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"Ataúle w oa her lip- health w la hor loot, stringtU wu Is hor stop, aad Inhtt hani-sj"iBttlon UltUrt" i S-T-186O-SL 1 A ftv bottlw of FlaataUoa Biítwa WU oujw KerrouF íleadacbe. ( ColdExttemitiesandf'everf&li Llpik " Sour S$onm$ and Ftlid Breatu. " u Flatulency and JnJigtütiop, ' Nervoús Affections. ' H Exceasive Fatigue and Short Brealh. 4( Pain over the eye. Mental Uesponüency" Prostration ; Groat Weakue9' ■ Sallow Complexión, Weak Bowelo, &c. Wiiich are tLe eWdencejí o LJVKR COMPLAINT AND DYSrEPSU It la estímate! tha.t evn-tea,th,i of, U vUlt aumenta ■ proceed from a díseased and torpid liver. The biliary j secrctions of the liver cveiflowing into the stcmacb poifloc tbe entiro sjsten and exhibit the above J toni liter loog research, we are able to present Ihergoöt remarkable cura for these horri? nightmare dift?aie tbe world haserer produce!. Witbia one year over six ( huudreU and íorty Ihousand persons have taken the i Plantation Bitters , and not aa lustance of cemplsünt ha? 1 come to our knowlcdge t Itía a mOBt effectuul tome and agre t-ab le fltimulant suitedto all eouditions of life. The report that it reJlea upon mineral au batanees for lts active properties, are wholly false. For the public aatisfaction, and thst patit-ntfl moy coDSult their physiclana, we append a of its componente. Calisaya Bark- (.'elebrattd for over two bundrvd yearsin the treatmeflt of Fever and Vgue, Dyspepsia, Wealrneas, &c. It was introdued into Europo hy tbe ConutGss, wifeof the Viceroy of Peru, in 1640, and afterwardssold by the esuits for du cnormtnis priee of iif men yptight in silvcr, under the name of Jeenh'Ê Povders, and vas finaily made public by Louis XVI, King ' of Franse. liumbolt makes special reference to its i rifugo quaülie.i during hja South American travel. ' Cascarilla Babk - For Dlarrhoea, colic and uiaesaes ' of theatomach and bowels. , Daxdblion- For inflamnution of the loína and drop , sical afTcCtioc. CuAMuiiiJLK klowkrs- Forenfeebled digestión, Lavk.vdkk FlowkRs - Aromatic stimulant and tonic highly invigoratipg in nervous debilicy. WiXTKHOpKKN- For' fcrofulat rheumatitm, &c. Anjs;p- An aratje' parniipativè ; creating flesh, muacle and nilk ; m'uch usedVy inothersijurïag. Alao, cJuTö-buds, orüüga, ctiiraway, root. &c. ö- T- 18C0-X. Anotber wonderful ingrediënt, of Spanish origln, Impariing beauty to tbe complexion and bniliangy to tb iniad.isyet unknown to th commerce of the if prld , and we witbbola its namt for tho present, IMPORTANT CKRTIFICATE3. Küchester iV. Y. Ltcrmbrr 8, 1861. Mesara. P.H. Dkakk ft Co - I have been L ffreat suffer er f rom Dyapepsia for three or f our years aud had to abandwu my profeSBion . About tliree montbs ago I tfjed tb,eíanlatioB Bitters, and to my great joy, I am now nearly a vfell nan. lbHve recommended tbem ín sevsral cases, and, Halar asi know, alwaya ffith ignal Tam'respectfullyyQurs, RFV J. 3. CATHRON. Philadtlphia, lOíA AfopiA, ITíA Da?, 1862RhkPkcted Frikxd : - My daughter baB been ipuch beuefitted by the use of thy Plantation Bitters. Thou wilt aeud m two botiles mure. Tby Friend, ASA CüRBIN. Sherman Home, Chicago, íll. Feb. 11, 1862. Meaars. P.H. Dkakk .Co.. - Pleate send us anotber twelvü caaes of your Plantation Bitters. As