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"ÜPLOÏM KJM T. (SjpyffT A Agenta wanted to sell Sewing tp I i) Machines. We wlll give a commissioo oa all Machines sold, or employ agents who will nork for tbi above wages and al] expenses paid. For particular addresa BOYLAN & CO , Oen. Agont.i. 040w2 Dïtroit, MlCH. PROF. R. J. LYONS' Patients and all others nterreste.i will pisase take noties that ho will contin ue his visits at the Monitor House, Auu Arbor, during 1804 and '65 and at the expiration of which he wil! dis continue his viflits and open an Iafirniary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatruent of Lung and Chest diseases. LYON'S KATHAIRON. Kathairoü ís iroin the Oreek word, "Kathro," or tlKathairo," aiguifying to cleunse, rejurinate and restore. ïhis article is what ita n.imehignifies. I'orpreserving, restoring .and beautitying the human hair it is the post reroarkablo preparation in the world. It is again ovfned and put up by the original proprietor, and is now made with the same carb, skill and attention which gave it aaale of over one mlllli; bottles per innum It is a most delightfu 1 Hair Dressing It eracientes scurf and dandruff. It keeps the head cool and clean. It makes the hair rich, soff and slosiy. It prevent the hair from falling otf and turuing gray It restores hait upon baid höads . Any lady or gentleman who values a beautiful head of hair sliuiUil use Lyon's Katharion. It is known and ush1 tbroughout he civilised world. Sold by all respectable dealers. 6m922 DE5IAS S. BARNES & CO..,Prop'rs, N. Y. Mathews' Qhoe.olate WoimDrcps ? 2ÏEVER fail to destroy and eitermiaate all kinds of Intestinal Worms. Are perfeptly retüable in all cases and far superior to any anl all ut the Fancy Worm onfections, nd nauseous Vermifuges ia use. They may be taken at all times with perfect they contain NO 11ERCDRY, or other deleterious' Drug. - Mothers should always purchase them and give their chiMren no other. (Va Cathartic whatever, is necessary to be given.) Each box contatos 24 Drops or Lozenges. Price 25 ets. Fur Sale by all Drugists and Dealers ia MediC. R. WALKER, General Agent, ly22 Buffalo,N.Y and Fort Erii,C. W. HEIMSTREET'S Tnimitat)le Hair Itestorative. IT IS NOT A DYE, But restores gray hajr to its original color, by supptying the capülary tubos with natural suRtenance, impaired Ipy age or disease All inettntantoua dyes are conippsed of luneir ctffttic, desfroyiag the vitality and beauty of [be hair, nd .ffqjrd of tjjemselves no dressing. Heimstreet;s Inimitable Coloring Dot only restores hair to its natural oolor by an easy procesa, but gives th hair ■. Vixiirlani lïctnuty, pruraotes its growth, preventsits falling off, aradicates Jandruff, ?nl mparts ijealth and pleasantas to the nead. It hasstood the est of time, beiog the original Hair Coiori, and is constantly increaslng ín favor. Usod by bolh geutleinau ana ladies. It is old by all respectable dealer, or can be pronured by them of Wi commercial agents, D. S. Barnes & Co. 2Q2 Broadway New-York. Two sizes, o) cents and $1. Um922 WYNKOOPS ICJjANP ETORAL. Diseases of the Throafr, Chest and l'ulmonary organa are ever prevalcnt,' ínsidíous and and dangerous. The properties of a medicine to alleviale, cure and uproot these complaints, must be Expect.rant, Auodyne and Invigorating, loosening the mucufi of the thioat, and iinp.irting tone to the entire system. No diacovery in medical Bcieuceevei mastered this class of diseases