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HNTEW BOOT SHOE 1 liir 1 (Succossor to Moore & Loorals.) FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Kaïn stieot, Ann Arbor, bas jus reccived. h'.s FALL AND WINTER STOCK! BOOÏS, SHOES & RUBBERS, manufacture'! Ircmi fhc best material :ni'l varranted to Rive satufoction. oo,nsmting óf MLN'S Kil', CALF AND T111CK BOOTS, 1}''VBT,K SOLKD, MEN'S FALO OfERSUOES, of all (U'scru.tjons. LADIES' G-A-ITEIRS., Morocco Doolees, Balmorah, Feit Occ-rs.oe?, ar.d Rubbers. Also, Boy's Kip, Calf &Thkk lïoots, tngfcther wil lt a vnnt-i v of CHILBREN & YOUTH'S SHOES. WARKANTEÜ BOOTS & SHOES. Meu's Fine Fremh Calf Bools l'rg-gpd :v.u Sewetl, Glre-meaaall bsfore pnrchasinz ehrewtaste. I wil] Je]l my KOOdá'cheapfor ca -h. HEPAIIÍ1KG SEATLY DONE AND ON SHOitT NOTIOE. N.B.COtE. Ann Arlinr. Oef. 20.1, 1SKS. OüTtf CITY C0OP33H SHOP. 'VliolesaJt-uiKl Rttail, O e. SPAFFOIU) Wouliï respectfully auDOimcs to the citizons ol Ann Arbor ami vu-ni'ty, iie is now nranafacturing imlkcepsconstiiriüy on hd a Lare Asortaient of Cooper Work ! siich as Pork a lid CUler Barrel, Ëeffa, Firkins, (Jhurns, Well lïttekets, &c. Whicli wili bfsolil clieap fnr e;vsh. CTJSTOM -VT O ïi, K: Made to order n short notico. Ilepairing done wiíli 1 wouM cal! pa'-ticul;tr attention to Merchants in want of Butter Firkins Eammanuracturiiig tic 'ew ïoik ftRtr I lililn, whicli isabrlti'i' Pirkin thanhsnrér beforé been of ferea n thia miirkct. 1 lïmilj inviteall ivho wa.nt Firkins to Cali and exanine for thcinsolvcs bercro purclmsin elsewhrf, and I wül convince von that you have c:iilo at llie rigiit ]!:ice. I wouMalsocallüieiittcntion of Dicwers in watti of B E K Tl K E CJ S , T am now preiart'fl to manufacture Kights,Quartersand half Bbls. ín laf ge or siiküI lots, and of a Better Quality tlian can lie liad In Dotrolt or elsoirhere. I--Í1PA11 woik warrantod to givc en tire satis "iiction. ïhlnklulfor p si iv. vgrs and by a strict altention tu kttMm, 1 hope lo .niril n oostiaoed íbera] sin pit ol the puulic pat) op g . Do uot Ëxget to cali at tbc City CoorfrSliop O. C. SPAFFOKD. Detroit St. Ann Arbor, Miei) . 888jl G BEAï. GSEATEÜ GREATEST BATiGtIKS EVER OFFERED 1859. ígs.1859. J23L L&&&i$ üfel In tliisOity.nre now beiugofffiredat the OHEAP.CLOCK.WATGU, & THF. Sribscribnr Wonldany to thr citiznnPuf particular, nnd.thc re=t M Wmhlcnnw Countv insenoral, tbnt liclinijust ÏMPOKI'ED Dl REOTLY from EÜIlOPE.a Tremendoti8 Stock of Watchcs! AH ofwhichhrc binds bimself to sell CHE'APER than can he bougbl wt'Hi of ïlrw Vork City. OpenFace Cylinder Watchos trom $6 to SlO ' do do Lever do do 8 to 21 HuntingCase Jo do do 11 to 35 do do Cylinder do do to 28 Gold Watehee frorn go to 150 I hav? alo tne CELEBilATJED AMEH?CAN WAT CHES, whichl wlll wil trr $35. Kvery