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IHZ American Collecting Agency, N.o. 240 ]3roadway, New York. Clahnq of all kinds atriinst (he General Governtnett ■ ■ . ur piivate parties, proas' cutod aii'l coiii'eU' :t audri&k Aaia i i rtvate arttta I pestes Buperior faclHtiea for col i êverywhere i:i thi United Stalrs and CaiiaAis, relïeviug morebants, r.nsigneeu, baukers nudotlierí, ciï the caie and ail refibóntlbnity . Special attentiongvren to uld debts, hatd cásea, di vctms, wilLs, e-states, etc. Being familiar with all the details of the "Intern Rcvrvuc La-j," I will attead prowptly to the coüention of drau-backa,and taxes orerpadd through ignoi ce ofiheiaw. Iïr' pensions, pay, and bounty secured forthem or theirheira. For that purpoie, and for prosecuting claims againpt the Government, I have a branch office atWaíhlujton. No charge madounloss claimt are collacted. All íúldlcrr. discharM by reason of wounds Iioweversljori the time they have servod - are eatitlíd to On Uundred PoH-ars Bswaty. AU soldiers havingserved entitled ia the same. . The hijhest market f.rice will ht paid for aoldiers' cl.ihïis, aiad othör demads agaiaat the Gonora! Govofnmei t. ïnfuvriiation and opiuious given, and investipration 'made without charge, upon claims propoeedto be placee in ray haads. For particularB. addvews H. HtTNTINGTON LEE, SOOtf Xo, 240 Broadway , N. Y HTHE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES -A. WILL be for the Heaiii.g of the Xatioaa, Biblc. ■ Prof. 3EI. S-. Xj-XO3NTfS, THE GREAT AN'I) CELEBRATSÜ PBYSIC1AN of tho TBKOATjLÜNGS, 1IEAKI, LlVJlfi AND THE B1OOD, Kaown allover thecountrj aá tlie CELEBRiTED IKTDIAN HEEB DOCTOB I Of 282 Superior Street, Cleveland, Ohío. Wiil viait the followiag placea, viz A?I'OIXIK'EXTSFOK 186'J, lS63and 1S64. Prof R. J. Lvon can bo consultad at the taütmiuz pUces every monthviz: Detroit, RusselH'ouíe, e-ach month, 18th and 19th. Ann Albor, Monitor House, each month, 20th Jaokson, llibbard Houss, tach month, 21. Aiirian, lirncket House, each month 22d and 23d. Tolido, Ühio.Colhas Uou3e,each mouth 2lth 25th and :: . Hillsdalo, Mich. , Hillsdale House, each month, 27th. Coldwater, Mich.. Suuttiern Michigan Houso, each month, 23th. rt, Ëlkhart üousp, each mooth, 29th. Boath Bend.Ind., át. Jo. Hotel, each month, S0. Lapnrte, Ind., Tee Gardet House, each month 3l'st 'or.Ohio.CcaniiahLxohauge, each mouth, Tth andSth. ' M?.:istUld, Oliio, Wiler House, each mouth Oth and lOth, Mt. Veruon.Kenyon House, each month, llth and Xewark, Ohio, Holton House, each month lSth and 14th, Painesvil!e,Ohio, Cowlcs House, each moutb 4th tLLVi.LANÜ, OHIO, Rf.SILItNSE ANlJ OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREKT. East of the public square, opposite the Postnffice. Offlce days each töonth, lat, 3d,4tn,Sth, Cth löih - Onice hours from i) A. 8. to 12 M, aud from 2 I'. M.'to 4 1". SI. ÜnSunday from 9 to 10 A. 11., and 1 to 21'. 31. 43f Maxima strïctly adheied to I give sucb balm as have no strife, With nature or tiie las of üfo, With blood ray hands I uever stain, Norpoison meu toease theirpai. He ís aphysician indeed, who Cures. Tbe Indian II. r Doctor, R. J. LYON'S, cures the fol lowing compjaiuts in the most obstinate stages of their exifiti-cce, vizi M-sof theTliroat, Lnngs, Heart, Liver, Stomach. Dropsy inthoChest, Rbeuuiatism, Neuralgia, Kits. orFallin .■ : naailothtrnerrouslerangements. Also alldisease-iof'the blood, such asScrofula, Krysipt- las, Citnceivs . Fever dore-s, Leprosy, and all other complicated clironic complaints. Ail forms of femate difficultiea aitended to with the happiest results. It is hoped that nnnne will despair of a cure until tby have givoB the Indían ríerb Uootor's Medicines a fair and faitliful trial. ö3-t)uring the Doctor'i travels in EuVQpe, Wust Isdies, South America, and the United States, he has been the instrument in God's hand. torestore to health and vigor thousands who weregivenup and pronounced incurable