likp Dr. AVynkoop's ícela nd Pectoral. It is jisecl with the most astonishing resuïts in all cases of Bronchitis, lu fluenza, Whooping Congh Diptheria w l'utrid Sore Throat, Asthma, Croup, Coughs, Colds, Nervous Irra tability, fcc. Tbe Rev. J. J. Potter ceriifien, " I have used Dr. Wynkoop's Iculand Pectoral for several years, myself and in uiy family, for severePulmonary Complaints, and have recommended it to many others, and uever seeu ts equal." Pvev. J.J Potter Brooklyn, N. Y. Bundreds and thousands of important testimoniáis could beproduec'j showing its rcmarkuble cures and that it ncver fails It ia composed of pure Tceland MosSj Balm of GileaJ Peruvian lialpam, Elecampane, Comfrey, Burdock,andother invaluable evpectoraut and tonic ingrediente. It is barmless, prompt and last ing. Invalids and suffereis cannot ;ifford to npglect a trial. Kvcry family hhouid have it. It is remarkble for Croup. Kuil description, recommendations, and directions accompany each bott.e. Sold by all principal Druggists. Preparedby Dr. K. D. Wynkoop, and sold Uy D, S. Barnes $; Cp. Hjiir York. 922m6 HAGANS MAÖNOJLIA BALM. This isthe most delightful anü extraord:nary artKle ever disectvered Itchapges the sim buj-nt face and hands to a pearly sati texture of ravishing beauty, impartlng the marMe puiity pi" youth, aud the distingue appearance so inviting in the city bJlp f fashion. It removes tan, freckles, pimples, and roughnesa froua tbe akin, leaying it fresh, transparant Rnd snjooth. - it conta;ns no material iujyríous tp-the skjp. Patrón ized by AetrftSMi and Opera Singers. It is wiiatevery lady sbould have. old ererywh,re. Xiias S Barnes &c Co. General Agenls. 922mfl 8O2 Broadway,X.Y. CT TOBACCO- You can buy the beat grades of FINE CHEWÍNG TOBACCO at from 50 cenia to Ope Dollar. öMOKINQfrom fourteen to twenty cent at M. DJCVANY'S TOBACCO A5D CIGAR STORE Sïgn - Red Indian. SouÜi side Huron street, a few d,oor from jCook'e Hptel. M.DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec. 11, 1862. 883tf BE WISEBY TIMES ! Do pot trifie wiih your Hea th, Constitution and Cba.racter. It you are sufTering with anydiseases for which, IJEVBOLD'S EXTRACT QF BUCfïU is recommeaded, TRY IT ! TRY IT ! TRY IT I It will cure you, save long suffering, allaying paic and luflammation, and will restore you tojj HEALTH AND PüRITY, At Little Expense, And No Esposare Cut cut the advertisement in another column, cal] or send for it. BEAWARE OF COÜNTERFHTS ! Aêk for Hombold'B. Tak No Otbw, I í.rPK3 GÜTïAVTEZIt. 5353i2 "A soilio wan on hor lip - health vraa ia h#r look, slic-ugtli was in her htep , nad In her hands - Plantation Bitters." S-T-1860-XA few bottles of Plantation Bittora Will cure NerouE Headache. i( Cold Extremities and Feverlsh Ups. " SourStomach and Fetid Brtnth. ' Flatuleiicy aud Indigestión, " Nervoua Affections. " Excessive Fatigue and Short Brealh. " Pain over tüO eycs. M Mental Despondency. Prostratioa ; G-rent Weakness " Sallow Complexen, Weak bowels, Ato. ÏÏhich are the evidencea of LI VER COMPLAINT ANp DISPEPSIA It is estimated that. seveu-tenths of all adult aïlmt nis proceed frora a distase and torpid i,ver. The bilin ry aecretions of the livet, cverflowiug into the atc-mach poí.son the entire systani and exiiibit tiie above symptonis Vfter long research, vre are alils to present themosUemarkable euro for these horrii nightmare diaeases, the world has ever produced. . Within one year over six hnudreU audforty thousacd perdona