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jcbïga PssengertrainsDüw leiivo Detroit, Chicago, and th aever&l Stations n follows : GOING WEST. Leavo Day Ex. Dext. Ac. Eve. Ex. NIjthtEx. Detroit. 10.00 A.M. 4.00 r.x. 0.30 P.M 9.30 P. M. Ypsüanti, 11.20 " 5.30 " 6.60 " 10.50 " innArbor, 11.40 ■■ 6.00 " 7.15 ' 11.10 Dexter, 12 05 P. M. 6.30 " 7.45 " ' Chelsea, 12.25 " " 8.05 '' - - " Ar Chicago 10.30 ' " 0.00 j " 10.30 i. M. GOING BAST. Leave. Eve. Ex. Dex.Ac. Ni?bt Ex. Day Ex. ChicaKo, 6.40 r.M. 10.00 P. M 6.30 A. M. Chelas A.M. 7.40 A.M. 4.00 P.M. Dexter, 6 15 " 8 0. 4.20 AnnArW, 4.21) A. m. 6.45 " 8.25 " 4.45 Ypsilanti, 4.40 ' T.10 " 8 45 " 6.05 " Ar. Detroit, 6.00 " 8.30 "1000 " 6.30 " The Day Expresa eaob way is the Mail Train. Trains do not stop atstations whereBguresareomlttedinthe table. Trains connoct at Detroit witll the Great Western and Grand Trunk RailWEys oí Canada, and the Detroit and Toledo, and Detroit and Ml'waukee Railroads; nnd Cleveland Steamers. At the Company'a Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Joliet.and Iafayette, through tickets can be purchased toall the principal cities and towns in the United etates and Cañadas. LÜXüRIOUS SLEEPING CARS upon all night trams Ruttan's celebrated Ventilating Apsai'&tus upon aU daytraina- the best dust preveutativeiu uae. K N. KICE,üeneral Superintendent. HOLIDAY GÖODS! DkFOREST is now opening a aplendid Stock of Goldband China, and White China Goods, China Toys, ChüdrenaToy Sets, White Stone China Goods, 8ilver_ plated Goods, Tabla Cutlery, Glass-ware, Lamps,&c., &c, at lovr figures. Dec. 10th,18C3. 3ttf. LYON'S KATHAIRON. Kathalronls from the Groek wurd, "Kathro," or "Kathairo," oignifying to cleanse, rejuvinate and restore. This article is what its nñmósigniüea. Forpreserving, restoring and beautifyiog the human hair it is the most remarkable preparation in the world. It la again owned and put up by the original proprietor, and is now nudo with the same care, akül and attention which gare it sale of over one niillion bottlesper anIt ia a most delightful lïair Dressing Iteraticates scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soft and glossy . It preveuts the hair from falling off and turnlng gray It restores hair upon bald heads . Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiíul head of hair should use Lyon'a Kalharion. It is knownand usedtbrouguout the ciriüzed world. Sold by all reapectable dealers. 6m922 DEMÁS S. BA.RNE3 & CO.,.Prop'rs, N. 7. Mathews' Chocolate WoimDrcps ? NEVER fail lo destroy and extermínate all kinds of Intestinal Worms. Are perfectly raliable in all cases and far superior to any and all of the Fancy Worm onfections, nd nauseous Vermifuges in ue. They may be taken at all times with perfect they containNO MERCURY, or otliar Drug.- Motbers should always purchase them and give thelr children no other. (No Catkartic whaterer, is necessary to be giren. ) Each box contains 24 Drops or Lozenges. Price 2ö ets. For Sale by all Drugt;ists and Dealers ia MeAiC, R. WALKER, General Agent, Iy922 BuCFalo.N-Y and Fort Erie,C. W. HEIMSTREETS Inimitable Hair Restoratïve. IT IS NOT A DYE, But rostores gray hair to its origiiial color, by supplying the capillary tubs witli natural sustenance, impaired by age or díaease. Aí insíantantous dyes are composed of lunar caustic, dstvoying the vitaiity and beauty of tbe hair, and afford of theinselvca no dressing. Heinistraet;s Inimitable Coloring not on!y restores hair to its natural color by au easy proces, but givea the hair a liUituiaiit Bennty, primoteii its growth, prevenía itá fitlling off, oradicatos JandrufF, anl imparts healDi and pleasantncss to the iiead. It has stuod the tfent of time, being1 tUe original Hair Coloring, and il c.unstantly iucreasing in favor, üsed by both gentleman anu ladies. It is sold by all re speet.1, ble dealer, or can be proenred by them of rhï comiïwrciaïagents, D. S. Barnes & Co. 