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BOOT $c SHOE' N. B. COLS, (Successor to Moore & Lpomls ) FRANKLIN BUILDINGS, Kam street, Ann Albor, lias jus recehcd lrs F ALL AND WINTER STOCK! OF BOOTS, SHOES & RUBBERS, manufacture trom tho bost mutoriul nml warrnnted to Kre gatisfíictioD eooiuting (t MI-N'S Kir, CALF AND THICK BOOTS, Dl UIÍIE SO1.ED, MENS BUhFALO OVERSIIOES, of all dencñptlüDB. LADIES' GAITEES, Motoceo Boolees, Balmorala, Feit Otershoe', and Rubber. Also, i lïoy's Kip, Calf & Tiik Boots, ! together wilh a v;irietv of CHILDIiEN & YOUTH'S SHOES. ■ E am n!vi Itlnn ufa cl uring WARRANTED BOOTS & SIIOES. Meii's Fine Frenh Calf Doois J'e ggd and Sewed. Oivemeacall befnre purchasing elsewhere. I will oll hit tdods nhap ï'r ca■Il. KErAIUING KEATLY DONE AKD ON SUORT KOTIC13. K. B.cni.E. Anu Arbov, Oct. 23.1, 1803. 9-.7U CITY COOFER SHOP. 'Vholeaaleand lïetfiil, O C. SP AP FORD WoulJ respectfully announca to the citi.ens n( Ann Arbor and viciri ty, th:it lie in liow aanufaccuriiiK aadkepioonátáQtly mi hsod a Larpje Assortnient of Cooper Work ! Nuch as Pork ii tul Clcler Itarrela, IÍ ■.':;.-, Fiikins, Cliurns, Well Buckets, fecM Whicb wili böfloW chenp for cash. CUSTOM WORK Made to order int hurt notice. Kejiairing done witli uoalueu and dipalch, 1 would cali particular attentiou to Merchants iu want of Bnttcr Firkins lammanufacturing the !V:wVo'k ftatv Fïikhi, which isa bet ter Firkin thnn liasevtr befóte been of fered in this 1 would invite all who warit Fiikins to Cal! and exanine for tlicmsclvcs bpfrre purohasiog elsewiire, aiid I wül convince you that yuu have eailed at the right place. 1 wouU ulso c&U the atteutiou of Bu-wers iq waut of BKER KEf.S, I am uow preparcil to manufacture íights, Quarters and half Bbls. in large or miki.I lots, and of a Better Quality than can be liad in Detroit or eUewhere. JgrAlI work warranted to give entire satis iicticm. ThanUfuI for p 8 1 fa vors and by a strict at lont ion tn business, 1 hope to ment a temtinupd liberal Bujpij ol the public pAtronage, "ÖJi, Do nut íorget to cali at tbc City Oooperhop. O. C. SI'AFFUltn.' Detroit tit. Anu Arbor, Mich . gSB.i 1 GaEAT.GHEATEH GREATEST BARGAJNS EVER OFFERED 1859. q1859In tliÍ3City,arenow being ojfered at tlio CIIEAP.CLOCK.WATCU, & J O XK7 ö 1 Iy S t O X OTHK Stibftcribpr wonldsay to thocitizenpof A nn Arhor, t" purticulnr. nd the rest ol Wmliteniiw Cnuntv incenpral. tht hehHsjust ÏMPOIU'ED DlRECTLY from BÜKOpE.a Trornendous Stock of "Wat ches! All of which ho binds himsrif to pil CHKAPFR than can he houeht wps' of NVw York ''ty. Open Fnre Cyllader Wstftbea (rom S6 to $]0 do do liever do do 8 to 21 HnntingChep Ho do do 14 to 35 de doOylinderdo do 9to 26 Gold Watrhreffom 2Ü to 150 I have alfil tne CELE BR ATE D AMEWCAN WAT CHES, which I wlil fle'n Ur $3. Hvery Vvatrh warrantbd to perform well.orthe. mon,?y refunded. Clocks, Jewelry, Iited Wan, Fancy Goods. Gold IVn, ÏIusicalIostrumRiitB and ritringg, Cntlery, Sic and in frt a varirty of fvpry hini; tiURlly kppt jy Jowelers can bo boufïhtfor-he next ninety dnys nt vvr O W N TRICES! Persons buyini? nnythint; t this wf' knnwn ostablishme ut ran r'ly upon at'tti'ip good X)ict'y as representad, orthímoRpy rffniidrd. Píilpnrly and aocuro tho best bnreains rvcr ofte red in thii i'ity. One word in regard to Rcpairing : Wp tp preparad to mnkf ny rennir ontinp or cnmtnon Wntrh'. pven to m-kinu c or thp entirn wntoh, f npct'ssary. ïiopidrina "f Clocka rd Jcwolry as uaunl. lo tHp mnnifafturinr oí RIÍÍGP, BROOCH8, or uythine desired. CromCHÜf 'rni ïnid on short notice. Knerñvine in allitsr-ranchesoxpi'nted will nrnt w-i and diapatnh. J C. VTT8. Anu Arbnr, Jnn. ÍPth IfT,!. 