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TH2 American Collectïrig Agency, No. 240 Broadway, New York. Claims of all klrtdfl atratnSt the Onenil Government State ti.'vprn nent. th ( ;ity. t privat párUes. pronecuted and collected at y erpenee and r.ijfa Agaiust private partios I poess superior facilities forcoHpetinffdíiimserer.vTihMre in thi t'nited State and Cañadas, r.'licviug iniTc-liMtits, fcwtgbeés, banken and otuers, ol the cai e and.aU repyonsilHiity . SpaQial attention given to old daMs, hard cases, di ror&s, wil5 , etítates, etc. Beinjr familiar with all t-lifttfcilsof the "■ JfnUrna Rcvenue Law,' willattead prompt ly to the coUention of drawbacks, and taxea o.v.espaid through ignoi o of the law. SoMieiV, and botmty feured for Miera or their boira. Kor that purpoe, and for prosecutiiij claims agaiuat the Government, I have a branch offic at Washington, o charge madounlesKcIainin are coi lected. All aoldiers difcharged by reaaon of wounds- hov ever shor: the timo tliey have served - are cGtitlid to On Ilundred Dollars Bounty. All soldiers haxRgserved entitled to the Mme. ■455U Tho higheat market price will fe# paid foj nnï dieiV claims, aud other demands agajast the Genera Government. Information and opinions given, and investiiritiot made without charge ,upou cUiaja pro,)ioedto bo place in my hands. Fprpirfciculrs. aditveup H. HIWTINGTON LEE, 900tf No, 240 Broadway, N. Y THE KOÖT8 AND THE LEAVES WÍI.L b for tb' Hcalii.g of the Nations. Bible. rrof. H.. ÍT. X-5TO3XISt, THE OIRKAT AND CKLEBRATED 1'HYSICIAN of th TllKO,vl',l,rNGS. I1KAI1T, LIVhR ANII TJIE BLOOD Knowu allover thfeountry as the CBLERKATED IKTI3IA.3Sr HEHB DOCTOB 1 üf '282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Wül visit the following places, viz Ar'l'OINTMKXTS FOR 1862, 1863and 1SB4. Trof E. .1. Lyona can bu consulted at the ffiiittainir places evury niouth, viz: Detroit, HuRscl House, each nontb, lStlianii 19th. Ann Arbur, Muuitor, each month, t'Oth Jackson, liibhanl Houe, earli moirth, 21. Adrián, iíraejat Hou.vf, each monlh 'ñ and23d. Tolfdo, Ühio,Culhns House. ech muntb 24tl 25th and 2tHh. HilUitale, Micli. jllillsflale House, each mnnth 27th OoHtwatrr, Mich., Suuthern Michigan House, each month, 28th. Elkhnrt, Klkhart Houüp, pach month , 29th. Srmth Bend, lud., St. Jo. lintel, each month, 30. Luporte, Ind., Tee Garden Jïüuse, eacli month 31st V..oMer, OhiO.Craudell likohauge, each month, 7tb andgth. Maii.siicM, Obio, Wiler Uouto, each month 9th and 101b. Mt. Vernon, Kenyon House, each month llth and 12th. ' Newark, Ohio, Holton House, each month 18th and Htb, Faiuesville, Ohio, Cowles House, each ruontb 4th U.LVI.LANU, OHIO. RESIDENCE AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET K.ast of the public square, oppotnte the Poatoffice Office days each month, iHt, 3d, 4th, 5tbf 6th, J5th.Oüico huurs trom 9 A, M. to VZ M, and from 9 I'. M. to 4 P. M. OnSunday frora 9 to 10A.M.,and 1 to S P. M jerMaM'ms.striotly adhered to I give such balm as have no atrife, With nature or the las of Üfe, With IWood my handa I never stain, NornüUon men toease their pain. He is a physician indeed , wbo Cures. Xhq Indian Herb Ductor, E. J. LYOtfS, ouros thfi faï lowing cufflpiaiuts in the most obstinate stages of thei existence, iz; Distsasësof theThroat, Lungs, Heart, Liver, Stom ach,Dropsy intheChest, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Fits of FaUinfriknes.s.andallothernervousderaügements Also alldisease-iof the blood,such as Scrofula, Krysip elas. Cancera, Fever oie.s, Le'prosy, and all other uom plicated chrouic complainta. All forms of female dilficulties attended to with the happiest results. It is hoped that no one will ilespair of a cure unti they have given the ludiaa Herb itoctor's Medioines a fair and faïthfnl trial. i,Duiiug the Doctor'i trar els iu Kurope, West Indies, South America, and the United States, he Las been the instrument in God's hand, to reatore to health and vigor thousands who were given up aml pronounced incurable