have taken the Plautatiou Eiiters, and notan mstaticeof cemplalnt haft coiné to our knowlcdge I It ís a most effectual tonic and agreeable stimulant suited to all conditiona of life. The report that it relies upon mineral substanceB for lts active propertics, are whoily false. For the public satisfaction, and thst patienta may consult their phyaicians, we appeud u list of ita componeuts. Galisata Bark - Celebrated for oyer two hundred yearsin tbetreatmefit of 'Fe ver and Igue, Dyspepsia, Weakcess, &c. It was introdued into Europe by the Countess, wife of the Viceroy of Peru, in 1G40, and afterwards aold by the jteauits for the enormout pria: of its own weight in silv tr,"under the name of Jeeuit'a Poto(Íer?t and was fiually made public by Louis XVI, King of Franse, HumboU inakes special reference to itafebrifuge qualitieü during hiö South American tra vela. Cascakilla Baük - For Diarrhoea, colic and diaeabca of thestoraach and bowela, Danduliojí-Fui' inflaiximfction oí the loim and drop fcLl aflections. Ou'auomils flowers- Forenfeebled digestión, Layendkr Flowkiis - Aromntic scimulani and touic - highly invigorating in nervoua debility. Wintercbees- For scrofuJa, rheumatisio, &c. Anisk - Ao aromatic carminative ; creating fiesh , muscle and miïk ; much used by mothera nuraing. Also, clove-buds, orange carraway, coriauder,snakeroüt, &c. S- T- 1860- X. Atiother yOD)dperfu,i ingrediënt, of Spanish p.rigin, imparting beauty to thfi complexión and bnlliancy tp the mind, is vet unknown to the commerce of tho world and we withhold ita name for the present' IMPORTANT CERTIFICATES. Jlockester N. Y. Decrmber 28, 1861. Messrs. P.H. Dkakk &Co ■- I hare boon a great suffer er from Dyspepsia for three er four years aud had to abandon ioy profession . About three months ago I tried tlie Plantatiou Bitters, and to vay great joy, I am aoiV nearly & well man. I have recommndiid tbem in sevsrai cases, aJid,as íar asi know, alwaya with Jgnal Tam'respüötfpilyyours-, RFV J. S. CAXHRON. Philadelphia, lOth Month, 17íA Dar, 1862Rehpected 1-kiend :- My dïughter has bn much beuefitted by the use of thy Plautation Bitters. Thou wilt aend ra i two bottles more. Tliy Friend, ASA CURRIN. Sherman House, Chicago, Til. Feb. 12, 1862. Messrs. P.H. ürake kto.. - Please send us anvther twelve cases of your Plantation Bitters. As a mornih' appetizcr, they appear to have superceded everythiug else, and aiegrently estemed. Yours, &c. GAGE & WAI1E. Arraügpfnenis are no w completedto supply any demand for this article, wh.ich frpm lack of government stamps has not heretofore been possible. Tñí public may rest assured that in np cas will the perfectly pure standaid of the Plantation Bitters bo departed from. Every bottlt bears the fqc simile of cv signature on a $t tel píate mgramng, or it cánnvt be genuine. Sold by all Druggists, G rocera and De llera through out the country. P. H. DRAKE & CO. 922m6 Hp2 BRODWAY, N. Y. SAPONIFIER, OR CONCENTRATED LYE, FAMILY SOAP MAKER. VV Z IV mflkes high pi'ices ; Saponifier helps to reduce them. It makes Soap for Foui' cents a puund by using your kitchon greaae. %$- CAUTIO1V ï As spunous Lyes are offered also, be ca-eful and ouly buy the Pn.tent.ed ariicle put up ín Iron cans, all others bein? Counterfclts. Pennsyhawia Salt Manufaeturiwg Co.