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Magnificent Railway

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- Sir W. G.ris is the projector of a proposed plan for a railway from Cairo to Suez, so constructed that steamers, with all their freight and passengere, can be transported bodily from the Nile to the Red Sea. - Tlie transfer of these Amphibiotis carriers from the watery element, lo this iron' palhway is to be eflected by means of eradles running upon inclined planes attached to the immense trucks on wind they are to be conveyed. It will require a locomoüve about three times as powerful as an ordinary one, to draw a vcsselof 800 tons over this railway; the öösf is cstimated to be Iess tlian that of a ship canal. Mr. Gliddon the eclebrated lecturer on Egypt and its anticjuities Has just whispered in our earlhat this scheme is a "Humbug." Time will determine thö truth. - N. Y. Pa-per. The Aloxandria Gazeite hears a good nnecdote of Mr. Polk the President elect. A8 soon ns u visitor s inirociuccd, hc commences t!ic conversation furllhvitli, by informing tlio nsonished stranger. tííat lie has been delighti;d to iliid Bince his arrivul in Washington lijnt not one of lus Democratie friendá bas Ijad tho iiuloüoyry to annoy liim with an app'jcution lor oliicu. and that hc is quite euro' the information nutst bc as gratifying to tho geptlenian lisicning to the nnrrati.n, as it is ncccplable lo his ov.n views nuil fcclings. - The isitor liatens in profound fiücncc - lieöituioá r. nioüvoiit - makes hia bow-i-nrf tlopcs! ín Ptiiinsylvania, during the life tinrö of Dr. Frauküij, the (Jriuiiii;tl Code was rcl:4 arul no criiiic was mude a Capital cffoncé )j(j wilful nVnrdèr. All the j ges opposc4 'v but one, nnd the cvperinient wan oiijy for five ycars. Al tle cmi of lliat. lintcv-thehvir ygR made permanent.


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