7í4w ílitte F act 013! Beutier & Traver, [Succssors to A. .1 SuMierliini1.] ilaiiufaeturers of nml Déniers in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Ponjhcs Garrn Bags, and Everjotlier artille íl ibat Line. All kladt of don at the shortest notice, and in taebest ïnonoer. a full assortiment alwiys kapt nn Daii.i and inado order. flf5, ïiiop corner M.-ún mul VS'iislungton treetc. Ann Arbor,Oct. 8, 1?6. "73tf ' TAJE51'1E3Kr XJI. CAMF. nto th f nclwuie of tli ubscnlipr nbont 11j (ir t rtay nf.Iuly lnt, a thrre vnr old Ptccr, red and white witb Kprcd home. The muer f iwmeatjd 1opror propertj-, pay churgíí, nd tte nald iteïr JUST OPENING ? s i The largest Stock and best nsaortment of i CABINET FORNITURE ? ever brouglit to tliis city, ineluding SOFAS, TETE A-TETES, LOUNGES, 13 ED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, liOoTtiTig CSHixssciS Gilt Frames and Mouldings} METALIC CASES, &c, &c, and all otilar goodn kept in the beRt and laigeat house in the country. We eepno necond hand furnitun or Auction gooda. Coffitffl kept constantly on hand, and made to order My goods are offer ed at THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N. B I muit hure mone.and renpectful r roqueat thora indebted, to cali and &I up tbtir old matter without delay. O. M. MAFTIN. Ann Arbor, 6 1663. B2M roa T tesuY SCBCFTOA AND SCE0FULCU3 DISEASES. Front Emery Ede, a well-know merdtant qf O.rford, Mame. " I have sold large .uantities of jronr Sarsatae. ilt-a, but never et oue bottle whicli lai.eil ol the . defriied t-tfoct and Juli eatistaction to thoi-c wliO took it As t'iii-t as our ieople try it, the) aglic therc ha." '. been no medicine like it beloie iu uur community." j Eruptions, Fimples, Blotohea, Pustu'.os, i Ulcers, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. Front tteo. Bobt. Slralton. liristol. Englanil. " I oi.l) do my Outy to you si.ü the public, wliea I add my textimouy to that jou publish of the medicinal virtues of your iSAiiSAFAKiiTLA ïly daughter, atfed ten, had au afflictii.g humor in her c-ars, eyes, and liair lor ycars, wilton e wcre unable to cure until we tried your .Sakbji-aiuli.a. ütie üaa been well lor somc montlis." From Mrs. Jane E. Hice, a treft known and mucti' esteemed atly of Dennisville, Cape May Co., N. J " My daugiiter haa sutiered í'ur a ear jat uith pcrofulous eruption, vhich was vcry troublesome. Kothiiijcaflördi'd auy reliefuntil we tried your Sabbapauilla, which soon coinpletely cured her." from Charles P. Gage. Esq., nthe u'irlehi-knovnfirm qf Gage, Murray l( Co , manvfacturtrs o enamelled papers in Xashua, A'. H. u I had for teveral )eara a very troubïeFome hit' mor in my face, wliicli giew coBitautly uorse until it disliguicd my features and became an intolerable añlictiolt. I tried almoxt everythiiiK a man could of botli advice and medicine, but without any relief wliatever, until I took your Sarsai-aiïilla. It inunediately made my face oree, as } ou told me it might lor a time; but in afiew weeks the new i-kin begau to form uuder the blotchec, and continued until my tace is as gmooth as anybody's, and 1 am witiiout auy symptoms of the diseaee tliat 1 know of. 1 enjoy perfect health, and witUont a doubt owe it to your Saksapakilla." Erysipelas - General Debility - Purify tho Blood. From Thr. Iiobt. Sawin, Houston St., N. 1'. Dr. Ayer: I seldomfail to remove Eruptions and Scrqfnlous Sores by the pereeiering ute of your SARfPARILLA. and 1 llave just now cured an attack of Maliyiiant Erisipela with it. No alteiative we poëeeps equalethc aARSAPAEiLLA jou havo eupplied to the protesfion as well as to the people." From J. E. Johnëton, Esa , Wakeman. Uhio. "FortwelveiSars 1 liad the yellow Erytipelaü oo my rightarm, during which time I tried all the celebrated physicians 1 could reach, and took hundreda of dolíais' worth of mediciiies The nlcers were 6O bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must be aniputated. 