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TIJ ' American Collecting Agency, I No. 240 BroachvMy, New York. Claims of all kfnflü afóa'uist tire (enera! fíovernimv.1 Státé iJfni'riiiu'iU. the city, or pri vh to partjes, u-osecuted and CüJIec.teq íit my trpnutf, oud Tlêk Against partita 1 po.--.ess BUpprior facilities for oollecíaiig claims e'TOrywbíTe in thí United fftaies Hiid Cañadas, reliüvJn.tí iiu-rchants, ansiguoes, bnnker, and otherx, o i Wie caí e a ml all respunsíbiüty . Special attentiongiTeo to oíd dcbt.s, hard" canes, di, varias, wjllü, Mates. ti-. Beingfiiuiiliitr with ivlltne tetafliof ilio " I,u mal Revenuc Xím," I will uttt-n-l promntly ti the ooÜèctlop oí' dr;Lwutt5ks. and taxea ovvpaid thrmigh ignoraucv of tbc Uuv. SoMiers" pensions, pay, ftnd bounAy secured forfchein or their Itfirn. For that pnrpoe, ald fpr pïOsecuitng claims againat the tioreïsment, 1 have a brnneh uffice al Washington-. No cliargc inafle unleas claims are éoleated. All .-"iclicrs. discharged bj rea so ofV-ouoÖe howpvor nor'. the timetfcey hfive servad - uve -ntitled to Une Ilmidrod Dollars Bouniy. All solilierti liavingserved two fars,ur; entjtlsd to i h síuih, HA The higliest market prii'i wíll be païiï for soldiers' claims, and other dntnds ngainst the Genera] GovernmentInformntion and opinions Riven, and investigation made without charge npon claims proposedto be placed in my handt For particularf, addross H. HUNTINGTON LEE, 900 tf N'o, 240 Broaawnjj N. Y THE BOOTS ANP THE LEAVES WILL be for the Hoalii.g of the Ntine. BiMc. Prof. H. J". XjOKTS, THE GREAT ANI1 CELÉBRATE!) IHYSICI N of tbc THKOAT,LUNGS, HEAKT, l.lVhlï AND TUE UI.OOH, Known allover thccoimtr as the CKLEÜRATKJ INDIAN HERB DOCTOEI Of '$-2 Superior dtreet, Ch: t-l:uiti, O'nio. Will fisit the follon-ing plac. s, vi. APPOINTMLMTSF()R12, W68h4I86i. Prof K. J. I.yuns can bu ouflsnlted at the (llowiu? places üvery montb. viz: I'e.troit, iussel House, en ch moith, IStï nd 19 'h Ana Arbnr, Monitor HouiB, eactl niunlh, 80th JackBon, liibbard House, eadi motrtbi 21, Adrián, Bracket Huuse. each ir., nl Ij 2'J.l ;ui.l23d. Toleilo, Ohio, CoUinn House, eacu month 24ili "5th aiuiaöth. ' ' ' Hülsdale, Mich. . Hlllsdale Hou e, -ach month srtli CcMivater, Jlich.. Soutliern Micüign DÜune cu-h momh, 38 th. i'ililuur. Klkhart House, eaclt monlli , C!)tl,. SóutiS Eca.l. lu.i., si. Jo. lintel, ech iaoth. 30 Laporte, lm!., Tec Oanlcu HouKí, eacli imiuth 31st Vooster,Uluo,CramieU each montli 7th anü3tli. ' -MnusüeW, Ohio, Wiler Honre, eacli month, 9tb and luth. Mt. Vernon, Kenjron IIouso, cacli montli.llth and i2th. -Nvark, Ohio, Holton House, eacli inontli, 13th and 14 th , i'aincsville,rhio, Cowles Houo, each monil) 4th CLhVKI.ANl), 0II1O. R1ÍSII Ï3CÜK AN1J OFFI0E, '282 SUPERIOR STREET, East of tiie public square, opj.osite thn PoStóÜce Offloe ajd each month. lst, 3d, 4.I1, 5i!i, Ctli 15tli - ODice hours (rom ) A. M. to VI M, aiul Iroin 2 1' M to 4 1'. M. from 9 to 10A. M., and 1 to 3 1' 'jl Maxim ütrictlv uiliertd t._ I s;ive sueh