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THESE Pills are prepared by Wm. A. Smith
late Professor of Materin Modien and Pharmacy in the University of Lake Erie, Ohio. Dr. Smith would say to the public, hint in of ferini them this Pill, he presents to quick nog truin that will, by its irritating effects upon the stomach and bowals create disease where there was little or none before, but one that is safe mild, salutary and uniforth in its effects upon the whole system.
He would say that he has now spent twenty years in research and investigation, directed i the Pathology of disease, and the properties medicinal substances, and their adaptation to the removal of maladies to which flesh is beir. A the result of those labors, he is now able to give to the public a combination of medicinal vegetable substances which is as near perfusion, a careful study and olosu investigation, tests and experiments, can bring it. He would say to Physicians, as well as others, try this pill; it will not deceive you.
It is peculiarly, adapted to the removal and prevention of the following diseases: Bilious Intermittent, and Remittent Fevers, lever an Ague, Cough, Liver Complaints, Sick Head nche, Passive Dropsy, Rheumatism, Enlargement of the Spleen. Internal Piles, Colic. Acidity of the Stomach, Incipient Diarrhea, Habitus Costiveness, and in all cises of Torpor of the Bowels, when a cathartic, aperient, or alternative is needed. They are mild, yet certain in their operation, producing neither nausea, griping, 10 slebility. The agence of these Pills are instruc ped, in case full satisfaction is not given to any terson who may purchase them, that they shall have their money refunded.
UNIVERSITY PILLS. Testimonial of Dr. Landon.
Monroe, Michigan, June 12, 1844. Dr. Smith-Dear Sir -1 take pleasure in giving my testimony in favor of your valuable Univers ty Pills. I most cheerfully recommend them to the public as a safe, easy, and efficient cathartic for most of the disenses incident to this Tegion of country. I have made extensive ose of them for four years in my practice, and I believe them to be the best anti bilious Cathartic on Aperient medicine ever combined and offered for general use. Yonrs, &c.
GEORGE F. LANDON, M. D. seul Testimonial of Dr. Teller.
MASILLLON, Ohio, May 1st, 1844 Dr. Smith-Sir, I tako much pleasure in bearing testimony to the efficacy of your Pills in Removing bile from the stomach, deterging the Liver, and in all complaints emanating from that source.
J. V. C. TELLER, M. D. Testimonial of F. L. Tells.
WATERLOO, Mich., March 10, 1844. To Dr Satu-Sir,-For upwards of six months 1 was cruelly afflicted with Fever and Ague, and during that time could find nothing that gave me periranent relief; a length, how ever, your University Pills were recommended to me by one of the best Physicians in these parts; and I am happy in being able to sny, that from the use of one box I was permanently eured of my ague; since then a number of my family have been as signally benefitted. Youra, &c.
F. L. WELLS. Testimonial of Daniel Goodnoro.
MONRUE, Mich., June 1. 1844. I hereby certify that Dr. Wm. M. Smith has been my Funily Physician for four years Inst
past, that he has a sed his University Pills in his practice in my family with unparalleled succoss: and I think them preferable to any pill far bilious affections in the world.
Innkeeper, Macomb SL Fouse. Testimonial of D. S. Purshall
FLINT, Mich., June 5, 1844. Dr. Sat.-I am happy to give you my cordinl approval of your University Pills. I am able to keep off Fever and Ague, nnd Fevers to which all of us are subject in this Western coun try, by the timely use of your University Pills.Send an Agent this way as soon as possible, for We are all out.
Yours &C.,
D. S. PARSHALL. Postimonial of Messrs. Nollo and rufelt. We certify that we are and have been person. ally acquainted with Wm. M. Smith, M. D. and know that he is a man of eminence in his profession--and that for four years he filled the chair of Materia Medica and Pharmacy in the Willoughby University of Lake Erie, with hon. or to himself and satislection to the Trustees and Faculty and as well as to Students of the above University. As for his Pills, they are par excellence.
B. P. EYFIELD. Monroe, Mich.. June 19, 1814.
Testimonial of Rial B Clasa. This I certily, that in the month of September last, I was attacked with Bilious Never (while away from home at Owasso to build a water wheel) and with one dose of Smith's University Pills, I broke it up: nnd as muny others were sick at the time, I administered these Pille to them, and in all cases it broke up their fevers. I have used them many times since, and with great success. They are the best pills I ever used.
RIAL B CHASE, Millroright. Shiawassce, Mich., June 1st, 1814.
Testimonial of Mrs. Abigail C. IVrig't.
This may certily, that three years ago I was attacited withi Liver Complaint 80 Beverely that Il. could searcely turn myself in lsed; I used many specifics and remedies, such as Prandreth's, Res. urreetion, Oriental, and other pills, but with little or no effect. One year ago, my friend Dr. Sinith ealled on me on his way to Boston, when He gave me a box of his University Pills, which perfectly restored me, and my health hus nor? again suffered from: like cause.
Rochester, N. Y., No. 13, 7 Franklin Street, June 24, 1844.3
Testimonial of John W. Miller. Dear Doctor-Justice requires me to state, that I have sold your University Pills for one and a halt years last past, and that I can sell no i others while I have thein on land. They bave e auperseded the sale of all others—their effect is truly wonderful.
