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BOOTS SHOES ! 1 NOBLE & RIDER, I [Tavejust roceived at the nld sta nd of TVm. S $iundürs, a iel y occupied by W. S. Sraith, ALARGE STOCK OF BOOTS fc SHOES, ; OF THE . BEST QTJ-AILITY I WInch they propose to sell nt LOW PRICES FOR CASH. THEY ALSO 1ÍAKE A1VD REPAIR, i To Acccniinodatc Ctisloraers. i Pleaae cali and e arnine Ibelr stock Before Purchasíng Elsewbere. I I.AWEENCE NOBLE, CHAM.ES niDER. Ann Arbor, Sept. 'Jtli, 1RG3. tf9M. TTENTION l A. Óé LOEB, Are happy to nnnonnce to the;r Eumorons friends and ' patrón H, ttiat they liave latt-iy received a lacgo adJition totlieir formor heavy Stuckof KeLidyMade Clothing, FOR GENTS' AND BOYS' WEAR ! We ha re nlsoon lincd a L ARGE And Well Selected STOCK OF 't Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods II ATS, TRUNES, VALISES&c, &c, And we u'oulfl ro9pecttuljj' ;oïiit you to cali and etarnine uur (íoods, bel'ore purebasfu; elseuliexj, as we are confident that w can fe-ll ou Ooo0.d CHEAPlïR TIIA THB EIIEAPKST AT TUE Cleveland Clolhing House. A. & C. LOEB. Ann Arbor, Il.iron Street, Opjtoaffc Pivrk. few doors WestofCooks' Utflel. - 9L7my r- "NIH in ' i II " - -- - - HLff SECOND AHR1VAL OF FALL AND WIMTER AT C. B. Thompson's. Nov 1SC3. 930vG tn OIL & tAMF DEPOT. Jpgji EëflheQ by nrw pnnes l war:antrl to buin one-tlji:i v!v'%i' longcv tlian anv otler ;)il 1 M ïnarkot. pïk A DkFOUKST. Dcc II t! 1853. (i .ME intn thtj rttelusnie f ih miIci ILkt i ?'■!■. t th y r t dnjpwf.iitfVrJMr three yonr oW Btcvr, im; iind white wiUi jut-uu 1. i il--. Tlio uwucr i rt-ueít' tn itrove prjxíí'tv , pay cL:. ■'s. ;itii ijike said ttéi sayaí courant rOTHELADIES OF AMERICA í" -IORE VALUADLE THAN GOLD I MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD! MORE VALUABLE THAN GOLD! MORE VALUABLE THAN OOLD Dr. JNO. L. LYONS F RENCO PERIODIEAL DROPS, PRENCH PEBIODIGAL DROPS, F RENCn PER1ODICAL DROPS, FRENCH PERÏODICAL DROPS, FOR FEMALES, FOR. TÉMALES FOR FEMALES, FOR FEMALES. Sufferinj from IrreguLurity, or Obstruction of the Mensos, frota whatever cause, tT IS SURE TO CURE ! ir 13 SUKE TO CÜRF. ! 1T IS SUKE TO CURE ! IT IS .SURE TO CURE! it Is impossible to enjoy tlie bloom of hsalth. and ï-ivacity of spirits, unlesa the are regular as to the time, tbf quantity, and quality. Wlien tbey are absiructed, -ature mak-a Ijer eflorta to obtain for o some olher outlet. and, unleis tkese elfoits of nature rre aaslatttdj the patiënt uxually experiences Pesponilency, Nervousness, and finally COXSUAIPTION asRuniesits sway, and piematuryly termínate a miserable Ufe. fT REM)VESALLOB9TRUCTIONS! 