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The Office Of Lieutenant General

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- ít is airead y proponed to Congress- that is, in the House of lteprcseutatives - to revive the offiea and rank of Lieuteiiant Qeneml of the United States Army ; und in tlie sume resolution it is propuseil to give a niedal to General Grant for tue victories he has won. Now, tho offio. of Licutonant General is actuaüy in exiáteme, in the person of General Scott, and thareforo tliere is no need of its revival, lïnt it issíated that the rank ti b! "revived' so that it inay be con l'ctrod upoii General Grant, in the hope, no doubt, that suoli a liigli military position will switch h!m off the Presidential truck. We adniit that General Grant deserves a niedal for his brilliaot ser vices In fact, ilo merits a modal for every onc of thu four luuidred and sevontytwo cannon that lie lias captured in thig war, as woll as for every one of the ninety thousand prisoners captured by the troops under his enmmand. He also deserves the rank of Lieutenant-Geueral.- 15ut if the polilicans think they aro going to beat General Grant, General McClelU an, or any othor general, out of the Presideney by any humbug of this sort, if it bo tho will of the peoplo to cali either of ther.i to that high station, they will ÜDd themselvcs wofully mistaken. CYoung ladies shoulü never object to beiiig kisseel by printers; tbey sboald mako oeery íjlrtwance fr reedatH. aj


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Michigan Argus