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%mm potte, MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD, Passenge! trains now leave 1 'et rolt. Chicago, and th severalitatiousiu thisUounty ,as follows : GOING WEST. Leave ! Poxt. Ac. Eve. Ex. SlghtEl. Detroit. 10-00 A. il. 4.00 P.M. 5.30 p. M 9.30 P. M. Ypsüanti, 11,20 " 5.30 " 6.60 " 10.50 " AnnArbor, 11.40 " 6.00 " 7.15 " 11.10 " Dfexter, 12 05 p.m. e. 30 " 7.45 " ' Chelsea, 13.25 " " S.05 " - - " Ar. Chicago 10.30 " " O.CO, " 10.30 a. m. GOING EASÏ, Leave. Eve. Ex. Dex. Ac. Nisht Ex. Day Ex, Cbicago, 6.40 P.M. 10.(10 l. M C. 30 a. m. ! Chelsea. A. M. 7.40 .i. M. 4.00 P. M. Dtxter, (51S " 80' " 4-20 " AnnArbor, 4 .3 m. fi 45 " 8.Ï5 " 4.45 " YpsUanti, 4.40 " 7.10 " 8 45 " 5.05 " Ar. Detroit, 6.00 " S.30 " 10 00 " 0.30 " The Day Express each way is the .Mail Train. Train' do not stop at stations wherefiguresareomittedhithe table. Trains eonnect at Detroit with theGreat Western and Grainl Track Iïailwavs of Canada, and the Detroit and Toledo, and Detroit and MiJwaukee Railroads., and Cleveland Steainera. At Uu Cempafiy's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Jolii-t.and Lalrtyette, through tickets can be purchased toall the principal cities and towns in the United States 1,1 Xl'ttlOUS SLEEPING CARS upon all night trains. Ruttan's celebrdted Ventilating Apuaratus upon all day tr-iins - the be dust nri-ventative in use. R N. RICE, General Superintendent. thTe draft On DeForest's Xational Codee ís wraderful. Everybody seems to have found out its superior qualitios :ud go in fot asupply. It is warranted to gn-e satisfaction and to be b-ittor than any other coffee in inarket, at any prlce, or the money refunded. Two shillings perlb. A.DliFOliEST SAPONÏfTËk" OR CONCÉNTRATE LYE, FAMILY SOAP MAKER, W A IV makes hii;li prices ; iaponiiier helps to reduce them. It mates Soap for Pour centsapound by usiiigyour kitchen grtasf. CAUTlOSï ! As spunous Lyes are oflered alsO;be ea-eful and only buy the Patenttd articlo put up in Iron cans, all others being CounterftiHs. Pennsylvatiia Salt Manufactunng Co., Thibdelphia- No. 127 Walnut Street. Pittsburg - Pitt Street and Duquesne AVay. LYON'S KATHAIR01Í. Kathairon is from the Greek word, '"Kathro," or ''Kathaiio,'' isiguifyiüg to cleanse, rejuvinate and restore. This artille is what its u nie HÍaifi3. For preserving, restoring and beautifying the liuinan hair it s the most rumarkabie i.reparation in tlie wovld. It is agaín owned and put up by thu original proprietor, and is now made with the same care, fakili and attention which gave it aealeof over one inüliou büttles per annum Jt is a most delightful Ilair Dressing. It eracicates scurf and dandruIT, Tt keegHB tlie head cool and clean. It nwkei tbe hair rich, soft and glossy. It prevenís the hair from falling oiTand turaing gray It reátoicshair upon bald heads. Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiíul head of hair shöuld use Lyon's Katharion. It is l;nown and usedthroughout the civilized world, Sjld by all respectable dealers. tíra922 DEMÁS S. 3A.85ÍES & CO., l'rop'rs, N. Y. Mathews' Chocolate Woim Drc ps ? NE'F.R fail to destroy and exierminate all kinda of Intestinal Worms. Are perfeetly raliable iu all cases and far superior to ünyanl all of the Fancy Worm . onfections, _nd nauscous Vermifuges in use. They inay be taken at all timea irith perfect safety,as they containXO MERCURV, or othr deleteriouis Drug.