1T REMOVKS ALL OBSTRUCTIOIÍS! ÍT REMOVES AI.L OBSTHUCTIOWS 1 [T RhMuVES ALLOBSTRUCTIOKSÍ IT TS A PERFFCT REGULATOR 1 1T IS A PERFECT REGULATOR! IT ÍS A PERFECT REGULATOR I IT ÍS A PERFECT nEGULATORBEAR IN MIND. BEAR IN MINO, BEAR ÍN MIND, BEAR IN MIND, THAT I GUARANTEE THAT I GUAÜANTEE THAT 1 GUAKANTKE THAT I ÜÜARANTEE My l'ROPi TO CURE Suppress:cn of the Mense from wimtever cause, thouch caroshoulj be taken tu ascertalaif pregnancy bethf cause, as tbese HKOPS woul 1 be suretü produce miscarriage ; tbeywiil also cerlainlv T.E EN'T concepción, lf taken two ,ir thrte clays befor'e ie monthly pcriud ; therefore, I wisb It distinctly unerstuud, Ihut I do not bold niyseif respo.isible whra syd under sucb cjrcumstances. BUY THE UEST r BUY THE BEST I BUY THE BESTI BUY THE BEST! BUY THE gAFRST! BUY THE SAFEST i BUY THE SAFEST ! BUY THE SAFEST ! ?UY THF. SURFST1 BUY THE SUHEST! RUY THE SUREST! BUY THE SUREST ! ■WHICH IS LY" N'S DRP3 j WH ("H IS LYON'S DROPS which ís i TON'S nnups I WHICH IS LYON'S DROPS THEY %CT I-IKC A E!IAi;W, yy s+rengthen'ng nnd Invigot'xtmg , anft restoring tlie ytem tp a healthj comlition. lt moderate? all excB inirtfmovea .ill obsíructions, and h spotdy curtm-M be elied on. Tí) MARHIEÍ) LADIfcS, l'liej are reculiarly adapted, as tliey bring on the monthly jieriod withsuch perfct regulaiífy. URE TO DO GOOD I SUE l'O DO (iOOD! SUKK TO DO (OOD ! SÜKE TO DO GOOD I CANNOT DO HARM ! CANNOT DO HAKM ! CANNOT DO HARM! CANNOT DO HARM! I pould furnish nny qiiantitv of testlmocials of its tfflcac.s from my cwn patrénts, bal the practico of parailin" bnuglitami tictitious ones bofore tlie public is sopreralentldopu) lieem it advlsabl yubjetis topluéeniy meóteiné bífoto the public, not alónelo raake money, but t. doy ofl Jt [a proverbiully irue if tlie American Uallo (bul nol ten pefffcrtr bdalthy ones can be found n any oue vicinity. BE WISK ÍN TIM E BÉ WISE IN TIME! BE WI-E IN TIME ! BE WlSE IN TIME! M htrt .ll6ae írntroy your cn-t:tiitk,ii Trj ■ botr or my i i .-,,. v,i n 'w sUisfie.j that, I am no impostor. Te'.l youv afflicteil friend whiit restored tlieblui mof heHI to your cheiks, and thereby conter a favor mué valuab'e thrügóld.- For palnful r suanty Uenstruation it is just tlie tbtag Ihavenowinmy mind an initanceof a lady who l,ad becnsufTerin from p.ünfnl menstrualíon two or threa years, conflninf; lier to In-r roc.m eaóh t.ine : slie had applied tu severnl orainont physio:n3, vithuul riKif wben one bottleof my DRDPS entirclj cuied Uer. ONE BOTTLE oURFS! ONE B'iTTt.E CHUES! ONE UOTTI.E CURES! ONE B0TTU3 CURES! ín almost, evei'v cnse WWVW& ví v l f % V ÖDNOT BBlJlPOSEDUroN! DO NOT HF. HIPOSBD 'TON ! DO NOT ?i: IMI'OSED UPON ! DO NOT BE IMPOSED UPON ' But eut tliis ou 1 and sení'. it to your Díojgiat.anfl if be. lias not f.ot It, B.lke liim huy it for yon ; r.r, It my !e obtaniüd of íhe tienerjvl Ag'.-nU for lúe United S8 tea C. tí. CLAKK A CO., WllOLF.SALlí DjLLUta.STrt. Nkti IIavkn, Co-í. I'orsule by aH respectaba Drnirtrisrf;. ï'iice, S1.CÜ per btttle, n.i ' Stebbins .; V.M..;:. GreoTílle & r'uller, Líberba'co if. l're]i:irí!