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I Buffalo Testimony. O TIÏF, W fTTD V Cures PEOPLE'S V ÍV-Ij Rheumatism. "I was troubíed witli RheumutiBm for two years, RUÍTering or lcss every day. I have taken two botth's of Uie 'IVople.s Cure,' and have not liad any jftin sincc I )t;tt ít otí more tlian four "weeks ago. I ;onsider mysclf as otitirely cured, and" the medicine lias minie me feel very Hght and good - just Üke a ouq" man tliough I fim ftixty two years oíd. (JOlff'REY SCHEFFEL, 402 Michigan St." (íMy wife has boen suff. ring from P.heumatifm of an intlammatory charaeter for aboutsix or seven years sometimos vevy acutely. Aboutthefirst of June last he commenced taking the 'People's Cure,' and continued to take it some three weeks. In ten days íiftcr she commenced, the svelling and stifíness ofhcr joints very materially Ie3sened, and in threo weeka had disappeared altogether. "ÏHUMAS l'OLLOCK, (at W-H. Glenny's.) r' Bu Salo, October 1, 1862," THE I'TTOTT CurM PEOl'LK'3 Vv U ll Jj Fever Sores. "Two of nur .subscril er-í- one of them affiicted with a bad Fever Sore. thp other with Rheuraatísm- having seen the advertiscment of the 'leoule'a Cure' in thís paper, puicliii.sed the Medicine , and now, after having thor oughly tried it, report to us,commonding it most heartily as a thorouh remedy in their case.- -Editors Chriatian Advocate. THE ""TTT) Y? Cnres Difíeases ' PEOIU.E'S y U XV Ui of the Skin. "My face has for more than ten years beengreatly disfiírured by truptionsand bun ches, which at times extended over my wholebody,and once for ti ree days made me entirely blind; but hoving taken two bottles of the 'People's Cure,' my acquaintances hadly recognieé me - Indeed I hardly know myself- aa I am now a well man. Let all who are alike ailficted try the 'People's ('ure, - the Medicine prepared by the Sanitary Society- aud I think they will not begrudge their dolí lar. '.r0SKPH SOUR, Turner, Mechanic St 'ButTalo, Nov. 15, 1802." THE TTTJ T7 Cures tícrofula k l'KOl'l.K'S VV U -IVJIj Salí Kheum. "I have us'tdthe lPeople's Curo' in iny fumily with greftt benefit, !u ca-;es of Sarofula and Balt Rheum,and have recommemled it freqnently to my f -iendSj all of whom I believe have been benufitted, aud most of them antireiy cu red by it. CHAS. SCHARFF, 273MainSt.,up-slair3." THE TTT) Xj Cures Female PEO1 LE'ñ Vy U XV Cj Weaknesses. "I have beun in feeble liealth ever since the birth of ib y boy, who is now twelve yeaFS oíd. I have had many íroubleaand difficuHies, all this time, unfiitiug mefor evervkind of labor, and destroying all my cora ort I-ast summcr I commenced taking the Teople's J1 3ure,' and have usedfour bottles, and am now almost iwellwoman. My difficultios havo nearly all disap peared. and I fefl chuciiul and happy. 1 v ■ "MRS. CAÏHARINE HEWALD, J DreMOki Goodell Alky, aboveTuppcr st. "BniTalo, Oct. 20, 1H02." THE "TTTJT? Cures when ether PEOpLE'S medicines fail "My wife hasljcen in poor health for a long time frequently to callapüysician to attend her; but she was reoently vory much worse. For flve or six weeks she had no appeüte, lost all her etrength, and waseachdaygrowingworse, She had night sweats, couffhed a great deal during eaoh nilit an.l considerablï dunngtheday.andweall.upiiosed, shewasgonig off with the consumption, when a fr.end adv.sed her to take the 'Peoples's Cure. On taking the med.cme she perec-ived a change at once. On the tblrd day she had recovered her appeUte, and was fat regaunug her strength until, on the; 'eiglith day, not yet haring taken oae bottle, she has stopped taking the medicine saying she was as aellas anybody could b, and she has eontinued so ever since. "I'AUL KLEIN, Garduer, 32 Pearl st. "BuCfalo, October 1; 1862." For Sale by all Druggists. 