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"tÏÏTdraft On DeForest's National Coffee is wonderful. Everybody seems to have found out ta superior qualities and go in for a mipply. It is warranted to glve satisfaction and to be bttter th&n any other coffte in market, at any irice, or the money refunded. Two Bhillings per lb. A . DlFOREST SAPOIV1FIER, OR CONCENTRAÏED LYE, FAMILY SOAP MAKER. VY A IX makes high prices ; Saponilier helps to reduce them. It makes Soap for Folir cents a pound )y usingyour kitcben grease. CATJTIOSÏ ! As spurinus Lyes are otTered ca-eful and only buy the Pateiited article ut up in Iron caus, all othersbeing Counterfelts. Pennsyloania Salt Manufactunng Co.., Philadelpliia- No. 127 Walnut Street. Pittsburg- Pitt Street and Duquesne Way. LYON'S KATHAIRON. Knthairon is from the Greek word, "Kathro," or cKathaJro," signifying to cleanse, rejuvinate and retore. ThN article is what its numefiignities. Forpreerving, restoring and beautifying the human hair it is he most reme rkable preparation In the world. It i gain owned ano put up by the original proprietor, and snow made with the sime care, skill and attention vhichgaveitasaleofover one million bottlesper annnmÚ is a most delightful Ilair D .-essing. Iteracícates scurf and danJrufif. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy. It prevents the hair from falling offatfd tuf oing gray It restoi-es hair upon bald heads . Any lady or gentleman who values a beautíx'ul ?iead of hair should use I.yon's Katharion. It ie known ad usedthroughout the civilized world. Sold by all . pectable dealers. 6m922 DEMAS S. SARXES & CO.„Prop'rs, N. Y. Mathews' Chocolate "Worm Drcps ? NEVER fail to destroy and extermínate all kinds of ntestinal Worms. Are perfectty raliable in all cases a.nd far superior to any and all of the Fancy Worm onfections, ml nauseous Vermifuges in use. They mayTre taken at all times with perfect safety,as they contain XO SIERCURY, or other deleterious Urug.- Mothers should always purchase them and giye their children no other. {Ho Calhartic whatever, is necossary to be giren.) Each box contains 24 Drops or Lozenges. Price 25 ets. For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers in MediC. R. WALKER, General Agent, Iy922 Buifalo, N.Y and Fort Eri, C. W. HEIMSTREET'S Inimitable Hair Restorative. IT IS NOT A DYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplyng the capillary tubes with natural sustenance, imlaired by age or disease. i All instantaneous dyts are composed of lunar caustic, destroying the vitaliiy and beauty of the hair, and afford of themselves no dressng. Heimstreet's Inimitable Coloring Dot only restores hair to its natural color by an easy process, but gives the hair a Lnxnrlant Beauty, promotes its growth, prerentsits falling off, eradicates Januruff, and imparts healtb and pleasantness to the uead. It has stood the test of time, being tho original Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing in favor. ÍJsed by both gentleman ana ladies. It is sold by all respoctable dealer, or can be procured by them of t.M commercial agents.D.S. Barnes & Co. 202 Broadway New-York. Iwo sizes, 50 cents and $1. 6tn922 WYNKOOPS ICELAND PBTORAL Diseases of the Throat, Chost and Pulmonary organs are ever prevalent,"insidious and and dangerous. The properties of a medicine to alleviate, cure and uproot these complaints, must be Expectorant, Anodyne and[nvigorating, loosening the mucufl of the tbroat, and imparting tone to the entirc systcm. No discovery in medical scienceever mastered this class of diseasesliKe Dr. Wynkoop's Iceland Peotojal. It is used with the most astonishingresults in all cases of Bronchitis, In üuenza, Whooping Cough Diptheria or Putrid Sore Th mat, Asthma, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Nervous Irra tability, &c. The Rev. J. J. Potter certifies, "I have used Dr. Wynkoop's Iceland Pectoral for several year.s, myself and in my famíly, for severo Pulmonary Complaints, and have recommended it to many others, and never een its oqual." Rev. J. J. Potter Brooklyn, N. Y. Bundreds and thousands of important te-stimonials cou ld be produced, showing its remarkable curea and tliiLt il never failü It is composed of pure Iceland Moss, Balm of Gilead Peruvian Balam, Elecampaue, Comfriy, Burdock,and other invaluable expectorant and tonic ingredients. It is harmless, prompt and last ing. Invalida and sufferers cannot afford to neglect a trial. Every