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Profitable Investments

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-ibo l'uiiadelp. ia Ivorth America) .gives soruc excellent advice to thoso who ■wish to in vest money, It is well for al who are ia fuuds to heed the counsel "Though u:or.ey has been temporarily careo, capital continúes abundant ; auc the recent tumble in the stock market brought capitalista to n realizing sense o) the uureliable oharacter of rnauy of the secundes deult in. It is greatly to' the credit of the governmont that its loans, of all the seeuritics daily dealt in on the market, have maintained their iutegritv of priee better than aimost an.ything eke. lts five twenty year six per cent, loan, the interest on which is promptly paid ui gold, has been subscribed to, all through tho pressuro in 'he monoy market, at an average of more than two niillions per day. And what is not the least gratifying tact in conneetion with the daaly largo subscriptions to this popular loan, Kcarcely any of it is returced to tho ■market for sale. -It is taken for iüvestment, and is held with uufaltering confi■deuco in its reliab hty. And why should itnotbo? It is seen that the governinont row, after two years of the most gigantio war that tho world bas ever ■kiiown, experieuce no difBculty in comniandiug tho neeesaary means to proseoute it, or paying regularly tho interest in gold as it falla due. If this can be dono while the war is being wagcd, who can anticípate any difficulty in readily '■complisiiing it wheu the war is to be er.ded 5 What better investment. then. Iban tbc 'Fivc-Twenty' govemmeut loau? i5ut if any doubt, let us refer to the statistietj furoished by the census tables . of tba various nations of the world. ïhe facts whieh they present vrill prove the ïuost satisfaetory mode of dispelling the numberlesa glootny ipprehensions whieh aro being coütinually conjured up by tbose who are di posed to exaggerato the oxtent of the calamity oecasioued by our rebellion. A referenee to the state of most of the prosperous nations of the old world clearly disproves suüh a positjon, and shows that the highest conditions of nationa! adraneement have not been raaterially affected by the extended wars in which those nations have been immeraorially engaged, and that a heavy national iudebtedness has not proved an unmitigated eü. "For instanoo, Great Britain, France and the Nethei lands will uodoubtedly be oocecded to represent the highest prosperity that has been attained by any of the European nations. And yet no natiotis liave been callod upon to endure fiercer or more prolonged wars, domestio and foreign than they. The effect has been, umjuestiouably, to ucur au enornioua natioial indebtedness; but neither their wars nor their iudebtedness have had the fiffuct to destroy their elasticitv, nor to check the progress of their general prosperity. The result would have been different, probably, f these natious had been falling iutodecay, instead ofbei'ig, as they really were, in a state of development; and in this respect their caes resembles our own, with enormous advantages in our favor. These nations, while undergoing the trials of war, wcre oppressed by the evils of an imniensa exodus of their people, caused by the deusity of their population, the inpossibility to próvido qccupation for them the low price of labor, and the scareity of territory. Compared with our own country, they possessed slight room for future developmezt ; they were settled in overy part and no vast territory lay iuvitingly open to encourage enterprise and settlement. Thoir groat problem has ever been what to do with their surplus population, whieh, in its turn, has sought new fields for adventure and self-support in countries liko our own, where an illimitable territory waits to be developed, and where incaleulablo resources invite industry and energy. The encouragenient to be dorived from these facts aud compariaons of circumstanoes is very great, and to the mind of any dispassionato reasoner is conclusive that the course of this great country is onward and upward, and that its credit will live unimprfired to the end."


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