a morning appetieer, they uppear to have euperceded everyxhíng eUe. and are gronWy esteemed. Yours, itQ. GAGE & WAITE. Arrangemenis are now completed to aupply any demapd for tbis article, whicb f rom laek of government stamp has not her e tof ore been possible. Tüt public may nat aasm&d that in no cas will the perfectly pure standaid of the Planjittion Bitters bu departed trom. Every bottlt bcar the fac simile of our signaturtona tUtlpUte evgraving, or if ca7nutbegtvtuint. Sold by all Druggists, Gropers and Dilers through out tbe countrv. P. H. DRAKB & CQ. 22mC 202 BROAPWAY, N. Y. SAPO1VIFIER, OR CONCENÏRATED LÍE, FAMILY SOAP MAKERVV IV mnkes hib pricM ; faponifjer lelps to reduce tbem. It raake-a Soap for Fottr cents a pound by usinyyour kitchi-n grease. jíSf CAUTIOiV ! As spunous I.yes are offrred alsoj be ca-eful and ouly buy the Pa tent cd article put up in Iroti WQS, all others being Coiititrriirlf s. Pennsylvania Saït Manufacturmg Co. ]lhiladelphia- Ne. 12" Wal nut Street. Pittsburg - Pitt Street and Puquosne Way. The Great French Kemedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CELEBIUTED SILVESCOATEI) FEMAI-K PILLS. The onlv certain and Safe Remedy for all UterineObstructionfl, Mouthly Difiïculties, Irregulürities, and all the other diseases to whicb the Woman, Vfifa and Mothur is peculiur] KaUe. Tbese rins contain no doleteriouR ingredipntp, but are safo and certain in their acti n. They wil bo fuund to exert the happiest effect in all cases of Prolapsus Uteri, Ín Iucorrhea, or tbe Whites ; they will be found the easiest aftd ipoBt certain Cure tbat can be Jound. It is on account of this certrirty tbey ahould not be taen bv Pregnant P't-raales (iuring the Jirst thrtc mo?itkp, as mhcarriage i$ certain,) to be brought ou, but at other periods their use is perfectly saie. N.B. - One Dollar enclosed to any auttnrjzed Agent, will eniurp paokage of I'ills by return of mail. C. CROSBV, General Agent, Fort Eiie, C. W., Buffalo, N. Y. CAtTrox.- Beware of Counterfeits, the penuine bars the J'iiïnatureof C. CROS.BY, on tbe outside wrapper, Fr wale by all respectable Druggists. Iyeow922 An 1.NTXHKÜT1NG Letter. - Víegra Post Jt Bruff, AfÁnta N. Y,Lani(ary Society, Rochester.- Gents . I deem it duo to you stat the magicil eift'ct of that one boitle of Peoplea Cnrewhichl obtaincd from you ia November lust. iteeing tbe advertisement oí your Po. ciety ofTeriug to give your uioJicine to clergymeu for tbc ponr of thi-ir parUliffl, I ortained a bottle fora poor girl of my eongregaiion, wbo had long been nearly help lesa frota Tbeum&tÚHa , and strange to say , that cue botóle pgro her i-otitely. I write this tópioy it may. aid thp %,f,Hity in i ciurts to introduce ihe medicine, and blees tiliofie whomsyneed such a remtdy ; and I ue Ktrong term, as J i-lieve itfi znerits will fully justify i the tüfipt superiAtlvp i'orru.K of speech. ïoura, Respectfully, c. r. wilk;xs, Pastor of Lhe First Prosbyterian Churcb 922yl Pittsford, Monroe Co N. Y. GOOD TKÊE IS ENÜWN SY ITS FRUIT. tío u gooit Physiciafl by hifi -'uccepsíiil WorkÍB, PROFESSOR g. J, LYONS, THEGIÏEAT ANO CKI.KHRATED PIIYSICIAN OF THE THHOAT, LUN'GS AND CHEST, Known all over the coantri as the Celcbrateti INDIA N HERB DOCTOR! From ifouth America, will be at hitj roomR, KUbSKLl. HOUSE, DEÏKÜIT, OnthclSlh and 19th lot. ,on the mme dsle of and ovcr' biibsequênt moi)th duriog 1832 and 18b3 A NE AT I'AMI'HLET Of the Iife,study and extm.