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1863. SPRING. 1863. O ■ We are now opening A Large and Beautiful assortmeiit of i STAPLE AND FANCY Dry doods ! LADIES' DRESS GOODS in great variety, ta'S&.jsassjv XiS , H.IBBONS, Orcss Trimmijigsj efco. Also a largo stock of Goods for Mens' Wear, i Cassimeres, Glolhs, &c. and a full assortment of Ladies and Children's HATS, CAPS, GROCEKIES, CROCJKERY, All of which we will sell at the LOWEST TOSSIBLE OAS 3EI X XI I d 13 i MACK & SCHMID, Ann Arbor, March 19, '68. 89Gtf CITY COOPEH SH@F. Tholesaleaml Ilitaü, O C. SPAPFORD WoulJ resjiectfully annnnnee to the citizens oi Ann and vicin.ty, he is now iramifactnrini and keepscunntantly on h;:ml a Large Assortment of Gooper Work ! fiuch as Poi-ïi aml Cldèr lïarrels, Kegs, Firkins, Churus, Well Buckets, &c, Which will besold cheap for cash. CtTSTOM "WOEK Made to order on short notice. Repairing done witlj neatness and dispatck, 1 would cali particular attention to llerchants u want uf Biïtter Firkins. lam manufacturinr the iVcwYotlt Statu Fii-kin, which sa lett-r Kirkin tlmn has ever befoTe been oí fered inthii, market. I would invite all who want Firkind to Cali and exanine for theraselves beforepurchasingrclspwhre, and I wil! convince you that you have callad at tl right place. I would also cali the atteatiun of;Bic-era in want BEER KEGS, I am now prepared to manufacture Eights, Quarters and half Bbls. inlnrgeor smalllots, and of a Beíter Qualiíy thatt can be had in Detroit orelsewhore. A11 work warranted to give entire satis haction. Thanklulfor p.stfavors and by a strict attention to business, 1 hope to meril a continueá liberal BOpply of the public patronage. Do not forget to cali at the City CooperShop O. C. SPAFFÓRD. Detroit St. Ann Arbor, Mich. 8S8vl GREAÏ.ÖREATEE GREATEST BAEGA1KS EVER OFFEEEü In ÜmCity, are uow being oifered at tbe CHEAP, CLOOK.WATCH, & Jewelry aieTHESubscriher wouldaay tn the citizensof Ann particular, and the. rost of Wabtenaw Cnuntv in general, that hohnsjust 1MP0RTED ni RECTLY from EUROPE.a. Tremendous Stock of Watches! AU of which he blnds himself to sell CHEAPER than can be bought west oí' New York City. Open Face Cylinder Watcbes trom $6 to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 HuntingCaee do do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do 9 to "$ Gold Watehes from 20 to 150 X have alao the CELE Bil AÏED AMERICAN WATCHES, which I wlll aeïi tir L35. Every Vvatch warranted to perform well, or tbe monoy reiunded. Cloeks, Jewelry, Piated Ware, Fancy Goodü. Gold Pens, Musicallnstrumente and Stringa Cutlery, Sec, and in fact a variety of Rverything uaually keptby Jewelers eau be boughtf'orthe next lïinety daye nt your O W N P 11 I C E S ! Persons buying auythiug at this well known estab Hsbme nt can rely upon getting goodt exactly as rep reBented.ortheraoney refundnd. Oallearly and se cure the best bargains ever offcred in thi City. One word in regard to Repairing : Wo are prepared to make any repairs onfine or com mon Watches, oven to miikingoer the entire watch if necessnry. Repairin;; of Cloeks and Jewelry ai usunl. Also the mmiüfficturini of RINGS, BROQCIiS or aaything íles ired, from California Gold onshortno tice. Eneravine in allitsbranchesexeented withneat ness anddjspatch. J C. WATTS Ann Arbor, Jan. 28thl859. 7L4w ïlifle Factor y ! Beutier & Traver, [Succcssors to A . J. Suthcrlaml,] Manufacturera of and Dealers in Guns,Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Pcmtkes Game Bags, and Everjother article'iu tbatLine. AU kinds of H-E-A. IH. X3XT C3done at the shortest nrjtice, and in the best rannnrr. Jfel' VBiii a full assortment ahvays kept nnhund and made order, e yiiop corner Maiit and Washington atreots. