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Tlliï American Collecting Ageney, No. 240 Broadwny, New York. Claijus n!1 allkia 1 . aírainsl i hs (ora, gynmeqi gtivte Bnvtrn iu'üI. the 1 1iiy. ut private parfíes, pros? euted :ui i eoilacted al iy cxpemst. andrisk Agaiiwtüïha te partios I ■:.(■:„ superior faollltl fnr o - . H ■ cl:nijr ..',n ywh,re in th United Slalo wid Canudas, relievLug morchants, anaigoees, bañiere :u;dotheis. f thtcair amlall reoponslWllty ' Specfalnttejrtíongiven toWM ieSta. hard' cases, di, wills', estates, utc. lk'iug familia p. irttb vlllUc .lolaüaof (lio "Intima Itccenue Lnw," I ivillatloiul pjompÏHy t.i tlic oolk-ctiui of rtrawl)acks,and taxes ttrerpaid throngli Igfióraiiee oi' tli e law. .-.■-' pensions, pay, aml socured forthem or thcfrlicira. Fnr that ptn-jiose, ShdToT prosecuting i'taumagninattheCovei'nroetl.t. I havoa branch Jlicc ai v.. iliiii" loo. No chargoffl'ade unios claimí ,. Hiere dtaohargeri by reasm) f wound:-- li.,w 1 . . r n! - are , n Uno Ilundrcd Dollars BÚmity. Al] solíii rá ha . ved t w i j yea ;■ entitldd lo the same. the bighast maiket grice will he paid for koIniers' oi:!Íms, ::id otilar ('.rniíuids ajuiíKít the (enera Gol iMnr.ici.t. Cnformatton aBd opmiona Rirêp, and investlgation roaJe without charge, upan claims probosedto be ulacei' in roy hand. Forpavticulftrs, address H. HUNTINGTON LEE PMHf -V". ---i' üroadway. N'. Y rrUK ROOTS AND THÉ LEALES W1I.L be for the Hcalii g oí Snüon. miñe. üiATED PHYS1HAK of tUo rHKOAr.i.i ncs, ;ika;:i!ivmí a.VD THE BLOOp Known all over theoountry as the CKI.E11RATKD lïTDI..Ivr HEBB DOCTOE 1 Oí 28JSupriar Btrert, CVn-land, ühio. Will visit the followmg placía v' APPOÍVTMENTSFOK.186S!, ISCSan.i l.;,-,i pleSReVery '; f c"11'ulte ' at lI' fn8 Detroit, Kusaelilouae, oach montb,, 18tl, nnd i)tii Ann .ir(i,,r, Monitor lliiusc .oacli r.mnth ÜOlb ■ n.Hibb:ird l.'onse, eacl) njorjíi 2J '"■: ■"■ Brocltal House, each raonth 22dánd23d ■i:,'i"-v,r':'.' olli"'('"llinH llolle,echmont24Uila5th, HilN,!-,!,, Mi,,,. HHkdale [Touse, eaeh mMith.üTlk. m'nth', h ' Suthern Michigan Boura; ja ElliliaH. KÜ.li.'i'.-t Ilonso, pach month 9th ."i.thu,i,l,, . I.;. ir,,t,,i; eaeh'mont 1., 30 and dth ' ni!! ■ each rnonth, 7tli ii H, Oliio, Wiler House, each month, oth and iaMt. Vernon,Kenron HmwS, eoeh month, llth and k,01,i„, Holton Bouse, each mcntli, 18th and . uville. OhiOjCowleaHBUfie, èach Month 4lh ■, odio, rksÍbSs aniÍ OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET, Eastof the public square, opposite ih,. Poatofiic Office day, each month, lst, 3d, 'l'h. 5th, ;tl, 15 - Oftice honrs trqé, 9 A. M. to 12 M and Ironi i 4 P M „nSunday from 1, to 10 A. 31 . L 1, P 'L' rMaxiuissIrictly a.lhered to - I (?ive such balmas have no stelle With nature or the lüws of lire, ' With lilnoditiy hands I nevei-stain i Notpotson men toeasetheir pain. ne is a vh-i , „,„ euresn.e Indianll.r, Pdcfor.R. J. LYoks, cures the ... .. ...b .mijuí u lul' moHC oüstinatc stages of their DiBèasesof theïhroat; Lunes, Hom-t, I.ivor, stomacli_, I)r„iivintheCliest., Rheumatism, Xeuraliria Fits 0rraHiníSckne8s,andaUothernerToo8derníñBté' Also the blOod, such as Scrolula', KrvMp58.pnierd . Foyer Sores, I.oprosy, and all otbcr compji ratea cnroniccoiaplaints. All fonns of feniale diflicallies attended to wilh tbe happient résults. H :■' pi I thatno one 511 despair of a cure until they hare giren the Indjan Herb octor's Medicines a ,ur and laltbñil trial. ijSJluriag the Doctoi's travels in ."urope, West Indjes, South America, and the United aüle, he lias been llie instrument in God'a tona, to rett,.rf _" health and vigor