VVatch wnrrantbd to perfonn well.ortbe mon.7 retnnded. doek, .iBwelry. Piated Wnrf Fancy Goo-Ii Gold l'ons, Mu sical Instruinonts &xid Strlnpe (Jutlerfy, ifec:, and infactnvarifty of pvrryliirü uiially kppt jyjCw elflre can be bougíit Tor :he next ninety dnyi nt vur O W N 'RICES! pprBOith buyinfr fiíiVtíiinii nt thi? we' known ' lishmf ut can ppíy upnn gVttíng good exactly as rop rrontAt orthoinonpy rundodi r,-ulmrly" and ae euro the bost bnrunins ryrr otiV rd in tnif ;ity. One word in regara to Rcpairing : We nrp prfparftiftp raak e tmy ropsira onilnp or com mon WatclH's.'-vfd tu m ííi.í'cít the entiro watch, f nfícesanry. lïrpnirinü' 't' i'lofke nrd .Inwelry as nsuni. AIo t'if m'uinfcrnrin of RTVCQ, FÏROOf FIS j nr auy'hint? dftS'red. from f.'al'f Tilia íínlil OnaAorttioticp. BftgTávfos in a]lits branchesftxeentod witliuent nees and dia palch. J C. WATTS. Anu Arbor, Jbp. ííSthlPSP. 7?4vr Kifle Faetory! Beutier & Traver, [Micc3'ors to A. J. SutliPrlulii1.] Jlanufact urora of nnd Dealers in Gnns,Pistols, Ammiinition FlasJcs, Paxzshes Game Hagt, and Evci'jother article ii. thal Line. ill kinds of 3Ft S3I:JA.X2rSL:C3rC3ldone at the .sliortest notictt, and jnt:iobofct rannner. a fnll .iortmoni alWtys kept on h:ui'l n milde order. flr Slmp corner Mam :vnd Washington tíePt. Ann Arbor, Oct. 8, l-;. STiJtf Tfi'U-aes ! TJUPTURE CAX IÏK CfRKI) BY A TRFSS of tbc t riijlit kind, ïf prnperly fiiteil 6td Ui!y attende] to, 'Iliis 1 1 ; 1 -s ben abuniUmtly deïpouslrïvte in rnn amera ble n.stnnccR by tbe uSe of tlie Jlul ijjt'tlitl Tl'un of Dr. Ittggsi durin tli.e Uat few ye.r. ThU Tros beJDgoovciea with Hard Rubber, is porfecJy -vaterproof, niüy bé usel ín bfl-tliing, anti is alvavs cleanly rt wei] i-; in-ii'truclüiU' by onlinavy lisage. lf not HfttiPfactory after a fairtriaj of ixty daye, it inay rtiirnei. It challengt s cbmparïsoo itli auy trun Un'wn. Pr, IUGGS' uOice, Nn. 2 BARCLAY Street. New York. íptf Aotire. THE AXNUAI, MKF.TTNít of Ilie Gifinap Farmers' Fire Tnnr:inf (. Gtnpfny wfll bo lief cl it the residencpof CHKISTIAX KREY, inicio, On Monday Dec, 7th at 10 o'clock A. M. J, G. KOCÍI, Vo. Otli.ïiV.3. tr-Di 6y. Ti o a Ayer's SCECFULA "D SCEOFULOUS SISEASES, From Emery Èrfet, a zveft-faíóiuii mérclíatCt of QirJfrtlt Maiiti'. 11 I liave pold targtí rjúítnQjies of your Sat.íiapar. ilt.a, bat Diner yet Wie bottle wlnoli tallecí ot tkc deei red effect and mil fftHst'actlon to thosu vlo took it Añ i;'.-t aa ourpeople try ií, they pee tinne lioa lcon re medici uc iikc t boi'ore ín óúr eummuiiity." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules Ulcer3, Sores, and all Diseases oí' tho Skin. From Üev. Jiot't. Slraiion. BrtatoT, Unataría. 