922yl . C. CROSBY, General Agent, No. 255 Mam st., Buffalu, N. Y., to wbom all orders should be addressed. For Ssleby Sibbbiih & Wiisox, Gbesyilie & Fclieb, and C. Kberbach & Co. WONDERFUL SUCCESS. ÍS" The attention and research of the most distinuished Chemists and Physicians for years have beéñ devotefl to the production of a remedy for those most distressing mala dies Neukaioia and Kheumatism . Alter long study and many experiments, a spcciji prepamtion has been discovered. WATSON'S Xeuralgi King an Internat curing thausauds of case where all othcr remedies liave uttorly failed. We are assuredthatitisno mere " ANODYNE," relievingfor the roomentwhiletlie cause renaains, but is a perfect Sl'ECIFIC and CURE for tbose painful discases. The vast number of Liuiments, Embrocations and Extemal Medicines, which act as stimulants of the surface only, aremercly temporal y in their eiTects and of doubtlul virtue The NEUKALGIA KING reache the source of alltrouble, and eü'ectually banishes tlie disease from thesystem, Frice- One Dollar per Bottle. Prepared by Q. R. WALKER, Iyff22 Buffalo, N. Y., and Foit Erie, C. W. For Sale by Stebmxs & W'iijson, Geexviiís & Füller, and C . Ebkebacb & Co. A WORD ABOUT AMERICAN WA ! AFTER A THOHOUGH TRIAL OF MORE THANTEN YEAUS, the time-pieces .manufactured by the American Watch Co., o! Waltham, Mass., have gaíned a ftrm hold upon the fayor of the public, and now, no less tlian 75,000 of thero are speaking for themselves in the pocketsof the people. F rom a very insignifícant beginning tbe business has increaeeü un til we ave justifïed in stating that WE MAKE MORE THAN ONE HAI.F of all the watches sold in the United States. Repeated enlargement of oar factory buildings, aud the labor of 501) operatives, still lind us unequal toHupplythe constautly increasing demand. Atd we may here observe that uotwithstanding the high price of labor and matevials , we actually sell our producís at less priccsthan those cnrrent flve yers ago. Wevefer to these facts only for the purpose of properly intioducing ancther subject relatiTe to our manufacture of watches. Hitherto our chief object has been to make gooi watchea for the inillion at the lowest possible price- sometliing to takethe place of the make beheve watches calleo. "Ancres," "Lepines," '-Engliiih Patent Levers," &c, annually thrown upon this market, ia countless European workshops- watches which are the refuse of their factories, unsaleable at home and perfectly worthloss evory where. This object we have accoraplished, and now we have to announce, that wc have commeuced the manufacture of watches of the very High est Grade of Chronometry, unecjualkMl by anything hitherto made by ourselves and unsurpassed ljy anythingmade in the world. For this purpose we hare the amplest facHities. We have erectedan addition to our main buildings expressly for this branch of our business, and have iilled it with the best orkmep in our service. Profiting by our long experi. ence, we have remodelled the form