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U. S. 5-20'S THESECRETARYOFTilE TRE 18ÜRY hal nol yt ([ven notice of a'iy hitenüou lo wilhdraiv ihis popular Loan from Sale at Par, and unlil ten ilays nc. tice is fivn,lhe undomgned, 09 GENERAL SUBSCRTI'TION AGENT," will continu to topply the publie. The whoie amount of the Lean aiitaorizd ís ïive lIundredMillionsof Dollars. NEARLY FOUií I1UNDREDMILLIONSHAVE BKEN ALREADY SUBSCRIBED AND PAU) INTÓ THE TREASURYt mostly within ihe last sevcu montha. Tlie Inrse de. mand from abroad, mid ihe rapidly tacreoatog home demand for nso as the basis for circulation by National lïanking Associntions now organizing u all parta of the country , wil], in nvery short pt-riod, ahaorli the balance. ÍAles have lately ranged from ten to liftten inilllons weskly, frequsntly execedmg thrt'c mülions (luily, and it is well knr.wn thnt llie Secre,ary oftlio Treasury has ampie and unfailin!; resour ces b tl Dot' S 011 Importa 011 Internsl Revenues, and in the isu oftha In:cie3t heavins Lcgol 'IVniier Treasury Notes, t isalniüst a colah:ty that lic wil' not lind it necessary, for a long Unie to come, 10 eek a market for any othei loiijjor j.erm.iiient Lom THE INTEUiiST AND PRINCIPAL OF WI1I0H ARE PAYABLE IN GOLD. Prudenee and selfinterest muit (ore; the mndi of those contfinpaiing the ('ormatlon of Nniicnal Banking Associatiorl", sa well ás the niinds ofall ivhohaie idle money onllnir handj, to the prompt conelusion that tliey should lose no time in sibsciibing to tliismoslppular lean. Itwil solí, he be yond Iheir reach.and advanco to handsomc, pre mium. as ini tliertfsult wtth ha ' Seven Tlïiry' Loan, whsii li Hos ailsold and coHld 110 longer be subscribed for at par. IT IS A S1X PER CKNT LOAN, THE 'INTEREST AND riUNCIPAL PAYABLE IN COIN TIIUS Y1ELUINO OVER MNE PER CENT. PKR AN. NUM at the present raift of premium en coi. ThaGoreriinieui r.'quireaalldutloa 011 importa to be paid iu Coin ; those iluties h:ive fora (oog time pastamountedto over aQuartcr of a Midion of Dol. lnr .liiily, a suiu nearly threc tim groater thari that rrquircd in the poynient üf Ihe in'.efesi ha al] the 5-2i)'a and other permanent Loans. So tbat it is hopod thal tho sarilua L'oin in ,hc Trtasury, al no distant day, 1H inable the United States to ranmi specie paym en;i üpoii all lUhlUil' s. The Loaniscallod 5-20 froni thufnet t'mt whi'stthe Bunds may run fnr 20 yeaii.yel Ihe Oov.rument has a right topay tlieiu off in Güid at par, al ny time after . jt'ará. THE INTERKST 13 PA1D UALK-YEAKLY viz : en ihe flrst days of November and May. Snbwribers can have Coupon Bond, h hio!i ar payadle lo heiiror, and are :.(), $(oo, $500a,id tlOflfl „rReustered Boridsc.f same denoiiiinnticns, .inil in addil'on. $5000 am] JflO.Mft For Bjuking putpon and for iuvesi mentí of Trust-moliK-8 tlie Regi.ttred Bourls.ire fnvfuraM. These 5 2ü'scannolbe laxed by Stntra.cities, towns orcon utifs, and the tiOTi-mmeit tnx on thcm 3 onlj oue-and a-lmlf per cent. on ilio nmonm of i , come, whenthe inconie of the lioiilcr eice-ds Si Hum.reü (lollaraperannuin ; all otlicr i::vestmeils,siicf incoms from Mortgages, Railioad Stock and Boiidü. etc, musl pny from to fivc per cenl lux o.i Ihe iucome. Bnnksand Banjers tbroughout tlif Country will continue to diposc of the bond ; and all orders by muil, or otherwiso prompt!)' attcn'Iod to. Theinconvenicnceof aferedaya' delay in the deüvrr of the bonds ia unTo;daüle,;the demand belng sogrtat ; bul as uti-rest eommeno-s f'Oin ihc dny of subacription. no losa is occasionfd, andeTery cfoit is being mii to dimluish the delaj, JAY COOKE, Suhscription Agent, 114 South Tliiiv! Street, Phiisdelphia. Philadflphifl, ïTov 25, 1863. 6wl9 LiJUasysKtpwÍBvHAsHsífll DEPOT. BR Refined by new process, Bt+J warranted to burn one-third gC longor than any other oil in F[ market, g A DiíFOREST. "'" Dec llt'i. 1803. NOTIOB. ALL PERPOK3 holding claims spaiDst me, by book account or note will piense present th'm to me tor iniiuediiito payment. And all [ndebted to me perannally or, tn me as nssignee of .Í. M. Bour, will confer n favor b_v settHng forttiwith by note or otherwise snd thfifhy rave oost And 1 lieieoy pve üotice that after étil dftifr, I Pliall pay no debts ftxoeyt tboso contra:1 ted by myself personally or upon my apeciiil 'ritten order. L. K. BUCHOZ. Dated, Ann Arbor, Iec. Tth 1S63. 934ml SEND IN YOUR ORDERS. THE Bubicriber íb making lrge preparations to bringa very extensive variety of fruit tree into this oity, as early iu the Spring as tbeycanberemoved. I hall have for ale, 10,000 Pear Trees, 20,000 Apphs Trees. 