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GOODS ARE CÜËAP! At Ao. 1. Ilawkiu's JSlock, ANN ARBOR. GARLAND & LEFEVRE . HAVÍNG taken the Store above named, formerly óceripièd by J. S. Dickinson. ire nuw preparcd to sell 10 tLeir old cuslomers and the public goiierally. Stuple and Fancy Dry Goods, Grocrics, Crockery, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, tyc. fyc. on the most re;ieona!le lernis. All kinds of Produce laken in exchange foi Goods nnd Cash. The hi"hcst market price paid for Wheat by GARLAND & LE FEVRE. Ann Arbor, April J6, 1845. N. B. J S. Dickinson's, notes and accounts nre in the hands ol Meters. Garland &. Le Fcvic. who are duly authomed to settle the same. J. S. DICKINSON. Ann Arbor, April 15, 1845. 208-wLiberty Almaiiacs ibr 1 845. FOR sale by the, dozen or single by BECKLEY, FOSTER, & CO. Msrch 10. 1Ö45. Notice to ftlerchants. THE Subscribers encouraged by ilic pntrouage they have hitherto receivod in '-'C wholcsíile dcpartment of ihcir business, will ilic first day of May next, open the store now oceupied by Geo. Grcnvillc, i'rontingon Hurón streel. tind connecting with their present slore in the roar, e.vclnóivoly i'or a WHOLE 8ALE ROO1M, vhere they will keep nt ull times a ful I assortment tf DRY GOODS, TiOOTS & SHOÈS C AlífrENT'j NG, 1IATS, CAPS, l'Al'LR HANCINGS, BO.NNETS, CROCKEKY BY THE CRATK, HARDWARE, AND GROCEIllES,' &C, &C. &C. all of wluch will be sold on asgood ternis as at ;iny poinfthlsaideofNew York City. G. tí. H1LL, & CO. Ann Arbor, Mnrch 26, 1814. 48-tfDENTISTIra. E: G. BURGER, Denlist, HAS removed bis office to Grano &.Jcwett's 'Blouk, first room on the Second Floor, wbere bitog we1l' pfêptyr'ed to nttend lo evcry brancli of bis profesejcnt would rospeclfully say to all v.'Tjo have-nöt bad tboso necessary organs. THE TEETH, prpperly jailcndcd to, delay no longor, bik cali upon bim und experience the easc and durability of his opcrations. Terms accoinmodaiing andebarges inno case unrensonablo. , . %; , , An Afbór, Márch'tü'lS-iri: 47-Í.


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