1 began taking yourSARSAFAKiLl-A Tooktwobottles.and üonieof your 1'ills Tuetlier theyhave cured me. lam now as well and sound as anybody. Being in a public place, my case is known to everybody in tuit commuuity, and excites the wonder ot all." .JVom Hon. Henry Memro, M. V. P.afA'ewcartle. C. IK., o leading member qf the CamuUm l'arliament. '■I have used your SaR3apakili.a in mv fnmily, for general debttity, and for purtfyiug the blooa, with very benelicial resulte, and ieel cunfidence m commeuding it to the afllictetl." St. Anthony's Fire, Kose, Salt Bbeum, Soald Head, Sore Eyes. Fromllarvey Sickler, Esq , the alle editor of ih' Tunckhannock Democrat, Pennsylrania. 'Our only child, about thiee eai-8 ot age, was nttacked by pimples on hm loreliead. ïhey rapidly ipread until Ihey formed a loatlifome and virulent sore, which covcred liis face, and actually blindcj bis eyes for some daye. A skillül physician applied uitrate of silver and other remedies, without any apparent effeci. For flfleeu days we guarded his hande, lest with them he should tearopen the festeriug and corrupt wound which coveied nis whole face. llaving tried every thing ele we had any hope (rom, we began giviug your Sarsapaiulla, and applying the iodide ol' potasu lotion, as you uirect. 'J he sore bean to heal wlieu we had given the first bottle, and was well wheu we had limi-hed the secoiid. 1 he child's eyeiashes, which had cotne out, giew again, and he is now as healthy aud fair as any other. The whole ueiehborliood predicted that tlie child must die." ' ♦ Syphüis and Mercurial Diaeaso. From Dr. lliram Sloat. of St. Louis, Missouri. "1 lind your Sarsaparii-la a inore eflectual remedy for the secoudary symptoms of Syphüis, and for syphilitic disease tban any other we postess. The profession are iudebted to you for some ol the best medicines we have." From A. J. Frtnch. M. ƒ)., an eminent physician of jAiwrence. Mass.. who is a prominent member qf the eiistiiture of ilassachusetts. 'Dg. avkii- My dear ir: I have found your Sarsapaiulla an excellent remedy for Syplnlts, buth of the primara aud secondanj type, and effectual in some cases that were too obstinate to ieid to other remedies. I do not know wliat we can eraploy with more certainty of success, whcre a powerlul alterative isrequired." Chas. S. Van Liew. of Neto Brutiswck, JV. J., had dreadful ulcers on his iegs. caused by the abue of mercury, or mercurial disease, wliich grew more aud more aggravated tor years, in epite of every remedy or treatment that could be appiied, until the persevering use of AYKR'e Sabsaparilla reheved liim cases can be touiid more invetérate and ! di6tre8siiig than tliis, and it tooit severa! dozeu boti tles to cure hun. Leueorrhoea, Whites, Femala WeakneBB, are generally produced by interna! Scrofulous Ulceratiou, and are very otten cured by the alterative effect of tliis Sarbaparilla. Some capes require. however, iu cid of the Sausaparilla, the slulful application of local remedies. From the teetlknown and