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CO ONT Y BI BLE SOCIETY. rv,nJ,T0RV of Bibies and Testaments at the So J) "tv pnces at W.jC VoorheiR ''"T"CrtrAl'TSl5KÖr Ifiifi in Clocks, Wtch., Jelry and Silver )ES! K.i 22, Ne, Aon Arbor -f: ■'■■ ' c. bliss. turii n Clocks, ffatches, Jewelry an Silver P "are No. 22, New Block, Ami Arb-T. __ Í O. H. MILLEN. nwm in Dry Gooqs, Grooerk, Crockery, Sse. ie. [) Main Street. Ann Albor. . filÖH & PIERSON. nF.aF.KS in Dry Goods, Groceries Hardware, Boots 1) fcStioes. &., Man st- Ann ArliiT. o. colliërT" _ j-jjcticTURER and dealerin Boots and Shoes, one M. dJor'north of the Post Office. N. B. CÖLB. DEALER in Boots & Shoes, Rnbbér, &e. Franklin llïtk, Miu Street, Ann Arbor. __ JiJSDON & HENDER SON. DEALERS in Hardware, Stoves, house furnisbing goods, Tin Ware, Sc, Sc, New Bluck, Mamut. GEO FRAY, M. D. PHT3ICI VJf and Puigeon. Eesidence and office ou Detroit etrftet, near lïie ÍVpot. O. C. SPAFFORD. MANTFACÏURKlï of all kinds of Coooper Work, Citv Couper Shop. Custom worï done on .hort notice. Detroit Street, Ann Altor. ""aTjTsüthekland, JOENTfor the New York Life fusurance CoBipany. A ülïce ua Huroa street Also haa on hand n stock [f Hs mist approve 1 seiving machines . 88ótf GEORGE FISCHER. MET MARKF.I- Iluron Street- General dealer in Frcsli and Salt Meata, Beef, Mutton, Fork, liaros, Ptultry, Urd, Tallow, fee, ke. SCHOFF & MILLE1Í. DEALERS ';i H'ucellaneous.Sohool ana Btknk Books. Stationerj, r.i[tr Hangiiigs, &c , Mainst., Franklih Block " HIBAM J. BJÍAKES JTTOJUÈI' and Counsellor atl-. .■uil Sohcitorin il Chajicurv. OSice in Cilv Hall BÍnck?fcver WebMer's Bank Sipre.' 'jf ra. lëwitï, m.'d. PHYgfCI.lN and Sureon. Qflie at bis rcsi'dencc, r.pdh .' do of Uiircm strekt, aud eeond liouse west (f Difisinn street. ' ' M. GUITERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE ana Retail Dealers and Manufacturera ofRadr-Uade Clothing. Importers of Cloths, Casimam, Doesliin, ka., No. 5. Phocnix Bloek, Main st. WM. WAGNER. DEALER in Ready Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres, wdVoatings, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Carijei liags,&c, Phaoix R!ocl:, Main stieet. SLAWSON & GEER. pROCERS, Provisión and Commission Hercbaiits, ad U Dealers in Water Lirae, La'nd Piaster, and Piaster of Paris, one door pat of Cook'a Hotel. J. M. SOOTT. AMBEOTÏPE and Photograph Artisi , in the rooms OTerCwnpion's Clothing store, Phcenix Block, Perfwtsatisfactiongiven- 0. B. PORTER. SDMEON' DKNTIST. OITice Corner of Main and Hurón itneti, over B.ich V. Fierson'a Store. All calis P'Omplljuttciiil-d to Aprl859 '' 0. B. THOMPSON. BE.lI.ERin Drv Soods and Grocnries. Boots and Shoes, e Pr.)lucêbouiit and sold, at the old s'and of ïliTOpson .t Miliön. Corner Main and Washington -ts. MACK & 8CHMID. DULElii in Foreign and Doroestic Dry Good, Grnce'i. 1 i.'hij-. Uoota . ü l Sbous, Crockery, S, Corner of Main k Liberty sts. OrÁ7KElJLE"Y, p.HQlOriBAPHEK- Corner Kunrili 'c Iluron slreets. inilíVrbor. Caseá frames and Fhotog;-aph Albums mUatly on hand, and at lower rates than eau be !1 flseirhere. 1}-8M ANDREW BELL. DKALRR in Grocerics, Provisions, Flnur, Produces: fe., áe., comer Main and Washington ■an Acbor. 'fue hiíhest ma,rket pricet fmid ) r country produce. 8e6 I. O. O. F. WASHTENAW I.odge. No. 9, of the Independent Or" ilerot üld Fellows meet at their I.odge Room, "VFróhy Kvcniii, atTJÍ o'clook. SwoguM. n. o. 1. B. Rose, Secy IÑGSLEY &TÍ0RGAN. iTIORSEYS, Counsellors, Solicitom, and Notarles '■ Pablic, havo Books an.'i Plats showing titles of all Kii the Oountv, ana attend to conveyancing and Qllectn Iemands, and to payinp tases and tchool in"'Mtioany part of the state. Office cast of the park. " D. DeFORKST. IITH'II.IÏSALK and retail dealer in Lumbcr. Latli, p.' 8iim.les.Sash, Doors.Blinds, Water Ltane, Grand j'1'" Piaster, I!a?ter Paris, and Nnils ofallrtzea A ,. a1 perfect ansortmont of tij'1 abore, and all other 1 ""' building ra.itenalscnr.stautly "" hi"f' at tl, o ï'pojjibta rates, on Detroit t.,a few rodjfrnm the o', . ' l'epot. Also nperating ixtensively in the TOit Cement Roofing. gr PAIRBAÜÖJES1 Jpi Standard L8CALE8! ypWH OF All, KINDS. Ï(J Also, Waréhouit Trucks, Ulier Pressa, je. airbanks, Greenleaf & Co., 172 Lakc Street, Chicago. Ef'M in Detroit by PAJlrtAND & SIIEI.EY. ''S'evífni to buy oaj.' tísé seoaln.-ïa f Bbvl


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