thousands wip wii '■ [,'ivin up anoronounced incurable by the mosl eminent okl school psiciaös; nay, morethousaads who tfer? on tlie veríre o ne grave, are living to the indian 'erb's Dóctor's skill and suecessful treatment, andaré flair exclaiining: ';Jïlessed betheday wlien we saw auJ partook of the Iadian Herb Doctor's medicine." fahsfacfory rcferenoesof cjres will be ladly and cheerfully giveri t henever rc-quired, The Doctor plcd(rehis word and honor, tliat he rll in no,dill1cíly ar indirectly, induec or cause any invalid to takje his medicine without the ftt vtmgest jrobability of a cure. &3 Mode of examination, which is ectirely different from the Caculty. Dr. Lyon professes to üiscefn diHeases by the eye. He therefore asks noquèstfons, nor doeshe require patientto explain symptoms. Caül one p.nd all, uid have thesymptoniH and location of your diseaae ejcplainedfree of charge. inp Tlie poor shall be liberally conBidered. j-Fostofllce address, box 2660. R. J. LYONS, M. Ti. Cleveland, Oliin. Nov. 25, 1862. ly880 THE GREAT AMERICAN TEA C0MPANY, 51 Vesey Street, New York; Pince ita organizalion, has created a new era in the lnstory of "Wholesaling Teas in this Country, They bave iutro.ïuced their selections of TEAS, aml are selling them at not over TWOCFATTS (.02 Cents) per pound above Cost, Never devialing from tkc ONE PRICE asked. Anotherpcculmrity of the Company is that their Tka Taster not only devote his time to the seleetion of 'heir TKAS ;í.s 'to quality, valué, and particular stytr-s fur particular locaüties of country, bnt he hdps the, Tea buyer to choose out of their enormous stock such Tras as are best adaptedto their particular wants, and not only this,but pnints out to him the beslbcngains. is easy to noe the incalculable advantage a Tea Buyi-r iiits in this establishment ovi!.r fl-H others. ïf be ie no judjrii of Tea,or the Marlet, if bis time is vftlnablo, he bu.s all the benefits of a ÏVII organizcd ?yptcif) of doinp business, of an immense capital, o" the jiulffcmcnt of a professional Tea Taster, and the knovledge of superior silesuMnli This eiiabíes all Tea buyerK- no maltcr if thoy are tfeousandaof miles from ihiH market - fo purcliaseoi; as trood tri nis here as tlie New York raerchanta. Par tie can order4 Teas and will he strved by ub as ff-frllaa t íjoii tch they carne tlicmselve?, being sure to get original p.-vclcaires, true weigíits, and taxe?; and the Tean ate vátranted ;i rrprrsented, HVi-Mieii l'rioe List of the Convpany's Teas, wliich will i.e sent to all vho order it; comprising Hyson, Yoiuig Hyson, Impeiiaï, Guupowder, Twankay and Skin. OOLONG, SOUCHONG, ORANGE & HYSON PEKOE. JAPAN TEA of every description, colored and uncolord. ThiBlistbfcseaoh kind ofTca dividedinto FOUR Classes, namely : CARÍJO, bigb CAHGO, FINE, FINKST, that pvcry one may uii'liTRtand frora description and the prtoea annexed 1hat Die Company arti determined to nndersell the wholeTea Irade. We guaran teejo aellJJXaur Teas at not over Two Gintfl _CJS ('I'N TS) per pound abovecosc, believing this t(. be ittractivo tti tlie m.-my wlio have heretofoi'e beon paying enornsniya ])viit.-. GKKAT AMElilCAN TEA OOMPAN Y, Importcrs and Jobbers, 3in931 No. 51 Vesey Street, New üork. SCHOFT MILLER A RESTILLOXIlANDattheiioldStand, A No. 2, Franklin Block, wjth the most complete assortment of Books and Staticnery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, : WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, I EOLLERS, COEDS, TASSELS, GILT COIiNICES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEEEOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Market ! and tuey would suggest totbosein pursaitcfanythingin SANTA CLA US' LINE that they can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchastng from this filock, as eacli purchaser gets an additional present of Jcwelry, &o-, Ranging invalue trom 50 ets. to $50. Theytnmt that theirlong experinct1 in electing goodi for this market, and strict ütU-ntton to the wants of Customers, may entitle tbem tu a liberal share o Patronage. Ann Arbor,Dec.5. 