tcidety-cclebrated Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cindnnati. " I have found your Saubapauilla an excellent alterative in diseases of lemalee Many cafes of irregularity. .Leucoi'rhoea, Internat Uloeration. and local debility, ai ifing from the fcrofulous diatheei?, have yielded to it. aud thcre are few that do not, ■ vhen itseflect is properly aided by local treatmeut." A lady, vntcilling to alloio the publication of her name, tprites: " My daughter and myfelf have heen cured of very uebilitating LeucorrhaBa of long standing, by two bottles of your oabsaparilla." i Bheumatism, Gout. Ijver Complaint, Dyspepsia Heart Disease, N euragia, when caused by Scrofuïa in the system, are rapidly curcii by tliis Ext. ëaksaimhilla. AYTr'8 CATHAUTIC PILLS possess so many advantajres over the other pur; gatives in the market, and their superior virtuea are so univcraally known, that we need not do more than to assure tlie public their quality is rnaintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all that they have ever done. i-repared by J. C. AVEB, M. D., 6 Co, Lowll, Mass., and sold by aWJUil ,,!.-.., A..,i Arobr, F. SAMSOV Vp-ilantl, A KWIMi, Destrr, WIIKH.I'ON 8: IIATCH, Chelwa. Wlio'e.-alcby FAKKANDSHKLBY & t'o., Ietro.t. C. K l'OfUHN. Trnvfll nii Aiient. Farm For Sale. CïïANCKFOR A ÏÏ the iown of Ronald Ionia Cnunty, Mich., ir, the bent wheat growjDg re gionin theötute. Tbiw farm contains leo .a.o:e.:k:s, of choicc land with seventy acreK uader improvemont. with Home thrce miles of (rood mik lence. It is wel! watered, lias pood log house, a friinif hnrsft Darn a GOOI) SÜGAR BÜSH, und athrifty Orcliard. ]t is well located for school and other privileges. The ownerhaving no help of his own, ml wishing to lo.cate in the región of the University wouid like to excljang.e for property in or near the city of Ann Arbor. Addrsas P.O. PÁ fifiö. A.on Arfcoi or i quirfof Dr. GW) Ï11AV. ', 9:9.n3 Detroit St., opposite Arkney'n Trajcon shop,, Ayer's Cathartic Pilis. Estáte of Lewis Benedict, JTVTEOF MICHIGAN', County of Wahten 1 At a seHsion of the l'rohïte Court fnr the Co„' Ff l'ashunaw, liolclen atthj I'robatt Office n thiwl" inn Arbor, on Wednesday, the ninth daj. of [w. ' n Ibe year one thousand eight hundred and ï- ' hree. Present, Tlinma Ninde..Tudge f Hrob-, '") In the matter ol the K.taie of Lewuíjeneiicí j On reading and filtng the petition, duly ' usan Bencdict, praying that a certaio initiu " erporting to be a copy of the lat wlU and ui M )f aid deeeased, with th probate threo( taj6' owed. fiied, and reeoriied in this court and ielterit' ' nentarv thereon issuedto theexecuior tbtrfinn Thereupon t is Ordered, that Mondny, tkt f4' iay of January next at tao (rNiteek íd Ui aitíri ?e aswigned lor the hearing of aaid petition . WöVlau?' Whees legateea and heirs at law of Raid titteisM iliother persons interested in oaid estáte, art rea to appar at a sesión of airi Court, ttoen tobe h ït the Probate Office, in City of Ann Arbur in ■ County , and show cnuif , ifany thtTf-be, whj tl tn of the petitloner should not be prAntt1.: ' "ï" And it is furiñer ordered , tliat aid itetitioi, ,ive notice lo ttie pi-rson-iritereMted in Kaifi em the pendency ol said petition, and the hearing ( J I) catiHinfja copy of this Order to be publiKhtd jQ !?' Mirhignv Argun, a newsjiapir [,rintd and circm,ti' [d Raid County of Vahtt:niiw, three succesii Te prertous to sa'ri day oí hearing. i (A true fopy.) THOMAS NINDK. 