41 1 Ouly ció iny iuíy lo you íum the public, wlien I add my testimony to thui yoii publisli of ttíe mediciüol viiduís ot'}our ?, ksapakilla. My daughter, ajicd feu, 1:;h1 an aflüctiug humor in her e&rs, eyes, me! bair loe y cara, w bic ti urq wcry uuable to cure uutil we Uied your Sarsapaíülla. She has beeu well for omu hioiiths." Frota, ilrs. Jane 77. ffice, tí vcH-knnwn and muchtsteeühed lady of JetínwvUíe Cupe Muy ('o., JV. 7 "My daughter lias 6u fie red for u ycar past ttitli a PcrolulouK eniption, which wás very tiuiíbleonie. Kothmiiaflbrded uny reliuí'until we tried your .Saubapap.illa, "vliich sí!üu cömpletély cu red, hér.n l'rom Chariea P, Gaffe, Esq.,sfthe ivitie! i-knoicv firm of Oaye Aiitrran íf ('o., manufacturera of enamilU'l jintern i)i Nasitita, N. It. " I li;nt tor Fcveral yeara ji vèry trmib'oFome íttmorixi ir y i.ic, ■hiuh -,-iew eouKtántJy oi.--e. unril it dísiíu: til my teatureg and tt carne :úi ínlolerebíá nflheíioii. wivú alnmul e ei ihinn iikiii couJd ot" both odvicc ind medicine, but without anv relief wliatever, un til I took ouv Öausa pa ki lla . It inmit'(ii;!:ei meU m luce vme, :i y un told me it múíht lora linit: faut in ;i l'w veeks il.e htítv t-kin bcp-.n to inmi ttmtt-'r tliti btQtobets ni. o coirtiimed Lutil my taceissa tmooth ae ambody1, i.nd I am Viííiout nny Byiujitüu; ï the .ieii.-e Uuit J ivr.ow oí'. I oí i jo i.Lilt'ct luiiílh, iti.d without a doubt owe it to your 8a usa I' : Srysipelas - General Debility - Purify tho Biood, Frïl Dr. fíobt. Sawhi, onston St., N. Y. Dn. Avku: I eldomkui lo remove Cmpiions and Scrofafous Mores b the poeve#iJig tR& of jout j-íaií iiid 1 Ltfve jtist i:ow cu red au at t;ick oí Malifjiiant Rrijsipelcu with it. Iso altera live we po.-.-(-. tqualstlte 8ausapakilla yon have Bupilicd to the profesión &n wtil u$ (o ihe peuple." Fro7nJ. E. Johiixfmi, Ean , Wfdnnan. Ohio. "For ttVetve ytnis J fiad tl.c 3 ellow ErysipeÍHí on Biy riIit arito, dürmg iich linm 1 tii tin)] lúe celebrated phygicianp I couldi roaelí, ud uwk hui.dieUa oí' dolüiiís' worth of' medicines 'II. e ti i ce ra were 80 bad ihut tire Cords becntóe visibíp, :u.ii itie doctora decíííed ílial my ann mnit be rin[.uti.tcd. 1 bean takk)g vour bAH8Ai'ami.LA 'i ook tw o bot t le?, and Fonii-' (;[ryour 1 ills Toel lier hcy llave cu retí me. I mu uow tsweü and found tte tüayfxTÖy. lïeing in a public place-, my oase íh lu.owii o eveiybody in litis cojiiinunilv, uiiii exffi(efi1be wonder oi"all.:' From Ion. fíenrff Mnvrn, M. P. V '.,rf Xorcasffe. C. iF., a leaiünif member of ihe. ('imarfiin I'aiitanient. "I Itavf i;mu utir ísauhai'.ajiiu.a iii niv lüinily, for general tlebitys ;nd for putififtug he blood, with very beiieñcial lepulte, ;.i.d kel cúiiiideuce ia commeiiaiug it tu the afflioted : St. Anthony'a Fire, Eose, Salt KUeum, Cca;a Ileiid, Gcre Eyes. From ITarwv Siokter. Esq , the abt e editor of the Tunckhannock i ' h'morrat :, Peuitsy irania. ' Om only chiíU, übout tlnee ) eara ui oge, was attecked liy pimplé ou )is loicht-iíd. They rapidlt epread uptH they lomieil a loatliícnie itnti viruícnt Rore, ïvhLch cavered lús face, and actuali y bümíed li is ej'eS lor soine Üftys. A -kil lul pfiy vician íipplied intrate ot Zilver ;md oilior remedifeti, without uiy npÍa rent efifici, l'av Uiteen days m e guarUed hu li;íids, est wiih tlit'ip he fihonld tearopen the íébiríng and corrupt wound wliic!i'(-nri'iei IiisTfrhole tbce: Haviiig fned c ery Hiwig eifte we hftd :my hope iiom, we beg&Q jrivin your Saeísaparilla, and iuplyiug tho iodide ot potüsh lotion, as you lüicct. 'lhe gore befran to lieal whc-n we liad given tfte Ürst bottle, and was wel] vl:en we b;ul íiní-iied the ;econd. Thé child's eye!:ihi'.-:, wliich hi;d ccine out. gifw agnh), and he is nuw as huaJtiiy and fair :is any oflser. Tne who'e lieitrhboi houd prcdïctect tïiat the :bild must die.' Syphilis and Mercurial Eisease. From Dr. Iliram S'oat cf kt. Louis, Missouri. "I íimi your .Saíisauaililla :i nioie eflectual remedy ior the secoudary ymptom of Syphitis, and tor svphiiitic diseae tlmn any other we pogfesa. The profefjdon are iiidebted to you ior torae of the best medicines we have1' From A. J. French. A. D., an eminent ph y sitian of íawrence. Masp., icho is a prominent member of the Legislnlure ofMassachuseits. Dii. AYER - My dear Sir: I have fonnd vour Sü iiP a pa niu.A au excellent leiindylor Sopkitis, both ot' the primar u and secón dn rif tp'. ahd èflect ual in eome cutes tiiat weie too obstiuute lo ield to other remedie?. 1 do uot know what we can empioy with nioie ceitainty oí tucces, wliere a power lul utenith e 1 equired-" Mr. ('has. ,S'. Van Lieic. of Neio Rrunsicck, JV. J., had dieadful uleers on liis legs, èauêed by the nbuse of me reu ry, or meren r ia ffiëeases i.;ch rn-w more and nioie nicrnvuted for ytftrf, in spite of every remedy or treatment that cónid besppóed, until the peisev'eriníí n.-c oíAveiíV Saíisafarilla loiieved him. Kew coeea estii bc iom.d Mime iuvetex and distrefe-ing thun this. and it took 6eeial doeu bottles to c ti i e htm. Louaorrhcsa, Whltea, Peínalo Weakness, artgei".er:illy produceÖ by ir.ternal Scföfttlotla Ulcerat ion aöd are vejy oiien cuied by t he alterniive effect of tiiis Sahpaiva üii.i.a. tíome cases require, bowever, in of the Sausapaííilla, the skilftil application of local remedien. From thz toell-knottm and wtdrhj-cefebraied Dr. Jacob Morrii'L of ("inent nat i. "I have i'ound your SaüSAPARIlIa j-n excellent alterative in di.