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l LAEGE STOOK BEATTTIFITIj DBESS GOODS, I.ATEST STTJMCS CLOAKS & CLOAKINGS, IFUSTE SHAWLS Of tha New Pattorns. CARPETS of all kinds, Cloths, Cassimores, and Woolen Goods Of all kinds for the XraiZo, oow opening at C. H. MILLEM'S. N. B.- Thil : tl e econd Arrival nf Fall and Winter üocidi. aiul 'ril] bo ifTerl at clone figures. Plesse cali S"-'f 0. H. il. Terrible SSaugliterl THE VÏCTORY IS OIRS ! 27X3C33 2ATTLE Whlch ha been ragin',' for t!ip i ast ftur wetk at MACK & SOHMID'S STORE Has pi-nvci & prand (ucceat; althugh Ihe ilftughter of DRY aoODS Ha bee terrible. We n..w uiukt? the aunuuuei#nt 'that wo hiiüil cuDÜnue 'J'ir Maiijr Vearo" to malte wai' with liijfh price.i, being aíennitit-tí tu give the hunrirt-iis wiio d&iiy Khroug our gtoxe, fult valit f('r ttiei m )i.",v, Ijadiea can ftnd with us ai.l .iesirable Bhttdea aztd styles of DEESSGOODS, BÍBBOJS S, TUIMMÏNTiS, EMBKO1DER1ES, WHITE GOODS, UOSIEEY, QLOYEii, &c, With a vor argï anti .-.ttractiTe toet of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS Wi; hear it .aid ertrv day that wi aie ruiaïr-g the busim'.-h in thia city by iöUÏBL sa clie;vp bui wianpt Tlie Goods Must fce Süiold. 1000 New 8tjlefcá %et qaulily HOOP SKIRTS very ebtap, and fur the Gentlemen we have a verj large assortment of French ï willed Clotli. Beaver Overcoatiüg3, DoQskíus, Faucy Cassiia.ros, Vestiugs, &c, Of all 'V-.criplir-Tia. and can 'nrniKh whole snit on short nutice ebeaper t!ian it can bp Lought else wiiere. An examina-tíou et thia btancb of our buhi Qèaa will convwM aiï tbat l&i i, fcfa piaeêto buy tiieir Runta, Coaia and Ve ... Wn have uUo a cúmplete stook of Ka-Ties anl CliiWrenB' Slioea HATS AND CAPS, Aod u fact everytJiing that maiT or wuman ciin desiie to wear on Lead or foot, Qrooeries, Crockery. Glassware &c, At astnnishing low prices, and in short entire stock must sbaretho same fate for we are cieLci:ai..:d to seíh no maltcr what old f.rojikfirs mav sn .. Aíl are iuvitfd to in?pect oui' stock as it ís no trouble to show our gouds, aud we are bouud to meet tl mamU of all. !;i-lf MAf.'K & SCHilID. SheriiTs Sale. E Y VTRirE ff an eeeni.ion issued out of and under tbe Pt-ci! nt the Circa h Cour ft)T bfae Couniy of WafhtenaWj aml to me directe d, hearing 'lriter.IiiJy ïöth, ■ A. i) n?f3, aiotiust the gooés and chattíes, or foi tïw want fhorcM.i. rlie latu'.s nptfl of .] . (Üïbei't .-r.iiui and wiuiam aajnard, i bave iUia tiay mifil upon anc .u-ixe-ï all ths right titlo and interest ofj. Gilbert .ntii i:i ;l:c: t; the l'oliowiii lieseribed premi eestowitj i'eing ulï tïiat c.-rt.un. bract or pa ree 1 oí land Bituated in flie O'ty of Ann Arbor n the Countv vif Vadit"i:,tva;vl Stilt' Of Michigan, fcnÖwtt, bouiMdl ;unl tlt'sciibcl as rollo ws, to wit; lïeing Lot mimijci (4) in blook three (3) south of Baron street in raujenumlñr sis [6J east aceoroin to Recorred pial of the ViUage, now citj, ol Aun Ar'j.-ir, bWpg eigth [Vj nnison Fifthstroet and -ïUvn [Iti] rtï(J on WiKiam Streut, A!' of which prcmise.s I hhulLexpusp fot s.iU; as theJaVdirectHrat tnê foat door Of tlie Coúrt House in I i)' City of Ann Arbor bat befng the plffCe fwr inld ing tin1 Circuit Court for said, Couaty ui' U'asiiU'nuw on S&tard&y tha fiftb dftjoi Deceraber, A. D. 1863. a tt-n u'clock n the lüi'ennon of sai'l uay. 1'illLU WINKGAE, Sheriff; October. 