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■Til i American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claim-1 rf all fctadfl agttíntt th Central Oovornniorit Híatt tfovern-nent, tito City, or private partí es, prosecuteil and collecte :il iwp expeput amirisk. AgaínHt prívate psrtiea ) (m.-M'-s superior facilities forcoUectingolalmseverywbere n th" United StaK ind Canadaa, relievfng merehantö, öydlgtieet;, banken jmdoi hers, of tho caí e and all respmsibility . Hpeciii) attention giTn to old debtfl, hurd" cases d voras, wills, esta tea, ste, Being familiar with allthe detaJlsnf the " ƒ ma Rroenuê Lc," I williittutul promptly to the ooltectio pf drawbacks, and taxes overpaid Uirongh igiiorauc of the Ia ■■.■. Soldiere' pensione, pay ainl bountv eeeured forthem or theirheïrs. For that purpure, and lor prosQutln Cto-im aginat the Government, I hay a braneh offic at Washington. No charge made unless claims ure col lecteil. AUsoltliors disehargdd by rea son of wounds how ever short the time tb e y hava ,-iwved- are entitled t hp Bundred Dollars Bounty. All poldiers havingser ved two yers,apfl entitlftd to the same. fcr The liighest mfirlíPt price will bc paid fur sol alen claims, aadotther datnaiulfl against the tíeuera Goverument. ïnformntion an-1 opinlons gWen, and invstigation made wirJuut eharge, apon claims propdMd to be placee in my hands. For particular s, acUïress H. HUNTINGTON LEE nOQif NTo,-J40 Bröadway', X. HPHE ROOTS AND THK LEAVES -X Wli.L be for the Ht-alii-g of the Xations. Bible. 1UV. GREAI AND CHXEBEATED PHYSIC1AN of th TIIKOAT.I.IXCS, UKAHT. I.IVl-.R AXII THE BLOW Knowo allorcr thecountrj' as the CELEHIÍATEU IITIDIA.r HERB DOCTOR Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Olüo. Will visit thé rollowing places, via APPOINTMBSÍK FOK lSfe, 1868and 1SB4 Irot R. .1. Lvons can be consultad at tbc fnilowin places ivory ni.inih, viz: Detroit, Kussvl House, each month, 18th and 19tb Ann, Monitor House, each month Soih .Jacl(scn,llibtmvd House, each month 21 Aclnaii, Bracket House, each raoath 22d nd8d M)d96th' '""l'""iaslIl'llse-"-'achn0"tli, SJth,25th Hll8dale,Mich.,HIU -, ., each month,27th moñ"Ts8tt. Sóotlla Michigan House, wc Mi-hart, Klkhart House, each montli 29th Booth Ben.l, Tnd., St. Jo. Hotel, each month M Laiiorte, Ind., Tee (arden Hous, each month Slet, and g?h ' Cranck'u BStoiange, each month, 7tl lofhnStield' Ohio' Wiler Ho"se, eich month, Oth an Mt. Vernon, Keuyon House, each month. lllh an 14th Walk' hi0' Holton 1Iouse each month, loth an Painesville. Ohio, Cowles House, each month 4th CilAVELAND, OHIO. RE81DEN0E mó .OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STfiEET East of the public square, opposite the Postoffice Offioe daya each month, lst, 3d, 4th,5th, 6th 16th - ho„rs froffl !) A. H. t„ 12 M. and from 3 P. ll.t 4 1'. 51. OnSundayi:om9toll)A.M.,andlto2P M S-Maximsstricllyii.ïIicit-1 lo- I give suoh liahn i. have no strife VVith nature or the 14we of Itfe, ' With blooiliny hands 1 never stain, Norpoison men toease thcirpain líe is ajihysiHun intfred, wKo Cures The Indian Hero Hoctor, R. J. LVONS, cures the fol lowing sompialBta in the must obstinate staeesof thei existence, viz: Diseasesof theThroat, I.uncs Tleart, T.iver Stom ach , Dropsy in the Caest, Rteumaüia, Neumliria Fits orFallingSickness,anda!lr-U1ertiervoi,idt.rani!einents ANm all.hseasesofih,! bloo.l, such asScrolula? Erysip eUs, Canoers , Fever dores, Leprosy, and all other com plicatea chrouic complaiuts. Allforms of f.-male dilliculties attended to with th happiest results. 11 ie hoped that no one will ilcspair of a cure unti they have riven the Indian Heib Doctor'a Medicines, fairandfaitliful trial. fla.Puring the Doctor'i trav els m Europe, West Indies, South America, and th Lnited átales, he has b-en the instrument in God' hand. to. restore to healtli and. vigor thousands wh weresivenup and pronounced incurable by the mos eminent (ildsohool phmiciatn; nay, more, tliousand rbowereonthe rerge oí ihè grave, are noiv Hvin mot.urn-nts to the Indian Herb's Doctors skill ani successfultreatment,andare dailv exclaiming. "Bles scl bclheday ivhen Hrst -ne saw'and partook of th Indian Herb Doctor's medicine." íatisfactory referencesof cures will be gladly and cheerfully givenw henever required. ThePoctorpledges his word and honor, that he wil inno wise.dirnstlyor indirectly, induce or cause any invalid to take hís medicine without the stromeest i.rob ability of a cure. 3 Mode of exismination, which is entirely differen from the fa-.ulty. Dr. I.ynn prnfesses to discern di seases by the eye. He therefore asks noquestions nor doeshe require patientsto explnin symptoms. . Callone and all, ind have thesymptoms and locatiou of your diseaseexplainedfreeof charge. ■"Thc poorball belibe.rally oonsidered. 