family should have it.glt is remarkble for Cronp. Full description, recommendationfi, and directions accompany each bott.e. Sold by ail principal Druggists. Preparedby Dr. R. D. Wynkoop, and sold by D. S. Barnes k Co. New York. 922m6 HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. This is the most delightful and extraordinary article ever discovered , Itehanges the sun burnt face and hands to a pearly satín texture of ravishing beauty, imparting the marble purity of youth, and the distingue appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples, and roughness from the skin, leaving i t fresh, tran.sparent arul smooth. - it containg no material injurious to the skm. Patrón ized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is what' every lady should have. Sold everywhere. DemasjS Barnes Sc Co. General Agenta, 923m5 2O3 Broadway, N". Y. AGOOD TREE 18 KNOWN SY ITS FRUIT. So in a good Physician by his Successful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT AND CELEBRATED PHYSICIAX OF THE THROAT, LUNGS AND CHEST, Known all over the countrj as the Celebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! Froin South America, will be at bis rooms, RUSSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, OntHelSth and 19th inst. , on the same dale of and every subsequent moüth during 1862 and 18Ö3, A NE AT PAMFHLET Of the life,Btudy and extensive travels of Dr. Lyons can be procured by all who delire one, free of charge. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbo, Jackson.and Adrián. Mtch.,asfollows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20th. Jackaon, Hibbanl House, 21st Adrián, Brackett Heuse, 22_dand 23d. MoDEOi'KxAMiNATiON. - The Doctor discerne diseasís bytlneoyes. He, tfeerefore, asks no questíons oor requirenpatients to explain symptoros. Afflicted, ceroe and bare your symptouiR and the lucation of your diseate explained free of charge The Great French Remedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CEIJEBKATED SI1.VER-C0ATED FEMALE PILLS. The only oertain and Safe Remedy for all Uterine ObBtructions, Monthly Difficulties, Irregularities, and all the other diseases to which the Woman, Wife and Mother is peculiarly Hable. These Pilis contain no deleterious ngredients, but are safe and certain n their action. They will be found to exert the happiest effect ia all case of Prolapsu Uterl , n Leucorrhea, or the Whites ; they will be found the easiest attl most certain Cure that can be foand. It is on account of this certrinty they should not he talen by Pregnant Females {during the first three mtmtks, a mincarriage U certain,) to be brought on, but at other periods their use is perfectly ale. N.B. One Dollar enclosed to anyauttorized Agent, will ensure packago of Pilla by return of mail. C. CROSBY, General Agent, Fort Klie, C. W., Búllalo, N. Y. Caction.- Beware of Counterfeits, the genuine have the signature of C. CROSBY, on the outside wrafper. For sale by all respoctable Druggists. Iyeow922 FEMALES ! FEMALF.SI KEMAI.ES! LTse that safe, Pleasant, Remedy known ns HEMBOLVS EXTRACT BÜCHU, For all Complaints Incident to the sex. No Family should be Without it, And none will when once Triedby them. It is used by TOUNO AND OLD, In the decline or change of hfe, Befare and after Marriage. During and. alter Confinément, To Strengthcn the Nerves Reestore Nature to itw proper channel anrl invigorate the Broken-down ConKtitution, ■ From whatcver Cause Onginaling. USE NO MORE WORTHLKSS PILLS I Take HEMBOLVS EXTRACT BUCHÜ. See Advertisement in another column, Cut out, and send for it: C29m2 IET TOBACCO - You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWTTO TOBACCO at from 50 cen;s to One Dollar. SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Red Indian. Soutfi side Huron Btreet, a few doors from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dee.11,1862. 