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TAÜSZEHXT TJFT ON' the 5th day of December a COW and CALF. Tlie Cuw about Hix ycars old, i-tl and white, and the Calf about six month olí!- a Iltifer. Thn owncr ir qoesteí 'u prove property, pay charge and take ."aid anímala away. KOAU STEVKNS. Lodi, Jan. 14th, 1884. 6w939. FAEM FOR SAIE! o rpHE uadersigned offers ter .ilobis Farm in Webster, 1 Wáahtesaw County, Michigan . Cnntains 196 acre, 100 aerea niproveil, bèsidei ibout '25 acres or' Rood maruh meadow land. Has n good orchard of grafted fruit, a good frame house, barn and MiM. DAVID TI10M IS Wabster, Jan. Uth, 1864. '" ÍS qftéé' "'."" MY Wife ELIïA havjg leit 93 bid. a..i(I bpirj witliout reaaonaUle caui, I-Hbll paj i.o debt of her contracling. HEÍRY M.TRIPr. Faline.Jan. 14th, 1364. rownell & Perrin, 6E1VL mmum mercuwts, 183 South Wïter Strei-t, CiipAGO, ILLINOIS. Dealers, in G.rain, Flour, Pro%-isions, Peecb, Green an4 riel Fruits, Gicler% $$. Beferences; I'reston, WUUrd k Keen, Chicago. Potiford & Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. tK. Piirticular flttention 'ir en to the aalfi of Green nmllrTned Fruits, Cider, c Order for the purchase of Clover anti TirnotLy Soe-.l. Cut Meats, &c, prompt] v at tended 1ü ífacc mpaoied wiïh caali or satiatactorr referencf. 9"9tf U. S. INTEENAL REVENDE TAX AND LÍCENSE NüTICE. THIRD DISTRICT OF MICHIGAlf. l lime of paymont Extended in consequence of the late Severe Storms ínterrupting. the Mails. ïïotipe ij hereby given that nll Taxon, Duties anj LiQen&eg assessod upon persona resiilino; or doing bufinnsa in the Tliirj Collec tion District ot' Miohigan, havo become due and payable, and that I shall attend in person, or by Dep-ity. tp receive pnyment of aifj Taxes, Duties nd Licenscs. ut tlio followin nained places, on the days liert'in specjfied : Washtenaw Ctmnly. 8tii división - At the Deputy's office, in Chelsea.for the towns of Lyndon, Svlvan, Sharon, Mancliester, Bridgewater and Freedom. from the llth to. the 3üth of Janunry, 18C4, exesptin the 19th and SOtli, nhon the Deputy will beat the Manchester Hotel, n Aianchester, for th accomodation of perrons i:i ihat part of the División. Daniel O. Fenn, Deputy. 9tu Divisio.v - At the Deputy's office jn Ann Arbor, for Ihe city of Ann Ai'bor, and for 'the towns of Ann Arbor, Norlhfield, Web8'r, Dexter, Lima, Scio and Lodi, from the llth to the 30th of January, 18G4, excepting the 19th, when the Deputy will be at the Bently Hotel, in Dexter, for the accommodiiof persons in that part pf [he Divisipn. AnluitEw Bem,, Di'puty. lTu División - At the Stoi-e of Shcwerman & Bro., in Ypsilanti, fur ;he city o.f Vpailaiili, and for the towns of Silcm, Superior, Ypsilanti, Fittsfield, Aupusta, York and Saline, from the lltR to the 30rh of January, 1864, exeepting the 19th. when the Deputy will be at the Store of David Blnckmar, of Saline, for accommodation of persons in that part of the División. Cicero Millington, Deputy. N. B. - The Kxeiee Laws require that 10 percent, beadded to all sum? due and unpjid after the days herein mentioned for payïnent, and thut nll taxes be paid in Treasury Notes. IRA MAYHEW, Cqllector Ihird Ilistriot of Michiian. Aluion.Jan. 7,1864. 939vr2 Family Dye Colors. FOR D.veing Rilk, Woolen and Mixed Goods, Sbawln, Scarts, DressCK, lïibbons, (iloves, noj:ntg, Hata, Feathern, Kid Gloves, Ohildren's Clothin'g, ' and 11 kinds of Weariog Apparel fS-A SAVIiG OF 8O PER PüiKIT-O For 25 cents jou can color as many pgí.dfí as would otherwise cfist five times th'at fiiim. tartus pbades can be produced f' om the sarne Vje. The proe.sí ís t-ijnple, and any oue can use the riye with perfect sucPirectume in English, French anl Germán, insido of each pftckage, For fuilher informalion In Djeinp, and rivin? a perff t kaowledge wht colors ure bent adapted to dye over otbers, (with many valuaftle recipes,) purchate liowe & Stcpbens' ïreatise on ilyeinif aiid ColoriDg Sent by ranilon receipt of price- 10 cents. Manufuctared by HOWE fc STKVÍ.NS, ïliO il(..aM, Bastm. VmatUhf lrggisfiaiVrïi(i-Filj 9m


Old News
Michigan Argus