-iive u-avels of Dr. Lyons can b procured by allivhoflesireone, froe of chtrge. Pr. L will visit Adu 4rbor, Jacksoa.and Ainnn, Mth.,asfollow : Ann Arbor, UooHor House. "Oth. Jackson, Hibbard House, ülst Adrián, Brackett IJi use,3Jd and 23J. SIode of Examixation - The Doctor discerní dinesMB bytheeyes. He, thereforp, asks no qiictions nor rq'iireB patiënt to explain iymptcm. Afflictcd, cerne andhave your ymptoms and the location of jour disaseexplained frea of cl.arg '■ ■ JIPTIIEKIA.' DK. DEGLUBLlg DIPTHERIA SPE.CIPIC. CERTAIN CDRE FOR DIPTHERIA AND CRflDP. In Ihe past yer oT-r 200 CASES OF DJBTHSRIA in and around Rocacstor, N. Y., CONSIDERED II jPE LLSL, have been curtd wíth this medicine. Namee and reslaeaoes can be given. allTmphysicians ihere now pseii1. It never bas fiiled to curo I GH a bottle ; it cotts bO couïn. For Balft by EBEBBACB & CO. FrsprJ bU sold by :yO13 W. E. SEQiNER, RochBer, 9, 7. Ayer's Sa-rsaparilla." Buífilo Testimony. TBE TTDT7 Cures PEOPLE'9 UUKIi Rheninatiam. "I waa troubled ffith Kbeum .tism for two yeara, Buffering moreor lesa erery day. T have taken two bottlesoftbe'Peopiea Cure,' and liare not had any pain nuce I left it off more tlinn tour "weeks ftgo. I c: naider njyself an entiruly curtid, aiiil the' medicine bas made e feel very liflit anO gwd-runt llk young man tbough I am ixtr two yeara oíd. ' CODÍRKY SCHMTEL, Q2 H(,!hfcaa St." "My wife hng bcen suff riña: from Rher.niDtlFin of an i nfiammatory ctntrneter for abouf sis oz seven year Bomytimefl very acutely. About thefirat of une tast abe commenced taking the 'Peopie's Cur?,' p.Bt] continued to tíike i; some tbree weeks. En ten dayn after sbe cojnmenced, the swellingand filiffnees of het iolnts ver; ntiteruiU leíaened, and Ín tbreo weeka liad, disappeored altogelber. "THOMAS POIXOCK, (at XV. EL GImit'.) "Búllalo, October 1, 1862," THE "'TTD'C1 Cures PEOPLK'3 J ftlh Fever Sores. "Two of o ir subscril ( one of tliera fifllicted w!tb a bad Fever Sore. the otber wjth RbeumatlsmhaTing aeen tbe advertihemeut of the 'People'á Cure' in tilia paper, purclilHed the Medicine, and now, efter baving thor ougbiy trieii it, rpport to U8,commen(lint it most beartily a a thorouh reiuedy in tbeir caae.- "Editora Cbrlatian Advocate. THE "'TTT5 1? Cures DIseaaea' PEOPLK'3 Vy U XV Cj of tbe Skin. "líy face hita for moro tjmn ten yeara beeu(freatly disöcured bv truptionsand buncbi'fi, which nt timen extended over'my whole tt)iy.and once fur tl ree dwys made me entirely blind ; but baviug taken two bottlew of the 'People'a Cure,' my acquaíntances hanily recognize me- Indeed 1 hardly kuow myself ai I im m.w awellman. Let all wbo are olike RSlicted try tbe 'l'eople's Cure,- i lie Medicine preparéis by theSsnitary Society- arjd I tLiuk thev ill not bogrudge tbeir dol "JOSEPH SOUR, Turner, llecbanlo St "Buflalo, Nov. 10, 1S62." THK PTTDT? Cure; Scrofula fc l'KOPI.K'3 LUIVEj SaltRheum. "I bttTCus-idthe'People' Cure' In my fnmily with grcut bpne;:. a ca-en of S-rofula and Salt Rheum,and have' récóuimeSded it frequently to my f-iends, all of wbom 1 bellere bare beeu beuefltted, and muat of tliem entir-íly cured by it. CHAS. SCHARFF, 273 Main St.,up-sta!r." THE rifTnT,1 Cures Female PF.