'ZO'2. Broadway NT6w-York. Two sizea, 50 cents and $1. 6m922 THE DRAFT On DeForef-t's National Coffee is wonderful. Every body seems tobave found outiU superior qualitida and go in for a supply It ís warranted to give satisfaction and to be bitter than any other coflee in market, at any prico, or the money röfunded, Two sbillinga per ib. A.DkFOHKST WYNKOOPS ICELAND PET ORAL. Diseases of the Tbroat, Chest and Pulmumiry organa are ever prevalent,'insidious and and dangerous. The properties of a medicine to alleititf, cure and uproot these somplaints, must_be Expectorant, Anodyne and Invigr rating, loosening tbe mucufi of the tliroat, and iraparting tone to the mtire system. No cliscovery in medical scinceevei inastered this clah.s of ditícaseb Iiie Dr. Wynkoop's Icelaud Pectoral. It is u-ed w!th the most antonishingrfsults in all oases of Bronchitis, In fluenza, Whoopiug Cougb. Dtptheria or Futrid Sore Th roa t, Asthma, Croup, Conghs, Colds, Nervous Ir ra tability, &c'. Theliev. J. J. Potter certifies, " I hare used Dr. Wyolíoop's Iceland Pectoral for several years, myself and in my f.tmily, for severe Tulmonary Compiuintsfand have recommonded it to many others, and nevor seen its equal." Eev. J. J. Potter Brooklyn, N. Y. Hundreds an1 thousuüds of important testimoniáis could be produce, showing its remarkabie cures and tbat U never failê It is composed of pure Tceland Moss, Balm o Gilead Peruvian Balam, Elecampane, Comfioy, Burdocli,and other invalualile expectorant and tonic ingrerlients. It is harmless, prompt and lasting. Invalids and suffereis cannot afford to ueglect a trial. Every family hhould have it.? It is remarkble for Croup. Full descriplion, recommentltitions, and directions accompauy each bot t.eSold by all principal Drnggiats. Prepaifcd by Dr. K. D. TVynkoop, and sold by D. S. Barnes & Co. Xew Yurk. 922m6 HAGAN'S MAGNOLIA BALM. This is the must delightful and extraord:n.iry artLte ever discovernd . Itchanges the sun burnt face and hands to a pearly salín texture of ravi&hing beauty, impartlng the marble purity of youlb, and tbe distingue appearance so inviting in the city belle of fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples, and roughnesB from the skin, leaving i t fresh, trausparent and smooth. - it contains no material injurious to the skin. l'atron ized by Actresses and Opera Singers. It is wiiat every lady sbouldhave. Sold everywhere. üeiïias S Barnes fo Co. General Ageots. 922m6 J3O3 Broadway, OST. Y. O" TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWING TOBACCO at from 50 cents to One Dollar. SMOKING from fourteen to twenty centB at M. UEVAKY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Red Iridian. South side Huron street, a few doors from Cook's Hotel. M.DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec. 11, 1862. 883fcf BE WISEBY nK0 ! Do pot tnfle wilh your Heaith, Constitution and Character. If you are suffering witb any flisea.iMS fcr whicb. HEMBOLD'S EXTRACT OF BUCHU is recommeoded, TRY IT ! TRY IT ! TIÏY IT 1 Tt will cure you, save long RufFering, aïlaying pain anti laöammation, and will restore you to HEALTH AND PUJIITY, At Little Expense, And No ExpoKuro Cut out the advertiaement in another column, oall or ewnd for it. BEAWARE OF COUNTERFEXTS I Ailt fei Hönbold'ï. Tèke 'o CHbr, , CTnLS GTC KKhmttX'. S3CmZ í( A smile was oa her lip - healtb waa in bor look, strengtn was In hor step, aad ia her hands - Plantation Bitters." , S-T-1860-X. I A few bottles of Plantation Bitturs Will care Nervous Headache. 