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t___ __ - " "oüÑtFbible society. ÏP05ITORY of BiblM and Testament, at the So J)KcPt "nces atJVV. C Vüorhe__ jÖT WATTS & BRO. g-ARg „ docks, Watehes, Jswdry and SiWer )e M„ 22, New Iilock, AnnArbor. ' C. BLISsT" [) "No. 22, New BlocVAnnJlrbor, ""olOlILLÊNr ntKVSÜ in D'ï Go("is' 5rocl-ries' CrockcI7 &cIJ inl.StreetAno A.bor, PHILIP BACH. TvEMM ,nT)ryfi..o.l.Grocories Boots h Shoes, JJ i-c. Main st„ Ann Arbor. 7)TüÖLLIEït. l rANCFlCTlRKR .and dealer in Bootsend Sqjis, one JVl do.T north of the Post OIBce. - N. B. COLÉ!" ÍALF.R n Boots & Shoes, Rubbers, ie. Franklin l) Block, Huil. Street, Ann Arbor. _____ f_SDOÑr& HENDE 118 O N. HEiLEBS in Hardware, Stoves house furnishing U ?oois, Tin Ware, kc , te., New Block, M.n st. GEO PHAY, mTÖT PHYSICI VN and Surgeon. Resideuce ind offiee on Detroit strfttít, uear the Depot. 0. C. SPAFFÖRD. I-ANITAC1TRER of all kinds of CoQQpgr Wjifk !u Citï Cooper Sliop. Custom work done on short jotice. Detroit Street, Ann Artor. A, J. SUTHBnLMÖ, iGENTfor the .N'e.v Yr.rk Life Insurance Company. A O;ce on lluroa Street Also has ou haod a stock cf the rai.-t iipprove l sewing machines. 885tf GEORGE FISCHER. MEAT MARKJT- Hurón SWeet- Beheríl dealer in Frcsh and Salí Meats, Beef, Mutt.m, l'ork, Hams, Poultry, l.ard, Tallovr, i:c., &c. SCHOFF & MILIiKH. ■HEALERS 'M Miseellaneous, School and Blank Books. II Siathnery , Paper Hingings.&c, Mainst-, Franklin Block HIRAM J. BEAKES ■ nORNEY nd Counapllor at huw. .ind Solicitorin A Cnanoery. Office in City Hall Biock, over Webster's Boot jlóre. WM. LEVVITT, M. D. ■nHTSICIAN and Surgeon. Office at his residence, [ n-trili siiie of Hurnu street. and second house west ;f División street. M. GUITERMAN & CO. ' lITilOI.ES.VLE and Retail Dealers and Manufacturers lf of Red y-SIado Clothing. Imporlers of Cloths, Casjiiperes, Uoöskios, te, {o. t, hcBnix Hlock, Main st. WM. WAGNER. llEALES in Ready Mide Clothing, Clnths, Cassimcres, ITind V..,tings, Hatí, Caps, Trunks, Car pet Bags,&c. Uaix Block, Main ttreet. SLAWSON & SON. p ROCE HS, Provisión a"nfl Coraraïssion MerchantB, ind U üealersin Water Lime, Land Piaster, aaii Piaster 3' Paris, oae door east of Cook' HotelJ. M. SCOTT. JMB80IYPE and Photogiaph Artisi. inthe room oiwfiaiupiou'a Clotbjngstoe.')Iibij i)).ock. Per■tlitiifactiongiven. G. B. POSTER. ÍIBGEON DENTIST. Office Corner of Main and Iluron itrets, over Bach & Pierson's Store. All calis rtmptlyattended to Aprl859 ,0. B. XH.OJ1PSON. TEALERin Dry Goods and Grocpries, Boots andShoef!, " &c. Produce bought and sold, at the vd stand of ompion t Millen, Corner Main and Washington sts. mack & schmTdT DEALERS in Foreign ar.d Domestic Dry Good, Groce. ries. Ilats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, ,., Corner of Main & Liberty sts. öTa. kelley, PHOTOGRAPHEKr-CornerFourth & Iluron streets, Aq Arbor. Cases franjes and Photograph Albums MDstantly on hand. and at lower rates than can be 'and elmwhere. Iy891 ANDR-BW BELL. jEALpR in Gruceries, Proviions. Flour, Produces, M ., &c.', corner Main and Washington StreetB, ln Arbor. Tte hishest marlat pVicés paid lö'rcountry producé. "■'" 886 I. O. O. F. IPASHTENAW I-odge, No. 9, of the IuóVpendent Or lier of OM Feilows meet at their Lodge Room, ,-'JPriday Eveninïf, at ï 'A o.'clock. " ■ 'So.vDiiEiM, . ;. p. B. Rose, Secy KSNÖSLEY & MORGAÜT. ARMEYS, Connsellors, ?nlicitors. and Notarles A ïubüc.have Books and Plats showing titles of all sirithe Oouuty, and atterul to coQvejaneing and ' ciingijr-rcaail: , ;ind to (inving taxes and school iri, ""aaijy'part of the;::i;'. Offlce east of the park. ïïTïËFOREST. ■WH0_E?__E and retail dealer in Lumber, Lath, ,. Sl)in?les,Sash, Doors.Blinds, Waterl.ime, Grand 2íUter,íi$trPa__rpnid Nails ofallsizes. A . 'and perfect assortment of theabove,nd allother ! i fb"illl'"l? "".ateríais constantly on har.f' at the ' 'poisiblo rates, on Detroit st..a few rodsfromthe SB Pépot. Also oper&tinK extensively in tjie ■lte"tftrac„t. Roo_ag. HOWARD ASS0CIATI0N, PHILADELPII!A,PA. T)''tll_ortho Neryous, Semjnal, UHnary 'MitMal Systcjtti's- ew nv reliaf fe-treatCtk 'íKíorts of the "IJOWARD ASfiöCJATION- H. rmaili"lealed lettr envelopep, fre ofbbarge. 'Ml, Dr. J. 8KI__!N H0UGHT0N. Hoard Asoeia '-V-3E,xithN_1th_}rt, Phit., Tt. I6y!


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