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How Vegetation Influences Climate

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That chmate controls vegetation in a great degree, is quite evident, and }t s equally irue that vegetation itself has a marked effect upon the cliraate. In the first plaee, it exerts an influence on the wind. Where the hird is bare of trees the wind has an unobstructed sweep; and where this prevails, and is violent, the olimate is not ouly unpleasant to man and beast, but is uufavorable to vegetation. Western farmers kuow how this is upon their broad unsheltered prairies, aud New Englanders know how t is along their bleak sea coasts. The only way to grow handsome and healthy trees in suuh loealities, is first to surround qne's farm or garden with a belt of stïong, ooarse trees, like the wiilow, silver poplar, aud evergreens. Outside of sueh eraaïit barrjer, the trees aud shrubs, if planted, grow lop sided, Jgan and stunted ; inside, they stand erect, well developed and vigorous. Withcut thig proteetion there is the unpleasantness of having a gale forever blowing about one's ears, the ceagplegg roar of the wiud around the dwelliog, the rattle of wiudows and doors, the inereased consumition of fire fuel, and the discoiufort of cattle in all seasons, but especially in winter ; put these and the like thiugs together aud we find that whatever serves to break the violenee of the wind, or to change its direct on, is a thing of considerable importance. It sbould uot be forgotten that air in motion produces more ehiliiness than the same air at rest. Wet your finger and hold it up in the still air, and you will hardly feel the oold ; but swing it about, and the hand will be rapidly chilled. The difference between the clitnate of a windy región ;;ni one sjieltered froin driving currents of air, is equally great Again, vegetation effects ulimate by limiting cvaporation of Moigture. - Many years ago, Humboidt declared that men in all climalep by stripping the hills of trees, where prepariug themselves new ealamities, viz : tho want of fuel and the want of water. The evaporation froin trees produces a oool and nioist local atmosphere. The overhanging boughs preveut the too rapid evapora tion of moisture froni the ground and its dissipation by wind. The sourccs of nearly all brooks and creeka are to be fouud in springs among the liills, and by cuttjng off the trees which have always overshadowed them, the moisture, is rapidly evaporated, and the Hprings lowered, if iitit dried up. ïixpeiience is continually demonstrating this. Kvery old farmer will teil us that his springs are loss copieus now than they were thirty years ago; and so of the various streums, large and small. - The rains fall, perhaps, in nearly their former afeuDdarice, but they come oftener in terrents, which sweep down the hillsides unobstrueted by trees, brushwood and low vegetation aud pour thernselves into the streams of the yalley, producing freshets and burtful inundatlons; and so we go, fr.sra freshets to drouths, and heavy rains to long periods of arid, parcbing dryness. In some parts of Europe, so great harm bas followed the destruetion of forests that lecislation has J been oajled in to stay their demolition and to promote the planting of new. - American Agriculturist. B_ The nest thing to a tajr on lyïng would be a tas on gravestonen.


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