11 Cold Extremïties and Feverish Ups. " Sour Stoma cli and Fetid Breath. Flatulency and Indigestión, ' Nervous Affections. ' " Excessive Fatigue and Short Breath. " Pain over the eyes. " Mental Despondencj'. Prostration ; Great Weakuess" Saliow Complexión, AVtak Bowels, &c. Which are the evidences of LIVER COMPLA1NT AND DYSPEPSIA It ia estiniated that seven -tenths of all adult allments proceed from a diseased and torpid liver. The biliary secrotions of the liver cverfiowlng into the etomach polson the entire aystem and exhiblt the above symptoms . Vfter long research, wo are abie to present themost roinarkable cure for these horrk' nightmare diseaaea, tbs world bas ever produced., Within one year over six huudred andforty thousand persons have taken the Plantation Bilters , and not an instance of compLiint bas como to our knowlcdge ! It is a mout effectual tome and agreoable stimulant suitedto ail conditions of life. The report that itrelioe upon mineral eubsiances foi t3 active properties, are wholly false. For the public satisfaction, and thst patients may consult their physicians, we append a list of its corapenents Calisaya Bark - t'elebrated for over two hundred yearsin the treatmeïit of Fever and Vgue, Dyfipepsia, Weakness, &c. It was utrodued into Europe by the Conntese, wifoof the Viceroy of Peru, in 1640, and afterwards sold by the Jesuíta for the cnormous príct of its oun iceight in silvtr, under the name of Jesuh's Ponders, and was finally made public by Louis XVI, Bang ! of Kranke, Humbolt makes special refference to its febnfuge qualities during hia South American travel. Cascahilla Baük- ForDiarrhcea, colic and diseases of the stomach aad bowels. Dandelio.v - For infianiniition of the loias and drop sical aflections. Cuamomile kloweks- Forenfsebled digestión, Lavs.vdkk Flowüks- Aromjitic stiniulant jtnd tonic- highly invigorating in nervous debiüty. WINTKRGBKBH - For scrofula, rbeumatism, &c. Aniss An aromatic carminative ; creating flesfa, muse! e and niilk ; uiuch used by mothersnur.sing. Also, clove-buds, orange, carra way , corianderjsnakeroot. &c. S- T- X. Another wonderful ingrediënt, of Spanish origln, ïinpartiug beauty to the complexión and bnlliancy io the inind, ii vet unknown to the commeice of the world, tand we withhold ts name for the present. IMPORTANT CERTIF1CATES. Rochester N. Y. Dtaritiber 28, 1861. Mftssrs. P.H.Dkake & Co - I have been a great suffer er from Dyspepyia for tbree or four years and had to abandon my profession . About three monllis ago I tried the Plantation Bitters, and to my great joy, I am now nearly a well uian. Ihave reconamendeü them in seviral cases, and, as far asi know, always with signal banefit. lamre-ipjctfuilyyours, RFV J. S. CATHBON. Philadelphia, 10(A Month, Vth Lay, 18G2ResPkctkd "Feiksd : - My dan gh ter has been much beuelitted by tLe use of thy Plantation Bitters. ïhou wüt sead ma two bottles more. Thy Friend, ASA CURRIN. Sherman House, Chicago, IU. Feb. 11, 1862. Messrs. P.H. Drake &Co.. - Please send us another twelve cases of your Plantation Bitters. As a morning apptitizer, tbeyappear to have superciíded everyíhiag ebe, and aregreatly esteemed. Youra, &c. GAGE & WAITE. Arrangemenis are now completed to supply any