JOHN W. MILLER, Drurgist. Monroe, Mich., June 12, 1844.
For sale by J. II. Lund, Lower Town, and Wm. S. and J. W. Maynard, Upper Town. Am Arlor.
ERS. T HE Subscribers would respectfully an
1 nounce to the Wool Growers of Ann Arbor and its vicinity, that they continue the business of Wool Carding and Cloth Dressing at the old stand of J. Beckley & Co., where they may be found at ail scasonable hours to wait upon those who may favor them with their patronage.
They guarantee that their work will be done with neatness and despatch.
To their old friends and as many new customers as feel disposed to give them a trial, they would say, come on with your Wool and CLOTH and we will do you ample justice in the execution of yo nr work-the price and terms of pay. ment.
Twenty thousand pounds of Wool wanted in exchange for Full Cloth, Flannel, &c.
N. B. - Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere.
USUMNER HICKS & CO. Ann Arbor Lower Town. Mar. 26,1845. 26.0m
E. G. BURGER, Dentist, UTAS removed his office to Crane & Jewett's
Block, first room on the Second Floor. where being well prepared to attend to every branch of his profession, would respectfully say to all who have not had those necessary organs. THE TEETH, properly attended to delay no longer, but call upon him and experience the ease and durability of his operations. TERMS accommodating and charges in ne case unreasonable
Ann Arbor, March 6, 1845. 47-1fl

Wright's Poor Man's Pills. A N excellent vegetable family Medicine, in A cases of Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Liver Complaints or Janndice, Ague and Fever, Coat ed "Tonguu, Sickness at the Stomach. Sick Headnele, Remittant and Intermittent Fevers, Couglis. Colus, Catarrh, &c. &c. Entirely veetible, they are emphatically NATURE'S FRIEND, conducing to health and conteracting discuso by puri ying the blood, clenniug the system of vitiated humos, removing obstructions, stimulating the organs of secretions, ning ling with the food and acting every way in harmony with the system.
For Inflammatory diseases used in connection with the Rheumatic Plaster they will be found greatly to nid in the removal of diseases for which the Plugter is above recommended, and particularly are they calculated for all demogoments of the Digestive and Bliny Organs, the pritinry origin of a multitude of diseases.
Price ---25 cents a 50 cents a Box.
For dont Mosely's Bookstore und by J. T. Stocki , Travelling Agent for Michigan.
Certificates. WOODSTOCK, Lenawee Co. Ang. 20, 1844. For twelve years I have been troubled with rheumatic aifection in my back, so tlint I have hardly ever been free from pain during the whole time nnd within twelve hours after I had npplied some of Wright's Rhuuniatia Plaster, I was perfectly enry, and have had no pain since.
STEPHEN CARY. JACKSON Co., Columbia, Aug. 20. 1844. This may certily that I have used Wright's Pills in my faulily in violent attacks of chill and bilious fever, and have found them to be the best Pills that I ever used, and would recommend every family to keep them on hand.
JAMES AWARTOUT. THOMPSON, Gcarga co., O., April 28th, 1844.
This may cortily that I have ured Wrights Pcor Man's Pills nnd Rheumatie Plaster in tay ! practice, and would say to the public at they b can rely upon their recommendation with the at most confidence: in efort, they only need trying to recommend themselves.
Rev. R. R. SCOTT, M. D. LORAINT. Co. Green, May 16, 1813. This may vertily that I have ud Wright's Paor Man's Pills in my practice, and find them to be one of, if not entirely, the best pill now in use; and would recommend every family to keep them on hand, especially those who live ponr low, marshy land or mill ponde, or in an unhealthy climato.
JOSHUA BASCOMB, M. D. Without adding more testimony of the efliency of the above mentioned medicine, we do not hes. ilate to say that we are not afrard to brive its vir. tues tested by the side of any other of the kind that ever has been offered to an American public, and we will let it stand upon its own merite.
For sale at Moseley's Bookstore, Ann Arbor, By Kellogg & Brothers, White Pigeon, R. Williams, Jr. & Co., Sturges Prairie, Simeon Gaget, Quincy, Branch county. A. K. Hall, W. A. Bliss, Jamestown, Lndiana, Elisha Steer. Angola, do Chester Moss, Albion, Michigan, A. P. Matn, & R. Sıbloy, Marshall, Mich. A. Callender, D. Packer, Batile Creek, C. W. Viming, Galesburgh, Capt. Brown, P rieville D. H. Medwood, Adriau, Qurekenboss and More, Tecumseh S. A. Rowley. Jonusville, H. Oilbert Manchester, W. H. Patterson, Saline. Horinon & Cook, Brooklyn, Pierre Tcher Wholesale Agent for Detroit.
Geo. P. Wright Co., sole proprietats for the the United States and Upper and Lower Canada. All orders and business letters or the present, may be directed to Geo. P. Wright, Columbia P. O.. Jackson Co., Mich.
It is for sale also a: Monroe, Mt. Clemens, Buea, Pontiac, and by Dubois & Wright, Jeffar. son, Agents for the Stsie of Michigan.
