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"A smile was on her lip - hcalth was in her look, strengtk was in her step, aud in her hands - Plantation Bitters." S-T-1860-X. A few bottles of Plantation Bitters Will cure Nervoue Headache. 11 Cold Extremities and Feveriah Lips. ' Sour Stoinach and Fetid Breath. " Flatulency und Indigestión, " Nervous Affections. " Escesaive Fatigue and Short Breath. 11 Pain over the eyes. " Mental De.spondency. " Prostratiou ; Great Weakness ' Sallow Complexion, Weak Bowels, ka. Which are the evidences of LIVER COMPLAINT AND DYSI'EPSIA It is estima ted that seven-tenths of all adult ailinents proceed from a ciiseased and torpid liver. The biliary BOCretloni of the livor cverflowing into the stcmach polson the entire systeui aud exhibit the above symptorus Ifter long research, we are able to present tbemoet remarkable cure for these home1 nightmare diseases, the world has ever produced. Withín one year ovar six huudred and forty thousand peraons have taken the Plantation Bitters, and notan instance of ccmplaint has come to our knowlcdge ! It is a most effect unl tonic and agretable stimulant suitedto all conditions of life. The report that it relies upon mineral substances for its activo properties, are wholly false. For the public Eutisfaction, and thst patients may consult their physicians, we append a list of its components. Causaya Bark- Celebrated for over two hundred yearsin the treatmeñt of Fever and igue, Dy.spep&ia, Wealiuess, &c. It was ïntrodued into Europe by the Countess, wife of the Viceroyof Pe,ru, in 1040, and afterwurda aold by the Jtauits for the enormou price of its oun weight in silvtr, underthe name of Jesuk's Poicders, and was finally made public by Louis XVI, King of Franje, HuinboK makes special refereuce to itsfebnfuge qualities during his South American tra veis. Cascarilla Iïaük - For Diarrhrea, colic and diseases of thu .stomaeh aud bowels, Dandklio.v - For iuUamwation of the loins and drop sieal allections. Ciiamumilk FLOWERS- For enfeebled digestión, Lave.ndur Fi-oweks- Aromatic stimulunt aud tonic - highly inviorating in nervous debïlity. YYlNTSKOBBÏSN - 'or ecrolula, rlieumatism , &c. AsiSU - An aromatic carminative ; creating fïesh., muscle aud mi Ik ; much used by mothersnursing. Aiso, clove-buds, orunge, earraway, coriander,snükeroot, &c. S- ï- 1860- X. Anothei wonderful ingrediënt, of Spanish origin, imparting beauty to the complexion and brilliancy to the mntdjls yet unknown to the commercy of the world, and we withhoM its name for the presentIMPORTANT CKIÍTIFICATES. Rochester N. Y. Deormber 28, 1861. Sísssrs. P.ÏI.Dkakk & Co ■ - I have been a great muffer er i'rom Dvspepsi.t for three or four years and had to abandon my profesión. A bont three monlhs ago I tried the Plantation Bitters, and to my great joy, I ara now nearly a well inan. I have recommended tbam in sevrul cases, and, as íar asi know, fclwftja witla signal bmeht. I &'m iEspectfuily yours, RFV. J. S. CATÜRON. PhUadclphia, lOth MonthVWi Da y, 1862Bespegtkd Fuiexd : - My daughter has been much beuefitted by the use of thy Plantation Bitters. Thou wilt aeud mi two bottles more. . , ,.. Thy Friend, ASA CcRRIN. Sherman House, Chicago, Hl. Feb. 11, 1862. llessrü, P,H. . Drakk VCo.. - Pleaac send ua another twelve cases of your Plantation Bitters. As a morning appetizer, they appear to liave superceded everyihiug else, and are great ly esteeraed. Yours, &c. GAGE & WAITE. Arrangemenis are now completedto supply anv demand for tliis article, which from lack of government