bahu as have no sti if, With nature or the %vs of Ufe, Witli i)itod my ]i;.nds 1 (rover stain, Nor uoitnin rut b to oase their palS. lic xs o phtsician indeed , ivko Cures. The Indian Her. J-octor. R. J. LYONS, cures the fol lowing complaints in the most obstinate stages of their exislt-nee, viz: l'i M'Mif t!if Throat, Lungs, Heart, I.iver, Stomach, Dropsy inthsdjest, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Kits, orl'alliiin-icknes,and];.)thi-:-i,cTV"iis"I(;riinl;enierits Also alldiseasesol' the bloml . hucIi as Scrolula, KrysipelasCanc-rs.Fi-. r So as,} , and all othcr compücated c'.otiic complaints. Ailformi of female ditHctilties atienied to with the happiest resalta. It is hoped that no one will despair of a cure until thcy h.-u-o Kiven the Indian Hei b Doctor' Medicines a fair and füithful trial. O,!)iuing the Doctor'; travelK in Kttrope, Wesi Judies, Souíh America, and the United Stales, ie bas been ihe instrument in God1 hand. to reatare to health nnd vigor thousands who veré giren up an-1 pronouoccd incurable by ihe most eminent old school physicians; nav, mort, thousands whoMure on the verge of the grave, are now ÜTing mot.uments to the Indian Herb's Dóctor's skill and successfultreatment.andare daily eiclaiming: "Blcssed betheday when first we sav and partook of the Indian Ilerb Doctor's medicine." Satisfactory referenoeaof cjfes will be gludly and checrfully given henever required, ThPoctnr pledges his word and honor, that he will ín no wise, 'Vireetly or indirectly, induce or cause any invalid to take hi. raediéine without the strongest probabillly of a cure. && Mode of examination, whieli is entirely difTereut from the faculty. Dr. Lyon professes to discern cjiseases by the eye. therefore asks noquestions, nor doeshe require patientsto csplain symptoms. Cali one and all, ind have tbesyniptome and location of your disen.sp er.-plained free of charge. fïThc poorfhftll tw liberallv considered. J-Postodlceaddress, box 26KS. R. J. LVOSS, M. Ti. Cleveland, Ohio, Nor. Ï5, 18fi2. ly880 THE GtïEAT AMOSCAN TEA COMPANY, 51 Vrsy Stvcrt, New York; Sincc ts organixati-m, bas created a new era iu'the bistory r( Whclesaling Teas in tMs Country, They have iutroduced their p!ectin:is of TEAS, and are selling tiiem at not over TWO CENTS (.02 Cents)'pfr pnund above Cost, Never dtviating from ihe OXE FRICEasked. Anotlieri.oc.iliarïty of the Corapanj ís that t hoi r Tra Tartbk not only devotts his time lo the ,=t-lpetion of 'heir TRAS as to quality, valuo, and iftitirular tylM for particular líicalitios of country, hut fte helps the Tf.A binjer to ckoose, m:t of thcir ntnrmous stock siich Tras as tire best ndaptedto their particular vavit, and not only this(but pnitils out a fcnxn tl. e besthmgains. It iscasy to sec the incalculable ndvantHge a T?a Tïuyer lins in ttiis e.-tahlishment over all otJiern. U he is nn judge of Tea, or the Mr)rt. if liis f ir.-.e is valuable, o ?