KI GORE, Carrol Co., O., Jan. 25, 1841. Ten yenrs since. I was taken with the Serofula so that I liad no relief day or night, my limibe being much swelled and covered with Ulcers, my breast and back in great pain, and nerves much shattered. I applied to different Physicians, all of whom said there was no help for me, and al. the remedies I tried pioved unavailing until I made use of Wright's Anti-Inflamatory and Rheumate Plaster, which reduced the inflamation, healed the Ulcers brought the skin to its natural color, and relieved the pain. I would recomiend it to all similarly ricred, and am surr they will be satisfied a ter giving ita lain trial.
CATHARINE ALLENSWORTH. Trompson, Geauga Co., Ohio,
April 20, 1843. 3 I certify that my little boy put his arms into boiling water, Learly 10 the elbow, so thai when ihe dress was taken off the skin came with it: after applying several remedies to no purposethe arm becoming much swallen and the child in grent pain, I applied Wright's Anti Inflainatory and Rheumatism Plaster,' and within two hours he was perfectly easy, and went to sleep. After two or three days I removed the plaster. and applied another, and when that was removed the arin was healed, except a pluce the size of a shilling which was soon well. I believe it to be the best article for a burn that can be produced. and would recommend all to keep it on hand in cuse of accidente.
ELIZABETH BROUGHTON NERVOUS DISEASES are grentiy benefitted by the use of these pills: -as Nervous Headache, Tie Doloroux, St. Vitus' Dance, &c., their tendency being to soothe the irritability of the system, allay pain, and induce quiet and repose. Those afflicted with Cough, Colds, In Ruetiza, &c., will find relief from the use of these pils. Exposure to cold closes the pores of the the skin, checks perspiration, retards the circulation, and produces various inflamatory diseases. Does any one perceive a cold coming upon nini? Let him on going to bed, take sufficient to operate smartly, and then every night, take enough to produce a mild operation till the disease abates. in case of Worms let a tea of Pink be taken freeiy for 12 hours, and then administer Pills suflicient to produce a brisk cathartic ope asion
21-1y. The True Pain Extractor
Salve. THICH cures like a charm all BURNS by Vy fire or water, and every external SORE,
PAIN, INFLAMMATION, ACHE or ITCH- ING ever yet found upon the human family, is
which it has been applied, inust always be sought genuine from Constoek & Co. of New York, or their authorized agents. All are caurioned against inny spurious articles, which may always be avoided by knowing the one you buy comes from Comstock & Co., who are now the only proprietors and manufacturers. Inquire for Con
nel's, which is warranted to do all it ever e would when called by any other name, or the
price sholl be refunded in any case if if does not please.
To place it within reach of all, the price hins e been reduced more than four fold, and is now
sold at 25 cents, the former price being too ex
orbitant. Tlie 50 cent size now contains four y times as many as the former, and the 31 size near ten times as much
No family that has any title to humanity, with fail to have CONNEL's Prin Extractor Ointment always at hand, to save life. all seass. and reduce
Iagony any burn in five minntes, provided
they have seen it used; or believe those who have 1. used it:
21, Courtland Street. Be sure therefore, and ask for CONNEL'S as our plate with Dalley's name on it has been stolen, and the spurious may appear with the name on it. Know, therefore, that it comes directly from Comstock & Co., or shun it. WM. S & J. W. MAYNARD,
Agent for Ann Arbor. 36
LOST on the 11th inst. probably between Cranes and Coons in the vicinity of Plymouth a small, black Morocco Pocket Book, containing about $50,00 bank notes on Canada.
Any person finding the same and leaving it at is the office of the Signal of Liberty shall receive the above reward.
H. R. KEAMEY. Ann Arbor Dec, 12, 1844. 3w-35

THE undersigned his just received his supply of Fall Goods fram N. Y. City. Besides a first Talenssortment ol Sheetings. Corton Yura. Fulled Cloths. Broad Cloths, and other Staple Coods, he is just opening a splendid lot of
Rich, Wioited Datuak Shawls, Ist quality Brocha, do
Kabyl, do do
Cushmere, do l'ashionable Cravels. Rieh Bonnet Ribbons Fashionable Houd Trimmings, Velvet do
Cashmere D'Ecosse, Muslin Delane, Parissetnes, Robro y Piaid, Prints of every description, Plain, binck Alapaca, figured, black Alopaca, Plain, colored Alapaca, figured, cold Alapaca, Plain, and Chateable Alapaca.
The tridersigned hns in addition to a firs: Atte assortment of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, a choice lot of Tens and Coffee, for family use
Also, a large lot of Geese Feathers, Paper Hang|ings and Travelling Baskets.
Hy sieck is well suited 10th oily and cun biry rude, Country people are invited to call and look and satisfy themsulces that his stock will bem corrigen either in quality er price with any other in the western country.
W... RAYMOND. 3148 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. Oct. 14. 1814.
Dr. Smith's Coated Improved
RHEUMATISNI, DYSPEPSIA AND FEVERS. I TOOK a severe cold, this fall, which settled in my limbs, and brought on the Rheumatist, accompanied with severe pains and a bad cough, which obliged mne to give npny business I tried many remedies without any relief, until I procured a box of Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Indian Vegetable Pille, which I am happy to say. immediately relieved me, and enabled me, in three days, to return to my business. I am now entirely well.