Ü1 LE'S l U lV Vj Weakneases. (I have heen ín feeble heáltii ever since the blrth of my boy, who la now twe'.ve yeara oíd. ï bave had many truubleaand difflcultiea, a!l tbis time, unfitting me for everykittl of labor, and deiitrpving all my com fort, Last nummer I commenced takipg the 'People' Cure,' and liave used four bettles, and sm now almost awell woman. My diflicultiea have neájrly 11 disap ocared.andl feelcheeriul nnd happy. ' , "MRS. CaTHARÏ.NE DESALO, Dressmaker, Goodell Alley, aboveTujjper at. "Boffalo, Oct. 20, H62." THE TTDTi1 Cures when otber PEOPLK'3 VvUriüi mediqinea faij "Mr wife has been In poor bealth fur a long tiire liaving frequently to cali a phvs.cian to attend Ler; bit ahe wh3 recently verv mucb worse. For nve or six oí jfith the consumption, when Irien.l adv!ed ber to take tbe iPeoplen'p Cure, ün taking üie niediciu? be perceived a cbange at once. On the thlrd dayahe haí recoveied her appetite, end waa faat regaining her tn-ngth, until, on the eigbth day, r.ot yet having taken oae bottie, ahe has stopped taljipg tbe medinme saying she waa aa well aa anvbody coald be, and ahe baa continued so ever since. "PAUL KLF.IK , Girdner, 82 Pp! it. "BuflUo, October 1, léCS." For Sale by all Drugsiats. 22y1 . C. CRO.-:BY, General Agent, No. 255 Mam at., Buüalo, lít Y , to whom ail ordera sbuuld be addreased. For Ssle tíf Sübdiss i: Wilso.v, Oíusxtille St FuLLEa, and C. EbskbíPB i Co. WONDERFÜL SUCCESS. ffT The nttention and research of tlie most Gintiuguialied Qhemtsta and Phyaicians for years haf beendevoted tuthf pruductiorí of remed}' for those morit.iistre3Sing iualadies Nkl'kalcia atjd Ríiecmt üu. Aíter long study aud many experiients, a specific preparatiov lias been discovüre'l. WA'Í'SOH'S Neuralgia Internat Remcdy,í curing tkousfíudt of cases wliereall other remedies have utterly failed. We re asnurerl thatit i no mere " ANUDYNK," reheyipg Uf the mnment wiiilctho cause remains, but is a perfect. HPtCIFlCand CURK for .hose painful disensef. The vast numtoer of Liniments, Embrocaiions and iíxternal Medicines, which act as stimulants of the surface only, are merely tenipormy in theír effects and of doubtíul virtuo The NEUKÁLGIAiívIKG reachea the source of ail trouble, aud offöctually bauishea the dísease from thesystem, pyi'oe - Oue Dollar per Bottie. Prepared by C. R. WAJ.KER, 1)922 BLiffaio,N.Y.,ana Fort Erie, C. W. For Sale b SrRmnxs & Wilson, Gbenvillk & Fcllkr, and C . Kheubjku & Co. 0 "ahe youIñsükédT" IF KOT CALL ON O, ÍES. ÍVEXJLiISKr, Agrnt for the folioing firtit-class Comptniei, Home Insurance cf New York, Cash Capital orer Ouo aud a Half Slíllioni Dollars, CONTINENAL INSURANCE CO. Of New STork, Capitíil nvor One V)V.n of Dollars In thitt Company tbe Iusured particípate in tlie profil. CIT-Sr FIBE I3STS., CO., of líartford. Capital ovcr Tbrec Uundicd Thouí.mtl Dollar. C If. MH.LKN'. MStl Main Street Aun Arbor. fiW AH í? ty1 lJ ?timï Toba eco ! Tobacco ! i am seiíi;;g GOOD FINE CUT CHEWING TOBACCO Atfrom Fifty cents to $1 per pound. SMOKTNG TOBACCO, From 1 1 cents to 20 cents per pound ai M. DEVANY. Aun Arbor, Micb., Ijec. 17, 1862. 