(l by .Ino. I,. I.vow, M. I, 1 '.X1J. Gr Q O Z3 f5f ? CARPETS, AND ; JU3T RKCEIVED AT IIICNION & GOTT'S. Aa Arbor '3cUS3I 1563. 32Tm3 4 . PAIN CURED! RA.DWAYS BEADY BELIEP I-i the mot Important medicinal curative-t?r úw. rnmetliatc relief ut the sufferer- of uil Turlelilii of KAÏNS, AC.iES and INFIKMITIEi, nd the prompt cure of ha plek wli'TG l'AIN', eitber luteinal or oxternal, U a coacoirJïDi of ihc dire.tse, t'uat bas ever been d.UrorerKÍ. IX A FEW MINUTES After tlia appllcatlon cf the P.EAJDY Rl LIEF esternally.nrluadmiublratlou Inlcn&lly, tlie iwtieut- iioi ',ï.ih the mu.-t exmidnUug PaINj, ACHö. UUMIY , l.HKCüATISM, NECKAI.GIA.GOLT, I.UliBAfiO. FKVKK anti a;oe, spam, sork iHROat, fN'FLBRKZi, DIPniKRIA.CON'GKSTION or KtLAliH TION, WIU enoy caso and comfort. SADWAY'S RE AD Y RELIEF ,ií ?fer tj whnlni tor, arca fi II ttop ptxLy (jakker, 'IC (lui! uil ("epiirauiW of Oiiun, .Mor.h; ie. W-rafy tr.u-, ItyMciiroft, Árnica, Valonan, cbKu'oforia '.V (ir Ltber, anUer wltttevoi1 nam ♦ii-iiinícuhed ; eii Uur Liviments,lJain KÜttrtur SiiJ i,n:inst rfalcU IDCi-cly tuspait tb Kling of pain by orimm'ilnn tlie i ercepUvo r.vallit and killing Ut nema. Tho 9 ,ra'.-.j.i i linini-lorjCli!orofirin,upliiin,&c . Il Mn u il. ihOUSTVBS of perccpti.m- KAIjWAY'o HKAI X KF.LIKf" -t p- the most (''crucf-itinü iain,n ú smirX' l'm piteut Usofall W88!ii"üof hieüdM. Xiil i-thcon yrematy 1 . une tiut will 8t"P i'-i'n . ' ' ■ ■; '■'■'■ itM l; !.-J frura Opium, Morpli ie, or sorna utiicr „tiiuirt drug, hurtful t the general uoaltii. SE #ISB II SIME. Gu.ird ügttlbsl FloiCTtwJ. Oa ili ■ ilr-t lndkiKtia of raí i or uiKn-hiej.i, If In lll.) íTUJI H '" BnWii , i,aa tp.'-po'juiuJ (í tiio kKAlA' ururr m -iuj ï.a3 f witcr. IC In dia 1.IMÍ3-, Jüi.sT.-i, HKAl), ïu mr. cmyt. ha k, w '!' - i'! ■■' o i '""'y. ,i]ii]y the l;i 1.1 KP ixrKK.sAt.Lr- ■■ a fc-ti niinitn all pairiar.d di-emforf wilt u ■'.. 'í.- -:ir;pi Rppitratk miy break up a (! . ItJt m 't " o-i.ïr t j prevent iü cu e Ihaa tj-cdie U. WZALTH FOR THI POOrt. 'f,jf Ihe VjirkiuKinii.'ö capit-ii Tjo poor T; iTr man cm j.l allorJ t leur tlia iMirUcnj of j IeFTÍtS nw myrtocCir'.bBK ()Ki.'.lVKiVS -Vr4= CKN'rB0TI,K0t"KXtlWA"3RKAí ltKUEF iil,n'flc';,c-re i1iinf;iiivlL,aniLii.iit)bUtuit'r.-üi-'.ehiH labors Hühoui Ujtzuf time - aiüi, If vd wntj.. íjaíu A'í cxp'ñenctd. wIU ut p it mmediAt-iy1. Kei') 'luí ÏVini"! UWiiyain üie hoo,auil ue it #iib m :j. pjti j yvii wi i uoï lo.e o e '1 ty ïu a yoiv ïy . i. niroRTAXf to faemem AnJ(thcr,ro.ilinginsparje'y.etlii;l li-trlfi, w'.li.- t iï diïEjuU to aecfto ;t.; w.1fcrt if rt í.iu'.úy;;tu, HADWAYM HF. VDY BSUEF !i I vihi.ililü. Il cu ua uso i wiiU positivo asáurauce Oíd ■.;.. y i a il o-iebi whertí p.inor tíiicÉ)'i'icíl4ciiJ'?rif?m' -l.rríFfipLiedwií INl-L.ii.MiA, I I.THERU, SUitK ïl..Jvi, ÜA.' CO (iüS H0K-i:.N'K-S,tU0C--C'H01.1lMTHMATí -N" OF TÜK DHVU.-I, ST0UAU1, i U.