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C. Brinckerhoff's

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Mr. Brinckcpljní]". .-.nxious to makc known and tn extend Uie uscoi'ihe Iloalih Itcsioranvc. and fecliiij and knowicg thai its remedia! eíVecl (by ilic favor ol Providcnce) lias been the onlv avaihble irieans of restoring to henil atid lltii inany of the younir-iiwl ciuIü.-umI tuia nr;rt-VyW [iiged. und Venerable individuáis in tfio land, now pFaces more cJñvcnienily befare the 11 valid his nvaluahle rcmedy. That dreadfur scourge o: our race, ibc Consumption. wiih ï ts?. atrondani horrors have been swept avvuy- üie Ilcstorativc renuwing the impaired vial part so thoruiiglil as to resist-afterward the invidious attacks oi those diseiises. To ihe humane and tenderïeartcd it is a plensmg and moyjftg sijjht to view the before fiopeless ond dispirited suflerer risc Vom bis couch of' siekness and pain. and taktnis place amid the c.ires and duucs of life sim ply lv menns of' tliis grand Restorative of Nauue's Functions The most scvere coughs almost imniedimely yicld under its influeuce, and howevei rackmjjor clironic tlioy niay havebeon. yet they vnnish the momeat the Rcsiorative begins to exert and ihen maintain iis power. The Proprieior earncsdy requests all who are afilieted with nny disease of the Lungs orLiver. Taiu in the Chest and Sidc, nnd Coughs, o eonimence the use of the Hoalth Rcstorative. L)e spite the approbrium wlneh is aitached to all ad vertised medicines, use this remedy ;md becra vinced oi iis power however incredulons you lifive been. The fulluwmg eeriilirate is iron. Dr. Chillón, the well known New YorkChein ist. "I hnve analyzed a bottle of medicine c-illed 'C. Bririkcrhotf's Jlealih Restorutive,' and find ihnt it does nol contöiri JMcrcury. or any o'her meiallic preparaiion; nor opium n ony ot it.c fornis. Il is composed of vegetable matter entircly." Jamks R. Chu-ïo.1. RI. D. C. BR1NCKERH0FF, Proprieipr, N. Y. Hokack Rvkkktt. General Agenu Principal OfiiceiK) Hudson stieet. N. Y. For sale by W. S. & J. W. Maynard. Agenta. Ann Arbor.' 4!)-4w


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