883tf Jjtássoltition TVotlce, mHEFIRM OFCHAriN, WOOD & CO., we c!iBi)lTíd ljnnuary lö,18B3, by mutual'coneent. C. A.'phapís and A. B. Wood will settle tnefcount of the firm. C. A. Cba?in, A. B. Woo, V Ciwns, E. Weiíb. Ajbor, Joca 2i, 1C(3Coparíiierslilp. TÏE TINTIEEÍIGNED entareii isto prtnerilp Jo. .15,18.3, by the flrm n&me of Obapin & Co.,ani vil] coatítjue tbe buslüew of jjiaDafatv-ilng priatíc Asd wHppÍBg ppy. C. A. Otitttf', ' .Cíu!T ". . tiDjrr. í. i.jr,."2!)t'l4.1R %li! ! i. o i P ra. JOHN J. LYON'S FRENCiï PERIQDIGAL DROPS fHE QEA.T FEMALE SEQIJÏTOK, Aro tho only known remedy tlist will buc eeasfully and invariabiy restore and regúlate the fepale ytera, rmovinjp all irregulantiea.and producing bealtb, vig-oj nd striDgth. Lyon's Periodical Drops Are a fluid preparation, the only one of the kind ever discovered in t b ia outtry, and acts direotly on the partí affeeted, whilst pilla and powdera can only reach (hem as they work through sympathy. but not ut all direct and positive Are you auffcrinjj frosn a constant anxiety for the regular reiurn of nature' prescribec laws T Give youríelf no uneasinegs, for Lyon' Pe riodieal Dropa, if taken a day or two before Wie eïpecte d period, will poltively and in v'-niably regúlate ita coming, aa si;re as effect foMlvwa cause, aa certain aa dajlig'ut fpllow darííijeaf' Are you aick enfeebied by diieaae, or una ble to baar the labor and danger of increaae' Lyoii's Periodical Drops Come (o you s a blessing. fpr ia aot preven tion better tban cur.ï ]f reguUrly tafcen it is a eertnin preven tive.and Will save you naucli peril and many liouri of sufforing. Hav 3'ou been affliat:d for many year with complainta incident to the aex, 'tha have baffled the kill of physicians, and ar hurrying you on to an early grave? Lyon's Periodical Drops Are the moat reliabié regulator ever known and cure, like magie, all tho-e irreguloritit that have defied thedoctor'a skill Will jou wnnte away with euöerinj fron I-euoorrl.cBii, Prolupaui. Rjamenorrfcoea, anc. a thousftnd other difiioultie, all aumtned u under ihe name of aupprea8ed and obstructed nature, wien gn jpveütment of on dollar in Lyon's Periodical Drops wijl aurely save you. J)o not use the riropa when forbidden in the directiona, for althougli a positive cure, and liiiriniess at all other timea, they are go poweriul and finely enlrulated to acjust and gov! ern Ihe functicma of the sexu&lorganism, that ! if taken at itnprooer times, thpy vould produce reíults contrary to nature, against which all, particularly thoee whu would reprpduce, ehould carefully guard. Lyon's Periodical Drops Cannot harm the most delicate constituties at any time ; vet the proprietors wíbó tp guard against ;ts niisune, hoping tlint a thousand bottlcs will be used for a good purpoe where ons is used for an Ilegitímate one. Lyon's Periodical Drops, t ie never-failinft Female Regulator, is for sale by evcry Druggist, in both ci;y and country, nnd do not, if you valueyóur heallh and wish for a reliable medicine, buv nny other. Take no ether, but if the Drüggist to whoin you apply bas not got it, make hira aïnd and get it for jou. C. G. CLARK&CO., PEOrBIETORR, JVeio Havtn, Conn, At Wheleealo by D. 5. BARNES CO., New Tork. GÍ5O. C GOOUWIN & CO , Boton. FAKKAND, SliELJiY & 00 , Detroit. m ft o P f 'S h i f i P5 QQ P P 5


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