-.uJ, l.lVhli, KIDNE.S, or with MUI.L IOS, FCAtUjrt Fi.VKK,. MEASLKt!, TYi'-HOID FBVKtt, Üil.IÜI.-í FETERl Kl'T K AN'll AGUR, nr wh NEUliAt.OlA, ÍIEAD A'IU', TÍO IKIUOBKUX, TOOTH.Vftflt", EAFl-AOHE. or wilh LIJMI!AG ■), !■■■! VU TÏK B ICK nr RlirTMAWM, or wlM DIAURIllKv, CHOLICRA MORMM or liY-KVTKRY. - w i: lVJ.:Xs. -CAl.l'S UíÜÍSEá, or whii sTilAIV-. CKvMW or S"AS.H The .pplicíllon tjf RAI)WvY"3 Ri'.ADY RKl.I1 K mil curt ynu oí the worst or tuejo CW plaiutá iu a í'-'tf lyjurs UBEÜMATÍSM. tyf-'íf j)hvs:íi,un au I popular remtrdle?. fi--ifjc fnl (Jry fíiíO'jult oi' diseaseá to yet KvivVxi'Tj oéKs KKADY" 1UXIKF has ne ver faiia l tu mf t l . . tü-j iiatf reliuíto Itoeaofforw : and In all ca --e f r. :u, i-ai ,mmitory or Nervoua punumatiim, to eLtct pov innue leuro. (ín Chronic líh-ium&tUni anl Go'it, R.D WAYVS CI.KANüKO SYRUi1, Cilieü ñcrctLin fk 0 vnn!, sLould uv takeii ai ou aUj'ueL wilú tue jALiT KlUKF.) ACUTE CHRONIC EHEUMATISM. Tile fo'lowiog is writtcn Iy Xh'i wc!l baowa correaaa(kuitof l he New Vork Hrald.LondouTimp (Enaiand), New QrietUM Picaynne, Doltif Cuur!eton ürcury, &c. i Wil. SIDXEY MYEB3, ESR , HAVA.VA, CUBA. IÏAV.1XJI, Cuba, Jau. 3, 18&8. Mettrt. Radwad : ii i:n 1LK3CBX - I li ivo been a ufTerer frqm Acute Oironio Khfniiiiitiám f t tlie láát lwonty yeara of my íifo ; my sufTenriga duringthatpcriod, ueiiher tungüo nor pea caá evrees. I luivo spent a linio íurtuno ou I) ictozi1 bil'j, wi h 'Utile; viniíany8i;btaitiial beuoüt. Kaceatlylluui mío ot mffoqucut periodicul atacic-i. I wa3 very iU .1 vrL-t-'k, anJ h.d lint Biept a iiour at aiy onc üin;. A Sirauisíi fneñii , to whom I rc-laxcl iny siflEcringj, to!t mu' lio liad aremedy whicli woutd gív tne relief, aiii he klp lly p esyiiied mí wiih a bottk) of " RADWAY'd K..AL-Y l LIKK." AiUioughfikeplícalof áerlríiw any :i'l-;ir-t mt; from its use, 1 that nig:it applicd it freei on guitig to bed, and, to ray amazement, feit raIk'ved,aiKlsIü)tsoumlly. Tliunextuiglit f ügain apptiel iliü 1;kady 11:uef, a-id íiwokü n ilie monilng freo íroin i:iin, h iving (Jii'v tised abbut half the boule. Hromtüy do l'ieinrn ym my UutniVo acknowlodamenta for your iuvaliiablo, wlticli my well bï Cálleii " a'blcssing t man." Tliankingyou.frommy soul, for yanr wouderfüt romodjf, 1 lía-vil iuo Uouor W subsoribe myself, Your.s,, W. SlLi.N'ET MYOU. NEURALGIA. TIC DOLOREUX, TOOTH-ACHE, TACEACHt;, BHABP SCJJOliN TAIN'S. Per.-ons sufferinír with Xourulj?i.i experience tho xcoví cf vxcruci:ui!)g ptiu. Tilo paroxyums are Sharp, Biiddafl, pluuginp, stai-'bing, iud'Jced m-tantly - liico aa ciücíri shock. , ADWAT'tí READY RELIEF Ib tho only rmdf yf'iX iitlicrlokuowu,üi:till:ni).diinniediatuislifí í'flrSy ni tlioáe who suffcr with this torturiug ComcV) 'Jó nluiut. (ín cases of cUronic Neuralgia, tho cíS siuKSyrup.ialIed KEXOVATI.VG RKiOLVENT, wlll cxi-cdile llio cure.) Iri recout attaclcs, tho