-k al' the bcnrfits of a veil orgaTiized gystem of doinir businosw, of an immense capital, o the judc-ment of a nrotessional Tea Tai-ter, and the fcnowledge of superior salesnien. Thisenables all Tea buvers - no mittjr if tbey are thouNa-n'ls of mi. os from tnin mariict- lo purcliatie on as pood tornis lifie as the N'etv York ïeVchantff. Partles Oftö order Tea and wil] be strved by ns as 5te' as thongh theyoame therót-elve, being snre to geToriginalpackagf!, true wpights, and taxei; and tbe Tw are WarrnnU'd s represo ted, Wc issue a Trice List of the Oompany's Teas, which will be sent to allwho order it; comprisiug Hyson, Young Hyson, Impeiial, [Gunpo-wder, Twankay and Bkin. OOLONG, SOTJCHONG, ORANGE & HYSON PEKOli. JAPAN TEA of every descrii'tion, colored and uncolornd. Thislifithap each kind of Ten Mi i.led nio FOtTIÏ Classes, namely: CAKGO, high (YJHiO, MNK, 1 I']'T, that every ene roay uiw'.erMium In ilescription and tlie p ricos annexod thftt tïlè Oimpan y aro determíned to underael! the wooteTca (rade. We iuariintce to PeU ALL Our Tra kt not over Two Cents (.02 CKNT.-i cr pwiud Hboreeosc, beliaviog üiis rn lic MtTitcti ve lo many who have heretofore been paying eneriöfiöMR i-roiits. GRICAÏ AMKRIOW YeÁ COMI'AXY. Imporlrs nnd JtokttB, anil'Sl No. 51 Vtsey Street, Tiew York. SCH0FFY"MirLÊl( HESÏiLLONIIAND at theiro'.J Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Block, with the most complete assortmeat of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDO.W TAPERS, SHADES, ROLLEKS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNIOES, CÜRTAINS, HOOK-S AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Markct ! and they wouldsuggest tothosein rmrfnútcfanyíhingin SANTA CLA US' LINE that tliey can secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchaslng from thiR.sfock,aR eah purchascr gets anadditional present of Jcwelry, &c, , Ranging invalue irom 50 ets. to $50. flÊgr Theytrust that theirlnng experieuce inselecting gooda foTthis inaiket, and strict attontion to the wants of Custoraers, may entitle tbem tu a liberal share o Patronage. Ayers Cathartic Pilis. THE ALL SUFFICIEBTT THREE. THE GREAT ''AMERICAN REMEDIES," Kr.own as " Hclinliolil's " GSEJUIBIE PREPARA1IOKS, VI Z.: HEI MBOLD'S EXT8ÁCT " BUCIHJ," ' ' SAttiSAPARILLA, DiPÍWVED ROSE WAtSU. HÉLMBOLD'S GEN ÍNE PPEPAEATION, CIILY COSCESTKATED" COM'OUXD FLÜID EXTRACT BÖCHU, A Positive an.l Specific Remedy, For Diseases of tliy BLADDER. KIDNEYá, GRAVEL AND DROP 31 GAL SVVELLINGS. This Medicine increastefi thfl power of Dijfpstiol) nnd AHSOHBEXT-'intn liraltliy aclion, liy whloh - the IVATKRY OU OAhOSROUS deposttlona und aH VNNATUltAL ENtXROeXtSNTS are re4uccd na HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCKül FOK WEAKN$aSKS Arising from Kxccsscs, Habite of Disaipntion, Kuriv Indiscret,on, or Abuse, attknded "vitii tuk following symtoms: Indispositíon to Exertlon, Loss erf Power, Loss of iMcmnry, I'iDu-ult of lireathing, Wp.1; Nervas Tri'inliln.;. Horror oi D sease, Wakefulaeaa, Dimncss oí Vision, Pain in the Back, Universal LaesÜtUde of the FhisiiitiL of the Body Muscular Èfyatem, Eruptiuns 