- Mothers should always purchase them and give their childreu no tither. (No Cathartic whatever, is nocessary to be given.) Each box contains 24 Drops or Lozenge.s. Price '25 ets. For Sale by all Drugtfists and Dealers ia MediE. R. WALKER, General Agent, Iv932 Buffalo, N.Y and Fort Krip.C. W. HEIMSTRKETS Inimitable Hair Restorative. IT IS NOT A DYE, But restores gray hair to its original color, by supplying the capillary tubes with natural susteuance, irapaired by age or Alt instanianeous dyes are composed of lunar caustte, destroying the vitality and beauty of the hair, and afford of thernselves no dressing. Heimstreet;s Inimitable Coloiing: not ouly restores hair to its natural color by au easy process, but gives the hair a Ijuxurlant Beauty, promoten its growth, preventsits falling ofF, eradicates aandruff, anl imparts healtli and pleasantness to the nead. It hasstood the test of time, being the origiual Hair Coloring, and is constantly increasing ín favor. Used bï both gentleman ana ladies. It is sold by all respectable dealers, or can be procured by them of H-i commercial agents, U - S. Barnes 5: Co. 202 Broadway Xew-York. Two sizes, 50 cents and $1. 6mD22 WYNKOOPS ICEIiAND PETORAL Diseases of the, Chest and Pulmonary organs are ever prcvaknt,msiüious and and dangerous. The properties of a medicine to allevitile, cure and uproot these ïomplaints, must be Expcctorant, Anodyne and Invigorating, loosening the mucuii of the throat, and imp;irting tone to the nntire system. No dif-covery in uiedical scienceevei mn.stercd thif class of diseaseslike Dr. Wynkoop's Iceland Pectoral. It is used wlLh tbe most attcnishint; réSOlts in all cases of BroncJiitirí, Iu fluenza, Whooping Cough Diptheria or Putrid Fore Throat, Asthma, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Nervous Irra tability, &c. - The iiev. J. J. Potter certifies, L1 I have used Dr. ' Wyrkoop'fi Iceland Pectoral for several years, myeelf and in my fauiily, fr severe l'ulmonaiy Complaints, and have recommendod it to many others, and nover geen its equal.;? Rev. J. J. Potter Brooklyn, N. Y. fir.ndreds and thousaads of important testimoniáis could beproduceJ, showing its remarkable cures and that it never fails Iti.s composedof pure Tceland Moes, Balm of Gilead Peruvian Balsam, Elecjimpane, Comfrey, Burdock,and other invaluuble expectorant and tonic ingredients. It is liarm', jrompt and lating. ïnvalids and sufferers cannot aflbrd to negiect a trial. Every family Bhouid travo it. j,It is remarkble for Croup. Full description, recommendations, and directions accompany each bott.e. Sold by all principal Druggisfs. Pn-jiareiby Dr. K. D. AV; iikoop, and koM by D. S. Barnes & Co. New York. 922m6 HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. This is the most delightful and extraordinary artille fver (li-covered Itchanges the .sun bnrnt face and han'ls fi a pearly satin texture of ravishing beauty, imparting tlie marble purity of youth, and the distingue appeanince so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removjB tan, freckles, pimples, and roughness from tbii sk;n, loavin i t-fresh, transpaient and smooth. - it eontains no material iujurious to the skin. Patrón ized by Actrcsses and Opera Singers. It is Tvliat every lady should have. Sold everywhere. DemaBj'Barnes Sc Co. General Agents, 922tn6 SO2 líroaclway, N". YAGOOD TREE IKNOWÏF IT8 FRUIT. tío is a goou Physicían by his íuccessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THKGREATANl) OELEBRATED PHVSTCIAN OF THE TI1ROAT, LUNGtí AXD ClIEriT, Known all over the countrj as the Celebrated INDIAN HEKB DOCTOR! From irouth America, will be at bis rooms, RUfeSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, OnthelSth and 19th inst.on the same dato of and every subsetiuent moüth during 1862 and lööiJ A XE AT I'AliPHLET Of the life,stucly and extensïve travels of Dr. Lyons can be procured by allKhodesireone, free of ehüpge. Dr. L will visit Anii Arbor, Jackson.and Adrián Mtch.f as follows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20th. Jackson, Ilibba-rd House, 21st Adrián, Brackett H( use, '226 and 23d. Mode of Examination.- The Doctor discerns diseabes bytheeyes. He, therefore, asks no quetions nor reqiirpspatienti to CKplain symptoms. Afaictod, oome aodbave yoursymptoms andtaelooation af yöar alseavee.Tp'atBt-d fre of cdítjto ' ET TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGOjCB Mb. 0. C.HalsTüLa distingui.slied Chemist and Druggist.of the city of Buffalo, N, Y., invented :ind manufactured a cmnuound known as BRISTOL'8 BAI.