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oogu report a complete victory, with tho oaptnre of 5,000 prisonere, 40 pieces of artillery, &c. It was thought Bragg was retreating on Atlanta. - The victory at Chattanooga will result in the relief of Burnside. - Gen. Meado'a anticipated movement is reported checkcd la oonsoquenco of tho premature publication of his plans by tho Washington Ghronide. ÖF Wenheli, Piiillüs is reported as Baj'ing in a recent lecture in Boston, that President Lincoln told him d uring a late interview, that he regard ud the issue of the ciuancipation proclamation as the greatest folly of bis life. The President rnay or may not have said so, but we presumo lio lias thought it a thouHund timos. Ho declared boforehand that it vvould be a " Pope's buil against the cornet," and his prediction has certainly provid truu. IÍ the President had made anothercoofession to the high priest of abolitionism, and that is that his proclaination euspending the privilege of the wr'it of habías corpus was the groatest, crime of his lifo, iis tnutb would hava been patent to evƒ thinking mind. In recording thia fact, the iuturo historian will [scarcely find terms in whith to wtnder at the eubmis.sion oí a free people to an edict sweepiiig away the vcry safoguard of their liberties, 2L5T The city of Jückson has voted to pledge tho credit of the city in the sum of 550,000 to aid ia building a iailro:.d from Jackson to Lansing. The city san well affoïd to givc that amount to secure the iinmediate constructiou of tlie road. It will imincdiately add doublé that araount to the value of the real estáte of tha city, and besides will bo a great accoinmodation to the whole Southeru portiou of the State. We hope that it vr 1 1 1 be comraenced at an early day and put-hed rapidly forward. J55Ê" The radicüls are jubilanb over tho election of Ji. Gratz Brown as United States Senator from Missouri. If bis election was an evidence of the free expression of tho opiniorcs of niajority of the votera of Missouri, it lüight be regarded as a triumph of their principies; but as it is it only indicates that with the aid of the government they can compel sueh vordicts as they desire. Auother turn of the screw, and Missouri may be forced to declare for immediate iustead of gradual emancipatioD. JKST'Gov. Andrews convenes the Legislatura of Maseaehiisetts, and recommends the offer of a liberal bounty to volunteers. The Leginlatare promptly acts upon bis recommeedation, aDd ii' possible the quota of the Sfato will be filled without a draft. Gov. Blair withdraws the State bounty 'of 50,.on. the plea that tho national bounty is bo liberal that it is unnecessary. Doos Gov. Blair wish the Statoj to fill ita quota without a tlraf't ? EBefore the citizens of our city make any great efïort to eulist their quota, or any part of it, will it not be well to havo it definitely understood whether or not ivo shall be any botter" ofi for the enlistments that may be made ? In the last draft other towns and cities of tho State were credited threo men for every two enlisted - the 50 per cent having berin added in apportioning the quotaa - but in our city the Board refused to credit the 50 per cent., and drew and held eleven metí more than our quota. Our citizeus should act with their eyes open. i5 T We publisheii sonic two or tLreo weeks ago a uotico of a dead soldier found on the field of Gettysburg, grasping the daguerreotjpe of three beautiful childrcn. Tlie identity of the brave and loving soldier has been determincd. - Eis name was Ilumnierton, and the wid owuid ehildrcn now reside at Portville, Catturagus coutity, New York. ii tü+i ZL" '-T'10 senteóco of an anny con. tractor to the poniteutiary at Albany N. Y., for five years, for furuishing adulterated coflfee, is aunouneed. If the same justice is meted out to other contraetors, the prisons of the country will have to be enlarged, i@f Greenwood's factory, Cincinnati was destroyed by firo on Saturday night last. Estiinated loss $100,000. " Tho remnius of 1,188 soldiers have already been inlerred in the national cemetery at Gettysburg, Pa. 48 of them wero Michigan bo.ys. 8ZÜT Thanksgiving was properly observed in our city yesterday. Services wero held in the 8t. Andrew's Church- Episcopal- tho Rector, Kev. G. D. Gillespie ofüciating. Union services were held in the M. E. Churoh, Dr. Haven preaching. Stores wrro gcoerally closed during the day, and the streets preeented a Snaday appearanoo. It was a beautiful day.


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Michigan Argus