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How To Raise Strawberries Next Year

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ifce Ifiiritipn Hvp& Many and many a fumily has no slrawbuiiy patch. It is bad enough for who havo no gioiifid. Ijm lor thoo who have, í' no mura ihan i email garden spot - bey htve it in their power, with but üttle iróubïe, to rai,-otheir own herrie, Hnd havo a yood deal ot pleasuro beride, and éuch larde finu fruit taised bj your own hauds ! TtiLs we seo every year, ilnd it U a most beartfelt satisfaotioo. Taire tbo planta that havo been tostel in tlie neighboHiood, and ure Iherefore known to ?row if ihere are none sent! fer a wel! known vurinty. In preparing yoar pround, spade it dcep; make it thoroughly mdlow ; this must liever bo neglected. Spade it whon d.-y. Any moderatcly rich soil wili do. U a littlü richer tban that, it willdo; but not too rich Of couine, it must not be a net spot, Yonr ground in ready Nw tnko your. )lants nd t-üp off (ho root te ■svilhin about threo or fiuir inclio of tlie Crown. Remove ihe gromid where Uio plant wants to not, te "ihe dwpth of only afiout half an incrh or tinco qu artera Sornpe the place (tlie hill) lirond enough toset plant vitli thu clipped roots all iprcüd (radinted) wit h n little roundiüg of tho oil, to as ti i(3t tiio piiint on like a cup Bomcwbat. Then replaoe Tour ground, and p,ck prelty solid.- Your planting is dono, but not vonr orlt. Now water every hill. Tbw wül et: Ie the ground, and bTÍBg it to it intiiral Ktate. M.ilch it once. The bet mulub, as we before recornniended for genend pürpnues. ia fine manure, pay halfan inch tliick. Yon muy pply jour water after, instead of before, lliulching. To securo siiece.s more thorougUyv. mulch betweon the rows (whichffhoiikl be bet wen I wo and threo feet apaM Itttlö aearer in the rowg)- tuulch ith ftraw, whieh wil! preven, the moistnre frofc evaporuting, more, perhaps than ny other muleh. Mulch till up to the 8'em; but not till just bbf.Te the fruit begina to lipen, or swell ouf. VVhere large grounds ar put out, lees pains are generally taken. ' Insuoh cases provixion niU3t be made agaiual tho drouth. VVho wil! have dtmwberriea nest spring? Who wrll havo a put patch to go in and piek his berriea all fro-h and


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