5th l?03. The above ffcle is hpreby prstpond until PaturOay, Dec, 25tb, at tho ame placuand lime of day. rHIIJP WINEGAK, Sheriff. Nov. 21st, 1863. Family Dye Colors. FOR Pyeing Silk.WooTen and .Mixed Goods, ?haw!s, Scati, Dj e ((, Ribbons, (iioves, Bonnets, flats, Fealhers, Kid Mmes, Chüirea's Clo.lun, and all i kintla ol Wearing Ampare! "A SAVIXG OP 8Ü PER CEMVl Por SS '.■mits yoa ean color Asman gboih na vonld otherwiKe cost five times th;it si.ra. Varioas shades cftn bc prorlueed f, om the same Iec. TIu? profest is .-imple, and any one can txffb the Pye with perfect success, tMpectïonfi in EngHsh, Fronch and Germán, inside of e;ich package. For further fnformatton in Dyeing, and irÍTÍag a perfect kii'twItMUe wliah colurs are bc:-t uiaptod to dye over üthers, (with many v:iniablt' recijjes,) purehase Howe stcpl'c-üv' TicjiiiVi1 ri; Dvelnir and ColcriDg.- Seffit by mail on restiptof price- 10 ceuts. Manufacturt'il by HOWE S STKVEK3, 290 BroinUvuy, Boston. For sale by Dfuggiata and Dealers penerally. OJGmG JVolke. rplüi AN'NKAL MEKTIXÍ, of th fionnan Tarmors I Kiro Insurance ('miiian' will be iicld at the resideuce of CHRISTIAX FRÉVj in cio, Ou Monday Dec. 7th at lOo'clock A. M. J. G. KOCII. Nov. 9th, 18H. SICOn-4 Sec'y. KTOTIclËr " 11HE Partnership hcretofore existing between ihe unáfirsigneá kan hfnél Cáw, under the ftrm aadstvle of DuHuis vt ('arr , is diM.lvod nm Betileecrt ai paVlnership matter 11 bu made with Uie undersignod. T. DüBOIS. BOOT SHO{ &S3--J?CDLiassa te; XT. B. COLE, (Succossor to Ifoore & Loomis ) FJÏANKLIN BUILDINGS, Main street, Ann Albor, has just receivedhl, FALL AND WINTER STOCK' Ui' BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBEES, manufactured trom the best material and TOrrantti,' LÍVC' nilti,sf;ictiuil, CODBlutlug OÍ MEN'S KIP, CALF AND TH1CK BOOTS DOUBLÉ SOLED MEN1 8 L Ui FALO OVÈesEOU of all descnptions. IiADIES C3-.ITEÍRS, Morocco Bootees, Balmaruls, Feil OvertUa, ui Rubbers. Also, Boy's Kip, Cnlf & Thick lïoots tögether witli a v:irieíy of CHILDKEN & YOUTH'S SHOft t mn also Manufactarliig WAERANTED BOOTS & 8H0E8, Men's Fine Frene h Calf BO0t( Peg-ged and .Sewed. fíive me a cali before puvcliasing elsewhere ti Bell niy uoods clieap lor ca ]i. REPAIRING .NEATLY DONE AND OJ SHORT NOTICE. Aun Arbor, Oct. 23d, 1863. 'Jiltf A. C. LOEB, Are happy to anuounce to their cumeroua friendi tó patrons, tnat they bave lately received a largt; additkt to tlieir former heavy Stock oí Beady-Madc Cïothinj, FOR GENTS' AND BOYS' WEAE! We have also ou hand a LARGE And "Well Selected STOCK OF Gentlemen's Furnishing Gooè IIATS, TEUNKS, VALISES &c, &. And we woujd respecttuliy iolicit you to cali tod ciiiüiue-ünj- Goods, before purchasiug elsewhero.u n are confident that wc can &ell you Good CUE APE R THA THE C'IILAPE8T AT THE' Cleveland Clolhing House, A. & O. LOEB, Auu Arbor, ITdron Street, oppositc Park, fewdow WestofCooks' Hotel. 927m3 P. B ACH Has received A. LAEGE STOCK -OFFALL AND WINTER GOODS! IXCLUDIN LATSST ST3TLES -orSliawls, Dress Goods, and everjtlii)g for Ladies & Gents Wear. o GOIKG PAST FOR CASH! Cali and. See ! Aun Arbor, Oct. 1863. NEWFAL?, GOODS! I am dow receiving raj FALL STOCK, wbich is ïarge ind well seíecttd and aiarked at I have as usual DRESS COODf in great variety, Shawls & Cloaks, WHITE GOODS, Grloves & Hosiery BALMOBAL AND HOOP SKIRTS. and a full STOL'K of sil OOSÏÏISÊIKS OOODip -ANDCHOICE GROCERIE& Buyers Tor CASH or PRODUCE n-ill alwaj! fiDdl"051 of the Stock largoly under CREDIT l'Rl'JES. J. U. MAYNABP. ira Arbw, 0et. ÍS, 18. W


Old News
Michigan Argus