by the most emmentold school physicians; naj-, more, thousands wlio were on the verge of tlie grave, are now living to the Indian Jlerb's Dóctor's skill and successfu 1 treatment ,aud are daiiy exclaiming: " Blesaed theday when first -ne saw and partook of the ludían Herb Doclor's medicine. " atlsfactoy references of cures will be gladly and cheerfully giveri henever required, The Doctor plöLiges hiti word and honor, that he will ín no wise, ilirectly or indírectly, induce or cause any invalid to take Uis wediciue without thestroogest probability of a cure. && Mode of examination, which is entirely different from the faculty. I)r. Lyon professes to discern diseases by the eye. He therefore asks noquestionü, nor doeshc require patientsto explain symptoms, Callone and all, w have thesvmptoms and location of your disease explained free of charge. fOgf-The poorshall beiiberally considered, ,6arl'oitolUce address, box 2063. R. J. I.YONS, M. I. Cleveland, Ohio, Nov. L5,1802. lySSO SCHOFF & MILLER A RESTILL ON11AND at theirold Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, vrith oKemost complete assortment of Books and Stationery, PEKFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, ROLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CTJRTAIN8, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS &c. Ever offered in this Jfartet ! SGf Theytrust that theirlong experieuce inselecting roods forthis strict attention to the wanta f Ciifumcrs, may entitle tbein tv a liberalshare o Patronage. l LAEGE STOOK o e BEÜ.-CTTIFXJL IRÏSS SOODS, LATE2ST STVLES CLOAIS & CLOAKINGS, Of the N'ew Pattorn, CARPETS of all kinds, Cloths, Cassimeres, and Woolen Goods Of all kinds for tbc Winter Trado, now oponing at C. H. MILLEN'S, N'. 8.- Thfl is the Second Arrtvai i.f Fall and Wintor Goods , and will be olturedat cIosb figures. I'lease cail 932tf C. II. M. Oval Picture Frames LLSÏXEi, STVLKS and TRICES just received ani Afo„a,ecSto]?FftMfLLEE,g ■■ ■ : .e.:5, Joa THE ALL SUFFICIENÏ TESBE. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," ICnown as " Ilelmbold's" GEWUINE PREPARA! IQWS, VI Z.: HEI MBOLÜ'S EXTRACT " BUCHU," ' " SARS.vPAKlIXA, IMPKOVED KOSK WASil. H ELMBOLU'S GEN INE PBEPARATION, ! C0KCfi1RA7E'O . ■ cojirot'XD FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU, A Positive nnd Specific Remedy, For Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DROPSIOAL SWELLINGS. TUis Medicine nureases the power of Digestión, and excites the ABSORBENTE nto lienltliy actioo bv which the IVATERY 011 CALCEROUS Jeposhion and all UNNATVRJL EKLARGEMENTS ara reduced, as wellas pain and ïnflammation, ad is nood for MEN tñmSN, OR CUUDREüt. ii JU HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU F03 WEAKXESSE3 Arising froin Excesses, Habits of Dissipation Eariy Indiseretion, or Abuse, ATTENDED WITH THE FOLLOWINa SYMTOMS: Indisposition toExertion, Loss of Power, Loss of Memory, Diffieulty of Broatliing We ik Nerven, TYeuibling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulnes, Dimoess of Vision, Pain la the Back, Universal Latisitude of tho F!uihins of the Body. Muscular djeteni, Eruptious on the Face, Hot lanas, Pallid Ctountenance. Dryuoss of tho Skin. These symptoms, if alloived to go on, which thi medicine invariabiy reraovcs. eocn follow IMPOTENCY.FATÜITYEPILEPTICFITS Ic one of which tb-? patiënt niay expiie. Vv'ho cansa thftt theyare u.t frequently folion-cd by thoso "direïu diseases," Insanity and Consumption? llan.y area-.vare Of the cause of their suffering, bu none ivill confass. The reeords of tiie insane As,yium and the melancholy deaths by Consumption, bear am ple witness to tho iruthof t;ho assertion. THE CONSTITUTÏON, OXCE AÍFECTKD WITH OR GAXIC EAKNEL, Requires the aid of medieine to stra&gthêtt &nd Ín rig'n-iitotheRystem, which HELM BOLD' S EX VRAC1 BUCHU nvariabty does. A tria' will cOuFince tíie most skeptical. Females, Females, Femalas, OLD OK YOUNG, SINGLE, MARRIIÍD, OR CON TEIII'IATIXG JXARRIAGE, In many affections peculiar to Females the Exi rao Buchu s unequallod by any otber remetly, as in Chlorosis or Hetfcntioo, li-regularitv-, Paíufulrirs.