883tf niPTHERU. DR. DEGLUIÏO'S DIPTHERIA SPECIFIC. CERTAIN CURE FOR DIPTHERIA AND CROUP. In the past year over 200 CASKS OF DIPTHERIA in and around Rochester, N. V., CONSIDERED HOPEI.ESS, have been cured with this medicine. Ñames and resideaces can be given. ALL THE PHYSICIANS THERE NOW USE ITi It never has failed to cure I üet a bottle ; it costs 50 cents. For sale by EBERHACH & CO. Prepared and sold by Iy913 W. E. SKINXER, Roerester, N. Y. An Intebestixg Letter. - Messrs. Post & Bruff Agenta N. Y, Sanitary Society, Rochoster- Gents . doem it due to you state the magical effect of that ob bottle of Peoplo's Cure whichjl obtained from you i November last. Seeing the advertisement ol your So cietv offering to give your mejicine to clergymen fo tht? of their parishes,! ootained a bottle fora poo „tl of my congregation, who had long been ïiearly help lessü-om Rheumatism.andstrange to say, that on Ijnttle ciJred her entirely. I write this hoping it ma aid the Society in its eflurts to introduce the medicine andblessthosewfcomayneedbuch a remedy ; and use trong termi , as 1 believe its merits will fully justif the most superlati ye f orms of speech. Yours, Res)ectf;i!ly, C. J!. WftKINS, Pastor of the,First f.resby ierian Church, 929yl Pittstïrd, Monroe Co. N. Y. WONDERFÜL SUCCESS. jgÉg The attention and research of the most distiagiiished Chemists and Pliysicians for years have been devotedto the production of a remedy for those most distressing raaladies Neuralgia and Kíieumatish. After long study and many experiments, a specific preparation has been discovered, AYATSON'S Neuralgia King, an Internat Remedy, i.s curing thousauds of cases whereall otb er remedies have utterly failed. We are assuredthatit is no mere " ANÜDYNtl," reheving for the moment whilethe cause reraains, hut is a perfect SPECIFIC CURE for those painful diseases. The vast number of Liniments, Enibrocation.s and External Medicines, which act as stimulants of the surface only, are merely temporaiy in tlieir elfects and of doubtful virtue The NEURALGIA KING reachea the source of alltrouble, and effectually bauishes the disease from thesystem, Price- One Dollar per Bottle. Proparerl by C. R. WALKKR, Iy922 BuffalOjN.Yand Fort Erie, C.W. For Sale by Ptebhins & Wilson, Geenville & Fum.ek, and C . Eukkbach & Co. A WORD ABOUT AMERICAN WATCHES ! ÁFTER A THOROUGH TRIAL OF MORE THAN TEN YEARS, the time-pieces manufactured by the Ameiïcan Watch Co., of "Waltham, Mass., have gained a fírm hold upon the favor of the public, and now, no less than 75,000 of thero are spcaking for thcmselves in the pocets of the peoplc. From a very insignificant heginning the business has increased until we are justified ia stating that WÊ MAKE MORE THAN ONE HALF of all the watches sold in the United States. Kepeated enlargement of our factory buililings, and the labor of 500 operatives, still find us unequal tosupplythe constantly increasing deraand. And we may here observe that notwithstanrling the high price of labor and materials, we actually sell our products at less pricesthan those current five years ago. Werefer to these faets only for the purpose of properly intioducing another subject relative to our manufacture of watches. Hitnerto our chief object bas been to make good watches for the million, atthelowest possible price - something to take the place of the make believe watches called "Ancres," "Lepines," "English Patent Levers," &c, annually thrown upou this market, in countless number.s,by Euvopean workfthopa - watches which are the refuse of their faetones, unsaleable at home and perfectly worthless everywhere. This object we have accomplished, and now we have to announce, that we have commenced the manufacture of of the very Highest Grade of Chronometry unequalled by anythinghitherto made by onrselves and unsurpassed by anythingmade in the world. For this purpose we have the amplest facilities. We have erectedan addition to our main buildings expressly for this branch of our business, and have filled it with the best workmen in our service. Profiting by our long oxperience, we haveremodeiied the form of our watches, introducing uch improveuaents as have been suggested and proved tobe good from time to time, and havo instituted new and severe tests oí, adjustment and compenaation. New machines and appliancef have been coustructed, which perform their work with consummate dolicacy and exactitude, and the choiecstand most apprnved materials only are used. - Nothïng in fact is wanting either in mechánical princi pies, materialor workmanship to eusure peiiï:ction in the result. We continue to manufacturo our otber well-known qualities under the fbllowing name&: applb:ton, tracy & co.J p, s.BARTirrT." And the '[Soldier's Watch," "WM. ELLERV." The latterthe lowet priced watch we make, is a substantial, rehable time-piece, cased in sterling ilver- hunting pattern,and is not liablo to get out of onler either inmarching, riding or figliting. All the above described watches, including the jinest, whicli is named ''Americax Watch Compaxy,'' are old by watcb dealers generally throuhout the country ROBBINS &. ÁPPLETON, Agents ior the American Watch Company, iC0W4m 12 BttOADlVAY. N. Y. ROBBINS & APPLETON, A gen t8 for the American "Watcïi Compnny, eow4m 1S2 BROADWAY, N. Y. Stray Mare. ryiAKEN UP by the subr?criber on the 20th of Poptcml ber, a Dark Bay Mare, about 8 ycars oíd, has black mane and tail. The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, anc take said M&re nwny. JAMES E. GALLAGHER. BaseLake, Webster, Oct 6th, 1863. 