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Reliable "local Intelligence."

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ünr coternporary of the News introduces soine striotures upon tho doinga of the Supervisors, at their recent sesión, with tho fbllowing self grutulatory remark :] Though we receive r,o adeq.uate cotnpensation for printing the proceediogs, it isineumbent upon uu to print thein, especiully, as the News ia read more than any other paper in the county, haviug a more general circulation atnoDg the tax payers, and containing as it always does more of bcal intelligence than any other paper in the county. Then comes censure cf tho Board for its parsimoniousness to Publishers,. and for its undue liberal ity to other parties. We are not the defen-der of the Board, and don't endorse' all its acts - by a long shot - but let us see about the charges of the News: lst. " Parsimoniousness to Publishers." We don't believe the Supervisors have ever been inclined to pay too liberally for publishing proceedings, but the blame is more than half charge' able to those publishers who, knowing (perhaps ?) the value of their services better than the Board, have bid against each, other year after year, and volunteeredto both report and publish proceedings at onelialf what tbey knew and declared it wae worth. Whon Publishers will bojust to themselves, they may erpect justice from the Supervisors, and not belore. 2d. The New don't liko the allovvance of " somo sixty odd dollars" - $65,72- to John O'Haua " for making an index to the Court Records." We agreo with the News that it belongs to tbe Clerk to keep up his indexes, but it certainly does not belong to the present Clerk to bring up indexes left behind for half a score or more of years, we don't know hovv many. The Board honorably paid for vrork necessarily dono by order of the present Clerk, and thea resolved that that officer should keep up his indexes in the future. It is former Boards whieh have over-paid, not the present ono. 3d. The allowance of $122 to James McMahok for services as Draft Comniissioner is called in question. The claim was not for services required and paid for by the Government, but for enlisting men to fill the quota of the County, and saving it from the drait vvhicb took place in other Counties of the State in the Spring of 1863. 4th. The Newi says, " we notice also that O'Haua was allowed some $05,00 for services as a recording clerk for he Board," and says-such a thing was never dono before, that " the records have hitherto been made by the County Clerk, and tbe sum allowed to O'Hara was more gratuity." It will no doubt satisfy " the people " to assure them - and the proceedings, which our cotemporary has probably not read, will warrant us in doing so - that not a single cent was allowed Mr. O'Haka for any such services, unless ho can get " the Eider " to cash the vote of thanks passed him by the Board. Mr. Koot paid Mr. O'Hara for his services as recording clerk, and no allowance for such services waB asked of the Board or made by it. 5th. " The Board aljowed the Argus and Journal ten dollars each for" rcporting and " printing the proceedings," in addition to the appropiiation madoia May last, " and refused to allow the other papers of the County five dollars eaeh " extra, " for doing the same work " - except tho reporting. And thie was probably because " the Argus and Journal are the only democratie papers in the County." We lieve the motion lor the extra nllowance to the Jrgus and Journal was made by Mr. Babbit, Republican, and we would refer our neighbor to bim ior his reasons. As to the dernocraoy of the Journal, he can get the "statistios " on that point ironi the senior editor of that paper. Gth. " The Board was intensely political in all its movementp," an asaertion proved by the fsct that it elected two DomocratH and one Republican Superintendents of the Poor." Webelieve that when the Republicana have had a majority of the Board they have invariably elected two Republicana and one Demoerat, and the New should have more mauliness than to complain beeause his ox is in turn. Seriously, we think the Ntws made a " big boo " over the smallest of the sius of commiseion of the Board. - If it had been leas anxious to find a political mare's nest, it might, perhaps, riavo found some better cause of complaint. As it isr its "local intelligence" does not much onlightea or benefit its readers.


Old News
Michigan Argus