-, o Süppression of the Customary Evacuations Uleerate or Schirrous state uf the Uterus, Leucorrhea, o Whites, Sterihty, and tor all complaiots incident to th sex, vhetho'ansüig from lndUcretton, Habits of Dissi patioiijor ia the Decline or Ohange of Life. EEE SYMPTOMS ABOVH. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT Take no Balsam, Mercury, or Unplfasant Medicine for Unpleasant aud Dangerous Diseases. UILMBOLD'S EXTRACT BÜCÜÜ CURES Secret JDiseases. In all their stages ; atlittle expense iüttleor no change iu d,iet ;, no inconvenience, AND NO ESPOSURE. It oauses frequent desire, and givea to Urinate.therebyrtimoving obstructions, preventing anc curinStricturen of tbe Urethra, allaying pain and inflammation, po fiequent in this class of tlist'a.sos, am expelling POlSONOUS, DISEASEB AIS O IVORN OUT MATTER. Thousands upon'Thousanda WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who h.ave paid HEAVY FEES tobe curedina short time, have found they weredeCeJved,andtiiai the Toisón" has, by tbe use of "Powerful Astringents," jeen drit'd up ia the systein, to break out in an aggra vated form,and PERHAPS AStev MAUBfAGE. Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all Affections and Diïease, uf Ttie TJrinary Organs' Whether existing in MALE OR FEMALES, from whatever cause originating, aud no matter OF HOW LOXG STANDING. Diseascs of these Organs requiré the aid of a Pitiuític. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE GREAT DIURETIC, Aad it is certain to hav the dosi-od effettt ÊBttll Di sea.sea, for whic'.i it is reconnneiiuüd. ULOOD ! BLOOD! ELOOD! Helmbold'á Highly Conccntratcd Cotnpound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This Ís an affect'on of tlie Blond, and attaclis the Sexiiii (rgau, Lin:iigs of %be Nese, Ears, Tliroat, Windpipe, and other H'ucüs Surfaees, makingit ajpearunce in the form of Ulcers. Helmbold'a Ext. act araparilki puriiu-s the Blooü, and n.nn e i all .Scaly Eruptions of Ihp Skin, giving to th Coniplexion a Clear and Healthy Color. It beiiitr prt'jiared expressly forthisclass of complaints, lts Blood-PuriJying Pro perties are preseryed to a fyreater cxtent tiian any othcr preparaiion of SftrBa-pAri [la, Helmbold's Rose Wash. An excellent Lotion for Piseafiefrof a Sypbiltic Nature, and as un iqjeotion in Disdasvs of the Ürinary Orgaus, arising from Uabits of dissipation, uaed in connection with the Extraoti Buohu aiid SarsapacUia, in Suoh i'Áseaseeas recommended. Evidence of the most responsible and reliablecliacacter wïll accopany the medicines CERTIFÏCATES OF CUKES, From eight to iwenty yeara standing, with name?. known to SCIENCE AND PAU E, For Medical ProperÜesof BUCHU, aee Disoenaatory of the United States. Sec Professor DEWEES' valuable works on thrPractico of Physlc. , nrlis made by the lale celebrated Dr.PEY5ZCÏT,PhIiadfitph!a. Kee remarlïs.made by Dr. EPHRAIM McDOPFELL, a celebrated Phyaieian, and Mcniber of tlio Royal College of Surgeons, II eland, and published i theTransactions of the Kingaad (Jueen's Journal. Sèe Meilico-Clruririeiil Review, poblished by BENJAMIN THAVERS, Felluw of the Royal College of Surgeonp. See most of the late Standard Works on Medicine. EXTEACl LÏL'CKU, $1 CO VEO. 1Ï0TTLK, OH 8JX FOK L5 00 ff Sa,rxapábíu.a í 00 '; u & 00 iiiï'KovKD Roes Wash, 50 1( " 2 50 Or half a dozen of each for Ü12C0, which wili be sullicient to cure the most obstinate cases, i1' directie na are adhered to. !Vlivprcd to any address, securely pack cd Irom observation. Ji Desctibe syrnptom. in all Communications.- . Cures guarantped, Advioe gratie, AFF1DAVÏT. Personallv appeared before mean A Merman of the city of I'hiiadelpiiia, II. 