demand for this article, which from lack of government stamps bas not heretofore been possible. The public may rest assured that in no caae will the perfectly pure atandaid of the Plantation Bitters bc departed from. Every bottlt btars the fac sbnile of our signature on a t( tl píate tvgraving, or it cánnut be genuine. Sold by all Drugg-lsta, Grocers and Dealers through out the country. P. H. DHAKB & CO. Si2mO 202 BSOAflWA Y , N . Y. SAPONIFÏE ït , OR CONCÉNTRATE!) LYE, FAMILY SOAP MAKER. ; VV 1 Xv makea high nrrcea ; S&ponïéer helps to rerïuce them. It makes Soap lor Four cents a pecad by usingyour kitchen grease. - CAUTIO.Vï Aa spurious tyes aro offered al-so, bo ca-eful and only buy the Patented article piit'u) n Iron cans, all others bein Couiitertcltü. Pennsylvawa Solt Manuf act uring Co., Pbiladelphia- No. 127 Walnut Street. Pittshurg - Pitt Stropt and Ouquesne Way. [ET TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO. .o Mr. O. C.Bristol a distinuished Chemirft and Druggist of the city of Buffalo, N, Y., invented andmanufactured a compound knnwn as ïiHISTOIS BALSAM OF HOARHOüXDj which is a perfect spbcific for COCGHS, COLPS, Or any BliONCHlAI. 01' LC-Víi D1FFICULTIES arising from damp, cold, or sudden change of the weütber. Every person ho has ever takt'n BRïSTOL'S BALSA 1 OF 1IOAR1IOUND, pronounces it the btst article ever invented ; and so justly celebrated bas it become, that the market is already full of imitations, counterfeits, and most dangerous compounds, under the name of Balaam of Hoarhound, Thwpfore, alway be careful i to cali for Bristol'a Balaam, and see that his WXITTËN ,-jignature is on the outaide label oí 1he bottle. Mark,- This invaluable Medicine has been now sorae twt'iity-'jne years before the public, and without any effort on the part of the proprictor, its Ewl has become vt-ry extensive, and is daily increasing. The low priCQ at which the Medicine is iold (?5 CENTS; enables ALI# to partiike of its healing qualities. C. CROSBy,Bür'FALO, N.Y. S'.'la manufacturer, to whom all orders should bc addresfi;d. For sale byall reapectable drtiggists. Iyeow92g $f AN 1.V1EPE3T1SG LETTER, - MCííSrs Post & BrufF. Agenta N. Y, Panitary Society, Rochester.- Gents . I I deern it duo to you state the effect of that one bottle of l'eople'a Cure which I obtained írom you in November last. Seeing the advertisement ol your So. ciety oÖFering to give your medicine to clerpymen for the pooi of the ir parishes. I ootained a bottle for a poor gffrl of my enngrgation, who had long been nearly help less from r.heumafism, and strangc to hay, that one bottle cured her enlïrely. I write tliis lioping it may aid the Society in its effurtfl to introduce Ihe medicine, and blcss those who may nced neb a rcrr.tdy ; aüd I use Rtrong tenas, as I believc its ments will fully jubtify the most sunerlative forms of speech. YourSj Iïf.spectfu'. Iy , C. R. WILKINS, Pastor of the First Presbyturian Church 922yl Pitteford, Monroe Co N. Y. A GOOD TREE 18 KNOWN BY ' J_ ITS FRUIT. So íb a gooii Fhysician by his yuccessful Wcrlx'S. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGKLATANI CELKBRATED I'HVSH;iANÜF THE ÏHROAT, LUNGtí AX1 CHEST, Kuown all over the cotmtr; as the Celebrated INDIAN IIERB DOCTOR! From Houth America, will bc at his rooina, RUSSELL 1I0ÜSE, DETROIT, On the 18 th and19th inst. , on the same dale of and every substuent month during 1863 and 1863, A KEaT PAttHHLEl Of the life,study and etenuive travele of Dr. Lyons can be procured bv all whcj lsiie one, f ree of churre. Dr. L will visit Aan Arbir, Jackson.and Adrián, Mtch.,asfollows : Aun Arboi-, .Monitor House. í'Oíh. ,Iac!;pon, Hibbard Hou6r,2lRt Adrián, Rrackett He nae,22d and 23J. BIode of E.xAMiNATioN. - The Doctor dlBoersfl AiveaMB bytheeyps. lïe, tïierefore, asks no queUion.