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American Collecting Agcncy, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claim of all kind against tlit tienera. Government, State (ir'vi'iii uent, the OHy, or private parties, prosecuted and cnllecleü at mj expe?it. andritk Ag&inst private partien I poneai superior fjicilities fuv c"ll'Ctn rlainiiíeverywliere in thi United Stateê and Cañadas, relieviug merchants, ausineeK, banker, ani ot lie rw , l caí e and all respon ttibilít y , Special Htteutinn $ iven to uld debtn, hard casei, di, vor:jí, willH.entíiipít, etc. tieing familiar with allthe detailof th,O " Intrnal Revenue. Lato," I will íttend prona ptly to the coijection of drawback ,and taxoi overpaid through ignoi r of the law. oldiera' pensions ,Py ni bounty fcureí forthem or their heira. For that purpose, and for pronecuting cliiiYib againpt theíiorernment, I have a brauch office at Washington. No charge made unlei claim are coliected. All üoldierri diecharged by rcaton of wounds- howverhort1be timethey have erred - itre entitled to On Hundrert Iollars Bounty. AU soldiers bavingBerved two yearn.acfl entitled to the itn. 1J3 The higheet marketprico will be paid for noldiers' claims, aud other demande agaimt the Genera! GoTÍTTiniíT.t. Information and opinión giren, and investigation made without bkarg6}ipon claims propoiedto be placed in m y hands. Forparticuleri. .ddrc"m H. HUNTINGTON LEE, 900tf Xo,240 Broadwiy,NT.Y THK ROOTS AND THE LEAVES WILL be for the HoaHLg of tlie NTations. Biblt. Xrof. H. O XjYOKTS, THE GREAT AN'lt CKLKBRATEÜ t'IIY8ICiN of the TíiliOA'f.LUXGS. HEART,LIVLR AVD THE BLÜÜD, Known all over the country as the CELKBRTKP irO'IDIA.Isr HERB DOCTOK I Of 2S2 Superior títreet, Clevelaud, Ohío. Will viait the following placen, viz ■ A?lOIVTiIENTiir0B18öa. 1863 and 1864, Prof U. J. Lyeas can be consulted at the following placen every mocth, viz: 'petroit, KuHhclHouKe.eachmoDtb, lSthand 19th. Aun Arbor, Mouitor Houne, each month, 20 th. 'Jackbon, liïbbarü liouso, t-acli mouth, 31. 'Adrián, Briicket IJouhe, each month 22d and23d. Toledo, Üliio.CulIina üouse.each montb. 24th, 25th, andSeth. .... HilUdale, Mlub. , Iíilldale Houiio, ach month, 27th Coldwattr, Micb... boutüeru ilichigaa Houne, eacb month. 28tli. Ellthart. K-lLhart Houw, each month, 29th. South Bend, Imiv, 8t. .To. Hotel, each inonth, 30. Lapnrtc, Ind., Te.1 Gardeu iíouse, each month 31t. Wooater, UbLO, Craudell Eïchauge, each month, 7th andglh. ManbQeld, OUÍo, "Wiler Ilouge, each month, 9th and lOth. Mt. Vernon, Kenyou Uoue, each month, llth and lith. NöwarU, Ohio, Holtou House, each month, 13tü and UtU. l'aineiiville, Obio, Cowl-. Rnuno, each month 4th fLM'KLAND. OHIO. RKFHKNCK AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. Eaist of tbe public quare, oppotite the Postoffice. Xnfictidays üitch moutb, o.l, th,5th, Cth, lóth.- Office hours from 9 A. VI. to V M. aud frora 2 1'. M. to 4 t'. M. Üuunday fiom 9 to 10 A. JU., aud 1 to 21. M. tfy Maximsatrictly ailhpred to- I give sueli bahuas hare no strife, Wich nature or the laK of Üfe, With blood mr handö I nevt-r titain, Nor pwigun men toeatie tbeir pain. TTe is a physician indeed, whó Cures. The Indiau Hero l'octor. R. J.LYÜIffÖ, cureg the fol löwiug compiaintB in the most obstinate stages of their oxUtence, viz: Uirtesses of the Throat, Lungu, Heart, I.irer, Stomach , Dropay in the Chest , Kheumatism, Neuralgia , Fits. or FalHDg:?ickneBB,andallother uervun-ieraugemeuU. Alo alliiKeasdiof the blood iucfa SB Hcrofula, trysiptlaa, Cancers. Fever -Sores, Leproby, aud all other complica ted ciironic complaintg AU forras of témalo diüicuitieê atiended to with the hippiei-t results. lt is boped that no one will detpair of a cure until they have jfiven thp Indtan Hurb itoctor' Medicines a fiiirand füithful trial. $I)uring 'lt! octor't traveU ia Kurope, Weat Indien, iouth Ameiica. and the United tales, he has been the instrument in God hand, to reatore to health and vipor thousanda who wrv given up fttt'i pronouncod incurable by ihe moBt cuiiuentoid schoi)! pbjrsioians; nay, morí-, thouandB whu were on tlie verse of