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The War Upon The University

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Co TiiE EWtoh of thé Aroüs : A calm nnd dlipassionate oberver of the movementb goingon n our inidct, in reliition to the Univereity, can scareey to be astonishcd at the marmer n which tho blows arestruek right and ' uit nt thoee nhom designing and j scrupulous men seo fit to charge with j ticstility to the late President. 'Evury iew days wirae coinmuncalion appears in the Detroit papera, the appnrent purpose of vvhieh 8, hy .Titsinformalion, and miilending tho public mind, and by exciting acimosity ugüinst persons connected wilh tho University, to bring about such a violent q'iarrtl in regard to the instilution as to cause a couvul sion in its uflairs frotn which, the mischief makers may hope for some personal benefit to themselves. An arüclo of this descriptior. appears in Monday's Free Piest, over the signaturo " Stu dent," whioh contains a number of statements so well known to be untrue as not to bo passed over in silenee. In tbo first place the article declares that it has novr come to be geuerally understood that D". HavenV term expire ilh the present year, nnl that a new President is tn be seleoted. Thisis simply bosi, and it is not at all likely that the man who wrote it believed what he said. Statements of this kind are put forth ior tho effect anticipated trom them upon the new board of Regents - as if any sensible man oould not see through po weak a device. It is not only generafy, but universally " under stood"' thut no i'ew President can be chocen without direct act ion removing Dr Haven ; and it is precisely such action that " Student :' is laboring to securo. The anonymous writer then makes the false statement that 650 of tho students have signed a petition for Dr. Tappan's restoration. This again is for effect. It was an easj step froii) that to another statement equally fulse, that in their meeting held here last summer, the Alumni unanimously demanded the same thing. And this seems to affurd a fitting occasion for me to remark of that meeting of the Alumni, that while there is no disposition to detract frorn its respectable character, and the weight of its advice, itis well knotvn to have had a small attendance, and that a considerable number reported in the newspapers of the day as present were not there at all, while, even then, a respectable minoiity opposed the proceedings. But I pass by these minor matters to notice the atroci us attempt madü in the same article to traduce the character, and hold up to the ridicule of the students a number of the Professors connected with the University, or the false charge tbat they thrcatenrd to resign. if Dr. Tappan was restorcd. I have culled this attppc atrocious, and I think cnmmunity will agree whh ino thnt it is po, when it is known that in the case of at least onc of these professors, natnes have even been ohtain'd to the ptlition alluded to, by ghnng Ais friends amnrg the students to vnderstand tiat he desircd tliem to sign it ! It is Inghly probable that he contradicted this fUatenient when it waa brotight to Ij is knowledge, and thus brougbt upon his head the vengeanco of who told tho original fal.sehood. And then students are excited against these professors by the further false statement that threats are made by them against those who aign the petitinn ; and they are thus invited and enoouragea to sign, -imply to sliow their imiependence. Who is this pretended ■' Student " who tnakes these reckles aHsertions ? he some citiüen of the to-vn, haviDg fiomo private grief against some member of the present Board of Kegents. and willing recklessly to tear down the institution whie'n is the prido of the town in oidor to gratify it ? Or is he the sume person who, assuming to be a student - without having paid his fees - went before the medical (iloai a few days since, arraigned in a lenglhy and intemperate speoch a profeíhor wlio was a total stranger to that ehiss ? Now I ask eitizena of A:in Albor - for to them tho question is a vital ono -can the University prosper when men üke t his, are encouraged to prowl nround among sludents, and by all sorts of .statements and insiuuations excite their prejudices against their structors ? This is not a question t-imply of the Presideney ; but a (jues. tion whcther the in-titiuion ia to becogtrolled bv its proper authoritiu.s, or by n few cml'ty men, uho, on the pretence of entering its halls for instruolion hang about its rooms for Utree months togother for the Pole purposo of mis chief, and without even paying tho nominal feo which a student is oharged We presume no one oTer saw a col lege governcd by students which proa pered. Perhapaour University could It is however, at least noticeablo thn since the time when petitions were firs circulated and signed here by students ngainst the Eegents, the diffioultie in the institution have been constantly in creasing uritil they culminated in the re moval of Dr.Tappan. Who can say how mnch tho intermeddling of thin bogu ' Student "had to do ia brioging abou tbat fwiult ? If the Univer8ity can not be allowed '; to havo quiet now, t iniglit be wull far tho people of Ann Arbor to 6ct fire to the buildings and ffiv up all attempt to preserve tho inslitution. They might tlien turn their attention to other enierpiisew, and rnnke tho town prosper by sorae new cmploymunt of their capital. Ono thing is certain : the dayeof tho cstitution wtti be nutnbered when petitions to which names are obtuinud té have beun thope attiiclied to theones referred to, nro enconraged by uitizariH iind illowed ti havo vveight by the Roentf. That tliov havo been en couraged by a few we fear is too tnio that they can be allowed to havo a íoather'a weigí.t with tho Board is incredible. A.. - - ■■( -t -m- - n p Ry The nevv block.corner of Main and Washington street?. built for our old citizen, liev. Gkoiïgk Smitii, under tho superintendence of A. J. Sutueuianp, is now ready for occupation. It is a fine birlding' Personi in want of rooms fhould apply lo Mr. Sutiikkla.n ,


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