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tííí: American Collecting Agency, No. 240 Brcíadway, New York. Claims of all agajnst the Uonora; Government State (iovemihèntj tha ( ly, or private parties 'jrose' cuted and collected at my expense anarSut Agftinst privateiiArtiea I posueaa tuperlor foreollecting claim everjwljer in tl].! United Stalc and Cañadas, relieving merchants, atwignees bunker and ethers, oí the cai e and all responsibilitv Special atterition old debts, hard cuses d VOCJ38, wills, estates, etc. ' Bcing familiar with allthi! deiaüsof tho " Intima Rcrenur. Luw," 1 will attend promptly tb the colisctii of drawbacks, and taxes overpaid tSrough igöBtauc of the !av. Soldiers' pensions, pay, anil bounty ecureil forthem or thoirheirs. For that purpose, and for proseeutin claims against the (ovirnment, I have a branch offlc atttashlugton. Nu charge wade unloss claims are co lected. Allsoldiers discharged by reason of wounfc- how evershoritho time they have served - are entitled I One HÜndEBd Dollars Bounty. All soldiers havingser vod frvoyeara.are entitled to the same. The bighest nmrket prico will be paid for so d.ers' claims, and other demanda against the Genera Government. Information and opiuions given, and invesritfatio made without charge , upon claims proposedto be p[ice, in my hands. For particulars. addresa H. HUNTINGTON LEE 900tf No, 240 Broadivay , N . Y nnHE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES X WILL be for the Healii-j of the Nations. BibU. ?HHOGATEfnADSYlED PHYBICUN of t'h THKOAl.LLMiS, IIEART, AND THE BLOOD Known all over th e country as the CKI.Eim.TKD IKTI3IA.lsr HEKB DOCTOR üf 282 Superior Street,' Cleveland, Ohio. Will visit tho foHowmg places, vlz A:'I'OITMKNKi-O111862, lS63andlSC4 Frol K. J. Lyons can be consulted at the followin places every month, viz: muowin Dotroit.KusselJIouse, each month, 18th and 19th Anu Arbor, Monitor House, eachmonth 80th .lackson.Ilibbard House, i-ach month 21 Adrián, Bracket, each month 22dand28d and alth'. ' u"e,each month, 34th, 25th Hillsdalc, llich.,llillsdale House, each month 27th Suuthern Michigan pS?í % Klkhart.Elkhart House, each month 29th touth Bend, Ind., St. Jo. Hotel, cach'raouth, 30 l.aporte, Inrt., lee Garden House, each month 31st andmh 'OhlO'CraUdellEMllan8:i' ea0h onth, 7t) J.Oui"1S'itW' Ü!'i0 V'ilCr HüUSe' eacl1 uioath. 9'h an liltht'VernOn'Kenya IIous! eacl' month, llth an ucvark, Ohio, Holton House, each month, 13th an l'ainesvillo.Ohio, CowIesIInuse, each montb ith CLEVELAND, OHIO. RESÍDENo" ÍnO OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET Kast of t!.c public square, opposite the Postofflce Offlcs days each month, lst, 8d, 4th 5th Bth 1 ítb Office hours from tl A. ,M. to 12 M. and ir'on, 2 KuTo Jt. u?Sundï trom 9 to 10 a. H., and 1 to 2 F 'il 3--UaximsstrctIy adhered to- i m I Kve sucli balm as have no atrlh VVith sature or the lavs of üfe ' With blooil my hands I nuver stáin orpois(,n men toeasc theirpain Ut is a physician indeed, ivho Cures i'ho Indian Her., Koctor. R. J. LYONS, cures the foleiTst"gnceTviz-imS '" mÜS' bStl'Date Staï6S Of DiseaaesoftheThroat, Luuss, neart, i.iïer stom. ach. ropsyintheChest.Rheumatiam.Neuraliia Fits orralhnifSickness.andallothernerTOusderaugements' Als,, all dtawwof the blood, such as Scrofula, &yi5 e. .is. CanoCT! .rever Sores, Leprosy, and all other oiphcated chroniccomplaints happitïïeau'tT410 difflcilltk's to with the It is hopéd that no one wiil despair of a cure until they have given the Indian Herb Doctor's Medicines a trial. fla,During the Doctor'., trave)s m Lurope, West Indios, South America, and the Loited Matos, he L:,s been the instrument in God's hand. to restore to health and vigor thousands who weregivenup au.i piüaoun-.i-.l incurable by the most eminent old school physioiaq8 nay, mor., thousmds whovveroontho verge of the gravo, ar no living aWtünWOT" to the Indian Herb's Doctor's skin and successf u 1 treatment ,aud are daily exclaiming: ' ' Blessed be theday when Brst we saw and partoo'k of the Indian Herb Doctor's medicin;.''" Satisfactory reforences of cures will be gladly an" cheerfully given n henever jeqnired. TheDoet,rpledgeshis word and honor, that he will m no wise.directly or indirectly, induce or cause any nivalu! to take his medicine without (he strongest probability of a cure. &f -Modeof examination, which is entirely different from the faculty. Dr. I.yon professes to discern diseases by the eyo. He therefore asks noquestions, nor doeshe require. patientsto explain symptoms. Cali one and all, ind have thesymptoms and location of jour discase expiained free of charge. B-Tlie poorshall beliber'ally consiijered. ePostoñlce address. box 2663. _ R.J. LYONS, M. rr. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. Ï5, 1862. ly88O THE GREAÏ AMERICAN TEA COMPANY. 51 Vesty Street, New York; ■Since its organizaron, has created a new era in the history of Wholesaline Tea? in tl-is Country, They Lave Introducid their selections of TEAS, and are selling them at not over TWOCEtïTS (.02 Cents) per pound above Cost, Never devialing from the ONE PRICE asktd. Anntherpeculiarity of the Company is that their Tea Tasibr not only devotes his time to the selection of heir TEAS as to qnality, valué, and particular styles for particular locftlitius of country, bul he helpt the Tka buyer to choose out of their enormous atocle suck Teas as are best adapttdta their particular wants and not oaly tlns.butjamits out to him the bestbatgains It is easy to sce tlie Inoaloalabls ad vintage a Tea Buyer has in this establishment over all others. 11 heisno judgeof Tea.or the Matket, if bis time is valuaWe, he lias all the beneflts of a wcll organized system of doinu business, of an mínense capftal, o' thejudgement of a proiessional Tca Taster, and the EDOwledge of superior salesmen. This eriables all Tea bu.vers- no matter if they are thousandsof miles from this inarlcet- to purchaseon as ood terms here as theXew York merchants. Parties can order Teas and will be served by us as wollas though theycame thraiselves, being sure to tot original packages, true wcights,and taxes; and the leas are Warranted as representad. We issue a Price List of tho Company's Teas, which will be sent to allwho orOer t; comprising Hyson, Youug Hyson, Imperial, [Gunpowder, Twankay and Skin. OOLONG, SOUCHONG, OBANGE & HYSON PEKOE. JAPAN TEA of every descrii'tion, colored and ancolorp'1. This list has each kintl of Ten dirlded into FOUR Classes, namely: CARGO, liigh CAKGO, FINE, FIVEST. that every one may understand from description and the pricesannexed that the Company are determined to undersell tliu whnleTca 'rade. Yeguaranfee to sell ALL Onr Teas at not over Two Cents (,O2 CEXT.-i) per pound above cose, believing tuis to be attractive to the many who have heretofore been paying enormous piotits. GKKAÏ AMERICAN TEA COMPANY, Importe nnd Jobbers, 3m931 No. 51 Vesey Street, New Vork. SCHÖFF&YÏLLËR RE STILL ON IIAUD at theirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with themost complete aSBortment of Books and Stationery, PERFTJMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNIOES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Market ! and they ivould auggest totnosei n pursuit cf any thingin SANTA CL A US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasing from this slock, as ea-ch purchaser gels ac additional present of Jewelry, &c , Ranging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. Theytrust that theirlong experieace in selecting t;oods for this market, and strict uttention to the wants of Cuetomers, may entitle them to a liberalshare o Patronage. Ann Arbor.Dec. 6. 1800 777tf Ayers Cathartic PiÜs. THLJ ALL STJFFICIErïT THHEB. TOE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES? Known uu "Helmbold'a" GENUINE PREPARATIONS, VÍZ.: HEI MBOLü'S K2CTRACT " BUC1IÜ," ' " SAR3APARILLA. IMPROVEI) ROSE WASH. HELMBÜLD'S GENT ÍNE PBEPARATTON, 'GIIL.Y CONGENTHATED-" COMl'OUND FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Poaitive and Specific Keinedy, For Disoases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROP3ICAL SWELLINQS th. WATEÜY OR CslLCEllOUS.Lvm iti nand a INNATURAL ENLARGBMETrs Tre 'SS , HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU KOR WEAKNESSES Ariaing from Exeespea, Habitsof Disüipation Early Indiscretion, or Abuse, ATTENDED WITH TUK FOLLOWJXG SYMTO1I3 : Indisposition to Exerlion, Loss of Power l.os of Memory, Difficulty of Breathing WekNerr8, Trembling, Horror of D:sease, Waki-fulm'-i, Dunnesa of Vision, Pain in the Back, Universal Lassitude of the Flu.shing of tho Body. Muscular System, Eruptions on the Face Hot Hands, Palliii Countenanee. Dryness of the Skin. These symptome, f allowed to go on,whichth medicine invariably removes, soon follow IMPOTENCY, F ATUITY EPILEPTIC FIT Inoneof whieh the