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Judge Jay

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A letter frotn this gentleman lias been publislied in the Boston Alias to Dr. Bowditch, in whicli he tnkes the ground that the nnnexatioi of Texas is an immodiate violation of the constitution, md that dissolution must toke place, and the sooner the better." I-low n dissoliition is lo tke pluce, we are not informod by Mr. J;iy, bL he thinks o resort 10 physicnl force entirely unnccessary. Mr. .Tav deiïncs "tJie pre&ent dutica of the Nbrth" lhu$: "I. To regard the con?üUitional provisiods ri'lutivc to the fugiiive slaves as utterly revolved and aboüshed.2. To püriish evcry indivkhitil, whotever may be liis ofiice or comiition, wlio mny have aiiy ngency vvhulever in the npprehension or snrrender of a fngitive. 2. To punish evcry pergpn who witbin our territory mny cxerciso by dfeeil, mortgage. or otherwiso, any autliority over slave proper4. Whenever nny of our colored citizens are imprisoned at the South, on account of ihcir complexión, to soize nn adequate numbor of the ciüzens of the State committjug' the oiitrnge, wlio may be found on ottr soil, and to iiold them as hostages fnr tlie liberalion and full cumpensation of eaiil coloredze ris. 5. To pelitíon Gongress and the State Lefrislatnrcs; to take mensures for an amicable dissohuion of the Union." We etitirely disngree wilh Mr. Juy in refrrcnce to hisposiiion. Because the Constitulion has. been violated, it does not follow that we must utterly disregnrd it. We ad mit. ihe grcatness of theevüs tliat press upon lip, but we believe tliey can hebetter remedied ■ hroiigli the provisions of the Cunstittition liian by ihoir destruction. Nor do we see how snch on event can be peacenbly sccomplishcd: and, if i t we re proclicablo, it wonld be worthy of enqniry whetber tlie amoiint of labor and inenns nece-csnry to effect it rniglit. not be more judiciously expended in abolishinff Slavery.


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