the grave, are now livlnc moiuinntn to the lndisn Herb a Doctor's skill and RucceBsful treatment, andaré dailj exclaiming: "Rienaed betheday when first e aw and partook of the ludían Herb Pnetor'fi medicino." ."atififactory ncesof carea will bo gladly and cheerfully given whenver required. Thloc1or pledges hifi word and honor, that he will b no wise.dirtíctly or tndirectly, induce or cause any nralid to tate his medicine wjbout the strongest probability of a cure. y Modeof examinaron, which ia entirely different rrom the faculty. Dr. Lynn professes to discern dieasfs by the oye. He therefore atik noqueation, nor doen he require patientsti explain RymptomR. Oall one and íill, n have thesymptom and location of your diseaseexplainedfreeof charle. fT5P"The poorthll bplibfirailr coneidered. j"FotoíBce addre, box 2tVi3. R. J. LVOXP, M. I. . Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. S5, 1862. ly?80 SCHÖFF & MILLËR 4 HESTILLOKUANDittUeiroldStind, A No. 2, Franklin Slock, with themoit complete ssortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SIIADES, IiOLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS. GILT CORNICES, CURTAINS, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offcred in this Market ! and tfcejr would suggest tothosei n pursuit cf anythingin SANTA CLA US' LINE that they can ecure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purciiïüing from this stock, s es".h purchaser gets am-dditiouai present of Jewelry, &c , llangiiig invalue trom !0 cts. to $50. j&y Tlfvtrtist that theirlonp: experience inselecting gno.lB foi tliis m nket and strict atttintion to tlie wantn of Cu tornera, my entitlc ttiem U a liberal share o I 1'atronftKf! ALAEGESTOCK I O I DRESS GOODS, I,ATEST STYI.ES CLOAKS & CLOAKINGS, FTJSTl SHAWLS Of the New Pattorns. CAR PETS of all kinds, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Woolen Goods Of all k!ni for the Winter Trade, now opening at O. H. MILLEN'S. N B - ThU i ttie Swona Arriral nf Fall and Winter 9oed, oi nlU De ?4t tUt . l' " Hit . 8. K. THE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Known as "HelmbolfTs" GENUINE PREPARA! IONS, VI Z.: HEI MBOI.D'S EXTRACT " BUCHU," ' " SAliSAl'ARlI.LA, IMPEOVED IWLK VVA8H. HELMBOLD'S GEN INE PPEPARATION, cojirouxD FLUID EXTRACT BUGHU, A Positiva and Specific Itemedy, For Diwoasefl oL the BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROP31CAL SWELLINGS. ThU Medicine increases the pnwer of DicPKlinD, and exciten the intn lienlthy acthm, by which th' WATE.RY OR CALCEROUS dopositiooK.snd all UFXATURAL &XLARGEMENTS ure rudnced. aB wellav pain and mflammation, and ís rood for MEN WOMEH, OR CH1LDREN. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU FOR WEAKXESSES ArUing from Exceses, Habita of Diefliption, Karly Indiscretion, or Abusé, ATTEWDED TITH THE FOLLOWING 8YMTOMS : India position to Exertion, Lmsb of power, Los of Memory, Pifficult of Breathiog, We.k Nerri, Trembling, Uoiror ol D.ttease, Wakefulaei, DimneBS of Vision, ï'ain iu the Back, Universal Lasbitucie of the Flufchiuj. of the Body. iíucular tfvBtüm, Kruptionw on the Face, Hot Hands, Fallid Countenance. Dryuea of the Skin. Tuete s; raptóme, if allowed o go on,whichtbis medicine iuvariübly removcB. bood folluw IMPOTENCY.FiTUITyEPILEPTICFITS In oue of wbicb the patieüt may expïie. Who cansay that theyare ü Jtfreuentl.) followed by ttiose '-direful dísea.ei," Inaanity and Consumption, llany areaware of the cauf-e of their auffering, but none ill confluí. The recordu of the insaue Aiylüma and the melen choly deaths by Consumption, uear anipl witnetis to the 'ruth of the antertUiR. THE OOXSTITUTIOX, ONTE AFFECTED WITH ORGAMC WEAKlïEe, Requirei tbe aid of medicine to etrpngtiirn and invin ratethesystom, which HELM ï.OL1S EXTRACT BUHU invariably doen. A tria' will couvince the most ükoptical. Fcmales, Pernales, Females, OLD OR YOÜNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CON TEXIPLATIXG. MAHRIAGE, In raany affections peculiar to Feraales th# Extract Bucbu is unpqulled by any other remedy, au iu tJhlorosis or Rftcntion, Inegularity, PaiufulneK, or ciuppression of