011 Fuce, Hot Hans, Paliid Counttuüiice. Dryneafl ui' tKi' Uin. These sjmiuoms, if iillowrd to po on, which t li s mediuiiie invui iübl} removes, soon foïïow TMPOTENCY, F4TUITY EPILEPTIC FITS Inoneof which the patiënt may expiie. -Wlio can cuy tliat theviut ii it frequently followed by tbose ''dirt'íul" Insanity and Consumpticn, Mftny arfiaware of tho caut-f of their sufTorïng, bat none ivill cóufdss. The records of the Insaae ABjlamS ;tn-i thf m'.'lauchuly hy CuilSujptioai bear ampie v, ii r:v.-s tu the trutli í' tho issortícii . TUK CONSTITUTION, O3TCE AFfECTED WITH ORGAMC WBAKWEflg, RoquIrt'H the aïd of meüf'cfn.d to stronpthon nnd inrfR ratétbesyRtem, wtilcli HELM I-OL1ÏS EXTIiACT JJCTCHEMnrariably does. A trial will cuuviuce tUe most ftkepticftl Femalos, Fcmalea, Feaialos, OLP OR VOUNG, SINGLE; MARRIED, OB CON ÏEMi'LATINii JIAriïUAGK, Id mflny affeotiooa peculiar tu r'emales the Kxtract Bucliu á uqequfilled by á.iy o-tber rt'medy, as in (hlorcsis or !ící?nt;on, Irregularity, Puíufutaeag, or Supjjression Of the Oustomary IOv;tcu.Ui ns L'lucratt'd or ghlrrmm ía1o ut the Uterus, heuc nlif, or Wbites, Strïlity, aml for ail complaints incident U thé sex. wbcth.H arihing froo Lndigcj efcion , Habits of DLsipatiun,or in tlie Decline or Chango of Li f o. SKZ BTHPTOMS Aüoviï. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Taknno Balfftm, üierciiry, or t"npleafant Mcdiciue for Unpleasant and Da ny croa Dí flELIBOLD'S EXTRACT BüCÜÜ CCIIK3 Secret Diseases. Iu f.ll thcir stages ; at I itt le expense ; littlcor no ehangíft in dict ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. Tt causes frequent dssire, and glreit trfngtb to UrilMte, thereby rïnoTlBf5 baíructiona, paeTerrtinjj and curirigtítsteturefl of the Urthra,al1aing jain :n inflammition, o frequent in tïi:s tinws of iIÍasím, and exi Üitiir POIS0K0US, VISEASED AlfV ft ORX OUT MATTER. Thousands upoa Thousivntls WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, Aii'l wljo hKTe pan! HKAVY FEE$ tra Va Puredin r hort time, have Touvid they wprcd-cr'ivcd,ardthat the "Pmsoti' bas, ly the of "Poweffnl Atrinmts,1 been ètieü up in the fysttm, to break out tea "ravated ierra, and PBBHAPS Aller M AÜKÍU. E. uTe Helmbold'o Extract 2uchu For all Aífíctions and PiaeaRC of Tlae TJrinary Oigans WhcU) r oxisting in MALE OR FEMALE, from 1 .atcver cn,u::c origiuating, and no raatCer ot' HOW loc; 'y, isa Diseafifts of these Organs require the aiö of 1 .ric. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS TUIS GREAT DIURETIC, Aad it ia certain to Iiave the desired eff?ct in all Dl seasea, fur wLich it is rocummtnded. 