-eases or itimueg Muny caseë of irregularity. Leiicorrhceü. Intern al Uicëmtion, and local debility, atiriiig iiom the tciolulous cijathesi?, have yielded to it, and there are few that do ot, Ivhen itselfeet is propoily aided by local treatmeiit." A lady, unicUliny to allaw the publlca{io7i of her name, irrite?; "My dau.eliterand mypelf have hoen curcd of a very debïlitating jAMtcorrhcea of teug standing, by two bottles oí' your öaksapauili-a.'' Rheumatism. Ooat. Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia Heart Diseaso, Heura gia, wlien caused bv Scrqfiita in the sytein. are rapitUy cured by tliis Est. öaüsapauilla. ayTr'S cathahtic pills possess so nianv over the óther purgatives ia tlic marker, iinil their superior virtues are so univers.:llv knuwn, that wre nccd not do more tlian lo ;inrc the public their qunlity is mahnmncd equal to the beef it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. Preparad by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co, Lowell, Mass., and sold by TpsHinti, A I-'1VI(;. nevi.r. V HKH'OX HATCII. Ckelsea. Wi Jebj 1 .M.IÍAKHílIKI.BY & Co., 11etro.t. C. È. COEÜKN, Travelling Agent. "UNIVERSAL Cl'. NIVERSALál ! ZB w-i CQ I iiliiiiiiiirT' I WiJ CL0THB8_( M No. f. I,a-:F: Familv Wkixgeh Cl'l 00 do. 2. ill.nuu " 7.00 Nu i',i - " " ( .00 No. 3. Pmail " " 5 f0 O. H. l.AKi.n IT TFT " 1J.ÍJ0 No. 18. Mi'.nuji l.At.vDKY tnraeby i 18 CO No. Í2.I.AUGE " -! stram or 30.00 j. lüiinl. ) Nos. %yi .iml 3 have do Cogs, All otiirr arewarryntcd. No. 2 i Uiefize igwrwaralij used in prviito famiüpH. OfUtfOB Jl'DI, oi Uit! "AÁeffic i" A;riculí:lrt ' j.ive ofthe UNIVERSAL CliOTHES WRINGER. ■Acbii.l vi-nlilv .vriü.' nut itul.fnll uf glntUea na li--m .unie. It'is u rii tv i (.l.OIUF SAVJ.K ! A OJMlí tSAVEK : miiiaSTRN.mH SAtKK I ï!o aThSg Of'gaiTOfhts :!laiini 1 :■ y ;i !.itM' 1 i-r (- ïj-i' on its cost W i; tblnk 0o in;io.i .lu üintrii liioit' 1 ii.i tl I'A VS k'i tiC 1JSKLF 1 V, i,Y ViAl, in Uw ;n,i.._; ,.rs,-ri!Hiits' Tlicie -'M i'i j I i. ''..■'' . lieiirij aliktí ín : ■ ■ 1 1 1 - ■ : : I t ' j Tiirucli'-n luit m. cuBH3ci it ii.ipittut liiat 1 he Wringrr Df li II ril wil il l i - - . ' t-her ïise :i ivnss of ii;irun'i:t- ï.uty clojï I'"' i'.lU-i s. :iU'l tin' rollers iq-i :i liic craak.ebntt slipami teur the clo-hen. or tlie rubber break Jnosv fn. ui 1he lin'l . i)uv nwn i ..f the fir.-t mal.c. hikI it l r.-iii'.v 8 i.cioi) A8 NEW afte? nearly Foli '. VK '. I!:-1 Ci -..-ÏA 1 l'-i: " Every Wiir.gei with Cog "Whecls is Warranted in every Pp.rlicular i0 VRIfiER ttjü BE DFRABIB WITHOUT C0& MEELS. Agoo'l CANVis:-:;. wa-Ue l in everv On rcolpt of the ] rico fi-mii piacc 'vhete no one is scllir.g, vc flrïll mü) lbo wHñgér FJiEE tr EXFor particulaT3 !in circulPM a'ltlrpss 9Ï5tf li r. IïüdWMNC, 37 lïroa.lvviiy. X.Y. J. GREEN & E. BROWN, havo purchaspd the Ilnrsps and 'nrt-fnfícs bf B. .Green, umi have also adrled ( terv Öm Horwfl ft Caörtftgea to üui above tock in tb saioe Ijara, &o that they can Buit you alldn rcHsunaibk' terras. Cali and See! Ann Arbor, July Hih, 1863. GvaQU. Notico of AttachmP rpm CIRCUIT COURTfcr tb. Coly ot ' Thomas L. Iluraphreville ) Ilug], Doivm-.v. ƒ Ia Aucitt6ot. Noticeis hvivb.v niventliat on tbe pí September, A . 