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"jjBIBLEOCIETY. rPOSITORY of Bibles and Testamenta t the SaO's W.Vos __ " - jTcTwATTS & BRO. fcïÜERS in Clocks, Watches, J=welnr ana Silver D Ware 22, New Block, Aun Arbor. ' " C. BLISS. rMtf.ER i Clocks, Matches, Jewelry and Silver D W are No . 22, New Bloek, kwAX "IvhTmïllen. p&tildto Dry Gooda, Groceries, Crockery, ka. &c. ) Mm Street, Ann Albor. TiEALEHSm I)ry Oqodí, Groceries . Boots & Shoes, D te, fint.. AanArbor. ■ o. colliIírT MASOKACTURER aad denlerin Boots and Shoes, one door north of the Post Office. " N. B. COI.E. " DE.HiER 1 Boots & Shoes, Rubbers, &c. Franklin 5ock, Maiü Street, Ann Arbor. "ÍSDON & HENDERáOÑT TvEALERS io Hardware, Stoves, house furnishinj Ugciods, TiqlTare.Se., &c, New Block, Mamst. GEO PRAY, M. D. PHYSICUN' and Surgeon. Residence nd office on Dítroft strest, near the iïepot. 0. C. SPAFFORD. MANUFACTUEEB of all kinds of Coooper Work, CitT Cooper Shop. Custort) work done on short totice. Peiroit Street, Ann Artor. A, J. SUTHERLANP, AGEljTfor the N'ew York Life Insurance Ocmpauy. A Oace od Hurón street. Also has on hand a stock of the most approTe 1 sewing machines . 885tf " GEORGE FISCHER, MEVT MARKEI- Huron Street- General dealer in Frest and Si 5(eats, Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hams Poutry, lrd, Tallow, &c, &ü. SCHOFF & MILLER. TiKALEBS ia Mis.cellapeovi, Sphool and Blank Books IJ tsftjner, Paper Hangiugs,'i:c., Main st., Franklin Bioct.' HIRAM J. BEAKES jlTTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, and Sohcitorin A Chancery. Office in City Hall Biock, over Webster'!, Book Store. . WÍL LEWITT, M. ü. PHYS1CIAN and Surgeon. Office at his residence north sid,e of Huron street. and second house west i,( Pjv&oG street. M. GUITERMAN & 00. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers and Manufacturera of Readr-Mada Clothing. Importers of Clofts, Cjs limeres, Doeskin i, Sc, No. 5, Phoenix Block, Main st WM. WAGNER. BEALER in Ready Made Clothing, Cloths, Cassimeres imiVestmgs, Hat?, Caps, Trunks, Carpet Bags, &c. PhoQix Block, Main street. SLAWS0N & SOnT" OROCERS. Provisión and Commission Merchants, and U Dtilers ín Water I.ime, Land Piaster, and Plaatei offris,onedoor past of Cook's Hotel. J. M. SOOTT. iïBaTVpE anfl Photograph Artisi , in the rooms oer Campioa'b Ciothidg store, Phoeuix Block, PerÍSclntisfaction giren. C. B. PORTER. JBMjEOU DENTIST. Office Corner of Main and Huron itrMti', orer Bach & Pierson's Store. All calis muftly attended to Aprl859 C. B. THOMPSON.. TjEALERia Dry Goods and Groceries, Boots andSiipfcs, ' 4e. Producé lïQiigiit and sold, at the old stand of ïunjoij & Milieu, Corner Main and Washington sts. MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS in Foreign and Domestic Dry Good, Groceríes, H;its and Caps, BoOts and Shqes, Crockery, ■, Círner of Main & Libertj ftt. O. A. KELLEY, I)ilOT03RAPHEK- Cornrr Fuiirlh & iluron streets. l i Arbcir. Canes frames an'l l'l,nfngYph Albums UStantlv on hand and at lower rate.s than can be Iwa'd tlsewherc. Iy891 ANDREAV BEL. rjïI.F.ft d (Triicèrii's", Provisiuns, Hour, Produces: ta., ie., coci;r Sfain and Washington Sireets, AnuArbor. The highest markut priccapaid lorcountry I. O. O. F. WiSHrENAW Lodgc, No. S, of the Independent Or" ier of OJd FellowB meet at Lodg'e Koom, "jFriday Evening , ai TA o'clook. 8. Son-diieim, N. G: ' 1'. B. Hose, Secy rKlNGSLËYr&" MORGAN. ATTOItEYsi Counsellors, Solicitors, and Notariep ■ PabliCjhave Booksand Plats sL.owing titlès'of all llQiiin the County, and attund to convoyaneing and 'necting(Jc[natid,and to paying taxes and school inl'fstinny part of the state. Office east c f the park. D. DeFOREST. WllOLE3ALE and rctail dealer in Lumber, Latb, ..' Slunjles, 8ash, Doors.Blinds, Water Lime, Urand "f PI4er, PlaUer RartS, íud Nails ofallsizes A , l;l;"l perfect assortdieat of the above, and all other "'"ifbuiHinsr meteríais eontanty on hand at the Rst !rHsibI rate.s,on Detroit st'.,a fpw rdsfromthe "il l)e,,„t. [s0 „perating extensively in the '"Ceinonl Roofing. HOWARD ASSGCIAÏION, riIILADELPIltA, PA. rleneí8rthe IMervous, Seminal, Urlnary " "I Sexual Systcni- pew and reliable treatnK-in Of the UOWABD ASSppiATION- ?" br mili in oaied letter envéldpa, ftee of chafge. "M,Dr.J. 8KILLIN HOUGnTO.V. HowsriJ AssoeT ""!m. ïïiaih ïftati, rhlt, l'a: W.vl


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