E. F. HILL, Washington st. Bosten, Nov. 4. 1844.
I have been considered in the Consumption for about nine years, with a severe cough every tall, which did not leave me till the next spring. with an almost constant Headache; not being able to sleep many nights during the winters, in consequence of the suvere fits of coughing. 1 have tried most of the cough remedies, with only temporssy relief. My usual cough commenced about four weeks since, with au incrensing soreness to my lungs; and was urged to try Dr. Sunith's Sugar Coated Pills - which I did, but without any farth in their efficary. I took four | Pills before retiring; and within forty-eight Laurs, y cuyt wits entirely bralen ud. which has not returned, and the severe pains of honda ache tave lelt me. I neyor have found a reinedy before that brought so sudden relief. I do not believe there is any cure for the Coneumption: but am sarified, there is no temporary reliet quin!! to these Pills. I have sinee administered them to members of my family, for Colds and Coughs. with the most happy result
H. F. WELLE. Boston. Having been nflicted for several years with a Weaknees in the stomach and Lunge, with Cos: 1 tiveness. Headache, and Depression of Spirits, thought by many to be in a Consumption, and was obliged to give up my business. After try. ing a number of the various Sarsaparillis and Balsams, without any permanent reliel. I was prevailed upon to try Dr. Smith's Sugar Coated Improved Inilian Vegetable Pills; and, to my astonishment, they immediately relieved ine, and after taking a few dosus, am e.tuely recovered. and able to return to my husiness.
JUSTUS CLARK. The directions and treatinent of the diseases accompany every box.
PRICE 25 CEXTS PER ROX. No "SUGAR COATED PILL,"con be gen | uine without the signature of the sole inventor:
G. BENJAMIN SMITH, M. D., President of the N. V. College of Health, upon every box.
Cfices devoted exclusively to the sale of this medicine.
179 Greenwich Street, New York. N. 2, Water Street, Boston.
For sale in all the villages and towus in the New England States.
N. B. No travelling pedlars are allowed to sell these Pills.
For sale by W. S. and J. W. Maynard, Lund & MeCollum. F.-J. B. Crane, Ann Arbor, Perrin & Hall, Northville: Thouias P. May, Jr. Plymouth; D. C. Whitwood, Dexter; G. & J. G. Hill, Detroit. “TO THE VICTOR BELONG THE
SPOILS.” ALTHOUGH many preparations in the form
A of "POPULAR MEDICINES,” have been before the public, claiming to give relief and even cure the most invelerute dieeuses, yet none have so well answered the purpose ns Dr. SHERMAN'S MEDICATED LOZENGES. Dr Sherman's
"COUGH LOZEVGES Ort cure the most obstinate cases of Cough in a few uours. They have cured a large number of persons who have been given np by their physicians and friends, and many who have been reduced to the verge of the grave by epiuing blood consumption and Electie Fever, by their use have liad the rose of health restored to the haggard cheek, and now live to speak forth the praises of this invaluable piedicine. Dr. Sher man's
GWORM LOZENGES" kave been proved in more than 400,000 cases to be in'allible, in fact, the only certain Worm des troying medicine ever discovered. Children will eat them when they cannot be forced to take any other medicine, and the benefit derived from the
administration of medicte to them in this form dis grent beyond comception. They have never s been known to fail. Dr. Sherman's FS "CAMPHOR LOZENGES,
relieve Headache, Nervous Sick-heudnche, Polpitation of the Hearl, and sickness in a very few | minutes. Dr. Sherman's
POOR MAN'S PLASTEN is acknowledged by all wto lave ever used it to be the best strengthening Plaster in the world, and a sovereign remedy for pains and wenkness in the back, loins, side, broast. neck, iimbs. joints, theumatism, lumbago, &c. Be careful to procure the above and all other medicines of Maynard's, and you will be sure there will be no mistake in quantity or charge.
W. S. & J. W. MAYNARD. Ann Arbor, Feb. 5, 1844.
Wright's Medicated Plaster,
SPREAD FOR IMMEDIATE USE. Price only one shilling, in order to place them
within the means of ull. TN slight ailments, or where the patient prelere | 1 a less expensive article than the FAnti-inflamatory and Rheumatic Plaster,' these will be found highly beneficial. Being already spread for immedicate opplication. they will be found very convenient for WEAK BACKS, Pain or Weakness in the Side, Breast, Stomach, between the Shoulders, or wherever there is Pain, or where a Plaster is needed. They may be rendered more
servicable by pasting a piece of cloth on the back - of them before they aro applied. Multitudes have at been relieved of pain and suffering by these ! e Cheap Plusters.
For sale at Mosely's Bookstore, and by J. T. Stocking, Traveling Agent for Michigan. 16-ly

THE MISSES CLARKS Young Ladies? Seminary, ka
MARY H. CLARK, Principal.
CHLOE A. CLARK, Vice Principal. M. L. WALTER, Teacher of Music on the
Piano. EMMY BEURMANN, Teaciter of Germmin and
The Guitar. RMOBY E. CLARK, Teacher of Juvenile De
partment. I MARSH, Tetcher of Mathemumnes and Vocal
MUSC. H.F. SHIOTF, Tencher of French and Classtes.
TETO T HIS Institutina has been in operntion since
November 18. 1839. The scholastic year enibracing forty-eight weeks, two terms, comprising two quarters ench-welve weeks in ol quarters general examination at the close # sneh termin February and Angust.