Ktamps has not heretofore been possible. Tut public may rest assured that in no case will the perfectly pure standard of the Plantation Bitters bo departed from. Every bottle bears the far. simile of our signature on a stielplate engraving, or it cannotbtgenuine. Sold by all Druggists, Grocers and Dealers Uarough out thé countrv, " P. H. DRAKB & CO. 9KmO 202BROAnWAY,N. V. SAPONIFIER, OR CONCËNTfiATËD LYE, FAMILY SOAP MAKER, j W jl lx makes high prices ; Saponifier heljis to reduce them. It makes Soap for Four centsa pound by usingyour kitchen grease. CAUTION ï As spunous Lyes are offered alsi),be ca-eful and ouly buy Ine Fatented art iele put up in Iroti eans, ajl others being Countci'lelts. Pennsylvania Salt Manuf act uring Co,} Pailadelphia- Xo. 127 Walnut Street. Pittsburg - Pitt Street and Duquesne Way. ETTWENTY-ONE YEAKS AG0-.O Mr. O. CBaisTOLa distinguished Chemist and Iruggist of the city of Buffalo, N, Y., invented andmnnufactured a compound known as BRISTOL'S BAT.SAil OY HOARHOUXD, which is a perfect spkcific for cougiis, COI.DS, or any beoxcujai. or ixsg ijifkicclties arising from damp, cold, or sudden change of the weather. Every person nbo has ever taken BRISTOL'S BAL8 AM OF HOARHOUND, projiounces it the bt st jwlicle ever invented ; and so justly celebrated has it become, tbat tlie market is already full of imitations, counterfeits, and most danerous compotms, under the name of Baláam of Iloarhound. Therefore, alway be careful to cali for Bristol's Bakam, and see that his WRITTEK signature is on t"he outside label oí Mie bottTe. Mark. - Tbis invaluable llcdicfne has been now some twentv-one }ears beforethe public, a mi witliout any effort on the part of the proprietor, its saïe has become very extensive, and is daily increasïng. The low price at which the Medicine is slï (25 CENTS) enables ALL to pM'take of its healing quaHtics. C. CROSBY, BUFFALO, N.Y. Sole manufacturer, to wiiom all orüers should be atldressed. For sale byall respectable druggifits, Iyeow92tj O" TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINE OHEWING TOBACCO at from 50 cen':s to One Dollar. SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND OIGAR STORE Sign - Red Indian. South sido Hurón street, a few doors from Cook's Hotel. fc M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dee. 11, 1862. 883tf AGOOD TREE 18 KNOWN BY ÏTSFRl IT. So ís a good Physician by his Huccesslul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT AND CKLKBHATED Pil VSICIAN OF THE THBOAT, LUNGtí AN'D CHE6T, Known all over the countr; au the Oí&brateá INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! From South America, wïll be at bis rooms, RUfetfKLL HOUSE, UETKOIT, Onthe 18th and 19th inst.,oa the same dale of and é:very subsequent month during' 18''2 and 18(i3, A NEAT PA.Ml'llLKT Of the life,study and etensive travels of Dr. Lyon i;an be prócured by all ivhodenireoue, f ree of ch&rge. Dr. L will visit Aun Arbor, Jackson.aad Adrián, Mtcli., as followB : Ann Arbor, Monitor House. 20th. Jackson. Hibbard House, 21st Adrián, lïrackett Ui uso, $Zá and 23d. Moiic; o KxAMi.v.vfiON.- The Doctor discerns diseases bjtfee eyes . He, Iféréfore, asks no qu estío uk nor req lires pationts to explain syrnptoms. Affücted. come aud liave your s'mptoms anil the locatiou of your di.