49Postoflice address, box 2663. i ' 1!. J. LYOKS.M. T'. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25,1862. ly880 THE OREAT AMERICAN TEA COMPANY. 51 Veacy Street. New York; Since its organization, has created a new era infeha history of . J Wholesaling Teas in this Country, ï':-y liavejiiirodui-pd their seleotions of TEAS, aud are selling them at not over TÏTOCFA'TS ;.0-2Cent.-iperpound above Cost, Never devialingfrom the OXE PFTCE asked. Anotberpeculiarity of the Companv is thattheir Tea Taster not only devotes his time to the selection of beir lEAfc as to quality, valué, and particular styles for particular localities of country, bvl he hdps the Tea buyer to c.hoosz out nftheir enormous stock Teas as are best ailapteélothtir particular want, and not only this, but JMMUa ovl to him the brslbaigains, It iseasy to see the incalculable alvantage a Tea Buyer has in this establishment over.all others. II he isno judgeof Tea,or the Market, if his time is vsluable; he has all the beneflts of a well organized system of doing business, of an immense capital, o thejudgement of a professional Tea Taster, and the kno-vledge of superior salesmen. This enables all Tea buyors- no matter if they are thousands of miles from this marlet- to purchaseon as good terrón hereas the New York merchants. I'arties can order Tea and will be served by us as well as thoiigh tbeycaine themselves, being sure to get original packages, true weights, and taxes; and the Tens are Warranted as represented. We issue a Price List of the Conipany's Teas, whicli will be sent to all who order it; comprising Hyson, Young Hyson, Imperial, [Gunpo-vsrder, Twrankay and Skin. OOLONG, SOÜCIIONG, ORANGE & HTSON PEKOE. JAPAN TEA of every description, colorod and uncolored. This list has each kind of Te, .livid-d into FOÜK Tlasses, namely: CAKÜO, higll CARGO, FINE. HNEST, that everyonemay uinliMstanM from deflcription and tbc p rices anueied that tho Company are dutermined to undersell the wholeTea trade.. Weguarantee to sellALLour Teas at not over Two Cents (_OS CENTS) per pound above cosí, believing4 tbln to be attractlvè to tbs man; who havo heretofore been paying enormous profits. GR KAT ÁMJUCAN TEA COMPANY, Importéis and Jobttcrg, 8m98l No. 51 Vesey Street, Nevr York. SCHOFF 'Ü MILLE R RESTILLOXHAND at theirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with themost complete asscrtmeot of Books and Stationery, PERFÜMERIES, FANCY QOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SIIADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever ofïèred in this Market ! and they would suggest tothoseinpursuitofanythingin SANTA CLA VS' LINE that they cao seeure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by pnrchaslng from this stock, as pach purchaser gets ar, additioual present of Jewelvy , &c , Ranging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. J8" Theytrust that theirlong experience in selecting goods forthis market, and strict attention to the wants of Cufftoraers, may entitle tbem tu a liberal share o Patronage, Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. 1860 777tf Ayers Cathartic Pilis. THJ3 ALL SUFFICIEjSTT THREE. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," KnoMii ns " Hclmbolrt's ' GENUINE PREPARA1 SKS, VI Z.: hei mbold's extract " bcoiiv " NARSAl'ARILLA, 1MIT.OVK1) ROSE WASH. IIKI,MliOI,L)'S GEN ÍNE PFEPARATION, 1 ciil.y co1vcentb.ated " cojípScxd FLUiD EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positivo anj Specific Remedy, For Diseases of tlie BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROP 31 CAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increases tlie power of Digestión and e-cc;t.