The lust quarter of the present term oomnienced November 26.
TERMS 09 Turn. For the English branches. 2.30 to Söper qunrier. No reduction minde for absence, except in case of siek megs, and no pupil taken for less than quanter. Extra chargos are made for music on the Piano, with the use of the ingurument.
23,00 Larin.
Vi saa 3.00 sy Drawing and Painting,
5.00 l'ancy Work,
13.00 Board, including washing, liglus. &c, $1175 per week if paid in advance, or $2,00 per week if paid at the close of the quarter.
Parents and purdians are invited to visit the school every Fridny, when the studies of the week ne reviented-also semi-monthly on Wed. Destlay afternoon, at rending of the weekly conpositions.
Having purchased a lielihy and commodious building in a plensant and convenient part of the village. Do pains or expense shall be spared to incilitate the studies and Tender the situation of the young ladies profitable nad agree able.
Young ludies des rous of entering the school and pursuing the regular curse of study, would do well to commence at the beginning of the quarter.
Belonging to the school are Library of bele tween three and four hundred volumes, and Phi
losophical Apparnins, Electrical Maehife, Globes. dl &c. Scientifie leetures are delivereel before the school at prope: in:erenls.
The Misses Clark will endeavor, not only to promote the intellectunt culture of their pnpils I but will attend strictly to their moral deportment.
With a deep sense of religious responsibility. they would give such a tone of elarneter, as shall render it pretiently fitted four very station--yield og to duty but firm to principles
Amoog the books used in the school are, Ab. ererwinbie on the Intellectual and Moral Powerslic -Kane's Eleinents of Criticism-Wryland's Moral Science-Newman's Rhetoric-Hedge's Logic--Paley s Na urol Theology and Evidences of Christianit --Comstock's Chemistry and Natural Philosophy - Combe's Physiology-Mrs. Lincoln's Butany-Eaten's Manual of Botany Burrat's Geography of the Henvens-First, Second nnd Third Book of History-Mis. Will liord's Republic of America-Phelps' Lesni Classics-Playfair's Euclid, and Davie's Alge-1. bra and Arithmetic-Parker's Natural Philoso- | phy,
The Misses Clark have taught a Young Ladies School for several years in the City of New Vak a re furnished with testimonials from it. Rev. Benjamin Onaerdunk. D. D., and Joho M. Griscom, M. D., of New York: Rev. JL Blake, of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Emma Willard. of Troy, N. Y.; blso, reference is made, by permission to the following gemilemen: R. Rey. S. A. McCoskıy. D.D., Robert Rimsey and L. B. Misner, Esqrs. Detroit: Rev. lenne S. Ketchum, Centreville: Rev. J. Hudson, Whire Pigeon; Rey, J. P. Cleveland, and Geo. Kerch um. Marshall: Hon. Wm. R. Deland Juckson; Paul B. Riug, Michigan Centre: E: H. Winan. Adrian: Daniel Hixson, Clintong Gardine Wheel ler, M. D., Ilowell: Rev. F, H. Cuming Grand Rapids: Rev. H. Colelazer, Rev. A. M. Fitch. S. Denton, M. D. P. Brigham, M. D., Hon. Wm. A. Fletcher, Hon. Wm. R. Thomp. son, E. Mandy, Esq. Col. Thomas Mosely, Capt. J. Perkius, Thomas MI. Ladd, F. Sawyer Jr. F8, late Superintendent of Public Instructiun, Professors Whiting, Williams and Houghten, of the University of Michigan, Ann Arbors James Birdsall and Rev. John Beach, Flint. Amos Mend, Esq. Farmington.
The following genilemen, Rev. H. Calclazer. Rev. 0. C. Comstock. Rev. A. M. Fitch. Rev. Mr. Curtiss, Professors Whiting and Williams, of the University of Michigan. ad F. Sawyer. Jr., lato Superintendent of Public Instruction. have consented to act is a visiting committee of the school to be present when the weekly studies are reviewed; but especially to attend during the setri-annurul examinations, August 9, 1814.
IC PLASTER A N efficient remedy for Rheumatism, Fever A Sores, White Swellings, Felons, Pain or weakness in the Back, Brenst, Sido or Limbs. Burns. Bruises, Cramps, Chilblains. Liver and Lung iflections. Indulent Tumors, Spinal aflecrions, Inflamed Eyes, &c. &c. It is unsurpassed in all Inflammatory diseases, either Chronic or Acute, as it uperntes by counteracting and reducing Inflammation, allaying Pain, Sweating the parts affected, and by its buengthening and Auo. dyne properties giving speedy relief. Also invaluable as an anti-inercurial plaster.
Price 25 cents per Bus. For further particulars, see cireularing Pampbiet.
For sale at Moseley's Bookstore, Ann Arbor. and J. T. Stocking, travelling agent for Michigan. N o
. Facturer, Pittsburgh, Pa. has now on hund a large and well assorted stock of
TRON, NAILS, GLASS, &C., which is offered to the public at the lowest cash prices, comprising the following: Com'n bariron, allsizes Plow slubs, Dandy lire *
| Plow wings, Horse sloe, **
Sheet iron, Nos. 13 Saddle tree,
to 26, Round and Square * Nails, 3d to 203, Bend and hoop,
Spikes, all sizes, Baiter iron 4
Railroad cur axles, Nail rods
6 Carriage Deck and spike rode. Carriage, Springe,
Spades, shovels, &c. &c. Together with every other article usually manufactured at an Iron Establishment.