ÖAM OF IIOARHOUND. which is a pcrrect stetoic for cougus, coijiS, or any BEONX'niALor r.UMi uikkicclties arisin from damp, cold, or sudden change of tho weather. Every per son l ho lias orer taken BRISTOL'S BALS AM OF HOARHOUNI), pronounees it the btst article ever invented ; and so justly colebralcil has it becomc, that the market i already full of ïmltatkms, couut8rfeits, and most dangerous compoumls, under the name of Balsam of Hoarhound. Theiefore, alway be careful to cali for Bristol's Balsam, and see that bis WRITÏEX signuture is on tho outside label ot 1he boltle. Mark.- This invaluable Medicine has been now some twentv-oue year.s beforo the public, and without any tüort on the part of the proprietor, its has become very extensive, and is daily increasing. Tho low price at which the Medicine is soU (85 CENTS) enables ALL to partake of its henling qualitie.s. C. CROSBY,B0FFALO, N.Y. Sole manuCaelurer, to wliora all orders should be addressed. For sale byall respectable druggists. lj'oow92S FEMALE3 ! FKMALIF ! l UflO that paft1. f'lcjisHiit, Remefly known ns HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT JWCUU, For all (v.mplaints Incident to thesex. Xo Family should be Without it, And none will when oncn Tried by tliein. It Í3 uñed by YOUXG AND OI.D, In the docline or chwngeof life, Brore and afta ■' Mnrriage üuring and atter Conjiniment, To Strengthen llieNervos Reestore Nature 1 o its proper rhanntl and invignrate the Broken-down Constitution, From whatmr Ci'mse Originnting. USE NO MORE WOUTHLKS3 PILL3 ! Tak e HEMBOLIJ'S EXTRACT BVCHU. See Atlvertisement in anotber colnmu, Cut out, and send for it; &29m2 ET TOBACCO- You can buy th best grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO at frnm 50 eeins to One Dollar. SMOKING from fourteer. to twenty cenls at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Red Indian. South side Huron street, n few doors from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor.Dee.ll, 1863. 883tf niPTHEBIA. DR. DEGLUBO'3 DIPTHERIA SPECIFIC. CERTAIN CCRE FOR DIVTHERIA AND CROUP. In the past year over 200 CASl'S OP DIPTRKBIA in and around Rochester, X. Y., CON'SIDEREI) HoPELESS, have been cured with thi.s medicine. Namt'3 luid resideoces can be given. AU, THEPHYSICIAN-3 THERE NOW USE IT. It bever has failed to cure ! Get a bottle ; it costs 50 cents. For sale by EBERBACD & CO. Preparpd and sold by Iy913 W. E. SKINNER, Rockester, N. Y. 4E3T A-v 1.XTEHKST1XG Letier. - Messrs Pobt k Bruff, Agents X. Y, Sanitary Society, Rochester. - Gents . T deern it due to you state the magical effect of that one bottle of People's Cure which I oblained from you in November last. Seeing the advertisement ol your So ciety offering to gívc your medicine to clergymen for the poor of their parishes, I ootained a bottïe fora poor girl of my congregation, who had long been nearly help less from P.heumatism , and strango to say, that one bottlo cured her enürely. I write this hoping it may aid the Society n ts effurts to introduce the medicine, and bless tbose who may need such a renirdy ; and I usestrong I believe its merits will fully justify the most superlative forms of speech. Yours, Respectfully , C. R. WILKINS, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. 9aiyl Plttaford, Monroe Co N. Y. WONDERFUL SUCCEBS. The attention and research of the most J'sthiguished Clieini.sts and l'hy.sicians tot year.s l.uvo beeu devoted to tlie productiou of a rtmedy for those mo.stdistressing maladies Neuralgia and Kiu:riiAT.;-M. After long study and many experimeru s, a spt.afic preparatio?t, h;is been discovered , WA'l'SON '8 Xeüraïgia Kiogj ati Internat lïemtdy, is curing thousauds of cases where all other remedies have utterly failed. We are assured tliat it is no mere ''ANODYNJ5," reliev iog for the nvment whiletho reiiKiins, but i a perfect SPKCIFICand CURE for