925w6 Ayer's Cheriyectoraï, I "Asmile was on her lip- health was in her look, trength was ia her step, aad in ter hands- Plantation itters. " S-T-186O-X. A few bottles of ï'lantation Bitters Will cure Nervoue Headache. i Cold Extremities and Feverish LIps. ( Sour Stomach and Fotid Breath. ' Flatulency and Indigestión, i( Nervous Affections. " Kxeesmve Fatigue and ShOït Brealh. " l'ain over the oyes. " Mental Despondejucy. " Prostration ; Groat Weakness " Sallow Complexion, Weak Bowels, &o. , Vliiuh are the evidences of IJVER COMlfcAINT AND DYSFEPSIA. It is estimated that seven-tonth? of all adult ailments n-oceed froin a diseaaed and torpid liver. Tho biliary ecretions of the liver cveiflowiug hilo the stemach toisón tho entire system and exhibit the abovo fiymp■oius . fter long resrarch, woareable to present themostrenarkable cure fou these horrid nightmare diseaaes, the vojld iis ev?r pvoduced. Within one year over six huudred and forty thousand persons have taken the 'lantation Bitters, and not an instance of cemplaint has come to our knowledge ! It ís a motst tfffectual tome and agreeablc stimulant uitedto all conditions of life. Tho report that it relies upon mineral substances foT ta active properties, aro wholly fíilse. For the public satisfaction, and that patients may consult their physicians, we append a iist of i ís components. Calisaya Bark - Celebratcd for over two hundred yearsin the treatmefit of Fever and Iguo, Dyspepwia, Weakness, &e. It was introdued into Europe by the Countess, wifopf the ViceroyofTeru, in 1640, and afterwards aold by tho Jesuits for the enormoua price of its onm wcight in silvtr, under the name of Jesuit's Powders, and was finally made public by Louin XVI, King of France, lïiimbolt niakes special reference to itw febrifuge qualities during his South American travel. Cascarilla Babk - For iJiarrhcea, colic and diseases of the stomacli and bowel.s, Dandelion - For iuliammation of the loins and drop sical affections. Ciiamümile FtowKRö- Forenfeebled digestión, Lavbndbr Flowers - Aromatic stimulant and tonic - highly invigoratingín nervous dobility. Wistekgbeex - For sciofula, rheumatÍBin, &c, Anisb - An aromatic carminative ; creating flesh, músete and milk ; mucli used by motnersnurtiing. Also, clove-buds, orange, caira way, Qörlander, unakeroot, &c. S- T- 18G0- X. Another wondorful in,[;rediont, of Spamsli origfn, ïbparting beauty to the complexion and brilliancy to the mind, i,s yet unknown to the commerce of the world, and we withhold its name for the present. IMPORTANT CERT1FICATES. Rochester N. Y. Deormber 28, 1861. Messrs. P.H.Dhakk & Co : - I have been agreat suffer er from Dyspepsia for three or f our yeara and had to abandon iny profession . About three rtionths ago I tried the Plantatiou Bitters, and to my great joy, I am now iioarly a well man. Ihave recommended them in sevaral cases, and, is far asi know, always witli signal benefit, Iamrespectfuilyyours, RFV J. S. CATHROX. Philadelpkia, lOth Monlh,Ylth Day,1862Respiccted Fkie.xd : - My daughter has betn much beuefitted by the use of thy Plantation Bitters. Thou wilt send mi two bottles more. Thy Friend, ASA CURRIN. Sherman Home, Chicago, lll. Feb. 11, 1862. Messrs. P.H. Drakk &Oo.. - Pleaee send us another twelve cases of your Plantation Bitters. As a morning appetizer, thcy appear to have super ceded everything else, and arcgreaily esteemed. Yours, &c. GAGE & WAIIE. Arrangemenis are now completedto supply any demand for thia article, which from lack of government stamps bas not heretofore been possible. The public mav rest assured that in no case will the perfectly pure standard of the Plantation Bitters be departed from. Every bottle bcars the fac simile of our signatureona stielplateeiigramiig, or it cánnvtbegenuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Dealers through out the country." P. H. DRAKB & CO. 922m6 202 BROA I) WAT, N. Y. BufTalo Testimony. the ■"'TTQTÍ' Cures PEOFLE'S Vy 4.' l'-ij Kheumatism. "I was troubled with Hi;eumatism for two years, ttuffering more or less every 'lay. I have taken two bottles of tlie'Peoples Cure a.nd ?iave not had any pain since I left it off more than fo ."ir 'weeks ugo. I consider myself as entirely cured, aiiu the medicine has made me feel very liglit and good- :.)ot like a yüung man tliougli I :im sixty two years oMGODfKEY ÜCHEFFEL, 402 Michigan St," "My wife bas been suffc-ring frnm Rheiunatism of an inflamraatory cliaracter for about six or seven years sometimes very aeutel3r. About the first of June last she coramenced taking the 'Peojile's Cure,' and continued to take it aome three weeks. In tendaysafter she commeneed, the swelling and tiffness of her joints very miterially lesseneS, and in three weekw had di.appearcd altogether. "THOMAS l'OIXOCK, (at W. II. Glenny's.) ■ "Búllalo, October 1, 1862," THE TTDTj1 Cures PEOFLE'S lUHJl Fever Sores. (tTwo of our subscril l one of them afllicteu with a bad Fever Bore, tlift other with Rheumatism - having seen the advertisement of the 'People's Cure' in this paper , purcbfcsed the Medicine , and uow, after having thor oughlv tried it, report to us,cninmending it most heartily as a thorou&h remedy in their case - Editors Chriatian Advocate. THE rTTTD Y? Cures Diseases PEOVLE'S VjJJX12j of the Skin. "lïy face has for more than ten years been greatly disfigured by fcruptions and buncheSj which at times extended over my wliole body , and once for tl' ree daya made me eniircly blind ; but having taken two bottles of the 'l'eople's Cure," my acquaintaneex hadly recogni7.e me - Indeed I hardly know as 1 am now a well man . Let all who are alike alllicted try the 'People's Cure, - tho Medicine prepared by the Sanitary Society- and I think they will not begrudge tbeir dol "JOSEl'H SOUR, Turner, Mechanic St "Buffalo, Nov. 15, 1862." TUK rTTDT? Cures Scrofula k PEOPI.E'S VUÍiJÍJ SaltKheum. "I have usod the 'People's Cure' in my family with great benefit, :n cases of Smofula and Salt Rheum.and haverecommendeditfreciuently tomy f-iends, all of whoni I believe have been beneütted, and most of them entirely cured by it. CHAS. SCHAKFF, 273 Main St., np-stairs." TUK "TTTD Tw1 Cures Female PF.O1 LE'S L' U IX il WiKiknesses. "I have been in feeblc healfh ever siuce the birtTi of my boy, who is now twolve yeara oíd. I bave had many troubles and difficultios, all this time, unfitting me for every kind of labor, and destroying all my com fort, Last summor I conniienced taliing the 'People's Cure,' and have used Cour b'ttls, and am now almost awellwoman. My difflcultics have nearly all disap peared,andl Seel chocrfnl nd happy. ,„..„ 1 MBa CATI1AK1XK l'KWALD, Dressmaker, üoodell Alley, aboveTupper st. "Buffalo; Oct. 20. 1Ö62." THE TTUT? Cures wheii otibier PEOl'LK'S v " -K-J-J medicines fail "My wife has been n poor hcalth for a long time having frequently to cali a phyíitían to attend !.er; but she waá recently very much worso. For flve or Bix weeks sho had BO appetite, lost all her strength, and was eacll day growing, She had nigtat siycilts, couo-hcd a welt áeai during each niht and considerably durhiL' the day, au'l we all !uppo(J, she was gomg off with the consumiUon, whcn a frioml advmed her to take the 'Peoples's Cure. On taking the medicine she perceiTed a change at once. On the thlnl day she had recovered her appeüle. and was faut regaming her strength, until, 011 the eighlh day, not yet haring taken one bottle, she has stopped takiug the medicine saying she was as well as anybody could be, and she has coutinued ro ever since. "PAUI. KLEIN", üardner, 32 Pearl st. "Buffalo, Ootuberl, 1862." tiT Fnr Sale by all Ilruggists. 022y1 .% C. CRÜSBY, General Agent, Nu. 255 Mam st. , BuiTalo, N. Y., to whom all orders should be iddressed. For Ssle by Sieuui.vs &. Wilsox, (re.vvii.i.e & Fl-lij.r, and C. Ebkhbach & Co, JJissolutïon Wotice. mïIEFIRM OPCHAl'IN, TVOOI) S CO., was dissohed .L.Innuiiry 1), ]8i.:3, by mutual consent. C. A. Chapín and A. I!. Wood will settle the accounts of thelhin. CA. CiiAi'ix, A.B. Wood, V. Cji.wi, E. Wells. Anu Arbor, June 24, 1863. Coparínership, TTE ÜNDERSIHNED entered into partnership Jan. 1d,1S)3, by the lirm nam if Chapín te Co., and will continue tlie business of rmmufacturing priuting and wrappinji paper. C. A. CHilTN, ■ Cnirm, V. Cbátih. Ann Albor, June II, 1883 910tf. I


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Michigan Argus