-s nor rerj. lires patients to explüio symptoma. AfBictftd, como audhave your symptorns and the lucaiiou of your diseaseexplained free of charge Family Dye Colors. ÍJtOE Pyeing Silk, Wookn and Mixel GooÖH, BbawTs, 'Swrft, DresBön, Ribbons, 61ova, Bonn ets, H;its, Keaihers, Kid Gloves, Childroa's Clothin, and all kinds of Wearing Aprarel 49A SAVING OP 8O PEK CK.Tg& For 25 cents you can color as many gonds as would otherwine cost five times that bi.m. Vario ua shade can beproduccd f. om the name llyc. The profs.s is simple, and any ooe can use the Dyc with perfect fmccess. WreotJon in Engllsb, Fronch anl Germán, íumcIo of each p.ickage. For furtber information m Dycirgr, nnd Rh ing perfect knowledo wliat colors are best adaptfl to dye over ot-hora, (with many valuable recipes,) purohatie Hotto & btöpi'ent' Treatise on I'yeing and Güioriug - Sent by njHil on receipt of prico- 10 centa. Manufactured by IIOWJE & STEVENS, 2d0Broadwar, Bsai-óc. roí t&hly Drugrlsts and realtrgnrallr. 31'Cm? Buffklo Testimony. the rTTOTT Cüres PEOPI.E'S VUliiji Roeuuntism. llI was troubled with Rbeum .tism for two yeara, suffering more or less every day. I have taken two bottles of the' l'eopies Cure,' and have not had any pain Finco I left it ciT more Ihsn fourweeks sgo. I cousider myself nB entirely onrad, and tho medicine has made roe feel very ligbt and good - just like a vouag laan though I n.ra sixty two yeoi'a old. GODfRBY SCHEFFEL, 402 Michigan St," (íJIy wife has been suffring from Rheumfttifm of an inüarnmötory character for about six or seven years sometiines very acutely. About the flrst of June ]a6t she coininenced taking the 'People's Cure,' and con tinued to take II sonje threo weeks. In ten days after she commenced, the swelling and fitilïhess of her joints very miterially hüsened, and in three weeks had disappeared altogether. "THOMAS POI.LOCK, (at W. H. GleODy's ) "Buffalo.Octoberl, 1862," THE iTTPTi1 Cures PE0PI.i:3 y U IJJ Fever Sores. "Two of our oneofthem afllicted with. a bad Fever Sore. the other with Rbeumatism - having seen the adverti-sement of tho 'People's Cure' in this paper, purch&sed the Medicine, and now, ffer liuvii.g thor oughly tried it, report to UB,commonding it most hearüly as a thorough remedy in their case. - Editora Christian Advocate. THE TTT} C Cur!3 D!seases PEOPl.E'3 KJ U Xl rj of the Skin. "My face has for more Ihan ten yeurs beougreatly disñgured by truptions and bunches, which at times extended over'my wholebody,and oncê for tl" roe days made me entirel.y blind ; but having taken two bottles of the 'People's Cure,' my acquaintances hardly reeognize me - Indeed I hardly know myself- as I sm now awellman. Let all wbo are alike afflieted try the M'eoplc's Cure,- the Medicine prepared by tie Sanftary Society and I think they wiil not begrudge their dol Ur. "JOSEPH SCüP., Turner, ilecbanic St "Buffalo, Nov. 15, 1362." THE "'TTTJTÏ1 Cures Scrofn! & l'EOPf.E'8 VUlvilj SultP,heuin. "I have used the 'Pcople'sCuve' in my fnmily with great benefit, n Quien of Sirofula and Sait Rheum.and hiiverecommendadiúfreijuently to my f-iends, all of v, bom I bolieve liavo beea benelitted, and most of tbem satirely cured by it. , CHAS. SCHAP.FF, 273 Ham St.,up-staira." the rtTTT?Ti' e,"03,1"0110 PEO1 LE'S KjU IXVJ Weaknesses "I have been in feeble health ever siace the birtli