those painful dfseasds. ïlie vast number of Liniinents, Embiocations und Esternal Medicines, which act :is stiimilanta of the surface only, are merely temporal y in their effecta andel' doubtlul virtue Tlie NEUBALGIA KING reachea the of all trouble, and effectüally banlaÜes tho disease from the sy stem. Trice- Une Dollar per Bottle. Prepare y C. H. WALKER, 1922 Buffalo, N. Y., and Fort Eriö, O. W. Fur Sale by PTSBMNa & Wilson, Grexvilxe & Fuller, and C . E&BKBAC& c (o. A FEW KEASONö WHY THE American Watch IS THE BEST. It is made on tlie best principie, white tho foreigu watch is generally made on no principie at all. Let us look at the contrast. The foreign watch is raostly raado by women and boys, by hand. "While their labor is cheap, their work is dear at any price. Such watches are made without plao, and sold without guarantee. They aro irregular in coD.struclion,aud quite as irregular inmoreinent, They are Güi-igned only to ell, and the bu er ia tlie party most thoroughly sold. - Thofe who havekept u aneres," "lepinos?ï and "Öwiss levers' in professsd repair for yearfl will appreoiate the truth of our Ktuteiuc-nt. The Plan af the American Watch. ïnstead of being made of severalliunilred little pieèefl , screwed together, the body of the American Watch is formed of SOLII) P LATES. No jar interferes with the harmony of its working, and no sudden shock can throw its ma-chinery out of gear. Sc#6Sbiob of une pait from another is uuknown to ita con.sütution, and in riding or any business ptrsuit, it is all held together as íirraly as a single pirce of metal, It ia just what all machinery f-hould be - 0 Ist. ACCl'RATE. 2d. SIMPLE. 3d. STRONG. 4th. ECON'OMICAL. We nol only secur-e CIIKAi'XEi by our system, but QUALITY. We do uot pretend that our Watch can be bouglit for lessrnoney tTian the foreign make-believes but that for its real vahío it in sold lor one half the price OUR SOLDIER 'ti WATCH (namcd Wm Ellery) is what Ita nameindicates - Soüd, Substantial, and always Reliablc - warmnted to stand any amount of Marohing Riding or Figotlng. OUR NbXT RiGHER QUALITY OF WATCH (named P.S. DAK.TLETT)is similar in sizc aud general appearance, but has more jowels, and a more elabórate ñnish. OUR LAD IKS'WATCH, recently brought out,is put up Ín a great varipty of patterns, many of them of rare beauty a ml workmanship,ía quite smalljbut warranted to keep time. OUR YOUNG GENTLE.MAN'S WATCH ia neat, no large and just the thing for the pocket of You Dg Araerica. THE PROOF of the merits of our Watch may bc found in the lact that we now employ over five hundred work men in our factories, itu that we are ktill unable to supply the constanlly increasing demand. OUR THREK -ijUAKTKK Pl.ATK WATCH is thinner and ülitor than tiifl athset we have described. Ist fine chronometer ballance is delicately a dj u stel to correct t!ie vanation c&used by char.ges of temperature. These Watchea are. chrooometncally rted, .m! aie tlie fruits of the latest txpenments in chronometry and are made by our best worknmn, in a êepavnXe dej artment of ourfactory. Kor tlie finest time-keep inir qnalitics they challenge comparison with the baj works of the most famous Eolluh and öwiss maker fl. Stray Mare. TAKEN ÜP by the subsenber on the 20Lh of September, a Dark Bay Mare, about 8 ycars oíd, has black mane and tail. The ownet is requested to prove inoperty, pay charges, anc take said ilare away. JAMES E. GALLAGHER. BaseLake, Webster, Oct Gth, 186'3. 95w6 áyer's öherry Pectoral "A smile waa on her lip - health was in her look, strength was in her step, aiid in her hands - Plantation Bitters." S-T-1860-XA few boules uf Plant-ition Bitters VVU1 cuiü Nervous Headaeho. 