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8, 18W. 873tf Trusses ! RUPTriïE CAN BK CCREn BY A THÜSS of the right kind, if properly fitted mul duly attended rto. This has beon abundantly demonsiratp'1 in innúmera ble in.stancPB by the use of the Multipcdnl Truss of Dr. KlgLM, durinji the laat few feftra, This Truss being covpied with Hard Rubber, ia perfect ly waterproof, raay be osed in batlun, and is alirays cleanlv a-, well a.s iniiestructiblö by ordinary usage. If not natiffactory after s f air trial oT sixty dayt, ït may be rt - turned. Ifr challengia comparition with any truss Dr. RIGGS' Ome, Ko. 2 BARCLAY Street, 1 ■?! v The peculiar tairit or &. jrf", infection which we cali tói ïfï3$ Scrofula lurks in V. ,;'' tlio eonstitutions of S2. ffi ff1r rottWitoaes of men. It :-ïiSla J& citilcr produces or is '---lÊ0 Pro'ccil by an cnI. - jcjg-V?oA fccblcd, vitiated staio '-;Bl8iT' '■ fluid beeomes in; f - 'm!- i iêSS''01110'011' t0 sllst'n ifüölïïj1''0 v'ta' forces in thcir "■-.■"isS 'j.lijpÍ!ív'ol'ous action, and yT-sws&Elt'i''cs the svstem to H" into disorder and dêCay. The scrofnlons ' contamination is-variously CBQsed by mercurial discase, low living, disordcred digestión frora nnliealthy food, impure air, filtii and filthy habits, tlie depressing vices, and, above all, by the Veneroal infection. Whatevcr be its origin, it is hereditary in the constitation, deseending "froin parents to children unto the third and fourth treneration ; " indeed, it seems to be tlie rod of Him who says, " I will visit the iniquities of the fathers upon their children." The diseases whicli it oriinates take various namc3, aeeording to the organs it attacks. In the lungs, Scrofula produces tubercles, and finally , Consnmption ; in the glands, swellings which suppurate and become ulcerous sores ; in the stomacli and boivels, dcrangements which produce indigestión, dyspepsia, and liver complaints; on the skin, eruptivo and cutancous affections. These all having the same origin, 1 require the same remedy, viz. purifieation and invigoration of the blood. Purify the blood, and these dangcrous distempers leave you. With fteblc, foill, or eorrupted blood, you cannot havo healtli ; with that " life of the ílesh" healthy, you eannot have scrofulous disease. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is compouiided from the most effectual antidotes that medical science bas discovered for this afflicting di.stemper, and for the cure of the disorders it entails. That it is far superior to any other retnedy yet devised. is known by all who have given it a trial. That it does combine virtuee tiuly extraordinury in their effect upon this class of complaints, is indisputably proven by tlie preat mnltitude of publicly known and remarkablo eures_ it bas made of the following diseases : King's EvÜ Or Glandular Swellings, Tumors, Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches and Sores, Erysipelas, Rose or St. Anthony's Fire, Salt Kiieum, Seald Head, Coughs from tuberculous deposits in the lungs, White Swellings, Debility, Dropsy, Neuralgia, Dyspepsia or Indigestión, Syphilis and Sypbilitie Infections, Mercurial Disease3, Female Weaknesses, and, indeed, the whole series of complaints that arise from impurity of tlie blood. Minute reporta of individual cases may be found in Ayek's Amekican Auianac, which is furnislied to the druggists for gratuitous distribution, wherein may be learned the directions for its use, and iomo of the remarkable has inatle when all otlier remedies had f'ailed to afford relief. Those cases are purposely taken from all sections of the country, in order that every reader may have access to some one who can speak to him of its" benefits