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Maxims To Live And Thrive By

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%u UJidúgiw JUgus. The following by John Grigg, Esq , oí Philadulpbia, are the foundmions oí ijji miecess : ■'- 1. lio industriólas und económica]. Vaste neither tinte nor money 'm a ma 1 1 and useless p.'easures and indulgeDees. li the young can be indueed to begin to tace the momout they enter on the path of lile, the wuy will over become tiu-ier béfore theni, ánd they will not tul to obtain u cimipetency, aud that without dooying thotiiselves any ot' thü real necessuries and comforts of Ufe. üur peoplu aro. certainty amongét the most iuiprovideut and extravagaut ou tne face of the earth. Il ia enough to niake tbe werchant of th old school, V ho lonk back and tliinka what euonoinj', prudenco and diseretion he had to lifing to bear on las own busiuess {and v bich are in luct the basis of all bucceseful euterprise), tart back in astoinsUiiient to look at theruthless waste and extravaganco of tho age and peoplü. Tho highest test of resptctabiliiy with me is honest industry. Weü di rocted industry tnakcs in.eja happy. ïhe really noble class, the class tbat was uoble when " Adam delved und Eve pun," and have presorved their patent to luis dy uotaraished, is the luborious nd iüiiustrious. Until men havelearned iudustry, aoooutliy, and sell control, they oannot be sulely intruetod wilh ■wpalUl . - - 2. To industry and economy add seli-reliahce. Do not take too much adrice. The buëiuesü man must keep at tho helm und btecrtiis owu ship. In early üfe, every onö thould bo taught t think tor biiiMUJL A maii's taleuts uro never brought out un'il he is thrown lo t-ome extent upou his owu resuurcus. It' in every difficulty he hn8 only io run to (is principal, und then iinplicitlj ■obey tlio directioiW ho may receive, ho will nuver acquiro thut aplitude ot' perceplion, that proHiptnetíS of decisión, and thal tiriiHiess tri' purposa wbiob are i;b8'Iutely uecessary o Uioío vvho hold import; (tatiou. A certaia dogree of iadepeiidéot leeling is essential to the f uil deveiopeuitnt of the intelectual characttr. 3. Remember that punctuality ig the ni-oihtr of contidence. It i-snot eootigh that the nierchaut fultils liis engage inentt ; ho must do what he undertakes preuisely at tke time, as ve!l as in the Avay, he agrees to Tlie mutual depeudeiice ol morchants is 'w great ihat their engagements, liko a chain, hich, iccording tu the law of phyoics, is never stiouger than its vveakest link, are of ten - er broken through ttie weaktiass ol olliers thuu their own. iJiit a prompt íuItíUtuent oí ungügemeiita is i;ot only of tho utmos', iuiportunce becanse it euaWes oihers to meet their own engiige.menU promptly ; it is also the botst uvideiice that tho merchant has his affairs well ordered, his means at command, liid forcea mart-haled, and '-everything ready for action ;" in short, that he knovvs his strength. This it is whiuh inspires confidence, as mueh perbaps as the meeting of the engagement. 4. Attend to the nmutia of the busineep, small things na well as great. Seo ttoat the store is opened eai ly, goods brushed up, twine and nails pickud up, and all re;idy for busiueps. A young man ehould coüsider capital, if he hus it, or as hu rniy acquire it, ruorely as toola wilh which he is to work, not as a subs'.itute for the necessity of labor. Il is oj'ttn the cast that diligence in employments qfess consequente is the most succesxful introduction to great enterpriset. Thoso tnako the best officern who have served in the rariks. We my say of labor, as Ooleridgo said of poetry, it ia itsowa sweetest reward It ■is the b"est of phys.o. 5. Let the young merchant remember that salöshnesa is the meanest of vice8, and is the parent of' a thousand more. It not only interfere.s with the inans and with the end of' aoquinition - not only makes ïnoney more difficult to get, and not woi th iiaving when it is got, bnt it is narrowing to tLe mind and to the heart. Seltichnees " keeps ■u whilüng so clo.-e to ttio eyo tlüit it cannot i-ee ' dollar beyond." Never be narrow and contracled in your viuws. Xifo nliounds in instancos of thu brilliaiit resulls of a generons policy. Be fr;ink ; say what yu mean ; do whut you say. 80 shall your fiïends kriow and taUe tor grantod that you mean to do vvhatia just and riglit. G. Acctistora youraelf to think vigorously. Mental, like pecutiiary capital, to be worth unything, must be well iuvested - iniht be rightly adjueted and appüt-d, and to this end cmelul, deep ;md inteuso lliought is neeessary if j great resulta ate louked fjr. 7. Marry early. The man of 1 ness fhoald tnarry as soon as possible, ! after twenty two or twentj'-tlneo years oí' A wonfan oí minu will couloi m J to the necossities of' the day of small buginnings ; and in choosing a wifc a man shoald look at - lst, lbo Leart ; , 2d, tho niiiid ; 3d, the perfsn. 8. EverythiDg, however remóte, that lias any hearing upoo nuccess, must be taküii iidvaiUag) óf, The business mat) sliould be on tho continual watuh lor ÍDÍonoation, and ideas thut will ihrow liglit on hir path, and he stiould be an at'entive reader of ill practical book", 'fêxctnlt ihose relating to business, trad, rc, as well as a pation of usetul and enuoblkig literature. 0. Ncver l'orget a favor, for ingratittide is thu basest trait of a man'.s baart. Always t.onor your country, and reinember that our country is the very best poor man's couniry in the wor'd. %d%r G"od men havo the fewest fenr?. He has Uut iie wlio lears to do wrong. Ho has a thoueand who has overeóme thíit one V Alen of the uobleat dispositions tliink thefnselv(;s happios, vvhen others ihai'i) happinesH witblhem. & It is a remarkable fnct that, although comiiion sheep deliffht in verdant tieldn, roügious flocks ure not anxious for irren pastors. IdP A new balmoral shoe f;ic'ory at Hartíonl a so arranged that -a hoe goos ihrough tliirteen different haodf, and comes out complete ip tp tmaute.


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