applied cxtornally to llio parte whero the p M sirikes, and a teaspooüful of KE1.11ÍF to a wino of waler, wben llie puroxysms appear, will elfuct a cure. HOW TO CÜE.E A BAX GOIiS BETTWKEN BiiD-liMÉ A.Ni) SIXIÜSK. Ifselëd witti SORE ÏHEOAT, . lad Cuiigli, difllcult Kreatalng. li.-ad-aoh,-. v .u" Disclmgea truni tb11 Xü30 and Kyt'rf, l'iu ia Lue Back uud JoiuCd, Vc, ba'.tia Iho 'Ihro'it, Oli-St, Hcad and Jolatl w;t'.i tbj UKAilY KKMKF, and m ke a HOT READY RELIEF SIJNG, Bv oddii l.i li Ui i tumbler . t bol w.ilur, swcctonod wirtl Mtttrj n il.-ssoit-simoful of RAUWArS REAUT KKI.IEK, aii'l drink tlii.s "il goilitf lu boii. In n ffW mJiiuloa you wil! pcrapfce frooly, slecj souuüly, auj wako ia úie muiuiug curoJ of yuur cuKI. (From lh: Chrülian Advnca'e.) " We beg t present to Oio rwderrf (if t!ic .■í'itfca'í tb fullowing letter HMro&"ei to !)r. Rartw l■. l;t tliao HdictoO ftitu WKAK. LL'Nii.S A.N-UTHKK.VrKN'KI) Wliil OINVUMI'TIOV. roal Tlio writcr, Mr. JAMKS SAliK, i well Icldwu 111 Mitimaïiu .i puimlur bófol-keejièr." itnonÁs, Mawniii) Co., sifcii., Sopt. 4, ici. lm KaI'-ji'av- liairSir: Al). 'Ut l'.ur yi-irs iixo, I wj rerv miich ITtuü with 11SKASED I.LNGJ. My tbinifibt tct' ite CiiwtifflpÉ"Mt. I eíítirely uniit fu1,'uMntss, rai-ü.l I.10..1I. ;id h:W ovory sympl mi of til) dbove fatal ilisea.-:o. Öneuighon gum' tabcil,! ilm"glit I wuuM i.ikc :i BWeuti and took yor Riudt Rtuw (in hut water) ;i3n Ktimulanl to swüa mi It li 1 s.. J T!ic pflTPUira i'-n was uf;i slimy siitfltiince, uv: nflbiwlVe am -ü 1 ttolldwed ta iDg lim Kk.u.v Rn.i k ovöry AlMt uiglit 6 l'our otk-i.ana ai tlio nul uj lli-rt timo ot tirtiiy wc 1. Thla h 11 truu stitofiiont ( f fticn, whicb I willtestlfy U imdor illi V""i l1'' ■ Ja.U. -J SAüE. Page's Hotel, Mejiiilu'jMlcb, FEVER AND AGUE. A Uble-spoonfu, of HAiWAY-'S KEAl'Y KKl.UK.m tumbkf of vransr, t.ikon erory mornlng liuturo iirua.;. i-xn, will prevent utuuk-s ui: foyer ad ' ■, 11 eiiw'd tu it; mat. uii. If .seizttil vi:ii tliis c,)inil. unt. tako lbo # sanio il1, ÏW1 natb'fl llu' II. -al, Nerk, ll.aii.-i na't Spiiie nno liour boforc Dm i:i:i!s aro ex." i'lc I ; Ihii 'iU break uy au l cini! tliu wil" t ui os--,!;. KAIUVAY (. you, Oir 56 tmli, me'ici-o Ifiy iti.ilwitl pmvo IU rlttcacj 111 a lew bours, and fit Oh B-uo.yiJi f"M .].- i.-e.-Ml,;ii, midi-r lbo o iêJ t:e.iUi'..;; '-Í il;y ■ .r;a:i-. uCMtld lay 011 ;,■ f'r dav--, weelOÉ all t m iv.[.. . 00 1U..L every bot Ie i col.;lil.'Li' v you pun-baso, ftnii [HlVL-hllse 1.11 Ki-'.AIiY I.KI.llK aiilc Uw ƒ ii.nifü siR iiiluro of I'.AIUVAY fe CO. loii ÜIO cml-iilu label, iuhI Ui ■ li.nuo i-f K.VüW.'vY & CO bo-!l o:', til-1 Hiw of r eb l-ottlc. Il' l SI1..I1 1SY luU'ul.lsl1.-! A'vi --l.jRK KT1 PKttS IV iv 1 i;y vn.i.Acii ax; ,u.ï:. i 'r:iK rxiruii.-TArt-.i -uNUCANAai. KADWAY & C3.. h7 Iaide-.i I.-inp, X v For Sale by STKBBINS & WILSON Ayeres Cathartio Pilis.


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