of our watches, introducing such impiovements as have been suggesled and proved tobe good frum time to time, and have instituto! now and scvere tests of isocbronism, adjustment and compensation. New machines and appliunces have been conntruoted, vtliefa perforra their work with consummate dclicacy and exactitude, and the clioictvt and most nppn vpil matoriaU only ave used. - Nothing in ('act is wmiting t'ither in mechanical princi pies, materialor vorkmanship to ensure perfection in the result. We continue to manufacture our otber well known qualitie.s undor the followingnanies : "Al'l'l.KTON, TRACY & CO." "P. S.HABTLETT." And the " Soldier' Watch," "ÏÏJi. ELLERy." Th lattcrthf lowest priced watch wo a sub. stantial, time-piece, cased in sterling silver- huntiDg pattern,and is nol Hable to get out of order eitber inraarching, rlding or flghting. All the above described watches, Including tiiefinett, which is named "American Watch CokPAST,' are sold by watch dealers generally throughnut the country ROBBINS & APPLETON, Agents for the American Watch Company, eow4m Ka Bkoaiiway , N . Y. ROBBINS & APPLETON, AgciMS for tilO Amcrlcnri IVntcli Company, eow4m 182 BROADWAY , N. Y. jJissoiution JVotice. IT1.HHF1RM OF CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO., was diasolved jL.Tanuary 10, 1863, by mutual consent C. A. Chapín acd A. B. Wood will settle theaccounts of the ftrra. C. A. CliAli.v, A. B. Woon, V. Chapix, E. Wells. Ann Arbor, June 24, 1803. Copartucrship. TTE UXDERPIONED entered into partnership Jan. 10,1833, by the firin name of Chapín & Co. t and ' wül continuo' the business , of manufacturing pviotiilg and wrapping paper. C. A. CuiPIX, N. CBiPIN, V. Chap. Ann Artor, June 24, 1168 910tf. BOOTS ScSHOES! NOBLE & RIDER, Have juat received atthe old stand of Wm. S Saunders, ivtely occupied by W. S. Sroith, ALARGE STOCK OF BOOTS $c SHOES, OF THE BEST QU-A-LITIT I YThicli they propoae to scll at LOW PRICES POR CASH. THEY ALSO MAKE AND REPAIR, To Accommodale Cuslomers. Pleaae cali and es amine theiT stock Before Purchasing Elsewhere. LAWRENCE NOB1IT, CHAKLES RÍBER. Ann Arbor, Sept. 9th, 1863. t(922. ÜTTEWTIÜN I A. C. LOEB, re happy to an nou nee totheir numerous friends and introns, that they have lately received a large addition ;o Uieir former heavy Stock of Beady-Made Clothing, FOR GENTS' AND BOYS' WEAR ! We have n.lso on hand a LARGE Ana Well Selected STOCK OP Srentlemen's Furnishïng Goods HATS, ,. TRUNKS, VALISES&c, &c, And we would respecttully soüett you to cali and examine aar Goods , before purchiisiug elsewhere, as we are confident that we can &ell you Gooda CHEAPER THAS THE CHEAPEST AT THE Cleveland Clothing House. A. & C LOEB. Anri 4rbor, Haron Street, oppesile Park, few doors West of Cooks' Hotel. 927in3 1863. SEPTEMBER 1863. FALL GOODS! AT THE "Oíd Corner!" I am now daily receivmg a well aleeted stock of NEW GOODS ! ÏOR THE CONB1STING 0Í STAPLE DRY GOODS, DRESS GOODS, ÏRIMMINGS, SHAWLS, HOOP 8KIRTS, BOOTS AND SHOES, NOTIONS, &c, &c Also a íull assortment of Family Groceries! all of tfhich were bought low and are to be SOLD CIÏEAP FOli CASH. C. 13. THOMPSON. At the Farmers' New Üash Store, Corner of Main and Washington sta. (922tf) Ann Arbor. áyer Cherry Pectoral DR. RADWAÏ'S PILLS. NEWLY DISCOVERED PRINCIPLES IN PURGATION BR KADWAY'S PILLS ARE THE BEST PURGATIVI? Pilis [n the World, and the only Vegetable