-ieaseexplained free of charge Family Dye Colors. "T10R Dyeing Silk, Woolen and Mixed Gooris, Shawls, X Scarft, Dresses, Ribbons, Gloves, Ronnets, Hats, Veatherp, Ku Glovos, Childreu's Clolhin, and all kinds of Wearing Appftrel -A SAVIMG OF 8O PER CEST-p For 25 cents you can color as many Roods as would otlierwise cost five times that st.m. Various simden can be produced f om the hamo Dyc. Tho proes& is simple, and aüy one can use the Dye with perfect ruccess. Directions in Knglish, French and Germán, insido of each package. For further information in Pyeing, and civing a perfect knowledgo what colors are best adaptcd to dyo over others, (with many valuable recipes,) purchase Howe & Stphens Treatise on Dyeinsj and Coloring.- Kent by mail on receipt of price- 10 cents, Manufactured by HOWE k STEVEN, 260 Broadway, Boston. For sale by Prugglsts awl Dealersenerally. 926m6 FOR SALE. Q ACRES of excollcit tiinbcred the R. of O f N. W. % of Sec.2,Town 5 N. Range 3 W-, Clinton Coiinty. It is in a good neighborhood, about four miles from DoWitt and ten from LanBing. For terms cquire at or addreec. AKStfs arncz, ... . Buffalo Testimony. THE pTT Ö17 Cures "I was troubled vvitli Rheum, tisna for two vears sufTering moreor lesa evei-y day. I have taken two bottlesof the 'Peopies Cure,J and have uot had any pain pince I left it off inore than four "weeks ao. I oonaider myaell' au entirely cured, and' the ïaedieine has made me feel very liglit and good- just like a young inan thongli I am sixty two years old. GODFREY i-CHEFFKL, 402 Michigan St." "My wifehas been sufivrimr from Rheumatism of im infiammatory character for abotft six or seven years bometimes very acutely. Aboul the first of June last she cominenced tiiking the 'Peojjle's Cure,' and continued to take it some three weeks. In ten days after she commenced, the Kwelling and stiffness of her joints very material ly lessened, and in three weeks liad disappeared altogether. "THOMAS POIXOCK, (at W. H. Glenuy's ) " Bufia lo, October 1, 1862," THE ITTDT1 Cures PKOPLE'3 VU IX ÜJ Fever Sores. "Two of one of them afflicted with a bad Fever Soie. the other with Rhoumatism- having seen tbe advertisement of the 'People's Cure' in tliis paper, nurclmsed th Medicine ,nd now, after having thor oughly tried it, report to us, comme ná ing ït most heartily as a thorough remedy in their case. - Editora Christian Advocate. THE rTTT X? Curos Aseases PEOl'LE'S Vy J SXtlá of the Skin. "My face has for inore than ten years beengreatly disfigured by truptionsand bunehes, whicli at times extended over my whole body, and once for tl" ree days made me entirely blind ; but having taken two bottles of th 'People'ts Cure,' my acquaintances hanïly ree: ognize me - Indeed I hardly know myself-as I am now a wcll man. Let all who are alike afflicted try the 'People's Curo, - the Medicine prepared by ïhe Snnitarv Society - and I think they will not begrudge their dol Ur. "JOSKPII SOUR, Turner, ïlechanic St 'Buffalo, Nov. 15, 1862." THK rTTX? TT1 ' Cures Scrofula & LEOPU?8 ; U ÏXÏii, Salt Rheum. "I havtí usedthe 'Pople's Curo' in my family with great benefit, in ca-es of Soroftila and Salt Rheum, and have recommended it frequently to my f iends, all of wliom I believe have been benefitted, and most of thtm entir-ely eured by it. CHAS. SCHARFF, 273 Main St.,up.stairs." ÏHB TT"D Tj"1 daroB Feraale PEO} LE'S yJ ÏXVj Weaknesses. "I have been ín feeblo health ever since the birth of my boy, who is now twelve yefirs old. I have liad many troubles and difficulties, aB tliis time, unfitting me for e very kind pf labor, and destroying all my coni fort, Last suramer I commenced taking tlie 'People'a Cure,; and have used four bottle, and am now almost a wêll woman. My difficulties have nearly all dieap peared, and I feel cheerlul and happy. "MR& CATHARINE