1) Hs, k ,vrit of , í'4 h B.UBÜ out ..f the U.rcu.1 (Vurt lor tl"1" ■ tfttaw.attbo snit i,f Thomas L Hi,m", T otí abure naraed plaintiff, aBiü„st tl,' 1 J5phtTK Koods and chattlm,muoeya and ollt-cn „r ï,1 t6I"W dred dollai, whieh said rit w, rcw m S twenty sèrenth doy of Octubt-r A n 1tiV W AI.HllkrcH ' Dated, tiiUSSth day of Octobtl'Tlí .SUS For ats. Mire, 'louche, Al.ts, B,d . MatlM i.i Kuis, VI oi.lcns. &,., ' " Planta, FoI, Antuial &c. "' " inly lafnlliblt rcniediet) known " (i !■■ Iran un. "' '.' Xt Siingjious lo Ui lluman, r, '■ Rutfl eunw ui ot ilicir hi ! Jie !f' r SnM V,-i.,i,.ha!,. in allbugf c te. Eg.j!d ljy al) l)rutriiatml iotailerseTmA. - ! ! ! ic.iw.Bü : ! ! ..1 all vrorthleu m'S S-Sei! that 'Umi .'.■," nam s .in eucb Bo,. tcauil Fluil, befnrcy iu buj A.Ui.-w HK.Viiï RrOSTAB iy Sol,l l,y all the Wl.ole,uU. and lWl ! Ana Arbor, Jlich 915MS O. SLISS WouM t:ike tliis metlind of informin ), aml lüitrous.-iiid all otlicru whii mny l'i their palron(igp,tl i.l h. ilurjniS Stock :ind Ajísortineiii! an.l haring adopteri tiip CASH SYSTKM BUTII IN lH'YIXfi m .r.-]-ar.-,l to Ml) (;.,,.!., al Ftjao., tilo Il-iOCa, UiS Block COD-T. oi lli'.-followhig: -grg, AMERICAN Apm í. Watchei ftö- iffaf -nr RKTHTHOM! CLOCKS! Fine Jewelrvid GOLD OIIAINS, TABLE II POCKET OÜTLËUY! t'azors,Sl,pars, Poiwor and Rrarfaea RllGKRS I'I.ATKI) (VARE, (lie botina Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pent: PAPER nd KNVEl.Ol'KS, Musical ïnslruraei String Sf Bonkt for nstimali, SPECT A-OXjiES, of Gutd, Silccr, Steel. ntd Flattd, Kilh PERISCOPIO GLAi a su[)üii'r arïjcle Persons havini difflcult watehee tofitnillfr can be accomodated, as tny titock U laresiolt p)ete, P. S. Particular attentinn to the HEFA. IHIMO n'all kiuds of fine Watclies, uch as Miiking and Setting new fc Pmions Siaffn, and Cylivdirs. Al CLOCKS, Sc éTE'VT'ELB! neatly repaired and wai-anted, at his uld sj side of Main Strc-et . C, BLISS Ann 4rboi.N'oT. '.5, ISfS I JUST ÖPËMM The largCBt Steek and best ossorttw ÚABINET FÜRNITÜEI1 ever brought to tliis city, includiaf SOPAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUW BED ROOM SE'I'S, CENTEU TABLES, BUREAUS, CHtil IjOoIüeis O-lasse Gilt Frames and Mouldin? OOFPINS METALIG CAÍ-ES ácd i'-n.l a'l othr ffoorls Kej't in the bc ucimn (o4. CoP. Ki',,t c4]-'antiv "ent 1 made to order My g(Mda are oflt-rv'd al THE LOWEST CASH $ N.B y must luive mr ntv. a rul re.-j"" tl.--(' Mdebted, tö caïl and flx up tó wilhout lel;i-. O. M. MABTÖ Ann Arbcr, Oot.6 1ÏC3. '-ii: SECUND AKHlTil OF CxOOX# AT C. B. Thompson1 Nov. 1863.


Old News
Michigan Argus