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'HonTtökThöX1 sé7 bY . - . K. GREGORY, HURÓN STKKF.Ï, ATSTlSr AEBOE, Mioh. 824 -ÓÏÏNTÏn3IBLÊ"sOCIETY. jmr-glTORY of Bibles and Testaments at the So1) ciety pnces at V. C. VWbefa'. - yUTwÁTTSBRO. tEALERS in Clocks, Watches, Jswelry ana Silver D Ware No. 22, New Block, Ann Arbor. ; c. blissT" DEALER in Clocks. 'atche-i, Jewelry and Silver Ware No. 22, New Block, Anu Arbor. i O, H. MILLEN. ÖEUÏ-ESik Dry GooJs, Groceries, Crockery, &c. &c. Main Stret: Aun Albor. bach"&pierson. BEALERS in Dry Goods, Grociries Hardware, Boots (Shops, icc..'M;i:n st., AnnArbor. ' 0. COLLIER. MANOFACTTTRER and dealer in Boots and SUoea, one door north ot' the Post Offlce. N. B. COLE. DEALER in Boots & Shoea, Rubbers, &c. Franklin Block, Main Street, Anu Arbor. RISDON & HENDERSON. DEALERS in Hardware, Stoves, house furnisMng gootls, Tin Ware, hc , &c, New Block, Main .st. GEO. PRAY, M. D. PHYSICI ÍN and Surgeon. Reisidence and offlce on Detroit street , near the llepot. 0. C. SPAFFORD. MANÜFACTURER of all kinds of Coooper Work, City Cooper Shop. Custom work done on short Botice. Petroit Street, Ann Artor. ' ATÖrsÜTHËRLAND, AGENT for the New York Life Insurance Company. Ofiioe on Huron street. Also has on hand a stock of the most approvei sewiog machines. 885tf ' GËÖÊGÏT FISCHER. TVTEAT MARKET- Huron Street- General dealer in ÏVI Fresh and Salt Meats, Beef, Hutton, Pork, Hams, PultTy, Lard, Tallow, &c, &c. ' SCHOFF & MILLER. TiEALEKS n Miscellaneous, School and Blank Books, XJ tftationery, Puper Hangings.&c. , ilainst. , Franklin BJock. ' HIRAM J. BEAKES ATTORNF.Y and Counsellor at Law, and Solicitorin Chancery. Office in City Hall Block, over Webster's Book Store. WM. LEWITT, M. D. PHTSICIAN and Surgeou. Offlce at his residence, north side of Hurou street. and second house west of División street. M. GUITERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers of Ready-Made Clothing, Importers of Cloths, Caslimeres, Doeskins, Jfec, No. 5, Phoenix Block, Main st. WM. WAGNER. TjEALER n Ready Made Clolhing, Clotbs, Cassiroeres, V and Vestings, Hatf, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c, Phoeuix Block, Main stieet. SLAWSON & GEER. riROCERS, Provisión and Comraission Merchants, and II Dealers ia Water Lime, Land Piaster, and Piaster ef Paris, one door east of Cook's Hotel . J. M, SOOTT. AMBROTYPE and Fhotograph Artisi , in the rooms over Campion'ïi Ctot&ag stare, Plicenix Block. Perftct satisfaction given. C. B. POHTER. SURGEON DSNÏIST. Office Corner of Main and Hurón ströets, over Bach & Pierson'B Store. All calis promptly attendfd to Aprl859 C. B. THOMPSON. DEALER in Dry Goods and Grooeries, Boots andShoes, &c. Produce bought aad Rokl, at the old stand of Thompson & Millen, Corner Main and Washington sts. MACK & SCHMÍd7 DEALERS in Foreign and Oomestie Dry öood, Groceries. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, kc. Corner of Main Liberty sts. O. A. KELLEY, ■pHOTOGRAPIIEK - Corner Fourth & Huron streets, I Ann Arbor. Cases frames aml I'hotograph Albums eonstintly on hand, and at loirer ratea than can be foandelsewhere. Iy891 ÁNDREW BELL. DE4LER in Croceries, Provisions. Flour, Produces, Sc, &c, corner Main and Washington Streets, Ann Arbor. The highest market pricespaio lorcountry produce. 8fe6 I. O. O. F. WASHTEN AW Lodge, No. 9, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows meet at. their Lodge Room, Tftry Friday Evening, at7% o'clock. ■ 8. Soxohkim, N. (i. r. B. Rose, Secy KINGSLEY & MORGAN. ATTORKEYS, Counsellors, Solicitors, and Notaries i. Public, have liooks and Plats showing titles of al Unds in the County, and attend to conveyancing anc" sUoctingdemauds,and to paying taxes and school intirestinany part of thestaie. OIHce east of tliepark. ' D. DeFOREST. WHOLESALE and retaildealcr in Lumber, Lath 'I Shingles, Sasb, Doors, Blinda, Water Lime, Grand Ri'er Piaster, Planter Pari, and tfails of all siies A iull and perfect assortment of the above, and all othei ttindfl of building materials constantly on hand at the lowest po.ïsiblü rates, on Detroit st ., a few rodsfrom tht JWlroad Depot. Also operating extensively in the ?Ment Cement Roofing. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHIEAriKLl'llIA,PA. Dl0ea8es or tHc Nervous, Seminal, Urlnary and Sexual Systems - new and reliable troat Ment-in Reports of the UOWAKD A:S()CIAÏtJ.V- fient by mail in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge Aftdre!,Pr..1..SK!I.UN HOUGHTON, Howanl Aüeocia 1, Xo. ï Soiïfn Nijith Stru-t. rhi'., Pa. 16jl


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