11 Cold Extremities and Feverish LIps. " Sour Stomuch and F$t!d Breath. ' Klatulency and In'lige,stion, 4i Nervous Affectionfl. ' Excessive Fatiguu and Short Brealh. " Pain ovar the oyes, Mental J")esponfiency. li ProBtxation ; Graat Weaknesfl' 11 Sallow Complexion, Weak Bowela, &c. hich are the evidences of LIVER COMPLAINT ANDJIYS1EPSIA It is estlmated that severi-tenthg of all adult ailments proceed f rom a díseased and torpid liver. Tlic biliary secretiuus of tho liver cvetflovhig into the stomach poison tfae tuhrc syrften and exoibit the above Bjmp tüULlS Vfter long research, we are able to present Iheinost remarkable cure for these horritf nightmare diseaaes, the ?brld has ever produced. . Wit h in one yeaï over six huudred and forty Ihousand persons have taken the Plantation Bitters, and notan instance of ccmplaint has come to cur kuowlcdge I Itis a must tfït'ctual tome and agreeable stímulant tiiited to ïi 11 condititius of life. The report that it relies upon mineral substances foï lts active propertics, are wholly fulsü. For the public stttUfaction, and thst patknts may consult thoir phyBicians, we append a list of its coinponents. Calisaya Bark- IVOebiated for over two bundred years in the trtatmeilt of Fever and igue, Dypepsla, Weakneas, Jfce. ItVas mtrodued into Europe by the Couutess, wifoof the Viceroy of Peru, in 1040, and afterwardssold by the Jesuits for the cnormoua price of üs tmn wcight in rilvtr, under the name of Jcsuu's Powderaft and was litially made public by Louis XVI, Kingof Fran.e, Huinbolt makes special referenco to iUfebj rifuge qualitie.s duringhU South American travels. Caíjcahuja Baük - For Liarrhcea, colic und Öise&sea ! of thö stomach and bowels, DanDbÍIO! - For iaüiimmation o:' the loins and drop sical uttectitms. i CHAMoJiiLiiyLOwiiKS- Forenfeebledfligesiion, Lavhxdkh FtowKBs - Arcmtic stimulabi and touic tiighly invlgorating in nervous dL-biliiy. WíNTErghícks - Jpor Borofula, ïheumatif-ui, &c, An aromatic carminativo ; creating ilesh, niuscle and milk ; much used by motheranurüing. Alao, clove-buds, orange carra ',vay, ciriauder.snakeroot, &c. ö- T- 1860-X. Another woaderful ingrediënt, of Spanish origin, impariing beauty to the complexión and bnlliancy to the inind, is yet unkaown to tho coranieree oftheworlü, and we withhoM its name for the present. IMPORTANT CEUT1FICATES. Rociester N. Y. Dcormber 28, 1861. ïleKsrs.P.H.DuAKü ftCó - Ihave been a great suffer er írom Dispepsia for three ur four years and had to abandon iny profeesion-, About thfee nioulhy ago 1 tried the Plantation Bitters, and to my great joy, i am uow ïioariy a well laan. 1 have reconunfended tlit-in in gevsral cases, aud,as far asi know, always with hignal bunefit. lamrespectfuilyyours, RFV J. S. CATHRON. Philadelphia, lOth Montk,tUk Day} 1SC2Iïehpected Fkikm) :- My Oaughttr has bttn much beuefitted by tho use of thy Plantation Bitters. Thou wilt st-nd mi twu botUes more. Thy Frieud, ASA CUR1ÍIK. Skerman House, Chicago, Hl. Feb. 11, 1862. Mesars. P.H. Dkakk .VCo.. - Pleate send us another twelvc caaes of your Plantation Bitters. As a morning appt;liZL'r; they appear to have öuperceded everything ülhe, aud art-gre.itiy estéemed. Youra, &.c. GAGE & WAITE. Arrangemenis irenow completedto supply any demand for thla arUele, which frpxn lack of goreriunent sttuup.-i has not heretofore been possible. Tüt public ma y iest assured that in nocas will the perfectly pure standard of the PlaLtation Bitters bc departed from. Evcry boitle bears the far, simite of our signaturt on a sttelpLile engraving, or it cánnut be gen uine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Dealers through out the country P. H. DfiAKE & CO. 922m6 202 BKOAPWAY, N. Y. Buffaïo Testimony. THE rTTDli1 Cus TEOi'I.E'S J U IV ÜJ Rhennwtism. lil was troubled rith Rbeum ,1ism for two years, sulFtring moreor les every d;ij. I have taken two bottles oí' tlic 'i'eopii Cure,' anti have not haU iny paiu since I lef t t ofl ir.ove Ihan four "weeks ago. I c .uM.liT nijsi'llai cntirely cured, mul tlie medicine lias made me feel very light and good- like a young man though I am sixty two yeara old. UODfKEV ECHËFFEL, 402 .Michigan St." uMy wife has been suff,ring: from Rheumatism of an nüammatory