by the most eminent old school physicians; nayf more, thousands who were on the vergp of the grave, are now liviug moLum"ts to the Indian Herb's Doctor's skill and succes sf ui treatment , and are daily exclaiming: llBlessedbetheday when first we saw and partook of the Indian Herb Doctor's medicine. " Satisfactury referencesof cures wilï be gïadly and cheerfullv given whenever required. The Doctor pledges his word and honorj that he will in no wiBO.diretitly or indireotly, induce or cause any iiivalid to íiile hiti ïaedjoiöe without the atrongest probability of a cure. Mode of examinatiünj which ia entirely different from the faoulty. Dr Lyon professes to discern diseases by the eye. He therefoie asks noquestions, nor doeshe require patientsto explain symptoms. Cali one and all, ind have thesj-mptoms and looation of your dlsööse explained free of charge. füThe poor shall be Überally oonsldored. jKirPostoolceaddress, box 26RS. R. J. LYONS, M. F. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. 25, 1862. Iy889 SCHOFF & MILLER A RE STILL ON H A N D at their old Stand , A No. 2, JFranklin Block, with theraoitt complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY.GQQDS, "WALL AND WJNDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLEKS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTAIlfB, HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c Ever ofiered in this Market ! TheytruHt that thir long experienee in selecting goodsforthis market, nndstrict attention to the H'aut üfC4Etumer,inay entitle thöfii tv a hberalsbare o Patronage. A. LAEGE STOOK 3RESS GOODS, I.A.TEST STYLKS CLOAKS & CLOAKINGS, 0t Uu ïefr FattorB. C ARP ETS of all kind, Cloths, Cassimercs, and Woolen Goods Of all kinds for th Winter Trad, now opening at C. H. MILLEN'S, N. B.- Thi ÍH the Second Aryiyal of Fall and Winter Gooda, and will be offered at close figures. Ho.'ine cali 932tf C. H. M. Oval Picture Frames ALLSIZES.STYLlESdndl'RICES just receWed ani ■fof ale chent COFF p WLLER'S. lo. Peo.ïi. " THB ALL STTFFICIENT THREB, 'THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Knowil na " llHmlmlil'N" GENUINE PREPARAUiÖWg, VI Z,: HEI MBOI.D'S EXTKACT '"' ÖUCHU," ' " SAKSAl'ARIIXA, IMPKOVKI) KOSK WASÜ. HELMBOLD'S GEN ÍNE EFEPARATION, I4 tCrtCENTRATK'j) COiiPOUJH) F LUID EXTRACT BÜCHÜ, A Positive and Specific Remedy, Kor Disiase of the BLADDER. KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROP3ICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine increase the power of Digestión, and exeitea the Into healthy action, by which UNNATVRAL ENLARGBMEÍITS are reducid, a ellas pain luirt mllammation, and ia' ímoívt MEN WOMEIÍ, OR CMLDREN. K HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU FQR WpAKNESSES Arining frwpa Exoesse, Jiabits of Oissipation Kurly Indiscretiow, or Abuse, ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWINO SYMTOMS : ïpdi.sposition to Exertitm, Lossof Power, Loss oí Memory, Difficulty of Breathing Wetk Nerves, Trembling, Horror of D.iease, Wakefuluess, Dimnesa of Vision, rain ia the Back, Universal I.assitude of the Klushinj of the Body, Muscular System, Kruptions on the Face, Hot Mudn, l'aliid Counteuance. Dryness of the Skin. These symptoms, if allowcd to go on, which th medicine invariably removes. Boon follow IMrOTENCY,F4.TUITY EHLEPTIC FITS In one of which the patiënt may exphe. Who cansa th:it they are n X frequently folio wed by tbose "direfu diseases," Insanity and Consumption Many areaware of the cause of their suffering, bu none will confuus. The records of the insano Asj lnm and the melancholy deaths by Cousuniptionj boarara ple witness to tho t'ruth of {h,e asaertio, THE COÍíSTITUTIÜNr, ONCE AFFJSCTED W1TÜ OR GANIC V?EAKXES, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and in vïfforatetliesjstim, which HELM ÏOIWS EXTRAC BÜCHÜ invariably does, A tría' will connnce th mout skeptical. Females, Females, Females, OLD OR'yOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CON TEMPLATÏNG MARHIAGK, In many