patiënt may expiie. Who cansa that UJt freq.uently followed by tliose ''direfu uceases," Insanity and Consumption Many are aware of the cause of thcir suffering, bu none will confoss. The records of the insane Asylum and the melaucholy deaths by Consumption, bearam ple witness to the irutli of thoassertion. THE CONSTITUTION, ON'CE APFECTED WITH OR GANIC VEAKNE=!a, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and in riproratotliesystem, which HELM HOLD'S EXTRAC L(7C7 invariably doe, A tria' will connnce th most skeptical. Females, Femalos, Females, OLD OR YOUNG, SIXGLE, MARRIED, OR CON TK5IPLATING MARRIAQE, In many affections peculiar to Females the Extrai. Buchu is unequalled by any other remedy, asi Chlorosis or Retention, Irregularitv, Painfulness o Suppression of Die Customary Kvacuaticn. Ulcera'tf or Schirrous state of the Uterus, Leucorrhea c W hites, Bterihty, and tor all complaints incident to th sex, whethararising froui lndiscrctiou , Habitsof Diss pation3or in the Decline or Change of Life. KEE SYMPIOMS AÜOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT Take no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine fo Unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES Secret Diseases. n all their stages ; at iittle expense ; little or no chang n diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to Jrinate(therebyremoving obstructions, preventing an( curingStrictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and in Qammation. so frequent in this claps of diseases, an. xpelling POISONOUS, DISEASED AND H'ORÜ OUT MATTER. Thousanda upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QLJACKS, And viho have paid HEAVY FEES io be curud in ; hort time, haveföundttiey wcredeccived, and that tlu 'Foison" lias, by the use of "Powerful Astringents,' been dried up in the system, to break out in an aggraated form,and PEBHAPS Af ter JURRIACG. ifsis üelmbold's Extract Buchu For all Affections and Iiseascs of Tlie XJrinary OrganS' Whether exisüng in MALE OR FEMALES, from whatever cause originating, and no matter OK HOW LOSG STAfilUNG. )ifieases of these Organs require the aid of a Piuketic. Jelmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, ad it is certaïn to have the desired effect in all Di seases, for which it is recommended. BLOOD ! BjLÏKXD ! BLOOD! Helmbold's Highly Concenlrated Coniíiound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This is an affection of the Blood, and attacks the exuil Organs, Linings of the Xose, Ears, Throat, 'indpipe, and other Mucus öurfaceH, inakmg its apïearance in the form of ülcers. Helmbold's Extract ?areaparillapurifies the Blood, and reDiove.i üll Scaly iruptions of the Skin, giving to the Complexiou a :iear and Healthy Culor. It being propared expressly orthisclass of complaints, its Blood-I'urilying J'roerties are preserved to a greater extent tLan any ther preparation of SarsaparilJa. Helmbold's Rose Wash. nexcellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphilt'c Nature nd as an injection in Diseases of the Urinary Organs' rising from habita of dissipatiou, used iu connection ith the Extract Buchu and Harsaparillaj in suchdieaseti as reconimended. Evidenco of themost responsible aod rcliablechaccter will accompany tho medicines. CERTIFÍCATE OF CUttES, rom eight to twenty years ptanding, with namea nnwn to SCIENCE AND FAME, For Medical Propertien of BUCHU see Dispensatory "■the United States. See Professor BEWEES' valuable works on the 'ractice of Physic. See reniarks made by the Ialo celebrated Dr PEYICK, Philadelphia. See remarks made by Dr. EPHRAIM McVOWRLL, celeUmted. Physician, and Meniber of the Itoval Colge of Surgeons, Ireland, and mbli.shed in the ïranictionR of the Kingand Queen's Journal. See Medico-Cirurgical Review, published by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellow of the Koyal College of SurSee most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. ÏXTRAOT BrCUÜ, $1 00 1'EH BOTTLB; OK KIX FOR $5 00 " Sarsaparii.1 1 00 '; " ii 00 MPROVKD RüKE WASH, 50 lt " ' fiO r half a dozen of each for $12 00, which wil) be suffient to uure the most obstinate casen, ip directiens are dhered to. Delivered to any address, securely pacied fromobrvation . Describe symptoms in all Communications. - 2ures guaranteed . Advise gratis . A F F 1 D A V I T . Persnnally appoared before mean Alderman of the tyof Philadclphia, fl. T. Hklmiïold, wlio, being duly worn, doth say, his preparations contain no narcolic, o mercury, or other inj urious druga, but aro puiety egetable. H. T.HELMnor.D. Sworn and Rubscribed before mo, this 2Sd day of ovembtr,18.'i+. Wil P.HIBBARD. Alderman, Ninth-sti-eet, aboe Kace, Phila. Address Letters for informatfon in confidrnce. Hv T. HEL.MBOJ.i), ChemistDepot 104. South Tenth-street,belov Chestnut, Phila. BEWARE OP COUNTEUFEITS AND t'NPRINCIPLED DEALERS, ho endeavor to dispose " OF TIIEIR OWN " and other" articlesonthe ïeputationattained by Helmbold's Genuine Preparations, ' " Extract Buchn, lt " " Sarsaparilla, il ' Iraproved Rose Wash. Sold by all Druggïsts OTerywhere. ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S- TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out tha advertifiemftnt, and sord for it, AND AVOW IMPOtlTIOT AIW BXPQ8ÜR& lyW%: I am Bound for IGUITERIMUO'S! Dispulo the fact if you can, It takes the TAILOR atter all to give appcarance to the outer man. I f jou wish to appear well You must accoriliugly Dress Well. Go to M. Giñterman & Co's,, There you will find things exactly SO. SONDHEIMalways ready to take your measure, GÚITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in ihe State, Take heed - call eaely, else vou are too LATE. Tlio íNDuoiJMENTs aro uow greater than ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING oí our own oetting up, Filling our Store from Bottom to rop. STUDENTS eepecially will find it to THEIR ADVANTAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 OVERCOATSof Cloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warrunted for almost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORTAT1ON, Forwarded through our New York relations. From England, Belgiuni, Germany and France, Such as you can stand up ín. or weau, at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! Pants ! í Fancy CASSIMERE3 and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them íroin ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGUT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will find it so vithoutfiction, Furniijhing appakels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This ia all we say now, Therefore we make our bow. Yonrs truly, ever so, M. GÚITERMAN. & Co., MslX)Ñ& HENDERSOA' 3E3CL4.trO tilO BUCK.ETEI CRAI1M DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ohio. nPIIE VEKY LATEST IMFROVEMENT, arnl better than JL all others; adapted to sowing Wheat, Kye, Oats, Barley and Grass Beoil . ist. It has a Rotary Feeder. Id. Will sow all kinds af Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. Never bunches the Grain [tfi. Never breaks the Grain. ith. Soics Grass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. 6th. Has high wheels and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel points. Sth. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. OtJu It has a self adjustiug shut off slidc. t is neatly and substantially made. There is hardlya Drill offered in the market but can oast of more or leas "FIRST PREMIÜMSP 'hey are aboutas iHliscrinunately bestowetl n the title f " Professor," which is ometimes applied to the fiddlcr ' ' or ' bootblack." They cuase to convey the lea of merit. The BuckeyeDrill ha.s beon on Exhibitïon at quite a umber oí' átute and County lnira, and without seeking avor at the hands oí any Coramittee, has recoived its uil filiare of Premiums TESTIMONIALS : We ivethe following Dames of a few Farmers in th's icinity wii o üavebought and used the Buckeye Drill : Godfrey Miller, Sclo. Jacob l'olhemns ll Jacob Tremper, ' Thoman White, - Northfield. rJohn Brokaw, " Christian Kapp, " Edward Boy den, Webster. Jamos Treadwell, AnnArboi Daniel O'Hara, " JohnO.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. Kilmonds, Saline. George Cropsey, Green Oak( Ut. Co. We arealso Agenta for the hio Reaper & Mcwer, cknowledged tobo the very beet ïn use. "We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Wliicli we will sell clieap. Alsn alargeassortment o G-rass Anti the largest and best selected stock of BE3STT STUFF OR CARRIAGESever before offered in this market We also keep alargeand fnll AILS, GLASS, TUTTY, PAlNT,ana LINSEED OIL. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAEE, ND KAVE TROUGHSalways on hand and put up at the lortest nütice. RTSPOH & HENDER?ON. Ana Arto, Jane!, 1802. Í39M


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