cbaracter for about .six or sevefi years somotimes very acutely. Abóut Ilie first of June last Bhe colMnonced taking the 'People's Uure,' and contimted to take ii some three weeks. I ten ilays afber she commenced. the Kwelling and stiffnesti ofer joints very matOi'ially Lessened, and in thrco weeky ljad disap,eare:l Rliogptber. "THOMAS I'OI.I.OCK, (at V. II. Glcnuy's ) '■Buffiilo, October 1, 180-V ' IHE rTTDT? Cutes I'Koi'I.K'9 VUl_li Fever Sores. "Two oí' our Bubscriter- one of tliera aülicted with a badFever Sre. the ollier iii Rlieuinatispi- haviug seen Uio advertisemerit if tho 'Peoplc's Cure' in this paper . purchased 1 1te Medicine , am! uoiv, afti'r ba ving tlio? oulily tried it, report i aB,coLdmoQding it most Jit'ar'ily a:s a thorough reraL'dy in their oasv.- K'iitors Christiaa Advocate. . THE "lT) U1 Curcs Ciscases PEÜl'i.K'.-í Vv U XV üi of the Skin. "My face has for more than ten years bcengreatJy di.sfigured by iruptionsand bunches, wliich at times extended oer my whole body, and once for tl' ree days mado me eniirely blind ; out lmving taken two bottles cf the 'People's Cuie,' my acquaini.ances hardly recoixnize me - Indeed I hardly know rayeelf- as 1 Kin now awellinari. Let all wiio are alike alïliüted try the 'l'eople's Cure, - the Medicine prepared ly the Sanitary Society - aud I Ihink they will not begrudge their dol lar. ".WSI'TH SOCÉ, Turner, llechanic St t:BufTalo, Nt)v. 15, löl)2." THE Í1TTDP Cures Scrofula & I'EOI'I.K'.S OUlvJli SaltRheum. "I have used the 'Pcople's Ciu-e' in my famiiy with great beueiit, n ca-es ofSorofuia and Sait Iiheum,and have recommended it freo,iie!itly to my f 'ieiids, all of whom X believe have been beneiitteil, and most of theni entirely cured by it, CHAS. SCHABFF, 273 Main St., up-stairs." THR TTTJXj1 Cures Fema'o PEO1 1.E'S Vy U It Vj Wêaknesees. "I h.lve been in feeble health ever since the birth of my boy, who is now twe'.ve years old. I have had rnany troublesand difficulties, all this time, uil fitting moforeverykinl of labor, and áetroyidg all my com foit, Last suminer I commenced taking the Teoplo's Cure,' and have used Cour bottles, and mi now almoit a woll woman. My difficulties hav'e ncarly til disap neared, and I feel clieerlul and happy. "MRS. CA111ARINE HF.WAIJ3, Dressmaker, C.odell Alky, above Tupper st. "Buffalo, Oct. 20,lS6-2." TUK OTTT? Ti1 (-'"ros "''"■" -ther I'EOI'I.K'S V U iV tv medicines lail "Mj wife lias been in poor health for a long time liavint' freiiuently to cali a physician to attend .'.er; but She was recently very much norse. For Uve or six weeks she had no appetite, lost all her streugth, and wa ect day growlng Worse, Bne had night sweatt, coughed a great deal during each niht and consideraijlv HurlDjiiheday.and we all jupposed. she was going off with the consumptie, wUen a fnend advisfii Ijit to tttkethe'Peoplee'f Cure. On taldng tho medicine she perceived a change at once. On tUe Uilrd day Bhe had recoveied her oppettte, aud was fast regaining her strength; until, on the 'eidilh day, not yet liaving taken oue buttle, she bas ütOpped taking the medicine saying she was as wellaa anybody could be, and she has continued so ever since. "PAUL KLEIN, Gardncr, S2 l'earl st. "BuTalo, October 1.1S62." . F,,r Pale by all Drnggigt. 922y1. C. CROÜV, tteneral igeot, No. 256 Main st., UulTalu, N. Y., u trhom all orddra sliouïd be aflvlressed. For Pslo by S$ :biun.s & Wilson, Gke.willb & Fi'UEB, and C. Ebebeai.u & Co. lissolïition Wotice. rniiEFIUM OF IIAl'IN, WtJOD & CO., was dissolvcd Ijaauary 16, 1888, by mutual conseut. C. A. Chapín and A. B. Wood will settle Ihe accounts of the ünn. CA. Cn.mï, Aí I', vroor, V. Ciun.v, . E. Wltis. Ann Arbor, .Tune 24, 1S8. Copariuership. TTE CNDERS1GNF.D enterea into partnership Jan. 16,1861, by tbo tirm name of Ctiapin & Co., and will continue tho business of manufacturing printing aud wrapping paner. C. A. OaiPj."', N.Ciurw, V. CuiiiK. Ann ArVr, Jmn, 1?3 910tf.


Old News
Michigan Argus