} rhiladelphia- Ne. 127 Walnut Street. Pittsburg - Pitt Street and Duquesne Way. The Great French Remgdy ! MADAM BOIVIN'S CELEBRATED SILVER-COATED FEMALE PIIXS. The onlycertain and Safe Rempdy for all Uterine Obstructions, Monthly Difficulties, Irregularitien. and all the other discases to whjch the Woman, Wife and Mothtir is peculiíirly Hable. Ihest; Pilis coutain no deleteríous ingrediente, but are safe and certaín n their action. They will bofounu to exert tbehappiet eíTect in all cases of Prolapeus Utcrt, in Leucorrhea, or the Whites ; t'uey will be foumi the easiest and most certalp Cure liiat can he íound. It is on account of this certrinty they should not be taken by Pregnant Femals (fiurivg tke. Jirst tkree months, as miñcarriagc is certain,) to be brought on, but at other periods their use is perfect ly safe. N. B.Qu Dollar enclosed to any autfcnrized Agent, will ensure package ot' Pilis by return of mail. C. CROSBY, General Aggnt, Vort Ede, C, W., B,uffaío, K. Y. Cautiov,- Beware of Counterfeitsf tha penuine bave the J-ignaturc pf C. CROSBY, on the outside wrappec. For sale by all respectablg Oruggists. lyenw9-'2 j A' iM'EBgáTIXG I-ETTKK. - ifatffl Post Jfc Brilff, Agenta }B. Y Sanitary .Society, Rochester. - Gents . I deem it due to you state the magical effect of tbat one bottle of People's Cure whichI obtained from you ín November last. Seeing tbe advertisenjent oí yonr So ciety offering to give your meiicine to clerprymeu f(r the poor cf thefr pnrisae8,I ootained a bottle fora poor girl of my congregation, who had long been nearly help letiS from Rheumatism , and strangp to pay , that oue bottle cured her enlirely. I write this hoping it may aid the Society in its efForts to introduce Ihe medicine, and bless tlic-e wlio may ueed such a remtáy ; and I usostrong terms, as I believe its merits will fully jiwtify the most sunei lative forros of speech. Yours, RespectfuIIy, C. R. WILKIN'S, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church 922yl Pittsford, Monroe Co. K. Y. AGOOD TREE 18 KNOWNSY ITS FRUIT. Öo is ti good Physician by his buccepsful Works, PROFESSOH # J, LYONS, THE GREAT AND CELÉBRATE!) PIIYSICIAK OF THE TUROAT, LUNGS AND CHEáT, Known all over the countn as tbe Odebvatod INDIAN HERJ? DOCTOR! From South America, will be at IiÏk rooios, RUSELL HOüE, DETROIT, Ontht'J8tlï and Ij9tli iuBt.,ou the same dale of and every subsequent month during IQ6' and 18ü3 A NLAT PAMPHLET" Of the life,study and extensive travels of Dr. Lyons tan be procured by all whodesireone, frec of chcrye. Dr. L will viait Aan Arbor, JacksQn.and Adrián. Mtcii., asfollows : Ann Arbor, Monitor Iloupe, 20th. .ïaokson. Hibbard House, 21st Adrián, Biokett 1I use,2üci and Ü3rl. Mode ókEjUmisation.- the Doctor dj.s.;r5 dMn bytlieeyes, Ho, tfeerefore, aKs do quesiioiis nor req tires patienta to expUiu rnptojr.s. Aiittt-d, come andhavo your symptoms and the location oi' your dis euseexplaiiïed fyee of charge 1TIPTIIEÍÍ?A. DR. DEGLUBO'S PIPTHEIA SPECIFIC. CEKTAIN CfJEK Fp[! DIJTHKEIA AND CROIT. In the past year wtrlM CASKS OF niPTH'iRIA in land around Ko,c!SK;.cr, N. Y., CO.VSTDERKP H,PB LE8Ö) have beep cured with this medicine. Xaraes and redeace can be giveD. AL1, TfïEPnYSICIANS THERE NOW USEIT. jt Bjever has fai'.ed to cure í (jpt a bottle ; it cobtti 60 centó. f,o? sale by EBER3ACB 4 CO Frtpared and polri bv 1C13 W. E. SKINNER, Rijchester, V. 7 i ' ___ i __ -„ _„ __ Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PAEM FCXE SALE ! nPHK uadersigned offers Tor sale hls Farm In Webster, A Wttshtenaw Couaty, Michigan. Contains 196 acres, .00 ncres Improved, beaides about 26 aeren o i good iiarsb meado w land. Has r. good orchaid of grufted "ruit, a good frame house, barn and hbed. DAVID TSOMAS. Webster, Jan. Uth, 1864. ON the 6th day of December a COW end CALF. The Cow about six years old, red and white, r.nd the Calf about sir mouihs old - a Hufer, The owner Ure puestea to prove property, j,ay chargep &n,d take sai d animnï.s away . NOAH STEVENS. Lodi, Jan. 14tb, 18Ö4. 