934 Judge of I'robit, Terrible Slaughter! THE VlCTtHiY IS OtJRsi Which ha-ibedi raging for the pat four wnkttt MACK & SCKMID'S STORE Has proved a grand nucceas, although the lau(tt(ref DRY GOODS 1ÏH8 bef n terrible. We now mnke the nooun Ihat w riliall coníínue "Kor Maoy cara" tumi, war with high price. being detrminpd to pu Imndrfd who da.ily tl.mng our stor, full n]ut „ their numpy, lidies enu find with us all deiin Kliades and Vylpi of DRESSGOODS, UIBBO.S8, TRIMMiN'GS, EMBKOIDEUIES WHITE GOODS, UOS1ERY, GL()VLS,4t With a very large and attractive dtock of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS We hear it said every day that wi are ruiaínj % busine.-K in Lhi.s citjf by .sethni? su cheap but wbcuk help it, The Goods Mut be Sold. 100 Xew .tyiennd best quality HOOP SKIRTS i ciuap, and for the üentlemeii we have a verjUrjiJ sor mentuf French Twilled Cio'h. Beaver Orercofr iugs, Desskins. Faucy CaaaimvrM,Y# inga, &c, Of all descríplioiiR, aml can urnih a wholi uuiti short DOticeiDuch clieaper iliao it can be bougiittíii where. Au examiuatiun oí this brancb of out bu nens wil] con vil. et' a-I that this is the placotobuy i Pants, Coat s and Vea1. Vle liave abo i euafb stuck of Ladies and Chüdrtnb' oea HATS AND CAPS, And in fact everythmg thit man or womM ets dtw t wear oa head vr foot, Groceries, Crockery; Glassware h At astoniahing lovr prices, and ia i-hort our tiü stock muwt sharethe same fate íor wo are detenniid to Bell, uo matter what Dld croaktTB may sj, All are invited to incpect our Btock ná it in notfwfe to iiow our gouds, aud we are bound to tnttt ttt ;■ mands of all. 93Btf MACK k SCMl RISDON&I1ENDERS0) Et TJ O I3L DE3 TT B CRAIN DRILL and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured at Springfield, Ofc rpiIE VEKY LATESTIMPROVF.MENT, and bitma X all othera; adapted tu sowing A'heat, R;t, Barley and Grauw Seed . Ut. Jt has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Wül sow all kinds of ff and Grass Seed. 3d. Never bunches the Grain 4:tJi. Never breaks the Gtain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadm hindthe Drill. Qr.i. fías Mgh wheeh and lonq h lih. Jia long and wide steel Sth. Jt has a land measure or & veyor. 9tA. Jt kas doublé and single i druis. lOth. Jt has a self adjusting tM" ilidfl. It is neatly and suhstantially n Thcre is hardlv a Driil offerediu the markrtW boast of uioie or less FI28T I'ÜEMJUMS" ' They are Jibout as indiscriininately bestowed ' of ' Prof mar," which i sometime appiW" fiddlrr1' or ' bootblack." The) cuase to mi"! ' ; idea nfmffi. . , The Uuckeye Drill has bei-non Exlubitio ' K number of Mati-and touuty Kair, ind wiMr. favor at !he lian Is of any Committee, has !"■ fullshareof I'reiniuin TE8TIMOMALS: We give the folluwing canjes of a few Farm1" " riciuity waohavebought and used the BuokeJ'"1' Godfre.v MilliT, Seio. Jacob 1'ollierouL " .lacobTremper, Thomas WUite, NortbfteM. Juhn liroliaw, " Chiistian Kapp, " Kdirard Rn rden, Webiter. James Trpadwell, AnpArboi Daniel O'IIara, " " Johnli.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, " L. Kdromi-'s, Paiine. ft GeorgeCrops.y, CfenOk,U" We arealso Agentn fpr the Ohio Reaper & ML j ; acknowleilged tr be the beat in ue. Wc ai e just in recelptoi 100 Grain Ora Which Ave will sellCJiCP Also alargeansortment o i Grass Scytheft And the largest and best slected itoek o' FOR CARRIAGESever before offered d tbi t We iiim) keep a large and full NAIIÜ, GLASS, PÜTTY, PAINT.and UVSt0 A complete assortment of I STOVES, TINWAEE, AND EAVE TBOUGJSalwajs on hand anJ-ï Bhortest notice. .„owdÖ1 Ann Arbor, JuiieS9th,lSflïjnjy lyer's (M :W


Old News
Michigan Argus