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Something Beside Money-making

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But, - let us s.iy it pluinly, - it wijl not hurt our pcople to be taught that there are other tilines to be cared for beside money-making and monej tpend ing ; tliüt the time lias cnn'ie wben man hoed must asseit itself by brave decds and noble thoughts; "bon nrom&nhood must assume its mnsf sacred office, "tn warm, to comfort, " and. if naad be, " to command ' those wftose s-ervices tlieir oountry calis for. Tliis Nortbern section of the land bas beeome a great varietysbop, of which the Atlantic cities are the long-extended counter. We have grown ricb for what? ïo put gilt bands on coaebmeii's hals? Tö swcep the foul ide-walka wiiji the hpavitst silfcs tbat the toiliug artisans of France eau send us ? To look through tho plate-glass wiudows, and to pity the brown soldiers - or snetr at the black one's ? - to reduce the pjieed of trolting horses a second or two below its oid minimum ? - to color uioerscbaums 'Í - to dredge our muiden's hair with gold dust? - to float through lifu the passive sliultleeoeks of fashion, fioui the avenues to the beaches. and back again from the beaches to the avanues ? as it lor this that the broad domain of the Western hemisphpro was kept so long uuvisited by civilization ? - for tbis that Time, the fafhrr of empires, un bouud the virgin zone of this youngest of hia daughters and gave her, beautiful in the long veil of her forests, to the rude embrace of the adventurous Colonist? - All this is what we see arcutid us, now, - now, while we are actmilly fighting this great battle. and supporting tbis great load of indebtedness. Wuit till the dia moL'ds go back to the Jews of Amsterdan. ; til! the piate glass window bears the fatal announcetnent, ïor Sale or to Let ; till the voice of our Miriam is obeyed, as she sings "Weavo no more silks, ye Lyons looms !" Till the gold dust is com.bed. from the golden locks, and hoarded ta buy bread ; till the fast driving youth smokes liia eliy pipe on the platform of the streetcar; tiil the music grinders cease because nniie will pay them ; till theie are no peaches in the windows at twenty four dollars a dozen, and no heaps of bananas and pine apples selliog at tho treet corners ; till the ten-flounced dress haa but tliree flouuces, and it is ft'lony to drink champagne: wait till these changas show theuiselves, the signs of deeper wants, the preludes of exhaustion and bankruptcy ; then let bs talk of the Maclstrom; but till then, let us not be cowaids with our purise?, while the brave men are cvnptying thcir hearts upon the carth for us ; let us whine over our imapinary ruin, while the reversed current of circling events is carrying us fartber and tarther, every hour, beyond the influence of the great failing which was boni of our wealth, and of the deadly sin which was our fatal inlieritauce !-


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Michigan Argus