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Our Terms For 1864

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Many of our subscribers aro entitled to our tbanks for the good epirit and promptness with wbieh they have responded to our cali for a ssttletuant of arrears. But lo jog tbo niemory of tbosu wbo have not auswered to our cali, wo extract the f'ollowing paregraphs froin our announcexaaut alroady published : After t'uú first day of January nest, we Fhall charge $2 a yeas for the Argds, and not a new name will be entered on our I subsoription book without the pay in adtana. Subscribers who havo alrendy paid for the Argus for the wholo or part of the coming ycar, wiil be furnished at the old rato for tho time paid for, -and new subscriptions will bo recsived up to January lat at 01,50 in advance. Subseribers in arrears can secure the paper for 1864 at $1 50 by paying tip all arrears phiok to Januari Ist, and a year in advanc. After January Ist all thoso in arrears will bo churged 02 a year both for the past and future. These terms we shall strictly adhere to until price8 of other articles go back to the old figures. Our subscribers witb whom we have conversad, with scarcely an exception, coneede the necessity for this change in our terms, aad ttoso who do not should consider that everything wo buy of the merchant or the farmer bas largely advanced, and ask themselves whethor it is possible for paper and to keep down to old rates. We have tried the utmost economy and know that we can not live another year at the old prices. E5P We are occasionally found fault with bccauhe we quote from the New York World, the Free Press, or some other journal not popular with our Republican fnends ; and again because we entirely ignore the N. Y. Day Book, and thut class oí journals, the publishers of whieh are so Democratie that they lean the wrong way. Now, if we couid consisteotly, we would like to satisfy every ronder, but we don 't expect to do it, and can't ppend time in trj - ing. Ye shall endorse the acts of the gnvernment or even the adiüiüistration vvhen we ttiink thein right, and when wo don't we shall disapprove. We detest radjcaliam of al! sorts, and are sure that t is the curse ol' tbo country. Besides, we don't ask any body to endorse the views they fir.d in our columns ; they can tako them, whether iouod in editorials er selections for what they are worth. If, with all the agreements and disagreements posted, they get the worih of, the money they pay U8 we shall be glad to forowh thern tho Aeoüb-, if not, they are not compelled to tako it. That's our platform. ETbnt our readers may know the state of feeiing in the South at this time, wo give place to an artiole from tho Itiohmond Whig, commenting up. on a recent order of Gen. Lee, and lo anotber from the Kiohmond Sentinel whioh inay bo presumed lo reflect the Southern opinión of Lincoe.n's proclatnation ncoompnnyiog his late mossage. The SenJind evidently not afraid that the circulution uf this proclamation irill work any injury to the Confedérate cause. ïho rebata are not ready for such terms. STUT The net proceeds oí the FestivalConcerts giren on Wedoeíduy and Tharsday evcnings of last week, by the hdies of the Soldiers' Aid Society, were 8150. This amouDt would have been I inoreased full one-tbird had the hall been large enough to accommodate" all who tried to get in the first ovemng, or to have given more room to the refreshment and sale departments. Bút the receipts speak well fór tbe liberality of oar citizens. In this connecüon we inuat be allowed to eay a word of commendution of those ladies of our city who are giviag so inuch of their time and strength to work. No enterprise, especially of a charitable or benevulent nature, can be carried o-i without calling largely upon a few, a few who must say come instead ofyo, who must hoth ive and labor and then give and LABoiragaiu. And, therefore, while the masa of our citizens are doing well, the working ladies of the Soldiers' Aid Society aro entitled to doublé credit. May the bread which thcy are casting upon the waters return lefore many days. gfST The Public Schools of this city closed for their holiday vacation ou Wed. nesday. The gession will be resumed on Mouday, Jauuary 4th, at which timeeveij scholar fliouM be n HlÍM(i


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