DEWALD, Dressmaker, Goodell Alley, aboveTupper st. "Bnffalo.Oct. 20}lö62." THE TTTJTj1 Curos when other PEOPLE'S, tJL U XV Jlí medicines íail "My wiíe has Úeen in poor health for a long time harinf frqucntly to cali a phvsician to attend her; but she was recently ver.y much worep. for tive or six weeks she had no appetite, lost all her strength, and waseacli day growing worse, She had night sweats, coughed a great deal during each niht and considerabij during the day, and we all yupposed he was going off witb the conaumption, when a, triend advised her to take the 'People.s's Cure. On taking tlie medicine he perceived a change at once. On tbe tblrd day she had repovered her appetite, and was iast regaining her strcngtli, uutil, on tbo eighth áay, not yet having taken one bottle, tibe has stopped taking íhe medicine Kíiying she was as well as anybudy could bo, and she has continued so ever Bince. "PAUL KLEIN", Gardner, 32 Pearl st. "Buffalo, October 1,1862." #L For Pale by all Druggists. 922yl. C. CROáBY, General Agent, No. 255 Mam st. , Buffalo, N. Y., to whom all orders should be addresaed. For Ssle by Stsbbi:í3 & Wilso.n, Grexvillk & Fclleb, and G. Ebebbacíí & Co. WONDERFÜL SUCCESS. The attention and research of the most distinguished Chemists and Physicians for years have been devoted to tbe production of a remedy for those mostdistressing maladies NEL'RAUiiAand RSKTUATiBX. After long study aad many expciiments, a specijic preparatlon haa been discovered. WAÏSON'S Neuralgia 'ving, a,n Inttmal Remedy, is curing ihousauds of caes whereall other remedies have utterly faiied. Weere a.sfiiircd tbat it is no more ' AKOOYNE," relieving for the njomentwbilethe cause remains, Ijut is a perfect SP1CCIFÏC and CURE for those rainful diaeases. The vaist number of Liniments, Embroc;itions aml Externa! Medicines, which act as stimulants of tlie siuuice only, are-raerelv terau"r;n y in their effecis and of doubt ('ui virtue The NEURALGIA KIXG reaehes the sonríe of all troublf, and eflectually banishes the diseasefro'm thesystem. Price - One Dollar per Bottle. Prepawd by C. R. WALKER, Ij922 Buffalo;N.Y., and Fort Krie, C.W. For Sale by Stebbi-s & Wïlson, Gbexville & Fulleiï, and C . Ehekbach ie ('o. NEW FÜLL GGODS! I am now receiving bay FALL STOCK, wbich is latgeand well selectcu and marked at ÍS JVL J3L. rM Xji 3P3aOI"ITS ! I have as usual in great variety, Shawls & Cloaks, WHITE GOODS, Grloves &, Hosiery BALMORAL AND HOOP SKiRTS. anl a full STO !K of all -ANDCHOICE GROOERIES. Buj-ers for CASH or PRODUCE will nhvays findmost of the Stock largely under CKEDIT l'Rl'JES. J. II. MAYNAED. Ann Arbor, Oot. 16, K63. C0dS26 CAEPETS, AND OIL OLOTHS ! JUST EECEIVED AT HiSNION & GOTT'S. Ann Arbor Oct . 23d 1163. 927ra2 JJissolution TVotice, mHEFIRM OF CHAPÍN, WuOD & CO., in dinBoWcd H, Jal, by mutual oonsent. C'. A. Chapín andA. B. WoodwiU settle the accounts of thefirm. C. A. Chai-i.v, a. B. Wood, V. Cbípi.v, e. Wells. Anu Arbor, June 24, 1863. Coparínership, rpTE ÜN-DERS}GNBD entored into partnership Jan. 1 16,1843, by the ürm name of Chapín k Co., and will continue the business of manufacturing piinting and wrappiug paperC. A. Ceípik, yr.Giun, V, QBJITO' AB Arbl,;rineï4,l3 IMf. BOOTS SHOES ! NOBLE & RIDER, llave j un t receive! at tlie old stand of Wm. S Suundera, .ately occupied by W. S. Sraith, ALAEGE STOCK OF BOOTS SHOES, OF THE BjEST QTT-JL.TTY I Which they propose to sell tt LOW PRICES FOR CASH. TIIEY ALSÖ MAKE AND REPAIR, To Accommodalc Customers. Pjease cali and examine íheir stock - Before Purchásing