1860 777tf Áyer's Cathartic Pilla. THE ALL SUFFICIErlT THREE, THE GREAT 'AMERICAN REMEDIES Known us " Hclmbold V' GEWUIWS PREPARA1IOKS, VI Z.: HEOIBOI.D'S EXTRACT " BUCHU," " SAIÏSAl'AllIIXA, 1 MPROVED ROSE WASH. HELMUOLU'S GE Pí ÍNE PEEPARATION, GHLY COSÍCENTRATED CÜMPOUXD FLÜID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positivo and Specific Remetly, For Disca.-os of the BLADDER, KIDNEY3, GRAVEL AND DROP3ICAL SWELLINGS. This Mt'Udm; inoMW ,, the power of Digestión, and excites the ■ irit„ healt!, v action l,v which the WATEUY OR CAl.CF.H0rs t , j t ns ,?, -ü HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU FOR WEAKXEtf.-rKS Arising from Exccsees, Habite of Dissipation Eariy Iiidiscretion, or Abuse, ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWINQ SÏMTOMS : InttispoHitiun toExertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Biflicult? of Breathing Wei,l;Norve Trembling, Honor of DiseüBO, Wakefulnesa, Dhnoess of Vision, Pain n the Hack, Universal Lassitude of the Flusuing of the Body. Muscular System, Eiuptions on the Face, Hol (Hnfls, -PálIM Couniemance. )ryiii'ss of the Skin. These symptnms, if allov.ed to po on, which. Ihia medicine invanably removes, soon fciliow IMPOTENOY, F4.TTJITr EPILEPTIC FITS 'none of which the pa.(icat mny expiic. Who cansav Ihat theyare uot freaueutly iollowed by those "direfu ifse&ses,'' Insanity and Consumption, Maiiy nioeware f the cause of their anlTering, but none win confsjs. The records of the insane AsyluiUs ind tho mulancholydoHtliM by Consumption, bearanile wltnesa to Hia u-uth of the assertion. THE COXSTITUTIOX, OXCE AFFECTED WITO ORGAN1C WÈAKNEFIg, eqnirps tho aid oí mhütiní' lo strnnullien and in■igoratethenyst in, whicli HELMBOLV'S EXTDAC'l BUCHÜ invariably does. A tria' will cüuvince the nost skeptical. Females, Females, Females, U1.D OR YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CON TEMl'LATÍXG MARRIAGE, In inany nrtections peculiar to Females t!ie Exl ract iuchu is uncqualled by any otbcr reraedy, as in lilorosis orRetention, irregularity, Painfulnoss, or 8uppreB8ion of tbe Custsmary Evacua'tions. Ulcerated or Scbirrous state of the Uterus, Leuoórrbea or Vhites, Sterility , and for all complamts iucident to' the ex, whethor arising from lndiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the Decline or Chango of Life. SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVB. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam, Mercury, or l'upleaaant Medicine for Unpleasant and Daugerous Diseases. HELÏBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHÜ CURES Secret Diseases. Tn all tber stages ; atlittle expense ; littleor nó change in cïiet f no mcouveniene, AND NO EXPOSTJRE. It causes frejucnt desire, and gives strengtii t f Crínate, therebyremovinf? ob.striiction.s, preveuting and 2uringStrictures tf the Urethra, allaying paiu and in[lammation, so frequent ín this cIass of iliseases, and spelling PO7SONOUS, DISEASED AND WORJS OUT MATTER. Thousands upon Thousandfs WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who have paid HEAVY FEES tobe curedina liort time, havu found thoy weEedeeeived,ndthat the M'oïsnn" has, by tlie use of "Powerful Astringents," been -Iried up in the systera, to break out in an aggrap.atcd fortn,and PERIIAPS MABKIAGE. uYe Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all Affectiona and of The TJrinary Organs ffhetlier existing in MALE OR FEMALES, from whatcver caue originatiTig, and no matter OF HOW LONG STANDI1VG. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a liintETic. ielmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT D1UF.HTIC, iHd it Is certain to hüve tb.e desired effect in all Di, for ■.vhicii it is recomnicmled. BLOOD ! BLÖÖD ! BL.OOD! Helmbold's Higlily Concenlrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilia SYPHILIS. This is an affect ion of 'tbe BlooO, and attacks the 3exu%1 Órgano, Linifcgá of the Nose, Ebra, Throat, Win1pip( . nitd oilicr Mucus Surfaces, makingits ttp earance in the form of Ulcera. HehnboH's Ext.act -rirsapai-illa p-TtTÍfi8 the Blood, and remove i all Scaly i.ruptions öf the Skin, g i ving to the Complexión a L'lear and Hcalthy Color. It bWng prepftTed expressly fnrtliis dus;, of compliüntR, ita Blood-Puriiyifig Propertlèfl are preserved to a greater extent tlian any ïther preparatiun of Sarsaparilia. Helmbold's Rose Wash. An excellent Lotion for Diseases of a Syphíltíc Nature, and as in lojwtiDQ in Hiscasts of the Urinary Organs, arising from habits of ilissipa1innf uaed in connection ivith the Extracts lïnchu aud Sarsaparilia, in SuchdiseasoK as recommendsd. K iilcnce of themost reaponsible and reliablechacacter will accompany tho medicines. certifícate of cures, From eight to twenty yoirs standing, with names known to SCIENCE AND FAMEt FT Mt'dieall'ropertieKof BUCHU, seo fiispensatory the United States. Seo Professor DEÏVEES' valuable works on the Practice of Physlo. ■ Bw remarks made by tne lalo celebrated Dr, PEYSICK, PliihtdelpbiaSeo remarles ma-Ie by Dr. EPHRAIM'McDOfVELL, a celebrated Physiolftn, and Member of the Koyal College of Surgeons, Ireland, and published intheTransaotiona of th( KLng a ad Qüjeen'rt Journal. 8ee fciedioo-Cirnrglcal Htoview, published b)' BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellow of the Roya! CoUege.of Surgeons. See most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. EXTBACT BlCIJÜ, $1 CO l'Ell ROTTLE, OR SIX FUK ?.") 00 LL SAnSAl'ARlT.I.A 1 00 " " 5 00 I.Ml-TlnVKl) Rfesi VfJSB, 50 " " 2 50 Or half a dozen of each for $li3C0, which wlll be sufficifïit to cure the obstinate cases, ic directiens are adhored to. Delivered to any adlresfij secnrely pacted fromobservation. P51 Dccrbe symptoms in all Communications.- Cures guaranteed. Ad vio e grut is. A F F 1 D A V I T . , Personally appeared beíore mean Alderman oí tbe city of Philaaelgbto,H. T. Ukimhoid, who, being duly sworn, Ooth flfty, bis preparations contain no narcotic, do mercury, or other injurious drugs, but are purely vegetable. H.T.HELMBOLP. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 289 day of November, 1854. WM. P. HIBHARÏ)." Alderman, Ninth-sti'ect, abovp Race, l'hila. Addrcs.s Letters for information ín eonlidence. H. T. HF.LMlïOIJi, Chemiat. Depotl04 South Tcnth-street,below Chestnut, Phila. BEWARE OF COTJNTERFEITS AND VNPRÏNCIPLED DEALERS, Who'endeavor to dispose " OF TIIKIR OWN J and "other" articlesontho leputation attained by Helmbold's Genuine Prqarations, " " Extract Bucb i, " if " Par.sapnrilla, " " Tmproved-Kose Wash. Sold by all Druggists everywhere. ASK FOR UiELMBOLD'S-TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out tho advertísement. and peed fnr'it, ANLi AFOW IMPOSITION AND EXFOPÜRM ■ lyÖ08.' I axn Bound for I GUITERMAN