Substituto for Ca'omol or Meroury ever discoverert. Composcd of "Vegetable Kxtracts ofGum, Plnuts, Herbs, Koots and Flowers. Thcyl'urge- Cleanïc- Purify- Heal- Southe- Calm- Strengthcu- Invigoratc- and Regúlate the System. ïjr svnoEjr ttJicks of INFLAMMAT10N OF THE I30WELS, BILIOUS CHOLIC, BILIOUS FEVER. ERYÖIPELAS, GONGESÏIVE FEVER, SMALL POX, MEASLES, SCARLET FBVEB, SIS TO EIGHT PIIiLS Will purgo tbc disease from the system iu SIX HOUES. If seized with citlwr of the ahovo-named diseases, lot 6ix or eight of Dr. Kadway's PILIS be taken at once. This sinnU dose will carry tbo patiënt out of aangor. Ilieir contiuued use, in smaller doses, will work a cure. COATED WITH GUM, Tbey are pleasant to take. They opérate plcasaotly , natuially, and llwrougldy. Evory doso that 3 tiken tmñttrís renqth to the enfeobled system. Belog perfect piugatives tbey do not leave tbe bowcls cos(ioe,or tbe paUeut vxak. ONE OE TWO OF DK. EADWAY'S PILLS Will secure a good appeUte and healtby digestión. TO THOSE WHO TAKB PlL.IiS, IR P. VDWAY'S PILLS will be found an improvement on ill 'purgitive or catbartic piUs In use. One or two pillj illbe found to keep the bo L&íL h oases wherc a briak oporation is desired, hlX to EIGHT ■n'ül iu six hours thoroughly purge. ONE TO SIX BOXES WILL CURE COSTIVENESS, DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, MEASLES. CONGESTIÓN, - MELANCHOLY, HEART DISEASES, HYSTERICS, DISEASES OF KIDNEY AMENORRHOEA, AND BLADDER, FAINTING, DISEASES OF LIVER, DIZZINESS, B1LIOUSNESS, RUSH OF BLOOD TO TYPIIUS FEVER, THE HEAD, SIIIP FEVER, OBSTRUCTIONS, MALIGNANT FEVER, RETENTION OF URINE LOSS OF APPET1TE, DROPSY, INDIGESTIÓN, ACUTE ERYSIPELAS, INFLAMMATION, HEADACHE, PALPITATIONS, BAD BREATH, SCARLET FEVER, INFLAMMATION OP BILIOUS FEVER, THE INTESTINES, JAÜNDICE, APOPLEXY, fe CONGESTIVE FEVER, ENLARGEMENT OF SLEEPLESSNESS, THE SPEEN, GENERAL DEBILITY, SCURVY, DIMNESS OF SIGHT, WHOOFING COUGH, FITS) WORMS, LOWNESS OF SPIRITS, BAD DREAMS, QÜINSEY, PLEURISY, . As also all Complalnts f Women, such 3 Hysterla, Leucorrhcea or Whltes, Wenfcenl„g Discharges, Clilorosls, Irwgularltle, Suppresslon of the Mcnscs, InflnmmaUoii of the Womb or Bladder, Dlflicult Menstruation and all other Disoases or Complaints produced by excessive discharges or suppressiou of the Slcnses. ion ii e?; jïd( -tna os suibjkoo xog ,.3,f( -uj-iauaS I s.xidJ3I-3JOls P" nl .i,.,jU ,fcj vts -IU elllcl i-MfH '■■ ■■ msxivWs-sa ,li-4 .MOÏÏOJ Ai!i (vil 1 DiradèJ uoql pn 'ano o) poonpoJ man [na olio peqsiuiulipecl'ssopaAissaaons u:re pire 'oaij jo Jnoj (ís 'oüjnd üi ilSnouo o34Ci oq pnons osop isaj oqi S]rt?ncutm pn puoTOJDdo jinqi ni pum ojh SIHJ iaiwn r-3oa on 1 panmbsm snH M"!i'!in"3H Pïre J9H8a Apwa eqi Jomsnoo i -oá 'vi-,w,iski 'm tisioiaxi l Moría joj sjotiio m mem poiiaBum.ooaj o.:q pnï ssip ■9W3J JnoX posn 'sanoi anuj }sïd oqi Suunp 'oAïy I OOST 'ITOBïf 'imj N ueiiupig uoMqs 'JQ TO0JJ W9! ■eS8I 'hwi IWdT'T 'N 'anuaaUBWO thinbdïto m ■streoiu ouniH om ÍÍ.U o) 'A'pTjpsm posjnooD Btqi 01 s-niipiA ggpqgue joiiv oanpm jepsi Pttu J POT 'noi ssoiq'poo '"" Awu 831!I !5 I 1IH anOli ïü!s" J31JB 'ioa pny '8981 'l!