thy Cutomary Evacuations Ulceiated or irchirrourt htate of the Uterus, Leucorihea, or Whites, Sterihty, aud tor all complaints incident ík, the wex. wbethdiarining from lndiücietiou, Habitnof Diasipatiou,or in the Decline or Chango of Life, 8EE 6TMIT0M.S ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for Unploasant and DangerouB Ditease. UEUBOLB'S EXTRACT BOCEU CURES Secret Diseases. ra all their stages ; at little expouiw ; little or no change in diet ; no inconvenience. AND NO EXPOSUKE. It cumea frequent desire, and givea strength to Urinate.therebyrmnovinpr obutrucüons. preventie and curintfStrictures of the Urethra, aliaying pain and inflammation. o frequent in this ciaes of ilipeases, and eippllinf POISONOUS, DISEASED AND H'ORN OUT ifJTTER. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And -who h.T gBd HEAVY FEES tobo curedina shofttime. havefound tbey weri-dtceivtd,andtlia the "Poison" ha,by the uo of "Powerful Astiïngent," been drid up in tlio ystem, to break out inanaggra rated iirrm,and l'HKHAI'S Ailfü MARBIAGE. USE Helmbold's Extract Buchu Kot 1I Affectiona and Diseases of The XJrinary Organs' Whether e-iiting in MALE OR FEMdLES, from whatever cause originating, and nu matter OF HOW LÜNG STAXDISG. Dmeasf s of these Organi requirc the aid of a Dickkiic. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GBEAT MURETIC, And it ia certain toJiave the deired effect in all Di neases, forTOich t b recomnieniied. BLOOD ! BLÖÖD! BLOOD! Ilelmbold's Hubly Concenlra'.ed Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This i n affection of the Blood, and iittacks tlie Bexutl OrganR, LinlngH of the, Kars, Throat, Win-ipipe, and other Mucns iurtaces, umking ts appearanct; Ín Ihe form of Ulcers. HelmboM's Kxt.act Sar8aarilhi purifieK tlie Blood, and remove i all cly Rru]tiotiK ei' tbe Skin. givin to tlie Complexión a Clear and Ileattliy It beiiiff prepared expressly forthiBclasB of comptaints, its Bluod-Curifyinjs Properties are prenerved to a gr-ater extent any otlier preparation of SarKajiarilla. Belmbold'siïose Wash. An excellent Lotion for DütHM (f a .cyphilt'C Nature, andJa8 an injectum in liseats of the Urinary Organs, arisin frum hnbttw of (lissipatioii, usrd in connection witli llie KxtractB Buchu and ai-aparillaj in auchdiseases as recommended. Kvidenceof themMst responsib!e aDd rcliablechacacter will accomp.iny the medicines. CERXIFICATES OF CUKES, From eigbt to twentv vears standing, with names knoirnto SCIENCE AND FA ME, For Medical I'ropertiesof 1ÏUCHU, SM Diüpensatorjof ibe United States. See 1'rutefiRor IlEIVEES' valuable works on the Practice of Phyaic See remarks made by the laie celebrated Dr. PEYSICK, l"hilaiilpnia. See remaiks made by Dr. F.PHRA1M Mr.DOWKLL, a celebratod rhysician, and Alemtier of the Rojal Col. lege of ï?urgeons, heland, and publisbed in the Transactinna of the Kingaml Queen's .lournal. Sre Medico-Cirurgical Review, published by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Felluw of tbe lioyal College of Bur'i"ee most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. Extract Hveuü, $1 f'O l'En bottlk, ob rii fok $5 00 11 SarüaI'AB1U.a 1 00 ' " 5 00 iMrRovBD KoseWahi, 50 " " 2 50 Or half a doien of each for $1200, which will be Rufficient to sure the most obstinate cases, i' directitns are adbered to. Delivered to any addreBs, Kecurely pacied iromobnervation. fjsP" Iescribe syroptom.i in all communications.- Cures guarenteed. Adviee gratis. A F ï 1 n A V I T . Peminallj appi'areil before mean Alderman of tV.e city of'a.H. T. Hki.mboi.1), wlio, belbg 'luly Bwnrn, doth miy, bis proparations cmitatn rio narcntic, no mercury, orotherinjurious druge, but are purely V9getaW;II T.HF.LMBOI.P. Sworn anl pubccribfd before me, tliis '2'M day oí Nuvenibtr,l54. 