i CO'S Dispute the tact if you can, It takes tbo T A ILOR after all to give appcarance to the onter man. If you wish to arpear well You must accordingly Dresí Well. Go to M. Guiíerraan & Co's,, There you will find thinga exaetly SO SONDHEIM alwaya ready to take your measure, GÜITERMAN will sell you Goods with grent pleasure, At figures LOWER tlian you will find in the State, Tako heecl - call EAEIY, else vou are too LATE. The inducemjsnts are now greater tban ever, Our Cleuks you will find obliging and clever. We will show you good CLOTHING oí our own uetting up, Filling our Store from Bottom to rop. STTJDENTS especially will find ií to THEIR ADVANTAGE, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 OVERCÖATS of Cloth, Beaver, und Bear, Warranted for ahnost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassiraere of our OWn IMPOIITAT1OX, Forwarded through onr New York relations. From Englnnd, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you can stand up ín, or wear, at the dance. Pañis ! Paiits ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMÏÏRES and DOESKIN of everv grade, We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGIIT. VE8TS, &C, of every deseription, You will find it so without fiction, Furnishing apparei.s From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all -we aay now, Therefore we make our bow. Yonrs truly, ever so, M. GÜITERMAN. de Co., RISBON & HEN&ERSQfl HavO tlio BUOKEXE CRAIN DRILL, and G-rass Seed Sower7 Manufactured at Springfiekl, Ohio. TITE VERY I.ATKPT IMPEOYEIIENT, an.l betterthan all otlwírs; adtipteij to sowing Wheat, Rye, Oats, líarlt'y andCrass Scetl . Ist. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Wïll sow all kinds of Orain and Grasa Seed. 3d. liever ounches the Orain 4:th. Never breaks tlie Grain. 5t7i. Sows Grass Seed hroadca-st beindt7ie Drill. fít-h. Has high wheel& and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel points. Sth. It has a land measure or Surveyor. íh. It has doublé and single rank drills. .Oth, It has a self adjusting shut off slide. It is neatly and substantially made, There b hardly a Drill olïered in the market but can (rotiSt ot' more or less "FJ1ÏST PREMIUMS." TJiey ave aboutas mlíscriminately befttowed as íbe tille of ll Professor," which ifi sometimes applied to the "■fiddlcr'" or '; bootblackj" They cease to convey the idea of merit. The líuckeye Drill has beon on Esblbítíon at quite a uumber of State and County Falrs, and witboui soeking favor at the hands of any Gommittee, has receiTed its fulltíhure of Premiums TESTIMONIALS : We give tho following pames of a few Farmers in th'B vicinity wiio havebought ani used the liuckeye Drill ; Godfrey Miller, Scio. JaeobPolheraus ' Jacob Tremper, " Thomas White, Norllifield. John Brokaw, '■ (')iristian Kapp, " Edward Boytleu, Webster. James Treailwell, AnnArbor DanielO'Hara, lí í( JohnG.Coolí, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, . " Ti. Edmonds, Salino. Georgo Cropsey, Green Oak, Lir. Co. We arealso Agentsfor the Ohio Reaper & Mower, acknowledged tobe the very best in use. We are just in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we will sell ClieapAlso alargo assortiment o G-rass, And the largest and best selected stock of BEISTT STTJFF FOR CARRTAGEScver befnre offored íd this market Wc also keepalargeand full NAILS, GI-ASS , PUTTY , PATNT, aud I JNSEED Olí,. A complete assortment of STOVES, TINWAEE, ANP EAVK TROUfiHSalways on bañil and put up atthc shortest notice. RlfDON fe IIEXDERPOX. Aun Arbor, .Tune a9tb ,182. WW


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