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From Chattanooga

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Washington, Nov. 25. Tlio Star of thfs afteriioon will contain the ibllowing account of a brilliuut preliininary movement by Ma-jor-General Thomas : " Ghattanooga, Nov. 23. "The reconnoisance iu forcé, inade by Gen. Thomas, has beeu couipleted in the most brilliant and suecessful inanner. The troops employed were tho divisions of Generáis Wood aod Sheriden, of the Fourth arniy corps, under the inmediato direction of Gen. Granger. The object of tho movement was not only to ascertain tho strength of the enemy, but to occapy and hold knolls in front of our left, haif-vvuy betweun our linos and Missionary llidge. The principal attack wat made by Gen. Hazen'a brigade, eomraaudod by him, and supported on the left by Gen. Willich's brigade, and on the right by the whole división of Sheriden. Tho entire field was distTnetly visible írora aod iu front of Fort Wood, where Gen Hasen'á line of battle forraed. Gen. Howard's covps formed in a solid column as a reservo to the attackiüg forcé, the field beDg commanded by the heavy gun3 of the fort. 0ly one field battcry was taken into actiou. - This was planted on an elevated kuoll, in the center of wbicli Gen. Sherideu's liue of battle was formed, before the order to advacce was given. The troops moved out oftheir position just before 1 o'elock P. M., and remained in line for threo quapíer8 of an hour, in full view OÍ the enemy. At last, everythiiu; beiní icady, den. Granger gave the order to advanco, and Gen?. Hazen and Willich puslied out siniiiltaueously. .The first shot was üred at 2 P. AL, and in five minutes the linea of Gen. Hazen wero hotiy engaged, while tho artillery of Port Wood and Gap. Thomas opened upon the rebel rifle pits and tbe camp bohind the line of fightiog. Tho praetice of our guouers was spleudid, the campa and batto'ries of tho euenjy boing about one and three-quarters miles dis tant; but our fire elicited no reply, and it was soon evident tho rebels had no aeavy artillery in that part of their intrcnchinents. Our troops rapidly advaucing oecupied the kooll upon whieh they were at twenty minutes past two o'clock. Ten minutes later, driving accross the opeu field, carried tho rifle pits n front, whose occupauts fled as thêy irod their Jast volley. Gen. Sherideu moviDg through the forest that stretched efore him, drove iu tho rebel piokets md halfed his advance, in obodience to orders. Ou reaching the rifle pits, the rebel forco was awaiting his attack. No attack was however made, the design beug to recover the height on our left, but not to assault the rebel works. Wc have aken about 200 prisoners, mostly Alaama troop?, and have gaiued a position ofgreat importanee, should the rebels tï 11 attempt to hold Chuttanooga Valley, s with these heights in our posossion, a olumn movi:ig to turn Missionary llidge s secure from flank artillery, Washington, Nov. 25. OiEcial dispatohes frooi Grant and .'liorna?, etated Chnttanooga, the 24th, re reeeived, stating that yesterday irangor, Palmer and Howard's corps arried the arst line of rine-pits between Cliattanooga and Otter' Creek, and aptured ü offieera and about 100 men. jur loss wtis about 100. To-day Ilooker, with Geary's and Oscrliaus' división, and two brigades of 10 14th corps earried the North slope ot' Lookout Mountiiiu, Tho enemy's loss was about C00 ; ours sraall. There had been continued firhig f'rom 12 until after nigiit, hut wc repulsed every atteuipt to retnke tlio position. Shermau crossed the Tennesseo tbis nioruing at ttie inoutli of the South Chickamauga, with three divisions of tho 15tb Uorps and one división of the 14th, and carried the northern extremity of Missionary Kidge. üur suecess so far is complete. The troops f'rom Lookout Valley earried and now hold the eastetn slope of the mountain and points high up. - Hooker reporta 2,000 prisoners taken.


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