from personal experience. Scrofula depresses the vitül energies. and thus leaves its victims far more subject to discase and its fatal results than are healthy constitutions. Henee it tends to shorten, aiid does greatly shorten, the average duration of human life. The vast importance of these considerations has led us to spend 3ears in perfecting a remedy which is adequate to its cure. This we now ofï'er to tlie public under the name of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, althoiigh it is composed of ingredients, some of which exceed the best of Sarsaparilla in alterative power. By itsaid you may protect yourself from thesuftering and danger of these disorders. Purge out the foul corruptions that rot and fester in the blood ; purge out the causes of disease, and vigorous health will follow. By its peculiar virtues this remedy stimulates the vital functions, and thus cxpels the distempers which lurk within the system or burst out on any part of it. We know the public have been deceived by many compounds of SarstipariUa, that promised much and did nothing ; but they will ncitlier be deceived nor disappointed ir this lts virtues have been proven by abundant trial, and there remains no question of its surpassing excellence for the cure of the afflicting diseases it is intended to reach. Althougli under the same name, it is a very different medicine from any other which has been before the people, and is far more effectual than any otlier which has ever been available to them. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, The World's Great Remedy for Coughs, Colds, Incipient Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive patients in advanoed stages of the disease. This bas been so long used and so universally known, that we need do no more than assure the public that its quality is kept up to the best it ever has been, and that it may be relied on to do all it has ever done. Prepared by De. J. C. Ayer & Co., Practical and Analytical Chemists, Lowell, Mass. Sold by all druggists everywhere. STEBBINS i: WÏLSOX, Aan Ar!ior, I". SAHSON, Ypsilanti, A. 'EW1NG, Dextor, WHÉBDON f; H 'l'l'II, Chaise. Wholesalcby FAEKAMBSBELBY&Cb,, Be' trolt. C. E. COBURN, Tiavclljnp Agent. üiNIVERSAL ílüthiswiiiIeí No. 1. Lar:;e Kaíuly Whixuer $10.00 No. 2. Medium " " 7.00 No. 23a " " u G.O0 No. 3. Smai.l i( " 5.50 No. 8. Ï.ahgk NdTErr, " 14.00 No, 18. Mkdum Laindhy ( to run by ") 18.00 No. 22. Largií " steam or l oO.OO { hand. J Nos. 2 a and 3 bave no Cogs. AU others are warranted. No. 2 is Iliesic ireaerally used in private familfflB. OiiAXGü JudDj of the "American Agricultarist " says of the UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. "Achiló can readily wring out a tubfull of clothes in a rewininutfs. It'is in realitj a CLOTIIKS SAVKIi ! ATIMEyAVKK! aodaSTSNGTH SAYSR i Tlie saving of garments will alone i: a l;ugc pLT ceniage on ir- cost. VVe think the machine much more than l'AYS FOK ITSELF KVJ-.l'.Y YEAH ín the saviriff ofgarmentsl There are -veral kimls, neai-lv alike in tfeüerai conBiruction but wc cimiihrr it iinpoitiiiit that the Wringer be littetl wilh Cogs, a mass of garmenta may clogttie rocera, ánd tho rollers upou the crank-shaft .slip and tear the dollies, or the rubber break loose from the shai't. Otir owo is one of the íirst raake, an-1 it is oearir an GOOD AS NEW' nfter nearly FOÜR YEAPS' GONBTANT ÜSfi " Every "WriKgei with Cog Wheels Is A7"arranted in every Particular. ft'O WRINGER CM BB DIMBLE WITIlöüT E0G WHEELS. Agood CANVA8SKR va.ile-! in :-vy iown. '.