'í. Eíi: ■r:-)i l. who, baÏBR, duly swurn, doth say, h'ia jireparatioiis itonlain no narcotic, no mercury, or otherinjurioua drugs, but are putei ƒ vegetable. ÏI T. IÏELMBOI,r. Sworn and Pubscribed before 'me, this 2:U1 day of NovLiubtr.1854. ' Wíl P HIBBARD. Aiderniatt, inth-street, above inw, Phita. Address Letters for infprmatïon in confidem e. H. T. IIKI.MIïOlJt.Olifuwsi Depot 104 South Tenth-treet,below Chestnut, Phila. BEWARE OF roUNTERFEITS AND UNPRIXCIPLED REAI.ERS, Who endeavor to dispose t( OE TïlEJR OWN " and "ut her" articlesonthe i eputation attained by Helmbold's Genuine Prepara tiun-s, " " Extract Buclm, " ' " Bar sapa rilla, " " Improred Rose Wash Suld by all Druggists every wIhtc. ASKFOR HELMBOLD'S- TAKE IVO O THE R. Cut ouf thp alT4Bbftemot, and rrd for it, 4ND L am Bound for M.GÜITERMAN 4 COS Dispute tb o fact if you can, It taks the ÏAILOK after all to giv appearance to the OJiter man. If you ish to appear well You must aecorclingly Dres? Welt. Go to M. Guiterrasn & Co's,, Thero you will find things exactly SO SONDHEIM always ready to tak your mensure, GÜITERMAN wil! sell you Good with greaft pieasure, At figures LQWER than you will fine in the Stato, Take hoed - call early, else vou ar too LATE. The inducements are uow greater than ever, , Our Clekks you will find obliging anc olever. We will show you good CLOTHING of our own oeitino up, Filling our Store from Bottom to top STUDENTS especially will find it to THEIK ADVANTAO1C, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenieh. 1500 OVERCÖATSof OIoth, Beaver and Benr, Warranted for ahnost ever to wear. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of ou OWn IJIPORTAT1ON, Forwarded through our New York re lations. From England, Belgium, Germany anc Franoe, Such as you can stand up XSt or weak at the dance, Pants ! Paivts ! ! Pants ! ! ! Faney CASSIMERES aod BOE SKIN oí everv grade, We sell them frotn ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGIIT. VESTS, &C, of cvery desoription, You will find it su without fiction, Funii.-ihinw apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all we say uotv, Tlierefbre we raake our bo7, Yours truly, ever eo, ( M. OUITERM&y. & Co., O. 33ZjZSS IVoul3 take thifl metbod ofiafoTmiag bis oíd friendfl ind patrooa apd all othere who muy favor hini with heir patronage, tbai he has greatly eularged bis Stock and Assortmeiit ! and ïiaving adopted tho CASH SYSTEM BOTH IN BÜYING & SELL1XG 9 pvepnved to sel] Goods at 3PR OLliC333.fl," tslo Prices, His stock cooülsisin uar oi the f olio wing: fjL AMERICAN AND OTIIER í Watches ! wesi-SS SETHTHOMAS CLOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setts GOLD CIÍAINS, TABLE AND TOOKET CÜTLËilY ! lazoraShears, Sci oraand firushea, RO0K1ÍS PLATEI) WAUK, the best In mirket, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER rui,' i:XVKLOPE!, Musical Instruments, Strings Sf Bnolts for Instruments, SFBCTACIjIüS, of Gold, Siiver, Sced. imd Plated, wilh PERISCOPIO GLASS, l i iele. Persons havin? dilücuU v;itcbes to fit wit.h glasses in be accomodated, iis my atock is large'anü cotu)lete, P. S. PwHcnlur attentfon tfffte f al] kinds oiüni; Watches, f uch as iaking and Setting now Jewels, Pinions, Stnfs, and Cylindcrs. Also CLOCKS, Sc TEWELRY neatly repaircil and "warranted, at his oiii staDdeast siJe uf Main Street. C. BLISS. Ann 4rbor,XoT. ÍS, JSC2 , 920Ü Por ÏCaU. lïllcc, Jimirlira, Anta, ISitl Bugs, Hïolïia iti Fnrs, Wooïens, itc. Insctts on Plnnts, Fowis, Vi'.iijials &c 1 .- uifüllible romedies known." " Freo írom poyor.s." ' tiot dang )TOU8 lo tbe Himifin Vamilv." Bats come "out of tbeir holes i du-.1' &# Sold Wholesalt in all 1 ■ ■ Sold by all DruggiatH ;■ nd Retailora evmywliwo. I ! ! I iuwabI ! '. ! of all worthlesH imitatiouo. 49TSee that "Vobtah'b" name is on each Box,Bottle amJ K!;i ■■ . Aádréd ÏIENilY R? COSTAR. ncipal D pi l. -,■. 4g8 i:ru.-ttlw:i v Xew York. ïoid oy all the"Thültfaleah.l Reta il Druggist, Aun Arbor, Mich lyer's Cheny Pectoral, i


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