The above articles are inanufactured at the Brownsville Juniata Iron Works, Pittsburgh. | Pa. by E. Hughes, and are of the best quality.
WINDOW GLASS, of all sizes, and of the best brands, constantly on al band, or furnished to order.
Merchants and others will find it to their ad. vantage to call and examine the subscriber's stock, as well as the prices, before going elsewhere. where.
JNO. ROBINSON, Jr. A gent. No. 1, Wardell's Block, corner of Woodward Avenue and Woodbridge Street, Detroit. Dec. 31, 1844.
The following papers will please publish the above to the amount of twó dollars, and send their bille to this office: | Pontinc, Gazette and Jackeoninn, Ann Arbor
State Journal, Argus and Signal of Liberty Jackson, Gazette and Democrat; Marshall, Statesman und Expounder.
And General Land Agent, WILL attend to the sole and exchange of
V Lands, payment of Taxes, and redemption of Lands sold for Texes in Jackson and ad. joining counties, examination of Titles, Convey. ancing and all business pertaining to Real Estate. Office in the Court House. Juckson, Michigan. 17-tf.

JUST received at the General Depot, for the J sale of Clothiers Stack, Machinery. DyeStulls, &c. &c., No. 139. Jefferson Avenue Detroit, the following large, well assorted, and carefully selected stock, viz:
100 bbls. St. Domingo Logwood, Cut. 5 Tons
* in Suick, 150 bbls Cuba Fustio, Cur, 5. Tons
os in Stick, 50 bois. Nic. Wood, Chipped, 50 Lima Wood, $30 Red Wood, 120 Ground Comwood,
10 Quercitron Bark, 500 Nutgalls.
10 Cases Extruct of Logwood, 300. Ibe. Dye, | 2 Ceroon: Spanish Indigu, 300 lbs. Sumse Sicily,
by 3 Casks Madder a
e 3 Cusks Blue Vitriol, 5 Cosks Aluni.
Luhan 2 Burrels Red Tartar, 2 Barrels Cream Tarta, 3 Carboys Aqua Fortis, 5
Oil Vitriol, 3
vitam 5 Muriatic Acid, 500 15s. Virdieris,
5) Block in Teasels, Twine, Copper Kettles all sizes, Parson's Shearing Machinus, Curtis Screws and Press Plates, Cranks, Press Popur, Steel Reeds, Worsted Harness, Tebler Hooks, Emery, all No's., Olive Oil, d a Clothiers' Jack. Sattinett Warp, Clothiera' Brushes, Shuttles. Pickers, Card Cleaners, &c. &c.
Thienbove, with a variety of other articles beHonging to the trade, have boen purchased this
sunnier by the subscriber from Manufacturers and First IFonds m the New York, Philadelphio, and Boston Markets, and every thing having received his personal inspection, he cun with the utrust confidence offer them to purchinserg as the bestund most complete stuck in the country, and ns it is his Gsed determination by the low rates Jat which he will sell) to prevent the necessity of our Clothiers and Manufactures leaving the State to make their pnreuses, he would merely sny to the trade, CALL, examine the goods and ascertain prices before you say you can buy cheaper anywhere else.
He is also prepared to contract for CARDING MACHINES made in this State or Falst.
PIERRE TELLER, Sign of the Golden Mortar,
139, Jefferson Averue. i
117-1f. ich To Clothiers, Nanufactur
ers and Nerchants. THE subscriber is now receiving at his stores.
188 and 19) Jefferson Avenue. Detroit, the following carefully and well selected stock of DYE WOODS, DYE STUFFs und WOOLEN ManuFACTURERS MACHINERY. 25 tons Pustic, Cuba, Tobusco, Tumpico
Carthagena, 10 tons Logwood, Campeach, St. Domingo
and Honduras, G tans Nicaragua, Bonair, Coro, Hache
and Lima, 3 tons Camwood, very choice, 180 barrels Logwood, cut and ground, 130 * Fustic, 100 Red Woods,
tu 1200 Camwood.
Quercitron Burk, Alluin. аппрегня. Blue Vitriol, Modder. Ombre, and Dutcli crop, Creani Tartar,
Nurgalls, 3 cases Indigo, Bengal, Manila and Guat. ettimala, odn 24 Loe Dye,
o 20 " ext. Logwood,
2 Grain Tin, 300 pounds Vordigris, | 15 Carbovs Oil Vitriol, Spirits Sea-Salis
and Nitric Acid, Fotos
ALSO. Copper Kettles and Clothiers' Screws, Tenter Hooks, Jacks and Brushes, Press Papers, Card Cleaners, Weavers! Shears, Nippers and Burling Irons, Comb plates, Pickers and Bobbins. Wire, Worsted and Coiton Harness, Steel and Cane Reeds, Brond Power, Hand Looms and Fly Shuttles, Steel and Copper Mails, Emery,
Parsons' Shearing Machines, 4, 6, and 9 blades.
