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-A New York respondent says, speaking of coniie wrU :ers, it is svonderful how fnon thsy ' play out " here. A man gains notqt ïety in some Western State by opening d new vein of fun. Hè is extensively re pnblialied, and is soon astonished to ïnd himself farnoua. Itninediately he haslens to the metropolis, shioes for a short time, and th,an djsnppears, and no ono inquires after him. The truth is, tbiit the vein tsoon beeomes exhausted, and if the finder has not accumulated dust enough whilo his lnck lusted, he returns to the coijntry, or eettles down as a literary hack. Dociiticks last attempls were wretchedly faeble. Nothingof the kind can last long, and it is well for the fortúnate writer who knows how to tuke the iide at tie ñood and gef nh,ead as far as he can b'efore it leaves him. Artemus Ward made a sensation, but not a great deal of mooey. Ha had sunse enough to. knovv that his stylo of wriiing must soon exhaust hiui, or pall upon the tnste of the public ; and he improved his oppoi'tunity, b.L'fore lijs. star coald begin to wane, by ootnmencing to tullí to the publie instead of writiug to thetn. In this line he has suooeeded remarkabl.V flell, and, as he ia able to eiiango liis audiences as ho ptewe?, will probubly leathcr his nest pretty wariüly bcforo ho 's " played out." O. 0. Kerr, the vivacious historian of the Mackcrel Brigade, has diaappoared f'rutn the public eye, havirig run off with or having been run off by, Miss Adah Isa;ics Mcnken. The twain are sojouruiog in California, where Adah is " starring " it, and no more fun eau be expeeted Vom Orpheus, as life is too 6erious with him now. L"2" ï'ie SpauiarJs have a píovcrb : ''The stoue fit fur a wall will not lio oa the road." Prepare yourself for sotnetliing bcttor, and souiething better ml come. The groat art of si;oceas is to ba able to Bt'ize the opportuuity offered. - Cheerful, patiënt porseveranca in your lawful calliug will best help you to do this. "He that hath, to him shall bo giveu, aud hé bliall have abucdauce." l1 The readiest und bost way to öüd out what future Juty will bc is to u'o W"cfBt duty.


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Michigan Argus