1ÍLOOD ! BLÜÖD ! BLOOD! Ilelmbold's IJilily ConconlratcJ Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. ThÏR is a n affcct'on of the lilond, and attackatËe Sex uil Urgans l.iu r.irs of the Nos e, Kara, Th roa, Windpipe , uid othev Muoas 3m f'.ict's, makmg its appearftDCQUi the fornt ") LTLee. Helmbcld'ij Ext-nct SaísáparUln purifics tlie Bluod, and reaiöye i alJ tícaljr Eniptioiis o the Skin. giving to tlie Coiufeíexion a Cleai and Hoalihy Criïor. It belng prepared expresïy ferthiü class of eonftplaint, its t'ropertles ure preservad to a greatei ëjAoöt :my otlHH' preparation ot Sivrsaparilja. UelmboUrs Rose Wash, n excellent Loíloa for Dttea&eí 'f a Py pliilt'c Nature, and as an in.'n'L'iH'ii in i iMaatii ef the CriiKiry Oratis, arisiiifi frum h;bits,f dJssjpatiOn, uscd Ln oooaeetiöti witli toe Kxtnicts liuehii and urs:iiarilla; iu such diseases as reci-mmtuiled. Evídeoce of themöt reapoasfble and rcliabk chacacter wili accouiji .uy tin.' medicines. CEUT1FICATES OF CüitES, From eijiht to twenty vers standing, with naroos knuwti to SCn:,CE AND FAME, Fur Medical Kropt' j twwof BUCIÍU, -seo Llsoenyatory of the Tnilfd 8!;itcs. 8ee Profpssor UEWEES' valuable works on th Practice of l'livsic Sec rcmnrksiuadeby tlie huo celcbrated Dr. PEYSICK, Pblladelphia. ííte retnarks made by TV. EPIWATM Mr.DOH'KLL, aoedebniied PhyHÏrfan,an6 M'nitHsr of tlie Hoyal (Jollege of Syrgeoü, It eland, nul puhlinhfd in tbeTransactmns cf the Klngaad Qüeeu's Journal. 3ee M('ico-Orurrioal lïevicw, jml.hsli.'.I hv BENJA MIN TRAVERS, l'l).üvr of the Boyal College, of SurgttOBS. Hi?e most of tbti Ute Ptandad Works oti Medicine. Extract Brcaü, ïl (0 ï'Ea hottle, or six fok f5 00 ' S,RSAC.B1T.I.A 1 CO (i 5 00 IxprotkT) Rosk Wami, 50 " " 2 5ü Or half a doeeri of eaeb for $1200, whioh will be sufficicnt to 'jure the most obstinate casef-;, ir diu'Ctims are adhered to . Delivered to iny address, sccurely pacLed fromobserv;i1im . [Describe ftytoptoma in all Communications. - Cuies guarantced. Aüvice gratis. AFI'IDAVIT. Personally appparod bdforo nip au Aldormnn of tb e cityof PhiUdelphïii,!!. T. (Tia,Mr.oi.P, who, belfig duly sworn, dotb aay, hia prpratioxiB oontalü no narcotic, no meruury, or otherinjurious drugs, but are purely vegetable. II. T.HKI.MnOLT). Sworn and subscribid before mr, this 23d && l November, 1854. WM 1. HIHBARI. Aldorman. Ninth-stii'ri , &bo"ïe Kaco, Phila. Address Letters lor nfornjation in confldenoe. II. T. HKLMi;O),I),Cbemi.t Depot 104 South Teutii-street,belov Chestnut, Phila. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEïTS AD rNPPJN'CIPLF.l) EME&L&RS) Who endeavor to dispose " OK T1IF1TI OWN " and "other" fttücleaonthe lepntation atiained by Ilohnbold's Genuine PreparatioiiR, " " ETxtract BUcmi, ' ' - ( ' ' Sarsapa rilla, 11 " Tmprovod k'OBeWásh Sold by all Prnjrffistfi evcrywlmre. ASKFOR IIELMBOLD'S-TJKE NO OTHER. Cut out the ndvertisfinrnt, and Bord for it, AND AVOW IMVOSJTWN AND EXPOSVR& lyPQS I am Bound for M. GU1TERMÁN S CO'S ! Q Dispute tlie faot.if yra can, IttakestheTAILORafteralltogive appearance to the outer man. !f you wisli (o appcar well Yon uiust accordingly Dress Wcll. Go to 81. Guíterman & Co's,, ïhero you vvill find things cxactly SO. SONDHEIITaUvaya rcady to tnke yonr measur, GÍJITERJUAN vvii] sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures LOWER than you will find in ;ho State, Take hoed - call eakly, else vou are too LATE. T lie 1NDÜCEMENT8 are uow greater tban evér, Our Cleuks you will find obliging and clever. We wii! pHow you good CLOTIIING OÍ OUT ÓWI1 GETTING ÜP, Filling our Store frotn Bottom to ror. STUDENTS eepecially will find t to THK1R ADVANTAOK, For it tabes but L1TTLE MONEY to replenish. 