Allen's double and single Carding Machines. Machine Cards, Leicester,
The above goods have been recently purchased directly from the importers and manufacturers, EXCLUSIVELY FOR CASH, and will be sold at the New York jobbers' prices, adding transportation only: and in consequence of the decline on many of the American manufactured articles, will, in many cases, be sold at FIFTEEN PERCENT LEES THAN FORMUR PTICES. Thirteen years experience in the Dye Wood business enables the subscriber to say to his customers that he is prepared at all times to WARRANT his goods of superior quality.
THEO. H. EATON. Dye Wood ann Dye Stull Warehouse, 188 and 190 Jefferson Avenue,
Detroit. 18 The Ann Arbor Journal, Ypsilanti Sentinel, Pontiae Gazette. Flint Democrat, Adrian Expagtor, Marshall Statesman, Niles Courier and Republican, Gazette, Michigan City la) and the Enquirer, London, (Canada,) will each publish che above notice inside, to the amount of three dollars, and send copy of notice with bills to sub. scriber for payment,
THE subscriber has rele
I moved his Shop to Main Street opposite H. Becker's Brick Store, where he may be found ready to wait upon all that may give him a call.
Having just received direct from New York an elegant stock of
JEWELRY, and Fancy Articles, which he intends to sell p Conor thou has ever been sold west of Buffalo For Ready Pay Only. Among which may be ound a good assortment of Gold and Commons Watch Keys, Gold Finger Rings and Bosom Pins, Guard Chains, Silver Tea and Table Spoons, Sugar Tongs, Butter Knives. Silver E Pencil cases, Silver and Common Thimbles, si
or Spectacles, German. do.. Steel, do., Hair Brushes. Clothes de., Tooth do., Lother do..
inc Rnzors and Pocket Knives, Fine Shears and Scissors, Lather boxes, Razor Strops, Wal. etts. Purees, Violing and Bows, Flutes. Violin aud Base Violin Strings, Clarionet Reeds, Percussion Caps, Pocket Pistols, Brittania Candle 1 ticks, Watches, Letter Stampa, Steal Pens and tweezers, Snuff and Tobacco boxes. Fine combe, Dressing do.. Side do., Back do., Shell do.. Needles and Cases, Water Paints, Toy Watches. Kid Dolls, a great variety of Toys too numerous o mention, Beads, Necklaces, Fancy Boxes,
Cr.cccs and WATCHES of every description reared and warranted, also, Jewelry repaired on hort notice. A CALVIN BLISS.
C.B. Ann Arbor. Oct. 24, 1844. 23-tf.
ANN ARBOR OIL MILL. THE subscribers would give notice that they
I are engaged in manufacturing LINSEED OIL, and are prepared to furnish oil of the best mality to merchants and painters, cheap as itin an be obtained from the East. Oil exchanged or Flax seed at the rate of a gallon of oil for a bushel of Flax seed. Cash at all times paid for ch lax secd.
PULCIPHER & JUDSON. Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Sept. 6, 1844. 20 1y.
Live Geese Feathers, OF a superior quality, for sale by
BECKLEY, FOSTER, & Co. March 3, 1845. 45-4w

THESE MEDICINES ARE effecting such astonishing cures in mull A titudes of old cases long since abandoned by - Physicians and Surgeons as uiterly hopeless, thal nie
no medicines, where these are known, stand so derervedly high. They consist of THE BLACK, OR ALLEBASI'S SALVE,
Fer Price 25 Cents, Which cures al nost universally, Fever Sores, of the most malignant kind, Felons, Ulcers, Ab. scesses, Tumors, Fracturus, Cuis, Punctures, | Burns, Sualds, Sore Thrott, Chilblaing, Quinsey, Drop y. Inflamatory Rheumatism, Inflantmutations aud Swollings of every description, Scold Hend, Ague in the Face, Nervous Touth Ache, Ague in the Breast, Broken Breast, &c. &c. ALLEBASI'S HEALTH HILLS, 25 Cents
These Pills live ncquired a popularity within the Inst your or two, which no other Pills poslo 3083. The reaeons are obvious to all who use them. They curo all Bilions, Scarlet aud other Fevers, Fover and Ague. Dyspepain, Dropsy, Acid Stonech, Disordercd Bowels, or Stomuch, Jaundice, Toni Achie, Dizziness in the Head, i Worms, Liver Complaint, Henrt Burns, Cholio, Bowel compinint, Generul Debility, Costi venice, &c. &c. Their purify the entire system, leave i the bowels in a vigorous and healthy condition, &c. See pamphlet. ALLEBASI'S TOOTH ACHE DROPS.
Price 25 Cents. Will cure an ordinary ense of Tooth Ache, in from three to ten minutes. For Nervous and other kinds of Tooth Ache, see Pamphlet. ALLEBASI'S POOR MAV'S PLASTER,
Price, 25 Cents. Aro warranted to be superior to any other Plasters in his or any other country, for pain or
weakness in the Back, Side. Cheet. Bowels, His Loins, Muscles, and for Rheumatisin, Lunge
and Liver Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Asthma, i
&c. See pamphlet. EN. B.-Please to ask the agent for a pamphlet ehe which gives all the information necessary res
pecting the uses of the Medicines, the virtues
they possess, etc. Please to lollow directions in cos
the use of the medicines, and you may rely upon all that is promised.
A libera! discount made to merchants and oth lyers, who buy to sell again.