-.tIic.AI!iOI!HENT.aintolie.althyiiction,l)y w'hich the WATERY 011 CA LCEROUS ,ieTün nand all UNNATUttAL ENLARCEMENTS are rcdu'ccd M HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU FOIÍ WEAKNESSES Arising from Exensses, Habite of Disaipation, EaWy InlÍ8oretion, or Abuse, ATTENDED WITH THE I'OLLOWIKQ SYMTOMS: ïndisposition toEwrliun, Loss of l'owor, Loss of Msm'ory, Difflcultj of Breathing, WeikXervei, Ti-enibling, Horror of, Wakeutness, Dimnesa of Vision, ],n n the Hack, Universal LaBBitude of the Flushin of the Body. Muscnlar System, Eruptions on the Face, Hot Hands, Palüd Countenance. Dryuess of the Skin. These symptoms, if aïlowed to go on, which this medicine iuvariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY.Fá.TUITYEPILEPTICFITS Inoneof which the patiënt may expiie. Who can say i that thoy are n )t frerjuently followeu by those "direfu'l diseasvs," Insanity and Consumption Many areawnre of tlio ranse of tlieir suffering, but none will confoia. The records of the insane Asjlums and the inelaneholy deaths by Consumption, bearample wltness to the iruth of the assertion. TEE COVSTITUTION, OXCE AFFECTED WITH ORGANIC WEAKNESS, .Reqnires the aid of medicine to strengthen and invigorate the system, which HELM BOLV'S EXTRACT BUCHU invariably does. A tria1 will convince the most skeptical. Females, Females, Females, OLD OR YOUNG, SIXGI.E, MARRIED, OR CON TEMPLATIXG MARRIAGE, In many affections peculiar to Females the Extract Buchu is unequalled by any othcr remedy, as in Chlorosis or Retention, Irreguiarity, Painfulnea, 01 Suppression of the Customary Evacuations Ulcerated or Schirrons state uf the Uterus, Leucorrhea, or VliUes,Sterihty,and for all complaints incident i o the sex, whethararising from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation,or in the Declino or Chango of Life. SEE SVMPTOMS AHOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam, Mereury, or Unpleasant Medicine for L'npleasant and üangerous Diseases. HELÏBOLD'8 EXTRACT .BUCHU CURES Secret Diseases. In all their stages ; at. lift Ie expense ; littleor no change in diet ; no inconveuience, AND NO EXP0SURE. It causos frequent desire, and gives strength to Urinate.therphyremovin obstrtictions, prevpnting and curingStrictures of the Ürethra, allaylóg pain and inHammatinn, so frequent in this cla?s ot' diseases, and expelling POISONOUS, DISEASED AJSD WORTi OUT MATTER. Thousands upon Tlioiisand?) WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUAOKS, And wïio have paia HEAVY FEES to b curedina ' short time, havofound they vere-deÍTed,andtfaat the "Poiaon" has, by the use of "Powerful Astringeuts.'' beon dried up in the system, to break out in &n aggra vated ferm, and PjERHAPS After MARRIAGE. CSE Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all Afffctions and Diseases of Tlie TJrinary Organs' Whether existing in MALE OR FEMALES, from whatever cause originating, and no matter OV liOW LONG si TAKDIHG. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a Diühetic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURETIG, And it ís eertüia to have the desired elTect in all Di scases, for which it is recommenüed. BLOOD ! BLÖÖDl BLOOD! Hftlmbold's Hfghlj Concentrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. Thi is au affection of the Blood, and attacks the exuai Organs, Linings of the Xose, Ears, Throal, Windpipe, and other Mucus Surfaces, makingits apearance in the form of Ulcers. Helmbold's Extract ïarssparUlepuri&es the Blood, and removes all 8oaly LrupÜOna of tlie Skin. giving to the Complexión a Jlear and Healthy (Srfor. It being prepared expressly 'orthisclass of complaints, its BlobdPurif jing Pro erties are preserved to a greater extent tLan any other preparation of SaraaparilJa. Helmbold's Rose Wash. An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphiltic Nature, nd as an njection ín iliseases of the Urinary Organs! arising from habits of dlssipatiOD, used in connection with the Extracts Buchu and SaraaparUla, in suchdiseases as reconjmended. Evidence of themost responsible aDd reliablechacacter will accompany tho medicines. CERTIFJCATES OF CUltES, ?rom eight to twenty years standing, with name known to SCIENCE AND FAME, For Medical l'ropertiesof BUCHU, see Uispensatory of the United States. See Professor VEU'EES' valuable works on the jftctice of Physic. See remarks made by the late celebrated Dr PEYSICK, Philadelphia. .See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM ' McDOWELL, t celebrated Physician, and Member of the Koyal Colege of Snrgeons, Ireland, and publishod intheTranactions of the Kingand Queen'w Journal. See lledico-Cirurgical Review, published by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellui of the Royal Coiiege of Surfeons. See most of the Lite Standard Works on .Medicine. TXTBACT Burilü, $100 PEB BOTTLK, OH SlX FOK $5 09 " Saesapaüilij 1 00 " " 5oo rpRovün Rosk Wash, 50 il " 2 50 Or half a dozen of cach for $1200, which will be sufflient to cure the most obstinate cases, V. directiens are dhcred to. Delivered