of my boy, who is now tweive years old. I havo had many troubles aud difficulties, all thia time, unfitting me for overykind of labor, and destroying ah my oom fort, Last summer I commencod taking the 'People's Cuvc,' und have used four bottles, and am ncw almost awsHwoman. My difficulties have nearly uil disap peared, and 1 fetl cheerful and happy. ■'MUS. CATHARINE DEWALD, Dressmaker.Coodell Alky, aboveTupper st. "Bnffalu, Oct. 20, lrfC2." THE ÍTTTÍT? Cures when otaer PEOl'LK'8 LUxiül medicines rail "My wife has been in poor health fur a long time havinj.' frequently to cali a physician to ttttend her; but she was recently vory much worse. For flve or six weeks she had no appetite, lost all her strength, and was each day growing worse, She had night mvcata, coughcd a great deal duiing each niht and considerably during the day, and we al! supposed shewasgoing aff with the consumption, when a tïiond advised iier to tako the 'Peoples's Cure. On taking the meoiiiüe she perceived a cliange at once. On the Üiird dayshe had recoreied her appetite, and was regatalng her streng'h, until, on the "c-ighth day, not yet having taken one bottle, she has stopped taking tho medicina saying she was as well as anybudy coul'J b, and she ha.s coutinued so ever since. "PAUL KLEIN', Gardner, 82 Pearl st. "Buffalo, Octoberl,löC2." For SOs by all Druggists. S22y1 . C. CROSBY, eneral Agent, No. 255 Ma.n t., ButTalo, N. Y., to whom all orders should be addressed. l'or Ssle by Stsbbiss Si'WitsoN, Okuxville S; Fclleb, and EBïMAcn & Co. WOisDERFUL SÜCCESS. a3"Tlie atiention and research of the most úiathigüihfccl Ciü'int.sts and Physicians for years have been aevoted to the production of a remedy for tbose mostüintreisin malaáiea Nel'üalgia aud Rhecíiat.üm Alter long stiu'.y and many experimeni.s, a spec'ic preparation has been discovere-ï, WATSON'S N'euralgia Infernal Remcdy, i curing Lhousauds i, ■ whereall otb er remedies have uttcily failetl. Weare i thatit bo mere ' ANODYNE," rehering for rermiins, but is a perfect SPEClFICand CUKE fur those painful disensos, ibcvast numier of Linhnents, Kmbrocalions and Externa] Medicines, wbicb act as aTlmulants of tbe surfac; only, are mwely tempors.iy tn their elTecls and -.i' doubt fui virtue The NKUKALUIA KING rttichea the sourco of all trouble, and effectiuüly baui.sliL-s tiiü uiaesö from thf system, i'rice- Oue Dollar per Bottle. Prepared by C. R. WALKER, l9v.'2 üuff'iOjN. Y.,anLl Fort Erie, C.W. For Side by Stibin'S & Wiisch, Gue.nville k Fullep, and C . Küeüeach & Co. Hiil IF m Ê Êm Zm 0 rJwÊtM The yoü insuredV IF KOT CALL ON Agent for the foüowing first ciass Companic-a, Home Insuracce of New York, Cash Capital nver One anti a Half Millious Dollar?, CONTSNENAL INSURANCE 09, Of New Yoik, Capital over One lül'.kn of Polhiri. In this Company the Insured particípale in the pxoflta. CXT5r nK-JE IjSTS-, CO-, of Hartford. CaplUl over Threo Hundied ThouEftnd Dollars. C n. &nLLEN. 93f,tl Main Street Aun Arbor. I ' , Tcba cco ! Tobacco l I A.M SEI.L1NC1 GOOD FINE CÜT CÍIEWING TOBACCO At from fipu cents to SI psr pound. SMOKING TOBACCO, From 1 1 cents to 20 cents -per pound ai retait. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Midi., De-. 17, I8Ï2. SSStf J. GREEN & E. BKOWN, havf1 purctased the Iloises and 'arrifipcs of H. Green and havy alao afMedsomc vevy Borsen ,v t to thï abore fitock. in the samo barn, so ibat they car 6uií yon allonre-iBonable tftrmi. Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, JIy 14ih. 1Í.S3. 6mD".4. áyefs Cathartic Pilis.


Old News
Michigan Argus