-y' On receipt of tht price iïmi plact-s where no one ia seliing, ive will seml the wrioger frbe of kxPK-VSK Kor particulars nl oirculars adfftesa 915tf R C. BROWNING, 347 Brosdwaj', N. Y. IVERin LIVSBYH J. GREEN & E. BEOWN, iave purchased the Horses and Carriftgéa of B. Green, and have also added sonie very fitio Horses k Carriage-s o the above stock, in the same barn, so that they can suií you all on reasonable term3. Cali and 8ee ! Ann Arbor, Jilyl4th. ifH tmö'i. jïiortgage alo. TvEFAULT having been made in the coniHtl U certainlntientureof Mortgage exeJt, B Codaloand Sarah A. Goolale ti of Aun Arix.r, Couuty of Was], ' i %, M,r, iiyn, fcjí ,ht hiindred knd Sxnd Ö 27 of MorWreor, page il , % wtóch fS,? power ol Saleco-nfainedin said mo WP be ' '' tk' erative, and the .,, claimcd to be dueoa I"?' ?■ ■3nAUr ' Mort8(5e al the date of tli s nótif„ J"'eight hundred and eighty dollars, and no su „ Hl ceeding having been nstituted at Iaw, Tr 'n ,vg ■ toreeorerthedebtsucured by said morWf CJ, part thereof : Notice is therefore hertby „ivfn tí S Saturday, the. twentv-first day of ï„? thlt 1863, ut tor, „Vloek ín the ïoreno„n ofTuV" theBouth door of the Court House, n thecW" Arbor In Baid county of WasMenai and State „I r ? gan, (said Court House beug the place foTkoiSJ Circuit Court-or sai.l county.) I Shall I1 TeS "" besoldUpublic.-iuction.inforeclosureotsaidMS,'11 to the higbest bidder the premises describid SSf' orsomuch ihereof a .hal be McmZTt' .mouutdueou u-d mortgage, with interest S! the reasonableeosfs, di.-bursements and eiMn m?Ï proceediaga relativa to the forecl(wure of'the 8fl '" cluding reanonáble charges for attorneys' ser?.' proyidcd m sai,) pdenture of mortgara that i , '" "AH that cërtain trad or parcol of land' ' „ted ' City „f Ann Arbor, known. bounded, a„ l' Ú?' follows y,2 : The Earthalf of Lot number s '1 Date,,, Aug. 22, 1863. "AHUB, Notico of Attachment. HECIRCLIÏ COUETforthe Cuunty of W.,htOl, Thomas L. Humphreville ) Bug DwL, In Att. Vjticeishereby given thnt on the eighteeoth t Ibei.tombor, A.D. 1883, a writ of attachmeot J'f issued out of the U.rcuitCeun, for the Countv oilr ' t( naiv, at the guit of Thomas 1.. Humpl.roti ,. Í' fcoove named plainüff, against tho landa tem. gwodsand chattk-s.moneys anti efleets i,f tíiiglill.""' ' the Uefeadant aboie named, for the „um uf aS' dred dollar.s, wiiich said writ was returnable o ,? tv.inty-sevonth Uay of üotober, A. D. 1863 8S8wi AhvHtv nxes. DateJ, tbis 29th day of Octobtí! A lí, ílésf''' ' Oouimissiooer's Notice. OTATE OF MICHIttAX Cousty of Us,ms„ ,, The undersigm-d haviug bom appointed bvft, bste Court for s.iid Couttty. Uommissiorjfirs to re; examine, and adjust I1 claims and dc-mand of lu' jonsagaiastthe eitate of James J O'Brien late ,(,' ion iwlup of Northfield in said countj , deceaseJ htrí giwnotiee that ix moa! hs froin date, are b'ï 7 of the Probate Court, allowl for croditors to f2 their ■ laimsagainsi said deoeased, and that tita . meet at thp residence ..f Mr. George Sutton ,,ï lownship of Noithtteld in lid County, on SaturSir B UvomyThn,! day „f J;inuary, nd Palurda'J7' teqtj-Tbird Jay of ipril next, at one o'cW, ï theafteraoon of eaeh receive examiue and'ii just said claims. ' "' THOMAS WHITE. }„ T1MO1HV iOXOVAN fComluSMtei Datod, October zeth, J863. gjj,, Estáte oí Kobert Dubois. CjTATJSOï Jilr-tIK,A, Cuntyof Washtena , kJ Ataaessionof the Probate Court lor tho Cou'nhV Washtfna-, holden at th i l'rohate office in Uu f! Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twenty lirtt dav ofdai ":r;" lle year one thousand eight hnndred and,!' three. Present, Thomas Ninde, Judge of Probate In the matter of the Eatale of Robeit Dubois, dn On reaStog and flling the peiition, duly vriiti l.air.ut Duboiü, praying for the apijointment ol ai mnnstrator on tlie estáte of said deceased Tht-reuf.on t is ordered that Friday the thifttM day of NTovember next at ten o'clock in tl U noon, be assigned for the hearing of said peiition ui that the heirs at laiv of said deceased mi other persons ioterestcd in said estáte, arereqiini' to appcar at a sos.