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Whither Drift We?

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Read the following frank avowal of tho Boston CommonwoaUh, tbe organ of Senator Sdmner, and of course endorsed by all radical Republicana, and teil us what Í3 to becomo of our boasted system of free elections : "We do no find fault with the saaoHinery used to carry Marylaod and Peleware. Having uearly lost control of tlie House by its blunders in the conduct of the war from Marcli 1861 to the fall of 1862, the administraron owed it to the eouiitry to recover tbat control somehosv. ïo recover it regularly was impossible ; so irregularity had to be rcsorted to. - Popular institutions will no4 suffer, for the copperhead element will mako a uiuch arger number of members in both branches than it ia cutitlcd to by its popular vote. Ohio, with its nine thousand rejublican Majority. will be represen ted by ive Republicana and a dozen or more copperheads. It is fitting tbat thia misrepresentation of popular sentiment in the great State of the West should be offset if riecesíary, by a luyal delegatiou Vons Maryland Öelaware, won even at he expenso of military inicrference. If aws are sileut the clank of arms, we must take care that the aggregate public opiuioa of the country obtains lecognition, som.eb.ow or other," How niucb. "irregularity" will the administration cansider necessnry, in view of ''its blunders," lo carry the nest Presdeutial eleotion ? We n,k the cjuestion n all seriousness, tSF The lst Cavalry, Col ïown, and Gth Iufantry, Col. Welch, have ar rived home since our last, and reeeived a hearty welcome from their friends. - Cho men" have bwn furloughed for thirty lays, atter which thü lst Cavalry will retidezvous at Kalamazoo, and the lGth .nfantry at East Sagitiaw. The lst Diivalry oomes back with 360 men, 4and he 16th Iufantry with 270. Both have een much hard servioo, and officers and nen have won an enduring faino. - We hear it stated that the 3d Battery, and 1-tth Infantry have both enlisted iu the veterao corps and aro en route for home. L3f Iiatost advices frora Washington predict tjiat the 300 commutation clause will not ba stripken out of the enrollment bill. Numerous amendments are under discussion, and the prospects are that the amendatory bill wilj be some vceks in being matured. td A Union man, recently cscaped from service in the rebel War Departmynt at Richmond, writes the New York Tribune that it bas been decided to remove the rebel capital to Columbia, S. C. Needs cor.firnjation. L3jL" The free Prett saym that Col. Bakjjs hu been removed frorp the command of tho cojored regiment, ''Oh, what, teil ug what," will the cplored sokliera do ? CP It is innounoed tbatthe Eepublicans in Congress hnvc resolved to revive the "Conduct of' the War Cornmittee." It is to bo hopod that it will be reconstructed. The old comraitiee has cursed the country enough. L3T At a full meeting of the Democratie National Committee, held in New York on Tuesday evcning, it was determjned to hold the National Convontion in .Chicago on the 4th day of July. ..,-J-... tSP WlLLlAM MaKEPEACB TlUCKEray, a prominent English author, and known in oux country both as nn author and le:{rer, dúJ recently, aged dñ T(rt.


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