1500 OVEHCOATSof Cloth, Beaver, and Bear, Warrunted for almost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cussimere of our otvn impoutatíon, ForvMirded through our New York relations. Ffoin língland, Bulgi fi, Germany and Fraoce, Sueh aa you can stand tip ín, or wsah, at tho dance. Punís ! Pants ! ! Pauts ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN of evcrv grade, We sell them froin ONE DOLLAR up lo EiaiiT. VE8TS, &C, of every description, You will fina it so without fiction, Furnifl)ng apparei,s Frotn SHIRTS to UMBRELLA8. Th la all we Bay now, Therefoia 7e make our bow. Yoiirs triily, ever 60, M. GU1TKRMAN. A C5., Ï3 TJ CD 3ESL 3 "ST m GRAIN DRSLL, and Crasa Beed Sower, Manufacturad at Springfield, Ohio. rTWIE VEIÏY I.ATK.ST IMPEOVEMENT, nil Tietter tlian 5. all otliors; E4ápted to soWffcg Wlieat, Bye, Oafti, Barley nn'lürass.Scetl. íst. It has a Rotary Fecdcr. 2d. Will 8ow all hinds of Grain and Brasa Seed. 3d. JVever bunclies the Grain ítt. Never breaks tJie Grain. htT.: Fowx Grass Seed broadeast beMndlJia .Drill. GíA. Has My7i whech and long Hoes. itTi. Has long a?id wide steel ptinis. 8th. It has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. lQth. ll has a self ' adjustmg sliut off slide. Ifc is nently and substantially made, There is lianll}' a Drill ofToreil ia the markét lut can büaMt tf intuí1 ur K:-s FIRST PRFM1 UMS." They are a bont ;is in'li.scriminatply bestowed a tbe title of " Profesor, '' which W smnctimpn npplifd to Hit' 'Jiddhr " or ' boutblarft.- Ihey ctase tu convey tíie den o'merü. The liuckcvo Drilt lias been on Exliibition at quite a immbcr oj 8tteaiKÍ Qonniy Fair?, and wi tho til Beekhtg favor ;it the naudH ol" any Committee, has received its fu 1 1 slüirt' ui' PremiuiiM TESTIMONÍALE : W gívé the Following Danloe of a few Farmers ín th's i vicinity w iu liave bought and used the Huckeyelírill : Godfrej Millcr, Scio. Jacob Polbeíans " Jiu;'ii) Trowper, (t Thomas White, XorthfleW. John Urokaw, Chiistian Kapp, " Edward Boyden, Webster'. James Freaclwell, Aon Arboi IauielOUarat " " Jolinf..Cont, Lodi. (i. A. MarslrtU!, " Georgu Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv. Co. Wo arealso Agents for the Ghio Heaper 8& Mc-wer, acknoTvleilged te be the very best in use. We are just in reccipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Wliicli we -wrili sell ClieapAlsn alargoassortraent o G-rass Aatï the largest nml best selccted stock of BENT STUFF FOK CARRTAGESever before offeved in this market We aiso keep a largéanQ f uil NAIIii, GTAPS, PUTTT, PAINT,and LINSEED OIL. A comileteassortiucnt of STOVES, TINWAKE, AND EAVK TROUGDSalways on hand and put up at the shortest noticc. RISPON k HEXDERSON. Aoo Arbor,JanSOtht1802, . WOif


Old News
Michigan Argus