6vr9S9. Browucll & Peiri, GEN'L COUIISMÖN MIRCOANTS, 183 South Water Street, CHICAGO, IICIITpi, Dealers inGraïn, FlourProvisione, Seed3, Green and Dried Fruita, Jider, cêc. References: Preston, WlUard & Keen, Chicago. ö Betafokl ft Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. ttëS,. Particular flttention given to the ale of Green and Dried Fruits, Cider, &c. Orders for the purchase of Clover and Timothy Seed, Cut Meatf, &c. , pmmptly attended to if a cc o ra panied with cash or sathiactory reference. ü;.9tf U. S. INTEENAL EEVENUE TAX AND LICENSE NOTICE. TflIRD DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN. VWIime of payment Extended in consequence of the late lievere S tor ms ínterrupting the Mails. Notice U liereby given that all Taxes, Duties and Licensea assessed upon persons residing or doing bu-iness in the Tiiird Colleo tion District of Michigan, have beconie due and payable, and ihat I ehall attend in pcrson, or by Deputy, to receive payment of said Taxea, Dutiea and Lieenses, at the fullowini,named places, on the days herein specified : j Washtenaw County. 8th división - At the Deputy's office, in Chelsea, for the towns of Lyn'don, Sylvan, Sharon, Manchester, Bridgewater and Freedom. from the llth to the 3üth of January, 1864, exoepting the 19th and 20th, when the Deputy will bc at the Manchester Hotel, in Manchester, for the accomodation of persons in that part of the División. Daniel C. Fknn, Deputy. 9th Divisies. - At the Deputy's office in Ann Arbor, for ik? city of Ann Arbor, and for the towns of An Arbor, Northfield, Webster, Dexter, Lima, Stjio and Lodi, from the Uth to the 30th of January, 1864, exoepting the 19th, when the Deputy wül be at the Benty Hotel, in Dexter, for the accommodaof persons in that part of the División." Ahdekw Bell, Deputy. Iüth DmsiGi!.- At Ihe Store of Sliowerman ál Bro., in Yp3Üanti, for ;he city of Ypailanti, and for the towns of Salem, Superior, Ypsilánti, Pittsfield, Augusta, York and Saline, from the llth to the 30th of Jftnuary, 1864, é.xcepling1 the I9th. when the Deputy will be at tbe Store of David Blackmar, of$í(Iine, for acoommodation of persons in that part of the División. Cickeo JifiLLiNGTOs, Deputy. JJ. B. - The Exciee Laws require that 10 per cent. beadded to all fums due and unpaid after the days herein merltioned for pnyment, and that all taxea be psiJ .'O Trcosury Jiotes. IRA MAYHEW, Collector Third District of Michigan. Albion, Jgn. 7,1864. 9S9w2 BRADPTFRY'S New Scale Piano-Fortes. U.VPRECEDEKTED SUCCESS ! SEVE1V FIRST PRJZES1 Received withiu four weakp : From Nw Jersey State Fíur,ívt Patterson, Nr. J ; from1 New York'ötate Fair at Utica.N, Y .; from Ohio State Fair, at Cleveland,' O,; Pc-nBsylvaia Lt(ite Fair, at' Nprristown Va.; Iilinois State Fair, at Deeatur, Ill. Indiana State Fair, at Indíanápolié, Iud. from the Ameritan Tnstitute Fair in New York - Judges : Gott.schalk, Berg, Beames, and Brown. The folio ving note wu,s received fruni "oae of the j urors : "Mr. Wit, B. BRADBCHT . Dear Sir ; Tov have receivedthc Gold Mrdal ! 