-ion of saiti Court, then tol holt at tke Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor ioN County. .,!),; show eauae, ifany thcrebe, whytlieroir of thopetitioner should not be granted: ' An,i it is further ordercd, that said petitk sive notice to the persons interested in said entit. the pendency ot said petition, and tho. hearhigthentl bj ca iisuiga oopy of this Urder to be publiihe Mlc.kigan jlras.auewspaper printed and cireuUtio msaidCounty of Washteinir, three successiïe ( previous to sa:ü day oí bearíDff. (A truc Copy.; " THOMAS NINDE 9-7 Judge of Protot Sheriff's Sale. " BYÍRTULofan esecuüün issued out of and unir tiio seal of the Circuit Court for tho CoosS n ashlenaw, and to me direeted. bearinir date J A.l 1863, ágaínst tfie goods and ch.-utles, ',-,. want thereof , the iands aud tenementá of J Gfll'. SmitU and 'Villiam S. Maynard, I have this dar 1 ied uj.on anc soized all the riïht title and inte (Jilbert !Smith in and to the foliowing described prni scstouit: Being atl'that cèrtain fract or pareti t land situated in tho City of Ann Arbor in tile Cora ol Washtenawand State of Michigan, known.bouHé and describid as follows, to wit : Beiog Lot nimk tour (4) in block three (3) south of Hurón strwi i raiige numler six [6] oast neeorcling to the Recolé plat of the Villano, n,iv city, oi Ann Arbor, bfinjeV [8j rods on Fifth Street and sixteon [ll] rod.s on street. Al! of which premisos I shall oxpnse foi the law direets, at the front door of the Court Ht in the City of Aun Arbor that being the place ! ing theCircuit Court for said County of Washlaó" on Saturiay the Bfth day of December. A. D. 1363. t ten o'clock in the lorenoon of said day. PHILIP WI.N'KÜAK, SfierB. Octobor. 5th 1PC3. Fov Kats, Micc, iteradles, Ants, Dri Bup MotUs l:i Pnrs, Woolcns, &c. InsccU Plants, Powis, Animnls. &c. '■ Only mfvlüble remedies kaown." " Free Irom poi?ons.;ï " Xot dangerous to the Human Family." "Hato come out of tlieir hules to die." 0if3old Wholesale in a.ll íarge c tíos. f Sold by all Drugiats aud Retailers everywlffl . ! ! ! I kawjb: ! : : of all worthless imitatio g-Soe that "Uostak's" ñaméis on each Bo5,B tle aud J'lak, before vou buy. Affdress HBJRY R COSTAB. HkiST Principal ne(.t, Xo. 42S Broadvvay N í ! Sold by all the Wholesalani Ketail Drugg A:m Albor, Mich D]5m3 _ -■-- .'. „ry O. BLISS vroul'i take this metbod of iufurraing bis oíd ív and pílroos and all othors who may favor him ffi;: their patronage, tLftt lie has greatly eiiisrged liis Stock and Assortinentl and having adoptad the CASH SYSTEM BOTN IN BUYÍNG &SELIDB is propared to sell Gxh1s at XlQAeO0 blo lEI-icseiS, His s!o,:k coDslstsia F or che íollowiug: -t AMKPJOAX AND OTHÖ "' seththomas ÜLOCKS! Fine Jewelry GOLD CÍIAINS, TABLE AlíB POCKET OUTLEKY! Paiíors, Shoars. Scissorsand Brusbes, ,( ROGERS PLATEO WAKE, the best in o1 Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Peneils, PAPER and EXVELOPES, Musical InstrumentS) Strings Sf Books for Instruments, SPECTACJj33S, of Gold, Silver, Slccl,a:Ld Plaied,toith PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article Persons haring dïfiïcult to fit wit& g"? eau be accoraodattd, as my stock is large'ao'' c pletë, P. S. Particular attention to tho of all kinds of fine U'atehes, such as Making and Setting new Jewe!l' Pinions, Scaffs, and Ojlmderi. Alm _ CLOCES, Sc TE'VEIjÍ1 neatly ropaired and 'warrantcd, at his old stand sideof Main Street. C. BLISS. Add 4rbcr,NoT. 5, ISO"


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Michigan Argus