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The City Quota--$100 Bounty Offered

The City Quota--$100 Bounty Offered image
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Fursuant lo a cali mado by the Common Council of this city, a meeting of the property tax payers was held at the Court House, on Thursday evening of last week, for the purposo of considering the subject offering a bounty to volunteers to fill the quota of the city under tho last cali of the President The meeting was largely attonded, in fact the Court House could hardly have held more, and after considerable discussion the following resolution wa adopted, with but two negativo votes Resohcd, That the Cornmon Counci of the city of Ann Arbor are hereby authorized to offer one hundred dollars bounty for each and cvery volunteer who may be enlisted and mustered into the United States service, and credited to the city of Ann Arbor; aud that the said Council are hereby further authorized to issue bonds to the amount of seven tbousand and nine hundred dollars, (seventy-nine men being the quota assigned to tho city of Ann Arbor,) and bearing interest at the rate of seven (7) per cent per annuni, payable annually; and that said bonds shall be paid in tbree equal nsialments by a tax levied on the taxable property of said city of Anu Arbor, as follows, to wit : The first instalment to be paid on the first day of January, A. D. 1806, and the aecond instalment on the first day of January 1867, and the tbird instalment to be paid on the first day of January 1808. At a regular meeting of the Council, held on.Monday evening last, the following resolution was adopted : Resolved, By the Mayor, Recorder, and Common Council of the city of Ann Arbor, that we issue the bonds of the city of Ann Arbor to raiso money to pay volunteers to fill the quota of the city by the draft appointed for the fifth of January next, a meeting of the property tax payers convened for that purpose havingrby a viva voce vote, autborïzed the Common Oouneil to issue bonds to the amount of eeven thousaud nine huodred dollars for tbat purpose, each volunteer mustered into the United States servico and credited to the city to receive one hundred dollars. The Council also appointed Philip Bach agenfc for tho city to sell the bonds and pay tho volunteers. The tax payers and Council having acted, it is now time for our ciüzens to be rnoving. The fiftb of January is close at hand, and if the quota of the city is to be filled somebody must work. There is no time to spare. It is vo)unteers or conscripta. Let it be volunteers. The " First Class," men are especially interested. What do they say ? in ii - L3"6en. Grant has ordered Gen. Sherman to the command of all the forces of Easl Tenncssee, and the order Las been ratified at Washington. - This will relieve Gen. Fostbr, recently appoined to eupersede Gen. Burnsidb. SS Wm. Asiiley, Jr., of Grand -lapids, was robbed in that city on Monday evening last, 'of $4,500, while going from the Express office to his esidence. A revvard oí $100 is offered 'or the detection of the robbers. 1 1 i 1 1 BPWe invite the ,attention of our 'riends who have money to invest to the advertisement in another column, headed "U. S. 5-20'S." These letters nean United States bonds, running wenty years, vvith the privilege of redeeming in gold at fivo yeara from date. Chey bear six pur cent interest paya)le seiui-annually n gold, and at the )resent rate of premium on that once common coin, are as good as the best secured business paper hearing nine er cent. We know of no better investment for money. In another eolïmn we extract an article from the Philadelphia North American pertinent to the subject. jUT" Indica tions are that Congress will immediately either largely iocrease he $300 commutation of drafted men, or repeal it altogether, and require either the man or a substituto. We think the latter will be done. In view of this no stone should be left unturned to fill the quotas of the peveral towns of this county. If bounties will not get men at home, let active agenta )e put in the field to get thera elsewbere. Tbre ie no time to lo.


Old News
Michigan Argus