Elsewhere.' LAWRENCE NOBLE, CHARLES RIDEIt. Ann Arbor,Sept.9th, 1868. t(922. JLTTENTION I A. C. LOEB, Are happy to announce to their numerous friends and patrón, tnat they have lately received a largo adtlition to the ir former heavy Stock of Beady-Made Clothing, FOR GENTS' AND BOYS' WEAR! We hnvii also on band a LARÓB And Well Seleoted STOCK OF Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods HATS, TÉUNKS, VALISES &c, &c, And wo would respecttuliy folicit you to cali and exatnine our Goods, before purchasing uluewhero, as we are couSdent that we can sell you Goods CHEAPKK TIIASí THE CIIEAPE8T AT THE Cleveland Clothing House. A. & C. LOEB. Aan Arbor, Huron Street, opposifc Park, few door WestofCooks' Hutel. 927bi3 Terrible Slaughter! THE VICTOHY JS OURS ! THE 33ja.1"T?XjE! Which has been raging for the past four weeks at MACK & SCHMID'S STO5E Has pro ved i grand success, although the slaughter of DEY GOODS Has been terrible. TV'u now make the announcement thatweshall continue "For M.iny Years" to make warwith high prïc9? being determlned to give the hundreds who ilaily throiig our store, fall value for tiitir money, 1-Jidies can flnd with us all desirahle shades and stylos of DRESS GOODS, MBBOiNS, ÏRIMMINGS, EMBIIOIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c, With a very large and attractive stock of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS fax beiow tlieir "7"i-l-w.o We hear it said evcry dfiy that wa are ruining the business in this city by selling so cheap but we cannot help it, The Goods Must bc Sold. 1000 New Style and best quality HOOP SKIRTS vcry chtap, and for the Gentlemen we havo a very large assor'.ment ot' Prench Twilled Cloth. Beaver Overcoatings, Doaskins. Paiicy Cassim-res, Vestings, &c, Of all iescripiion.s, and can lurnish a whole fluit on short ïmtice imich chcaper tliiin it can be bought else where. An exannnntion of this branch oí' our business will convince uil thatthis [g the place to buy thfir Piiut.-i, i'oats aud Vesi. We have also a complete stock of Ladies and Cbildrexü' Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, Aad in fact everytln'ng that man or wuman can deslíe to wear on head orfoot, Groceries, Crockeryj Glassware &c, At astonishing Iow prices, and in short our entire stock must shuxöthe .same late for we are detenniued to sell, no matter whai oïd ert) akers m;iy saj , All are iuviteel to m'spect our stock as it is no trouble to show our goods, aiui we jato bomul to meet the demands of all. 932tf MACK & SCIDIID. ,- FAIRBANKS' 1 rJ Standard C SCALES! P. '%R jP Aho, Warchouse Trucks, Letter Presses, c. Fairbanks, Grcenleaf & Co., 172 LtikeStroot, Chicago. Sold in Detroit by FARRAND óí. SHELT5Y. 4-Be careful to buy only the gonuïncOi 88-"iyl Farm For Sale. CHANCE FOR A BAHGAIV, in the town af Ronald, [oqIa County, Mtch., ii tbe best. wbeat growïcg re- gion iü the State. This farm contains 16O jaLCIlEÍS, of clioicc lnii(l witb soventy aeFM under i m pro vemen t, with sorae three miles of cooil oak fence. It is well watered, has n fiood log house, a frame horse barn a GOOD SUGAll BUSH, and athrifty Orchard. It is well located for school and oüicr privileges . The owner having do help of his own, and wishing to lócate in the región of the University would lilre to exchange for proporty ín or near tho city of Ann vVrbor. Address Y.O. Box fi65, Ann Arbor orin quire of Dr. GEO. PBAY. 929ai3 DolroitSt., oppositf Arksoy'ü wagon pbop. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


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