affections peculiar to Fere;ak-s the Extrae Buchu is unpquaJled by any other reinedy( as i Chlorosifl or Retention, Irregularity, Painiulness, o Suppression of the Custoroary Evacuatious? Ulceratei or Schinous state of the Uterus, Leucorrhea, o Whites, Sterility, and for all complaiuts incident to th sex, whethararising froin ladiscretion, Habits of Dissi pation, or in the Decline or Chango of Life. SEE SYMPTOMa ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT Take no Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicino fo Unpleasaut aud Dangerous Diseaaes. HELMBOLD'S EXTKACT BUCÜl CURES Secret üiseases. In all their stages ; at little expense ; HUle or no ohango in diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It cauros frequent desire, and givcw strength to Urina te, therebyremoving obstructions, puventing and curingStrictures of the Urethra, allaying pain and nflaramation, so frequent in this clacs of.dlseaaM, and expelling P0IS0N0US, DISEASED AND li'ORN OÜT MATTER. Thousandfl upon Thooiands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VÍ0TIM OF QLTAOKS, And who have n&id &VA.VX T%%S Xn hft curedina nhort time, have round they weredeoelved.aBtitïiai th "Poison" has, by the use of "Powerful Astringonts' been dried up q tUe system to b,reak out in an. aggra va ted farm, and PEBHAPS Aller A1ARRIAGE. USB Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all Affections and Diseases of Tlae XJrinary Organs Wbetbor existing in MALE OR FEMALES, froro whatever cause originatiug, anl no ma'tter OK HOW IONG STASüDING. Diseases of these Organs require the aid of a IhntKTlc. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS TÍJE GREAT DIüRETIC, And it is certain to have the dfsired effect ín all I)i seases, for wliich it ís recommended. JBLOOD! BLÖÖDl LOOD! Helmbold's Highly Concenlrated Cumpound Finid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This is an affection of the B-lood, and attacks the exul Organs, Linings of the Nose, Kars, Th roa t , Vindpipe, and other SIucup Surfaces, malEinglts apit'iirance in the form ofUliWfS. Helóabola's Ext.act ;araparillapurifies the Blood, and removej all Scaly '.ruptions of the Skin, giving to thp Coniplexion a Clear and Healthy Color. It being preptirf.ï exprssly orthisclass of complaints, its Blood-Piirilyitiff Prtit terties are presor-ved tu a greater extent tiian any ther preparatiün of Sarsapnrilla. Helmbold's Rose Wash. AneTcellent_Lotion for Disoases of a Syphiltic 'atupef nd as an injoctiop in Diseas of the Uriuary Organs, risiiig froai habit of dissipation, used in connection with the Kxtracts Buchu and Sarsaparillaj ia suchdieaseR afi recommended. Kvideuce of themost reaponsible and reliablecbaccter will accompany tho medicines. CEÏJTIÏCATISS OF ClTRES, "rom eight to twenty years standing, withnainps nown to SCIENCE AND FAME, For Medical Propertiesof BUCtfU, see Dispensatory the United States. See Professor DEWEES' valuable works on the ractire of Physic. ëee rerparks made by the lale celebrated Dt.PEYJCK, Philadelphia. Keejepiarks made by Dr. EFfíRAIM 4c,p,QWEI,L, celebrated Physician. and Member of the Royal Colege of Surgeona, IrelaDd, and publinhed intheTian.ctifliig of the Kingaad Queen's Journal. See MediGÓ-Cirurgical Review, publighed by BEN.ÏAJtfllf TRAVERS, ellowpf the Royal Golkge qf SurSpe mosf gf fhp laie Standard Works on Medicine. CïTjaAp-r Bucpn, $1 op pk ottle, op. six fok $5 00 if SAB94PABau '■% Op ti " ft 00 sjí?RQVEfc pöe ÏFiap, öp . f? íí ' 50 3r half a dpo pf paph for $120p, Ifjbfch will bc suiliient to cure th mgyt pbstinajê cagen, ic djreptii ps are dhered to. Delivcred tp apy address, gecurely pacfid trompb,ervation. C Describe pymptoma in all CQmmunicatipns.- U'resgiiarantee.d. Adyie flpatip'. AFFfDA VIT. PeiepnaJJyappenred before mean Aldernjan oí ffce ityof Philadelphia, ft Hjppipoi.p, who, being dnly worn, doth say, liig prepartojis contain no narcotic, o mercury, or other injiirious drugs, bnt are purely egetable . P. y. HELM BOIiD. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23i day of Novembtr, 1854. ft'M P.HiABD. Alderman, Nínth-stt'ftet, abovs R.t,1, Phjla. ddresB Letters for Information in confld.en.ó.e. H. T. HELMBOl.D, Chéinist Pepotl04 South Tenth-KtieetjbelowjCluesnu Phila, RÏ5WARE OF i;OUNTERFEfTS AKD UNPRINCIPLEÏ1 DEALERS, Who endeavor to disjiose " OF THEIR OWN" $ud other" articleaonthe ïejuitationattained by Jítílmbotd';; U,t-xuine l'rRpanitions, ff " Extract Buchu, " " ' Sarsaparïllfl, " " Improved U#wa Waah. gjyld by all Drnggintn everyjvhere. ASK FOR HELM POL O'S- TAKE AO OTHEJl. Cut out the, and eecd for it, 4NB AyOif IMPOfiïTÏVN AND EXPOftpRp jjpo I ara Bound for M. GUITERMAN CO'S í m n Dispute the faefc if you can, It takes the TAíLOll atter att tagive appearance io the o.uter man. If jou TVlsH to appear wl Yoú must accordlugly Dreas Well. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's,, Tbere you will find tbinga exactly SO. SONDHEIMaUvaya ready to take your meaeure, Gt'ITEKMAN will sel! you Goobs witli great pleasure, At figures LOWER tban you will flnd in ilie State, Take heed - -ca eakly, elBe vou are too LATE. Tho KNDUCEMJ3NT8 are uow greater than ever, Our Cleuks you will find obliging and eleven1. We will show you goad CLOTHING of our own oettino up, Filling our Store from Bottom to iop. STÜDENTS especially will find it to THEIR ADVANTAGE, For it takes but L1TTLE MONEY to replenisb. 1500 OVERC0ATS of Oloth, Beaver. and íSear, Warranted for aiinbst ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Oaesimere of our OWn IJIPORTAT1ON, Forw arded through our New Yorfre latione, From ünglaud, Belgium, Germany,anc France, Such as you can rtand up ín, or wear at the dance. Pants ! Pants ! ! Punís ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOE SKIN oí every grado, We sell them from ONE DOLLAR up tO EIQIIT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fletioa, Furnidhing avparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. ïhia is all we say now, Tlierefcie w niake our bow. Tours truly, ever eo, M. GÜITERMAN. A Co., O. Ï3LI3S WoulJ tükc tliis uictluid df inforining his oíd friendo tnd pati-ous aiul all othars jrho may favor hipi witb their patronage, t Lat he has greatly eplarged Uia Stock and Assortmeiit ! and having adopted tlie CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BLTING & 8ELLING a prepared to sell üoods at Keaisouablo Price( His stock conslstsiü par oí Uk' lullowing: jj AStSaaDáN AND OTHER Watches ! "'ífrNÍBBP SE'J'HTHOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setfs GOLD OHAINS, TABLE AND POCKET CüTLEKY 1 azors, Sliears, Scissors anti lïrushes, . ROGERS PLATKD WAHE, tbf best n markot, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Peneils, l'.M'KR aml ENVELOPES, Musical Instruments, Strings &( Books for Instruments, SPECTA Xj It! j , of Gold, Silrer, Steel, and Platcd, vith PERISCOPIO GLASS, ■i [p'l ;a"íiclp. Persons havlng difflcult watclies to 6t with glasses an be accotuodated, as my stock is large'aml comlpte. P. S. Particular attention titho nBPjaLiRiKrer fall kinds of une Watches, such as laking and Setting new Jewels, Pinlone, S'ajs, and Cylinders. 4Uo CLOCKS, cSc TEATiT'BXiB," eatly rpairt'f! and Var-auted, at his oíd standeap.t de oí' lain títreet. C. BLISS. Ann 4rbpr,lfov. 25,1803 82Ctf For Rats, Allee, JloncHc, Anís, Bed Bugs, ïoths in Fura, Woolcng, &p. Insccts oij 'lftnts, Foys, A i Ifkt :i J jjtp] " Ocly iuf;illib!e rt.MiH'4ies known.' '' Frtje Ion) poifons." (í N-t düniri'ious To t)if Human Fami!v.'? ti Kats comí' oui oí ilieir jiolea to dje.?f JSy Hol I ly ;tll Pruggjsta Retaiej"n everyijrhere. jg" ! ! ! Üj.AW-Aju: ' ! ■! of all rorthtess iaiiiations'. -Sere that "Costah1?" pBnfi is ojj pa.oh fiox, Bot%d- Address ' " HKNJRV 11.' CpST-Af. jftg" Principal DeDoi, N'o. -1-2S Boadway New Vorit. g" Sold h'y all tftëWhóleBaïe &nñ Kotail Druggists, mi AiJmh-, Micrji, 9fin8 Iu fy n jyn 7i J B y TS1 Ayer's Cbenj ?eetoraí


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