to any address, securely paclied fromobervation. iy" Describe symptoma in all Communications. - Cures guarauteed. Advine gratis. AFF1DAVIT. Personally appeared before mean Alderman of tbe ityof Philadelphia. II. T. SlLHBdlD, who, befng duly worn, doth .say, hia preparations contaiu no narcotic, o mereury, or other injurioua drugs, but are purelv egetable. H.T. HELMBOLD. Sworn and subscribed before me, thi.s day of Novembtr,lB54. WM P. HIBBARD. Alderman, Ninth-strert, apare Race, Phila. Address Letters for information in confidence H. T. HELMBOLD, ChemistDepot 104 South Tenth-street,belowChestnut, )'hila, BEWARE OF COUNTER BEITS AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who 'endeairor to disnose " OF THEIR OWN " and other" articleeonthe leputationattained by Hcd:nbn';-: ücauine Preparationp, " Extract Buchu, " Sarsaparilla, " " Improred Rose Wash. Sold by all Prugaji'sts everywhare. ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S- TAKF. NO OTHER. Out out thp advertisement, nd nnnd for it 4NTÍ 4 vow iMrosrnon and ExrosuRE. ïy'üos I aro Bound for IGÜITERMAMCO'S! 1 Dispute the fact if you can, It takes the TAILOK after all to give appearance to the outer man. If you wlsh to anpear well You must accordlügly Dress Well. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's,, There you will find things exactly SO. iSONJDHEIM alwaya ready to take j'our measure, GÜITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in (he Stato, Take heed - cail karly, olse you are too LATE. The INDDCEMENT8 are uow greater than ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own getting üp, Filling our Store from Bottom to rop. STUDENTS eepecially will find it to THEIK AÜVANTAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 0VERC0ATS of Cloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warranted for ahnost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORTAT1ON, Forwarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you can stand up ín, or wear, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN oí every grade, We sell them froín ONE DOLLAR up tO EIQI1T. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnishing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. Thia is all we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAN. & Co., risdon&Then dersoa Save tilo BXJCK.EYE CRAIñl DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. i rpHE Vf:RY I.ATFST IMPROVEMKNT, and bet er lia. X all others; adapted to sowing Wheat, Rje. O,iU Barley and tirasa Beert.. lsí. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2í7. Will 9ow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. liever buncTies the Grain tíh. Never breaks the Grain. otJi. Sows Grass Seed broadeast behindthe Drill. 6A. Has high wkeefa and long Hoes Ith. Has long and wide steel points. 8th. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and cingle rank drills. lQth. It has a self adjusting shut off slide. It is neatly and substantially made, Therc 9 hartl}}! a Drill offered in the market but can boast of more or le: " FIRST PREMIUMSP They are about as imliscriminately bestowed as the title of "Professor," which is sometimeg applied to the 'lJiddler'f or " bootblack," Theyceaseto convey the idea of merit. The Buckeye Drill has been on Exhibition at quite a number of tftate and Cuunty Fairs, and without seeking favor at the hands of any Committec, has received its full share of Premiums TESTIMONIALS : Ve give the following üanies of a few Farmers in this vicinity whohavebought and u sed the Buckeye Drill : Godfrey Millar, Scio. Jacob Polherous "- Jacob ïremper, " Thomas White, Nortb field. John Brokaw, " Christian Kapp, ( Edward Boyden, Webster. Jamos Treadwell, AnnArbor Daniel O'tlara, . 1( " John G. Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " I,. Edmonds, Saline. George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv. Co. "We arealso Agents for the Ohio Reaper & Mower, actnowledged feobe th very best in use. "We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Which we will sell cheap. A-Ieo alargeasportmcit o G-rass Ana tbe largnst and best selected stock of BEISTT STUFF TOR CARRlAGESever before oflered !n this market We also keep a targe and full W$& (01? SiSiSQTOQa VAILS, GT.ASS, PUTTY, PAINT.and LINSEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOVES. TINWARE, ND EAVE TROUGHSalways on hand and put up atthe hortest notice. IlISPON & HENDERSON. Ann Arlmp, Junf ai'tb ,18(t2. 859tf


Old News
Michigan Argus