1 cngratulats you upon being the Kuccesstul competitor for the FIRST PRTZE GOLD MEDAI, for the BEST PIANO FpRTE, at. the Fair of the American Institute at tho AcaJeroy of Music. Yjur instrupeiítri fully uebi tais award for tlieir richíy beautü'uí, voÍuwííüoús tóftfcjcSfl powerful, yet so sweet." aOTTSCHALK, The celebrated Pianist, says of them : tLI have examined with gkkat care 3Ir. Wm. B. Bradbury's New &GAX.1B I'I-ino-Fceiks, andit ís niy opinión that they are vcry supereor igttrujnents . ïhare espt.ciatly remarked their thorouk workmanslup. and the power, puriiy, richaess and equality of their tone I recíimmend. therefore, thesp instrumenta to CJupuhltQ in general, and doubt not of t'neir success. L. M. OOTTSCHAUC. New York, July 12, 18CC. The mn'it eminent of the musical prnfessïon of New York lia,ve alsu given the most uuqualiíed ia favor oí these Instruments. Hfjf Send lor n Circular. BLAmOOD'S HAGAZINE, AND TUE BRIT1S1I REVIEWS, PRICES CHE AP AS EVER, TO TIIO3F. WHO r.W'PKOMPTI.V IN ADVANCE. Postage Reauced ? ? PREMIUMS to NEW STJBSCRIBERS XotwithBtanding the cost of Kepcinting thete Peririiicals has more tbn doi]b!eá ia conRcquence of the enormous rise in tlio piice ui' l'ajier and of a general a'ïvance in all other exp-nsee - and notwithslau'lin otlier publisher? a:-e reducillg tbc ez or íncrenííing the price of their pubKcations we shall continae for the year-1864, to fbraUb oore couipieie, &s Ijeretofre, at the old iate.s, vla : - 1 YHKI.OXDON' QUABTKKIA' (Conservativu). 2. THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (tThif). 3. THE XORTH BRmSH REVIEW (Free Chun-h), THE WESTMINfSTER EKyfEW (IJberal). DLACKWOOD'S EnlXBUEGH MAGAZINE (Tory). TERMS. Por Ann. For any of the foyv P.uv-ews $3 00 For :iny two of the firar Reviews ,% 5 00 Foranythrejflf the four Reviews .". 7 00 Foralifour óf the Ri views S 00 Eor Biakw-ai'c Mag;i7,uc 3 0i) For lïlackwood and one P-eview 5 0.") For Bla.ckwnoiï and two Hrvicv. 7 00 For Piac'.iwood nd throe Reviews. 9 00 or Biaiskwood's ancl the four Reviews 10 LO POSTAGE. The postfifre to all parts of the United States is now ;iTly Fifty-stx Centt a War for tlic Wliole 3PIve Publica tlons. vi. : - twetny-four cents a year for Rlackwnod and only Klght nl a Yenr for a. Rcvltw. l'of-tage is payaMe at the office wherp the numbers are received. New Subscribers to any two of the I'sricliciJs for 1S64, will rWÍv as a premium tlieir choicf oí any one of the four Reviews l'or 1S63. Subscjihrs to all five will receive iheir .,-hoice of any two of the four Reviews for 18G3. Subscribers to any or all the workfl for 1S64, türt.y procure any of the tour Revieys for 1QG3, to which l they may not beentitled as premiums, at il a year eaclt . The Third Edition oí ihfs iei'tembrr Kumber of Rlackwood containing a:i arxicle bysn Knplifih officer who was presfntat tw Bac of tïettysbuig, is iiow rcadjv-price 25 co"iits. RemittancesandcouimupijiatiOj-is should bf aadressed to LEON'AKTJ SPQXT -'o , FablUbaM, Ï?O. 38 WilkerSt.jbet.'Ki'üidwayand Church lts. VPeaIsoPub!i(;h ths fAUMER's GUIDE. i pv IIbxjiT Ftei'HE.vb of Edinburgh and Cue late J. P. i Xortö-x." of Tale College. ï vols Royal Octano, 1600 i pagfib apd numorous Engravi j?s. FRICE. Í6 for tho two volumes. By Hail $7. 9C81Í fc. SCOTT & CO. JNotSce. Mï W:fe U.IZA havlng lolt By Vd mí board without reaootle jrw, ! aiïall pij1 to debte of her contiaoting. BEKRTM TPirr, fltfi..Tan Uth ■:'-'


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Michigan Argus