10,000 Peach Trees, 5,000 Grape Vines. Also - a large asaortment of Evergreens; and flowera and shrubs. Ordcra mav be sent to me by tnail c oilienvisf. T. DuBOIP. Ann Arbor, Dec, 2d, 1863. 4m934. Estáte of Lewis Benedict. STATKOF MICHIGAN', County of Washtenaw, ss.- At ii stssion of the Probate Court iorth1 County of Washtf nau', holden atthj l'robateOflice in the City of Ann Arbor, otr Wedmday, the nintb day (.f December, in Ihe Vear one tbousand tight hundred and fcixtythree. Present, Thomas Nïnde, .Tudie of Probate. in the matter ot the Kstaie of Lew is Benedict , deceased. On readino: and filing Ihe petition, duly vorified. of Basan Benedict, (pvaying that a cerlain iustrument perporUng to be a copy of the last wil! and testament of sfiid dcceüsed. with the probate thereof may be allowed, fiied, and recorded in this court and leitera tesi.imentary thereon issued to theexecuiors thereinuamed. Thereupon it is Ordered. that Monday, the fourth ñny of .liinuarv next at one o'clock in the afttirnoon, be assigned for the hearing of'said pétitlon, and th;itthe dvif.ces ltífíteea -ind lieirs ut ïaw of said deceaed, and allothor persons interested in said estáte, are required to appAftr nt a srfnafon of fvM Courf , then to be holden at the Probate Office, Ín the City of Ann Arbor, in said County, and ib w canse, ifany tlierebe, why the prayer of thepetitioner should not be granted: And it is further ordered, tljat said petilioner L,ive notlce to the persons interosicii In sa'nt estáte, of the penlency of said petition , ainl thfl boarfng tliereof, by cmising a copy of this Order to be publiahed in the Mit kigan Argus, ft iiewspaper printed and cïrculatinp laiaid Oonnty of WafthWnftw, ihree successive weeks, previous to mA day of hearfng, (A true Copy.) THOMAS NINPE, 934 Judge of Prnl ate. CAME into t]ie enclosure of the subscriber abont the i firt dny of July last, a three year oíd Pteer, red ind white with spread horns. Tbc owncr is requestc d to prove property, pay cbargeti, and tak'e said steer fcy. RRYAN COMISKIE. Korthtad, Dm. 3, lef. %j.;yr I IP YOU WANT A GOOD Wringer; call at the CROCKERYSf GROCERY STOltl and get posted beforo you piir.hsse. Ho has ,M „, , different kinds of goud wringers, Price from Twelve ShiJlings to $71 A GOOD CLOTHES WRINGRR, Saves time ! Saves inoney -Sarei clothing! Saves strengtk! Saves hcalth ! Sa ves hiritig hchi Saves weak wrists! Saves hurni'ngh SAVES YOUR TEMPER! ' WooUn clothes can b wrang out ol boilin. ..,, prevent Lrlnking. without inj.ry to machín, i Ann Arbor, Dec. lst, 1863. ' "tf0Risl BEATJTIFtTL DRESS O O 0 DS, LATESï STYIJES CLOAKS & CLOAKINGS FINE Sia:A."WrLS 6'f the New Patterns. CARPETS of all kinds, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Woolen Gooè Of all kinds for the Winter Trade, now openiny it C. H. MILLEFS N. B. - This is the Secc'nd Arrival of Fill and Vilt Goods, and wíll be oífured at cloHe figures. PImm dl . 982tf C. H. II, WËÊÊÉSÉïWËÊÊÊ P. B AC H Haa received A. LAEGE STOCK -OFFALL AND WINTER GOODS! INCLUDING LATE3T STYLES -OFSliawls, üress Goods, and everything for Ladies & Gents Wear. o GOIKG PAST FOR CASH! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, Oct. 1863. SherifPs Sale. BY VIBTÜE of ao execution issued ont of tui oi the seal of the Circuit Court for the ComW " Washienaw, and tu me directcd, bearingdate,uly 1B!r A.D 1883, against the goods and chattles, or fo' } want thereof, the lands aml tt'nements of """ Siv.ith and Willmin S. Mavnard, 1 have tliis ia.f " ied upon anc seized all the rigiit title and interest ' ' üilbertSmith in and the followin dcscribed f sestowit: Bemg alUhat certain tract or ParW ., land situated n the City of Ann Arbor in the C"j of Wasliteniw au l Staie of Michigan, knmvn, W ;ind describcd as follows, to wit : [ieiDg I-ot nuIT fl Imir (4) in block three (3) south of Horon strre' ranse BumI er six [f] east accordin? to the lïecr plat orthe Viliage, now city.ol Ann Arbor. l"'in?.!'S [f] rodsnn Kifth Street and sixtfen [lfi] rodsonW street. All of which prelniaes I sballexpos for ' the Uw directa, at tte front door of the Court n n the City of Ann Arbor that being the place for "" ng the Circuit Court for said County of "■".„, on Sattirday the fifth day of December, A. l"' ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day. iff PHIUP WI.XKUAR, Eb"' Ootober. 5th 1860. The above Fale i hereby prríponid until Sí'''' Dec. 19th, at the same plucvand time of , l'IULir VINEGAB,S1 Ann Arbor, Dec. 6ih, 1S63.


Old News
Michigan Argus