1VH P. KTBBAHD. Aldrman, Xintb-Htreet. abrve licc, Phila. Addreaa Letters for nformfttin in confidence. H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist Deput 104 Sotüh Tenth-strcet,bi'low Chestnut, Phil. BEWARE OF rOUNTERFEITS AND ÜNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endcaTor to diRpnne " OF THETR OWN" and "otheT" ftrticlcpontïie jepnistion attained by Helmbold's Genuine Proparationa, " " Extract Buchn, " ' " SaröapariH, M li Improved Roae Wash. Sold by all PrngKintn A?K FOR HELMBOLD'S-TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out the adeHiinent , and tut a for It, 4XB J.ytUD MPOMTlCH AKV ÍXTM9A ljW; V I aro Bound for M. GÜITERMAN & CO'S ! Dispute the tact if yon can, It takes the T AILOK after all to give appearance to the outer man. If you wlsh to apprar well You raust accordlngly Dresi WcH. Go to 8T. Guiterman & Co's., Thero you will find tbinga exaotly SO. SONDHEIMülnaya ready to tako yonr eneasure, GÚITERMAN will qell you Goodí with great pleaaure, At figures LOWER than you will find in i he Slate, Take heerl - call eauly, elee vou are too LATE. The INDUCEMKNT8 are bow greater than ever, Our Cleiíks you will find obliging and clever. We will show you cood CLOTHING oí our own ühtting vv, Filling our Stoie f rom Bottom to rop. STUDENTS especially will find it to THEIB ADVANTAOK, For it takes btit L1TTLE ]LONEY to replunish. 1500 0VERC3ATSof Cloth, Beaver, tnd Bear, Warrantud for almost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OW!) IMl'ÍUSTATION, For arded through our New York relations. From Englnnd, Belgium, Germany and F'ance, Such as you can stand up ijj. or wkar at the dance. Pants Pant ! ! Pañis ! í ! Fancy OáSSIMERES and DOE SKIN ot every grade, We sell thetn froin ONE DOLLAR ui tO EIGHT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will tind it eu without fiction, Furnwhinjï apparei.s From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. Thls i all we say now, Tberefore vire make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M. GÜ1TERMN. fc Co.. O. BZjISS WuuJd take this method of infurming his oVl frionds and patrons and all otbers wbo may favor him witli their patronage, tbftt hehas greatly en&rged nis Stock aiui Assorlment! and having adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTI1 IN BÜYING &SELLING is prcpariMl to scll (loods at Jt.o'ICKI.l'" I3X0 jtrïocS H's stock conhlsts iu par oi chelolü 5-3. AMERICAN' AND OTHER v IXTatches! fcj;P .j?J Tlie Celebrated SETH THOMAS CLOCKS! Fine. Jewelry elts GOLD CITAINS, TAHLE AND POCKET OUTLËltY ! Fazors,Shear', wcpsorsan1 lírunlies, BOOERS l'LATKI) WARK, the best in market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Fencils, PAFERan.l KXVEI.Ol'ES, Musical Instruments, Siringx f Bnolis for Instruments, SI 3F El C T V O Xji 33 St , of Gold, Silvcr, Sml. and Platcd, tcith PERISCOPIO GLASS, a RujHíiior article. PersonR having.flinicult watehei to fit witli glatses can by Hccomodated, as my stuck i large'ant complete. P. S. Particular attention to the o"all IfTnda of fine Watches, such as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pintona. Siaffti, avd Ctjliiidfrn, Also CLOCKS, Sc TE-WEIEVSr neatly ropairefl and war-anted, at bis old standeast sidfof Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann rbor.Xov. Í5.1862 826tl For Rafel, Mïce, Xonclies, Antn, Bi tl Bugs, ït lis 1 ii Fins, Woolvns, &c. luxi Is on Planta, PowIji, Aiilinnls. &c. 'Minly iiifitllible remedies known." ' Free lrrm poi=ons," 11 N'ot dargeiouR to (he IInTnai) Family.' "Katu oottio out oí tlieir hole to die." BoM WlioleKalcin all large c ties. ,8 Stild by all Drutítíits and HetailerH everywlipre. 1111 kawark ! ! 1 of all worthlesH iinitationn. jS c?ee tliat ''Costah's" name in on encli BoXj Bottle aml F! y u buy. g& Addrcss HENfiY R COSTAIÏ. %- rnncipal Pepi t. No. 428 línmdway Xew York. j Sold bv all the Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Abb Arbor, Micli 9I5t3 Uissoiutjoii Notice. míTEFlRM OIr CHAPÍN, WuOI k CO., was dissohrd JL.iftnuary l'i, 1 &t3, by mutual ooOMfit, C. A. Cbajiin and A. B.'Wood will settle the accounts of the finn. C A. Ciui'iv, A. 1Í. Wood, V. Chapín, E. Wbllb. Aon Arbor, June 21, lRfi'3. Coparliiersliïp, fXTE ülTPIltf IQ WED eutered into partnership Jan. I 16,1863, by tbe lirrn name -f Chapín & Co., and wil! continue the businenB of manufacturing printing and wrappinfc papar. C. A. Chapín, N. Ctunt V. CB.A7CT -'■'


Old News
Michigan Argus