KfcALfV RII.1FF. upjíliod cxtornallr tu Ule parta wheru(A p'ín strü.t!, ind n teaspuiinfiü or HKLIKk' to a wído glaas of witer,vbca the paroiyama appear, wili cETecta curo. HOW TO CUB.B A BAD COZiB BBTWKEJí 1ÜÍIV1IME ASI) SUSKISE. . If -ciz.'d with SHJRTHROAT, H rseaa. Bad Cougli, diSIculi Breathing, HoaU aclie, V..!ry lnschi.rges frwa tlw NoáO aul K.VU3, i'aiü hl tile Iíaci ftutl JoinU, íic., iMilh' lint Clit. Iloud íiud Juiuti witú Iha l:EAlY UEIJli', únd iako a HOT EEADY RELÏBF SLING, Ry addiug ti) hMfS tumbler t hot water, swocteuaí with tugar, a !.jf. i--!"J. ,fi;i of liADWAY'á KEADY R! UÈlf, and drink tilia 0:1 giing to bed. In & ftrw mihillM yim wU [) reiiliw freaty, Si':.-p aoinidiy, awt ;t.t in iho miuiíinj carel of your cold. C-'n-.m (fu Chrirdan Adeocaí.) M We boR to present tu tho re.ulers of tiic Adv'at4 tV t'i'llowmg letter Iddresíed to Dr. Rad'ivay, lLtthoso alllictod vvr.U WIÍAK LUNI.S AND THKI-.A1 KNTFJ1 WITH ( üSSUMPilON'. road ïhu '.vriler, Mr. .1AMKS f AGE, U well k..uwa iu Miciiio.iNa, a popular hotel-keeper." MiíMrsits, Hann1! fcoi Ilcti., Sept. 4, 1861. P11 Hadway- L! Ab mt four vean sicco, I wa vci v imuill atbvtl wrtli DISEASED LU.NGS. Hy frioudí tiiaugUt 7 .w! tie Cbnsumpíion. I eotircly unBt fo')ii-iití.-;s, raiáed blu'd.and had every symptom of tli-i iDov ■ fatal cliaí9.. üuoiiiglit.ol) guillg to btd.I tbfigbl I wiiull iako a siviMt, aud tooK yHr Reauy Ktui (m li.'t water) ns a lmlnt to swat m. It did bo. Ihe yöf pira i' n wats ufa Bltmy .ubtartco, and oftansiv FmplI. I tuiltiwed i&'lngtbe Iïf.a!y Rkli-f evñry other i).„lit fnr lour wuok-j.and al lio end ol' til mimo iracatireTy weM. Thls U a truc síateiiuMit of fict%t whicU I w Ü cj :tify to undnr oath. Yoi-s, etc , JAU US BAüt, .Sagc's H"io!, Moaii'tii', Ml'A, FEVER AND AGÜE. A tnlilo-.-ipoMlifui i,f r.ADWAY'iS ÍFADY KU.1EF, tn tuiiibl'.T of w.Lter, 1 ;kcn ev9ry inorumg befortí brealifa-,1, will pruvoiit atUüks oTKarsr and .'g'io, üexponoil tu its muiaria. Il' seiied with this ccmplaint, talca th samo doáe, an 1 batHo ílio Ti'ad, .Vcck, liando aul Spluo ono lieforo tho Cbill ara rxpt;owd ; Ibis wiV bruak up and ouo tliQ.ïïor t forros of Aguo. aip,::. RAD'iVAY Rives jmu, for C5 OODts.a ;i!1et jh t that will provo itá nücacy in a fcw hMirg, aa4 , flí wll ':u0 ■'"Ui 'vl d'.ea ■;. thi'.ürnier thri or.jiüary day-, and moutli. ï-oo tu,.t erar; botüo i;i completo Mrhen yuu parchado, ; uil purcb:i5o tío TïKATVx KEU af unle'vi tba fae tinüe siguatJro of RAHWAT & CO isoj tUiontoido ;abi.'i,and ih' :, iiao uf iLAUWAY 1 CO. blown on tho iflasa of iioh bottlo. IT IS()I.I) BY DRWWÜTi AVü -T'lRE-KKnTRS W F.VERY VIUMJE A:-."!) 10W.V J. lüü QMÏIP 6IATM AiíD CAK.VUAÍ R3"?7AY & CO. 87 MaJoon I!, . T. For Rale l.y STEBBIKS & Wí-bSON - . 1 - , 1 - - - ■ 1 . . ñyer's Chry Pectoral


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Michigan Argus