LYMAN W. GILBERT, Proprietor, Wholesale Druggist, 214, Fulton st. N. Y.
For sale by the subscriber, who has been G appointed general ngent for the City of Detroit
and its vicinity. Country dealers supplied on liberal terms,
Michigan Book Store. The above medicines are for sale at the Book Store of
WH1. R. PERRY, 2
In Ann Arbor, Lower Village. December 9, 1844. Dyspepsia of ten years stan
ding. m e Wife of Captain Roberts, on Vine
I Street. nur Water, Cincinnati, has been ofthcted with dyspepsia in its most aggravated form, for the last ten years. She was recomend ed by celehrated physicians of Boston, New li York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Cincinnati to su Travel, us they could do nothing for her. She did so, but it done her no good. She then le commenced using the most popular medicines ofis the day for her complaint, but derived no benefit du from their use. Seeing an advertisement of Dr. Smith's SugiR COATKI VEGETABLE Pils in the » papers, she concluded to wythem. She seni 10 G. F. Thumius. Moin st. between Third and ut Fourth sis., Dr. Smith's Agent for Cincinnati. 18 and purchased a box. took them according to the direction, and one with heartfelt jay sinte thur She derived TTT Teatrit the way of one box of Doctor Smith's SUGAR COATED VEGETA BLE PILLS than from all other medicines she has ever made use of for the Inst ten years.
The above wns sent to G. F. Thomas, December 141. 1344.
No "3UGAR COATED PILLS" can be se genuine without iho signature of the sole inven
tor, “G, BENJAMIN SMITH. M. D." Presi1 dent of the N. Y. College of Health, upon every box.
Offices devotod exclusively to the snle of this er medicine d! For sale by W. S. & J. W. Maynard, Ding - gi's, Ann Arbor.
Marcit. 26. 1845 d MR. SMITH'S (SUGAR COATED) "TM er
U proved Indian Vegetable Pills," are daily eflecting some of the most astonishing and won derful cures that have ever been known, in cutie sequence of which they have now lerome a shin ing mark against which all ile arrows of disnp pointed hope, envy.nnd uncharitableness are levelled without distinction. The town and country are alike filled with their praise. The palace and poor-house alise echo with their vir-1 toes. In ull climates, under all temperatures. they still retain their wonderful powere, and ex. ert them unaltered by age or situntion. They are simple in their prepamtion. mild in their actions, thorough in all their operations, and unri valled in their results. They aro anti-bilious. anti-dyspeplic, and anti mercuriul: and thry are peculiarly beneficial in the following complaints: Tever and ague, yellow and bilious severs. dys- | pepsia, croup, liver complaint, sick loaduche, jaundice, asthma. dropsy, spleen, piles, colic. obstructions, leartburn. furred tongue, and fou! stomach, nnusen, diarrhoea, costiveness. loss of ar petite, sallow complexion, colds, and in all cases of torpor of the bowels where n cathartic or an aperient is needed. N.B. IT No Sugar Coated Pills can be genuine unless every box has on it the signature of G. BENI'N SMITH. M. D. Sold 179 Greenwich st, and Rushton & Co., 10 Astor House, and throughout the Uni ted States.
41-f er Caution to All! TET ALL THE WORLD TAKE NOTICI
L and be careful not to buy the (Sugar Coat edy improved Indian Vegetable Pills, unless eve fir ry box bas on it the written signature of the ori pie ginal inventor and patentee,
G. BENJAMIN SMITH, M. D. re These pleasant Pills possess powers to open ALL the natural drains of the sysien-vix: the | LUNGS, KIDNEYS, SKINS and BOWELS W
-litherto unknown in the practice of medicine: and sa complete has been their triumph over al DI
other medicines, that many have been led to sup. 1 pose they contain some powerful mineral; bor
upon examination by Drs. ChiltON, RANDOLPH HUNTINGTON, and others, this supposition is at once proved to be groundless.
Sold in New York, nt the principnl Office, 179 an Greenwich street, also by Rushton & Co., Broadwny, corner of 13th street. Pampnlets to ho had of agents gratis.
N. B.-Persons will also notice on the top la bel an engraved Indian figure, crossed with fine rod print.
The genuine may also be bought with anfety ot Dr. Guion's corner of Bowry and Grand
F street, Brooklyn, and at respectable stores throughout the United States. 118
SPECIAL NOTICE! - ALL those who have unsettled accounts for all
A Wool Carding or Cloth Dressing with the Inte firm ol J. Beckley & Co., are hereby nofied that it has become INDISPENSABLY NECESSARY that they should bz closed by note or otherwise LAT as early as 20th of April next. Let there be a prompt attention to the above, and it will be for the mutual benefit of the parties concerned.
SUMNER HICKS & Co. Ann Arbor, March 7. 1845. 50-3w Blank Deeds and Mortgages, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, for sale by
BECKLEY, FOSTER & Co. March 20, 1845.
Wesleyan Books! THE Subscribers have just received a good
supply of Wesleyan Books from the De. pository at New York. Those wishing to purchase will please call and examine for them-selves.
Ann Arbor, Lower Town, Dec. 6,1844. 33-6w
Sheep Shears,
Of a superior quality for sale by
BECKLEY, FOSTER & Co. March 29, 1845.


Old News
Signal of Liberty