-tlv J" R19 01H lIt eta 6A1!8 !loX oo: vpn suopjpnf om iii'tln iou oi pooiwiuuioo i mn ora 8ASMI8J oí pojrajnoniaipoul nv -Xllliuibiuai puüíJOJuio 81)!1 ÏU!Z!loa jo oclotl oqi tin fjoiiop Jo spuusnoq innds 9Ai:i i -sjoj.ioq jo i:oisS3rans innsooo ü aoaq 0Atq sSiiiJBjins n- saclodsig psiiw) 'inroidiuo-j inno ïu ano qjvü poioig)ï i osq Ojfsq i bj%( Xotot jo aaHíio visaaasia jo asvo ■inaisis oin toojj p.ionmq posnosip pilxo pnu 'aonsjd -op inoimM aon8an(i sjuoss luqj Bn(i ai11" 1' ojuietii Dsnraoq 'a,Ai:.pv5i JQ oju 83l 01 etl!J oja i 81i ■asvi oi smid saos, raí ■XaoiTiji pur! niqj pmoj eq u! ÍI8 SmdijS ojeaos aoiju poisn .3ï ie 6I001S eqi Suiuiaiïxo a 'u!raI Olll suoisuooo it;qi TOOlsÁs sin jo nio ftiltáí oí un nvA pojaodaii oi ipiqjA Fioainii .ionio ptin o]iq oi[l jo oouosqti a si ji -SaiduS ao uieil onui jnqsq pnoM 8J8qt 'SHld ossql q pBI8d -xo ojo 'uioisXs oql ni Stnitnn'jjpljoi 'sjaumn pssosp ;'ssa3Dfnii qii.w j[ iioiiïjsdo losj.radini .iraql oí Stij ■MO si 'SHld 0U?i:.lil }u BSOP S Íq pnunpui ] liitjl '.ÍHIiqOp BtljrfíKilIJI 't.BaunM8 'tmín 'ïiindijS jo osmio oqi Xq poiDoas 81 xn]M. 'poJ!"10-' p! eBll Saiinuiii8 ÍHnsSpní 8uip38q Hnyoos 'pjttit n sasnostp osain ai ■Sliwiiwl juni) una s-Xu.wii: pinoM Xeql 'ffnU SiAVAV -ova cai8' pinoM 'íosw ni 'snB08ínq ji 'imia 6AO0d 01 to oq pnoAl 'aíoiioj ppwu il1 ioiio[dop ptra uo,iiNro' oqi yoo eoopoad ppioJí, Xoqi iioiibiijJ! oi1 sul.I aiHVJQ lo esop j;nf-uiuii oí ma -Biitiassa SpiS-iy 61 KOUVBHM 's.i.lí Bwpvpx joqio pn pioqd -Al'AMJll'W 'SIdlSJÍl 'J88 JOIJKÍS '4 lImuS UI nojisoSipnt ptre 'ssoraAjisoo 'nonoJisoad (Ba -8to8 'snmsonoi 'srjnd 'i'jqioJn 'aoppriq '?.oupi( oqljo f-unil. .'Uu A'q paoiC)j'paqnnOTip9 puoaoural pm! SAOU -PIl &m J SUOnöJOOS oql 'B[3Mi oqi JO U0I10U ]:JinU ■ mi psmuoui Bn1 a"íi ■eseneia 'easiren 'sojaJ 8odJS 1 siIuhijd qiiA popuaii" F"! ' a'jowm pntr pJO{oa-TOÍIn oq n pnnoj aq ui fioois run 'eos3 q'ls "I "papnaoRms om RUO113J.13S jomo Snmp os ai mq 'S(OJioq oqi ui siueiuoa oqi'jo uoisindxa jnB[8[A s Bonpoid 'eo.qmra snoonm oqi zn})uai -iq 'm silU ojisja oqij'1 8SP o8-lvI V sa'iid o asavo 3HJi ■lictnnq ojtiilm pm s!3odop psssesn? v. tooisXs pqi im.jj iuiSjnd pntf'pootq oq) 8ajfjiitid pm imsmxno ■ssiinp Jisql 30 8qih!ui.h!.i;hI iatnu oqi o) suotiojsos aju 1B 8uIimnS8J iHH!'soS.iol.)Piu).-r. poï iiaxri.u oql an 2uiouq pun 'üniunniiiiiojis '!(ih1ojid0D 'moisis i)Jl)aa oql jaAo epna)X9 o-iuohu"! Jlqi 'ouiumb vi aüiaodus en MU'BioAai Suiappój ,iaqio ]im: 'pioqdii 'mo8A 's.loi]l!I i[)!3 't.i.-.Aní JO lnimt1t;o.n oql ui -0 '01(01! -pmH 'sOi))v si"ol!SI 'ï(sdodB.a 'ooipiuref sailinogjia uooiclg pun sjuiïidnioo Joaitj .jo soïd ui ooumJoiHui Jioqi eonoq'llld onq 'A'.mo.Kuu '(imioii:;) in;ïii gaor)8JOdS fili cml aoAii oql joAo oouor.iiiu iiij.;OAod ojoiu u ospaoxo Í31U. p,0 Joisco .10 'spnuCTnïl Jo 'qirqnqx -To 'vnooQ nrqi Saqtjoq puu 2aiqioos ojoui puw '. iuinjoii:f.[ .10 '!ü U1IH l!lIC U10J0 ■'" ''"0!V.' flM OHSTJJü oql ireq; qanujoqi prnj u:rlaao ojom aas Aoqx 'SJ,Wn3VA3 BV oupopns 'imnuJi aaiiroo,-) 'iot( Timiis 'oAiimoiiv 'oaih xi.'i 'oitioj, 'inoiaadv ojb .ioqj, SKOiiviiiaKOO lYano maHX ssn ui sonpipora oAliuSJtid Jo STIII jsqio nu joAó '?SA!ii!3and fü 'SirIH Bq jo A'ii.ioi.iodns eql SuAoqs 'poïH0B9jd oJDq sjo 0111 01 jopüOJ inoa 11I81UI oql JO aonmwa oql soilAní AVAWVH OlOOtt 'SIOYá H0I3A. For Sale by STEBBINS & WILSON OA ACRES of exi-i-Uont timl.ercl the S. JÍ of Ot N. W. .; of Sec.2,TownS N. Range 3 W..CHBtonCountf. Itisinasood neigliborhood, about four mis froni DcWittaud ten (rom I.aning. For tenna nquircatoraddre,s. ABGOS OFFICE. Jan. Mth, 181Í3. 88tf Ayer's Catliartic PiUs


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